Geant4 Cross Reference |
1 ------------------------------Advanced Example 2 3 Note: Due to the importation of data files dur 4 Geant4, load-time may be in excess of 5 minute 5 6 UNDERGROUND PHYSICS 7 8 An example of a underground dark matter experi 9 10 Please see the UserRequirements.txt and relate 11 at the end of that document. 12 13 Over-view: 14 A single liquid xenon cell is simulated within 15 light produced from interactions from various 16 as PhotoMultiplier hits. The output is then w 17 future off-line analysis. 18 19 Geometry: 20 Experimental set-up: 21 22 G4double worldWidth = 470.0*cm + 2.*wallThi 23 G4double worldLength = 690.0*cm + 2.*wallThi 24 G4double worldHeight = 280.0*cm + 2.*wallThi 25 26 27 28 A "cavern" of dimensions 5.18m x 7.38m x 3.28m 29 as the World Volume. A laboratory geometry is 30 cupboards, door and windows. For ease this is 31 file which can be removed should the code seem 32 the cavern a steel vacuum vessel containing li 33 The internal construction of the vessel accura 34 prototype Dark Matter detector which allows ex 35 detector volume is defined by a series of meta 36 a cover mirror and a PMT immersed in the liqui 37 thermalising copper shield are also incorporat 38 interface is located 6mm away from the mirror 39 calibration source is suspended from one of th 40 phase, above the PMT. 41 42 XXX================XXX mirror 43 XXX________________XXX gas phase 44 XXX XXX 45 XXX XXX liquid phase 46 XXX XXX 47 XXX.......U........XXX grid + calibrator 48 XXX................XXX grid 49 XXX| |XXX 50 | ___------___ | 51 || PMT || 52 || || 53 54 55 Hits Output (file "hits.out"): 56 An ASCII file containing the following informa 57 Evt # : event number 58 Etot, MeV : energy deposited in liqui 59 LXe hits : number of hits in liquid 60 LXeTime, ns : time of first hit in liqu 61 PMT hits : number of hits in PMT (ph 62 PmtTime, ns : average PMT hit time rela 63 First hit : first particle to hit liq 64 Flags : particles contributing to 65 Seeds : the initial seed values for g 66 67 Note: 68 69 The time information PmtTime is erroneous 70 decay with the RadioactiveDecay module du 71 required to detect nanosecond scintillati 72 time of 432 years (in the case of 241Am d 73 74 75 Pmt Output (file "pmt.out"): 76 Photon hit positions within the PMT face (over 77 "Hit# X, mm Y, mm Z, mm" 78 79 80 To Run: 81 Either run the macro files interactively or in 82 DMX macro_name.mac. 83 84 85 Macros: 86 87 initInter.mac 88 Initialisation macro for interactive mode. 89 90 gamma.mac 91 Shoots one 60 keV gamma upwards from the ca 92 scintillation light produced in LXe to the 93 with custom colours. PMT hits in photocatho 94 summary is writen to file "hits.out". 95 96 gamma_1000.mac 97 Similar to above, but 1000 gammas are emmit 98 source. No hits or tracks are draw, and the 99 100 alpha.mac 101 Shoots one 5.486 MeV alpha particle upwards 102 traces the scintillation light to the PMT. 103 optical photons are drawn. Event summary is 104 "hits.out" and PMT hits to file "pmt.out". 105 106 alpha_1000.mac 107 Similar to above, but 1000 alphas are emmit 108 source. No tracks are stored, and the verbo 109 summary is written to file "hits.out", PMT 110 111 neutron.mac 112 Shoots one 2.48 MeV neutron inside the room 113 All tracks except scintillation photons are 114 Gammas are not killed at the concrete wall. 115 to file "hits.out". 116 117 ambe_spectrum.mac 118 Produces a spectrum of neutrons according t 119 neutron source. However, this uses the GPS 120 after compilation with the DMXENV_GPS_USE e 121 122 123 sourceAm241.mac 124 Forces the decay of 241Am nuclei in the cal 125 resulting particles (237Np + alpha + gamma 126 de-excitation). All tracks are drawn except 127 Event summery is written to file "hits.out" 128 -> To be added for a future release 129 130 131 sourceAm241_1000.mac 132 Similar to above but for 1000 events. No tr 133 -> To be added for a future release 134 135 136 Note: 137 The following environment variables need to be 138 G4RADIOACTIVEDATA : points to Radioactive 139 G4LEDATA : points to low energy 140 G4LEVELGAMMADATA : points to PhotoEvapor 141 NeutronHPCrossSections : points to neutron dat 142 143 In addition if you require to use the full Gen 144 variable DMXENV_GPS_USE can be set. The DMX g 145 allow forward compatibility should the GPS cha 146 147 148 ANALYSIS: 149 150 The program should produce ROOT-based histogra 151 produce the output in XML-compliant format by 152 153 SEEDS: 154 155 The seeds of event hits are stored in the hit 156 to repeat events for visualisation, test crash 157 158 /random/setDirectoryName ./seeds 159 /random/resetEngineFrom currentEvent.rndm 160 /random/saveThisEvent 161 /random/setSavingFlag 162 163 The file currentEvent.rndm should contain the 164 the scintHit file. 165 166 ERRORS: 167 168 When running interactively the following error 169 170 BooleanProcessor::caseIE : unimplemented case 171 BooleanProcessor::caseIE : unimplemented case 172 BooleanProcessor::caseIE : unimplemented case 173 BooleanProcessor::caseIE : unimplemented case 174 BooleanProcessor::caseIE : unimplemented case 175 BooleanProcessor::caseIE : unimplemented case 176 BooleanProcessor: boolean operation failed 177 BooleanProcessor::caseIE : unimplemented case 178 BooleanProcessor::caseIE : unimplemented case 179 BooleanProcessor::caseIE : unimplemented case 180 BooleanProcessor::caseIE : unimplemented case 181 BooleanProcessor: boolean operation failed 182 183 This is a "feature" of the visualisation of bo 184 affect functionality/performance so can be ign 185 186 NB: 187 If using explicit libraries (?) i.e. non-share 188 neutrons in physics list is very long (>5 minu 189 It is more efficient to use shared libraries t 190 increased initialisation time (at run-time). 191 192 Also if using shared libraries the load time a 193 - this is partially due to the neutron impleme 194 for each isotope being specified. 195 196 197 -------------------------------------- 198 199 If running on Redhat 7.0 or above set G4SYSTEM 200 can install backward compatibility to egcs, ho 201 config/sys/Linux-egcs.gmk to be altered so tha 202 (compared to g++ in original file) 203 204 -------------------------------------- 205 206 207 Alex Howard, 29/11/01 208 updated 18/06/02 209