Geant4 Cross Reference |
1 # Example underground_physics History << 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- >> 2 $Id: History,v 2008/04/23 08:15:56 gcosmo Exp $ >> 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------- >> 4 >> 5 ========================================================= >> 6 Geant4 - Underground Dark Matter experiment >> 7 ========================================================= 2 8 3 See `CONTRIBUTING.rst` for details of **requir << 9 Category History file 4 which **must** added in reverse chronological << 10 --------------------- 5 be used as a substitute for writing good git c << 6 11 7 ## 2023-11-21 Alex Howard (DMX-V11-01-03) << 12 23.04.2008 - G. Cosmo (DMX-V09-00-03) 8 - Fixed Bug #2503 and related to #2338 also re << 13 Tag for release 9.1.p02. 9 - Moved EM model Set methods in DMXPhysicsList << 10 << 11 ## 2023-11-18 I. Hrivnacova (DMX-V11-01-02) << 12 - Updated initInter.mac: << 13 - Changed "/vis/open XYZ [600x600-0+0]" to " << 14 and simplified comments. << 15 << 16 ## 2023-11-16 Alex Howard (DMX-V11-01-01) << 17 - Fixed Bug #2338 (updated analysis, ambe_spec << 18 << 19 ## 2023-11-10 Alberto Ribon (DMX-V11-01-00) << 20 - In all macro files, introduced the UI comman << 21 '/process/had/rdm/thresholdForVeryLongDecayT << 22 to allow all radioactive decays (including t << 23 This is necessary since G4 11.2, being 1 yea << 24 threshold above which the decays are ignored << 25 << 26 ## 2022-09-09 Susanna Guatelli (DMX-V11-00-01) << 27 - Ranecu Engine removed. Default one now used << 28 << 29 ## 2021-12-10 Ben Morgan (DMX-V11-00-00) << 30 - Change to new Markdown History format << 31 << 32 --- << 33 << 34 # History entries prior to 11.0 << 35 << 36 29.11.2021 - I. Hrivnacova (DMX-V10-07-10) << 37 Removed obsolete reference to AI << 38 << 39 18.10.2021 - B. Morgan (DMX-V10-07-10) << 40 Use std::string member functions << 41 << 42 07.10.2021 - I. Hrivnacova (DMX-V10-07-09) << 43 Migration to new G4AnalysisManage << 44 define the default output file ty << 45 removed DMXAnalysisManager.hh. << 46 << 47 30.08.2021 - D.H. Wright (DMX-V10-07-08) << 48 Replaced G4RadioactiveDecayBase w << 49 Part of name << 50 deprecated G4RadioactiveDecayBase << 51 << 52 19.07.2021 - I. Hrivnacova (DMX-V10-07-07) << 53 Updated for changes in the analys << 54 removed deleting of the analysis << 55 as this is now done by the Geant4 << 56 << 57 24.05.2021 - B. Morgan (DMX=V10-07-06) << 58 - Bump required CMake version range to 3.12... << 59 << 60 29.03.2021 - G. Cosmo (DMX-V10-07-05) << 61 In DMXParticleSource::ConfineSour << 62 facility to find physical volme i << 63 through. Some code cleanup. << 64 << 65 18.03.2021 - A. Ribon (DMX-V10-07-04) << 66 DMXPhysicsList : replaced G4Hadro << 67 G4NeutronCaptureProcess. << 68 << 69 11.03.2021 - A. Ribon (DMX-V10-07-03) << 70 DMXPhysicsList : replaced stoppin << 71 have been deleted. << 72 << 73 08.03.2021 - A. Ribon (DMX-V10-07-02) << 74 DMXPhysicsList : removed header f << 75 pion inelastic cross sections (that hav << 76 << 77 04.03.2021 - A. Ribon (DMX-V10-07-01) << 78 DMXPhysicsList : replaced particl << 79 (that have been deleted) with G4HadronI << 80 << 81 24.02.2021 - D. Sawkey (DMX-V10-07-00) << 82 Replace deprecated optical comman << 83 << 84 17.11.2020 - S. Guatelli (DMX-V10-06-04) << 85 Migration to G4RunManagerFactory << 86 << 87 03.11.2020 - D.Sawkey (DMX-V10-06-03) << 88 Build material property tables us << 89 << 90 02.11.2020 - B.Morgan (DMX-V10-06-02) << 91 Support same CMake version range << 92 << 93 14.10.2020 - V. Ribon (DMX-V10-06-01) << 94 neutron.mac, ambe_spectrum.mac : << 95 command "/process/had/rdm/analogueMC 1" << 96 << 97 05.08.2020 - V. Ribon (DMX-V10-06-00) << 98 neutron.mac, ambe_spectrum.mac, U << 99 UI commands from "/grdm/..." to "/proce << 100 << 101 09.11.2019 - V. Ivanchenko (DMX-V10-05-03) << 102 DMXPhysicsList : clean-up both EM << 103 << 104 30.08.2019 - S. Guatelli (DMX-V10-05-02) << 105 G4VIS_USE deleted << 106 << 107 10.05.2019 - V. Ivanchenko (DMX-V10-05-01) << 108 DMXPhysicsList : add Glauber-Grib << 109 processes << 110 << 111 31.01.2019 - I.Hrivnacova (DMX-V10-05-00) << 112 Merged GitHub PR #4: all Boolean << 113 << 114 09.08.2018 - A. Ribon (DMX-V10-04-01) << 115 DMXPhysicsList : replaced the exp << 116 hadronic physics with the one fro << 117 << 118 10.05.2018 - B. Morgan (DMX-V10-04-00) << 119 Include G4Types before use of G4M << 120 compatibility with move to #defin << 121 symbols. << 122 << 123 19.11.2016 - A. Dotti (DMX-V10-02-02) << 124 explicit set of SDs to manager << 125 << 126 28.10.2016 - G. Folger (DMX-V10-02-01) << 127 Remove direct use of theParticleIt << 128 fix required by clang39 on Linux << 129 << 130 22.06.2016 - V. Ivanchenko (DMX-V10-02-00) << 131 DMXPhysicsList: migrated EM physi << 132 << 133 02.11.2015 - A. Ribon (DMX-V10-01-01) << 134 DMXPhysicsList: migrated to Parti << 135 << 136 27.10.2015 - A. Ribon (DMX-V10-01-00) << 137 DMXPhysicsList: replaced old G4GG << 138 with the new, recommended one, G4 << 139 << 140 30.10.2014 - V.Ivanchenko (DMX-V10-00-08) << 141 use correct mu- stopping process << 142 << 143 11.10.2014 - M. Asai (DMX-V10-00-07) << 144 Replace obsolete G4ParticleTable::GetIo << 145 << 146 06.08.2014 - A. Howard (DMX-V10-00-06) << 147 Removed scintillator energy deposits fr << 148 counting!). << 149 << 150 06.08.2014 - A. Howard (DMX-V10-00-05) << 151 Repaired the photocathode description s << 152 registered - must have been broken for << 153 was introduced to the optical boundary << 154 << 155 23.05.2014 - L. Pandola (DMX-V10-00-04) << 156 Actual MT migration. Use G4MTRunManager << 157 Added G4ShortLivedConstructor in the ph << 158 avoid G4Exception PART10116. << 159 << 160 21.05.2014 - L. Pandola (DMX-V10-00-03) << 161 Edit constructor of DMXSteppingAction, << 162 Getters in DMXEventAction. << 163 Instantiate DMXRunAction also in the ma << 164 Fix a problem with the names of the ASC << 165 << 166 20.05.2014 - L. Pandola (DMX-V10-00-02) << 167 Edit the constructor of DMXEventAction << 168 Make Getters const in RunAction and Pri << 169 ASCII files are created per-thread. Not << 170 event, but kept as private class membe << 171 << 172 13.05.2014 - L. Pandola (DMX-V10-00-01) << 173 Analysis files closed at the end of exe << 174 end of event). << 175 Added ConstructSDandField() metho << 176 Clean up the detector constructio << 177 Made Hits allocators as ThreadLoc << 178 Remove CLHEP::Random << 179 << 180 08.05.2014 - L. Pandola (DMX-V10-00-00) << 181 Added ActionInitialization class << 182 << 183 07.11.2013 - L. Pandola (DMX-V09-06-08) << 184 Remove dependency from the deprecated L << 185 models from Geisha << 186 << 187 30.07.2013 - A. Dotti (DMX-V09-06-07) << 188 Fixing compilation warnings for c << 189 unused private data members << 190 << 191 31.05.2013 - L. Pandola (DMX-V09-06-06) << 192 Migrate analysis from the AIDA-based lo << 193 class to the g4analysis tools (no AIDA << 194 any longer). Clean-up of README and CMa << 195 Some cosmetics in the code. << 196 << 197 18.04.2013 - L. Pandola (DMX-V09-06-05) << 198 In, migrate calculat << 199 from G4EnergyLossTable (obsolete << 200 G4LossTableManager. This should h << 201 observed in DMX-V09-06-04. Other minor << 202 << 203 16.04.2013 - L. Pandola (DMX-V09-06-04) << 204 - Trying to understand the origin of the << 205 caused the rejection of DMX-V09-06-03 << 206 << 207 21.03.2013 - L. Pandola (DMX-V09-06-03) << 208 - Fix compiler warnings (appearing only f << 209 << 210 13.03.2013 - A. Dotti (DMX-V09-06-02) << 211 - New SetEmModel interface used in << 212 << 213 18.12.2012 - M.Kelsey (DMX-V09-06-01) << 214 - Migrate hadron-stopping processes << 215 << 216 31.10.2012 - A.Howard (DMX-V09-06-00) << 217 - Fixed missing G4SystemOfUnits.hh header << 218 - Fixed Bug 1386 so that auger, fluoresce << 219 switched on by default << 220 << 221 31.10.2012 - L.Pandola (DMX-V09-05-03) << 222 - Fix the CMakeLists.txt file (AIDA optio << 223 << 224 16.10.2012 - L.Pandola (DMX-V09-05-02) << 225 - Change the logic of the CMakeLists.txt << 226 and the cmake line command can be << 227 the priority) << 228 << 229 12.10.2012 - L.Pandola (DMX-V09-05-01) << 230 - Removed obsolete call to G4OpBoun << 231 - Add a CMakeLists.txt file << 232 << 233 12.10.2012 - G.Cosmo (DMX-V09-05-00) << 234 - Explicit inclusion of units and c << 235 << 236 19.01.2011 - L.Pandola (DMX-V09-04-00) << 237 - Removed #includes of G4hLowEnergyIonisa << 238 << 239 18.11.2010 - J.Allison (DMX-V09-03-02) << 240 - Introduce G4UIExecutive. << 241 - initInter.mac: Improve vis commands. ( << 242 introduction of /vis/scene/add/tr << 243 longer necessary to draw them in << 244 corresponding locall commands can << 245 << 246 03.06.2010 - J.Perl (DMX-V09-03-01) << 247 Change /vis/open OGLxxx to /vis/o << 248 << 249 16.02.2010 - L. Pandola (DMX-V09-03-00) << 250 Copy of the previous tag, DMX-V09-02-02 << 251 testing. << 252 << 253 26.10.2009 - L. Pandola (DMX-V09-02-02) << 254 Physics list migrated from LowEnergy pr << 255 models. Physics results unchanged for g << 256 with ions/protons, since we don't << 257 << 258 22.10.2009 - L. Pandola (DMX-V09-02-01) << 259 Correct Analysis manager to solve a pro << 260 (ntuples not filled, histograms not sav << 261 pre-migration. << 262 << 263 22.10.2009 - L. Pandola (DMX-V09-02-00) << 264 Get rid of a warning message and << 265 Meant to be the reference to veri << 266 Livermore models. << 267 << 268 16.06.2008 - G.A.P.Cirrone (DMX-V09-01-01) << 269 Removed AIDA command from GNUmake << 270 14 271 04.04.2008 - A. Howard (DMX-V09-01-00) 15 04.04.2008 - A. Howard (DMX-V09-01-00) 272 Fixed mis-sized arrays - ring_phys_gas[ 16 Fixed mis-sized arrays - ring_phys_gas[] and ring_phys_liq[]. 273 Both one were less than the utilized si 17 Both one were less than the utilized size (!). This has always 274 been wrong. 18 been wrong. 275 19 276 06.11.2007 - A. Howard (DMX-V09-00-02) 20 06.11.2007 - A. Howard (DMX-V09-00-02) 277 Corrected micrometer unit in macros fro 21 Corrected micrometer unit in macros from mum to um (old bug since 278 release 8.2) 22 release 8.2) 279 23 280 02.07.2007 - A. Howard (DMX-V09-00-01) 24 02.07.2007 - A. Howard (DMX-V09-00-01) 281 Added G4StepLimiter to physics list (co 25 Added G4StepLimiter to physics list (correction of migration to 282 Geant4 9.0) 26 Geant4 9.0) 283 27 284 02.07.2007 - A. Howard (DMX-V09-00-00) 28 02.07.2007 - A. Howard (DMX-V09-00-00) 285 Added missing header file G4hIonisation 29 Added missing header file G4hIonisation.hh to 286 30 287 06.06.2007 - A. Howard (DMX-V08-03-01) 31 06.06.2007 - A. Howard (DMX-V08-03-01) 288 Changed fG4v71 to preferable fMinimal f 32 Changed fG4v71 to preferable fMinimal for msc step limitation 289 Converted to hIonisation from hLowEnerg 33 Converted to hIonisation from hLowEnergyIonisation until 290 un-initialiased variables are fix 34 un-initialiased variables are fixed 291 35 292 06.06.2007 - A. Howard (DMX-V08-03-00) 36 06.06.2007 - A. Howard (DMX-V08-03-00) 293 Migrated to new interface for SetMscSte 37 Migrated to new interface for SetMscStepLimitation(fG4v71) in 294 DMXPhysicsList 38 DMXPhysicsList 295 39 296 13.10.2006 - A. Howard (DMX-V08-01-00) 40 13.10.2006 - A. Howard (DMX-V08-01-00) 297 Removed uninitialized UserLimitsForXeno 41 Removed uninitialized UserLimitsForXenon (bug) 298 42 299 07.12.2005 - S. Guatelli (DMX-V07-01-02) 43 07.12.2005 - S. Guatelli (DMX-V07-01-02) 300 Compiles with CLHEP 44 Compiles with CLHEP 301 45 302 15.11.2005 - G.Cosmo (DMX-V07-01-00) 46 15.11.2005 - G.Cosmo (DMX-V07-01-00) 303 Migration to <sstream> from depre 47 Migration to <sstream> from deprecated <strstream>. 304 48 305 03.05.2005 - J.Allison 49 03.05.2005 - J.Allison 306 Replaced vis manager with G4VisEx 50 Replaced vis manager with G4VisExecutive. 307 51 308 07.12.2004 - S. Guatelli (DMX-V06-02-02) 52 07.12.2004 - S. Guatelli (DMX-V06-02-02) 309 G4VParticleChange migrated 53 G4VParticleChange migrated 310 54 311 29.11.2004 - S. Guatelli (DMX-V06-02-00) 55 29.11.2004 - S. Guatelli (DMX-V06-02-00) 312 Migrated to <cmath> 56 Migrated to <cmath> 313 57 314 28.05.2004 - S. Guatelli (DMX-V06-01-00) 58 28.05.2004 - S. Guatelli (DMX-V06-01-00) 315 Migrated to AIDA 3.2.1 and PI 1.2 59 Migrated to AIDA 3.2.1 and PI 1.2.1 316 60 317 02.12.2003 - G.Cosmo (DMX-V05-02-01) 61 02.12.2003 - G.Cosmo (DMX-V05-02-01) 318 Migrated to new hadronic processe 62 Migrated to new hadronic processes for release 6.0. 319 Fixed compilation warnings. 63 Fixed compilation warnings. 320 64 321 12.11.2003 - John Allison 65 12.11.2003 - John Allison 322 Updated Vis Manager. 66 Updated Vis Manager. 323 67 324 08.11.2002 - A.Howard 68 08.11.2002 - A.Howard 325 Migrated to AIDA 3. 69 Migrated to AIDA 3. 326 70 327 28.11.2001 - A.Howard 71 28.11.2001 - A.Howard 328 Created, first version. 72 Created, first version.