Geant4 Cross Reference |
1 # Example underground_physics History << 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 << 2 $Id: History,v 1.10 2006/10/13 10:09:10 ahoward Exp $ 3 See `CONTRIBUTING.rst` for details of **requir << 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 which **must** added in reverse chronological << 4 5 be used as a substitute for writing good git c << 5 ========================================================= 6 << 6 Geant4 - Underground Dark Matter experiment 7 ## 2023-11-21 Alex Howard (DMX-V11-01-03) << 7 ========================================================= 8 - Fixed Bug #2503 and related to #2338 also re << 9 - Moved EM model Set methods in DMXPhysicsList << 10 << 11 ## 2023-11-18 I. Hrivnacova (DMX-V11-01-02) << 12 - Updated initInter.mac: << 13 - Changed "/vis/open XYZ [600x600-0+0]" to " << 14 and simplified comments. << 15 << 16 ## 2023-11-16 Alex Howard (DMX-V11-01-01) << 17 - Fixed Bug #2338 (updated analysis, ambe_spec << 18 << 19 ## 2023-11-10 Alberto Ribon (DMX-V11-01-00) << 20 - In all macro files, introduced the UI comman << 21 '/process/had/rdm/thresholdForVeryLongDecayT << 22 to allow all radioactive decays (including t << 23 This is necessary since G4 11.2, being 1 yea << 24 threshold above which the decays are ignored << 25 << 26 ## 2022-09-09 Susanna Guatelli (DMX-V11-00-01) << 27 - Ranecu Engine removed. Default one now used << 28 << 29 ## 2021-12-10 Ben Morgan (DMX-V11-00-00) << 30 - Change to new Markdown History format << 31 << 32 --- << 33 << 34 # History entries prior to 11.0 << 35 << 36 29.11.2021 - I. Hrivnacova (DMX-V10-07-10) << 37 Removed obsolete reference to AI << 38 << 39 18.10.2021 - B. Morgan (DMX-V10-07-10) << 40 Use std::string member functions << 41 << 42 07.10.2021 - I. Hrivnacova (DMX-V10-07-09) << 43 Migration to new G4AnalysisManage << 44 define the default output file ty << 45 removed DMXAnalysisManager.hh. << 46 << 47 30.08.2021 - D.H. Wright (DMX-V10-07-08) << 48 Replaced G4RadioactiveDecayBase w << 49 Part of name << 50 deprecated G4RadioactiveDecayBase << 51 << 52 19.07.2021 - I. Hrivnacova (DMX-V10-07-07) << 53 Updated for changes in the analys << 54 removed deleting of the analysis << 55 as this is now done by the Geant4 << 56 << 57 24.05.2021 - B. Morgan (DMX=V10-07-06) << 58 - Bump required CMake version range to 3.12... << 59 << 60 29.03.2021 - G. Cosmo (DMX-V10-07-05) << 61 In DMXParticleSource::ConfineSour << 62 facility to find physical volme i << 63 through. Some code cleanup. << 64 << 65 18.03.2021 - A. Ribon (DMX-V10-07-04) << 66 DMXPhysicsList : replaced G4Hadro << 67 G4NeutronCaptureProcess. << 68 << 69 11.03.2021 - A. Ribon (DMX-V10-07-03) << 70 DMXPhysicsList : replaced stoppin << 71 have been deleted. << 72 << 73 08.03.2021 - A. Ribon (DMX-V10-07-02) << 74 DMXPhysicsList : removed header f << 75 pion inelastic cross sections (that hav << 76 << 77 04.03.2021 - A. Ribon (DMX-V10-07-01) << 78 DMXPhysicsList : replaced particl << 79 (that have been deleted) with G4HadronI << 80 << 81 24.02.2021 - D. Sawkey (DMX-V10-07-00) << 82 Replace deprecated optical comman << 83 << 84 17.11.2020 - S. Guatelli (DMX-V10-06-04) << 85 Migration to G4RunManagerFactory << 86 << 87 03.11.2020 - D.Sawkey (DMX-V10-06-03) << 88 Build material property tables us << 89 << 90 02.11.2020 - B.Morgan (DMX-V10-06-02) << 91 Support same CMake version range << 92 << 93 14.10.2020 - V. Ribon (DMX-V10-06-01) << 94 neutron.mac, ambe_spectrum.mac : << 95 command "/process/had/rdm/analogueMC 1" << 96 << 97 05.08.2020 - V. Ribon (DMX-V10-06-00) << 98 neutron.mac, ambe_spectrum.mac, U << 99 UI commands from "/grdm/..." to "/proce << 100 << 101 09.11.2019 - V. Ivanchenko (DMX-V10-05-03) << 102 DMXPhysicsList : clean-up both EM << 103 << 104 30.08.2019 - S. Guatelli (DMX-V10-05-02) << 105 G4VIS_USE deleted << 106 << 107 10.05.2019 - V. Ivanchenko (DMX-V10-05-01) << 108 DMXPhysicsList : add Glauber-Grib << 109 processes << 110 << 111 31.01.2019 - I.Hrivnacova (DMX-V10-05-00) << 112 Merged GitHub PR #4: all Boolean << 113 << 114 09.08.2018 - A. Ribon (DMX-V10-04-01) << 115 DMXPhysicsList : replaced the exp << 116 hadronic physics with the one fro << 117 << 118 10.05.2018 - B. Morgan (DMX-V10-04-00) << 119 Include G4Types before use of G4M << 120 compatibility with move to #defin << 121 symbols. << 122 << 123 19.11.2016 - A. Dotti (DMX-V10-02-02) << 124 explicit set of SDs to manager << 125 << 126 28.10.2016 - G. Folger (DMX-V10-02-01) << 127 Remove direct use of theParticleIt << 128 fix required by clang39 on Linux << 129 << 130 22.06.2016 - V. Ivanchenko (DMX-V10-02-00) << 131 DMXPhysicsList: migrated EM physi << 132 << 133 02.11.2015 - A. Ribon (DMX-V10-01-01) << 134 DMXPhysicsList: migrated to Parti << 135 << 136 27.10.2015 - A. Ribon (DMX-V10-01-00) << 137 DMXPhysicsList: replaced old G4GG << 138 with the new, recommended one, G4 << 139 << 140 30.10.2014 - V.Ivanchenko (DMX-V10-00-08) << 141 use correct mu- stopping process << 142 << 143 11.10.2014 - M. Asai (DMX-V10-00-07) << 144 Replace obsolete G4ParticleTable::GetIo << 145 << 146 06.08.2014 - A. Howard (DMX-V10-00-06) << 147 Removed scintillator energy deposits fr << 148 counting!). << 149 << 150 06.08.2014 - A. Howard (DMX-V10-00-05) << 151 Repaired the photocathode description s << 152 registered - must have been broken for << 153 was introduced to the optical boundary << 154 << 155 23.05.2014 - L. Pandola (DMX-V10-00-04) << 156 Actual MT migration. Use G4MTRunManager << 157 Added G4ShortLivedConstructor in the ph << 158 avoid G4Exception PART10116. << 159 << 160 21.05.2014 - L. Pandola (DMX-V10-00-03) << 161 Edit constructor of DMXSteppingAction, << 162 Getters in DMXEventAction. << 163 Instantiate DMXRunAction also in the ma << 164 Fix a problem with the names of the ASC << 165 << 166 20.05.2014 - L. Pandola (DMX-V10-00-02) << 167 Edit the constructor of DMXEventAction << 168 Make Getters const in RunAction and Pri << 169 ASCII files are created per-thread. Not << 170 event, but kept as private class membe << 171 << 172 13.05.2014 - L. Pandola (DMX-V10-00-01) << 173 Analysis files closed at the end of exe << 174 end of event). << 175 Added ConstructSDandField() metho << 176 Clean up the detector constructio << 177 Made Hits allocators as ThreadLoc << 178 Remove CLHEP::Random << 179 << 180 08.05.2014 - L. Pandola (DMX-V10-00-00) << 181 Added ActionInitialization class << 182 << 183 07.11.2013 - L. Pandola (DMX-V09-06-08) << 184 Remove dependency from the deprecated L << 185 models from Geisha << 186 << 187 30.07.2013 - A. Dotti (DMX-V09-06-07) << 188 Fixing compilation warnings for c << 189 unused private data members << 190 << 191 31.05.2013 - L. Pandola (DMX-V09-06-06) << 192 Migrate analysis from the AIDA-based lo << 193 class to the g4analysis tools (no AIDA << 194 any longer). Clean-up of README and CMa << 195 Some cosmetics in the code. << 196 << 197 18.04.2013 - L. Pandola (DMX-V09-06-05) << 198 In, migrate calculat << 199 from G4EnergyLossTable (obsolete << 200 G4LossTableManager. This should h << 201 observed in DMX-V09-06-04. Other minor << 202 << 203 16.04.2013 - L. Pandola (DMX-V09-06-04) << 204 - Trying to understand the origin of the << 205 caused the rejection of DMX-V09-06-03 << 206 << 207 21.03.2013 - L. Pandola (DMX-V09-06-03) << 208 - Fix compiler warnings (appearing only f << 209 << 210 13.03.2013 - A. Dotti (DMX-V09-06-02) << 211 - New SetEmModel interface used in << 212 << 213 18.12.2012 - M.Kelsey (DMX-V09-06-01) << 214 - Migrate hadron-stopping processes << 215 << 216 31.10.2012 - A.Howard (DMX-V09-06-00) << 217 - Fixed missing G4SystemOfUnits.hh header << 218 - Fixed Bug 1386 so that auger, fluoresce << 219 switched on by default << 220 << 221 31.10.2012 - L.Pandola (DMX-V09-05-03) << 222 - Fix the CMakeLists.txt file (AIDA optio << 223 << 224 16.10.2012 - L.Pandola (DMX-V09-05-02) << 225 - Change the logic of the CMakeLists.txt << 226 and the cmake line command can be << 227 the priority) << 228 << 229 12.10.2012 - L.Pandola (DMX-V09-05-01) << 230 - Removed obsolete call to G4OpBoun << 231 - Add a CMakeLists.txt file << 232 << 233 12.10.2012 - G.Cosmo (DMX-V09-05-00) << 234 - Explicit inclusion of units and c << 235 << 236 19.01.2011 - L.Pandola (DMX-V09-04-00) << 237 - Removed #includes of G4hLowEnergyIonisa << 238 << 239 18.11.2010 - J.Allison (DMX-V09-03-02) << 240 - Introduce G4UIExecutive. << 241 - initInter.mac: Improve vis commands. ( << 242 introduction of /vis/scene/add/tr << 243 longer necessary to draw them in << 244 corresponding locall commands can << 245 << 246 03.06.2010 - J.Perl (DMX-V09-03-01) << 247 Change /vis/open OGLxxx to /vis/o << 248 << 249 16.02.2010 - L. Pandola (DMX-V09-03-00) << 250 Copy of the previous tag, DMX-V09-02-02 << 251 testing. << 252 << 253 26.10.2009 - L. Pandola (DMX-V09-02-02) << 254 Physics list migrated from LowEnergy pr << 255 models. Physics results unchanged for g << 256 with ions/protons, since we don't << 257 << 258 22.10.2009 - L. Pandola (DMX-V09-02-01) << 259 Correct Analysis manager to solve a pro << 260 (ntuples not filled, histograms not sav << 261 pre-migration. << 262 << 263 22.10.2009 - L. Pandola (DMX-V09-02-00) << 264 Get rid of a warning message and << 265 Meant to be the reference to veri << 266 Livermore models. << 267 << 268 16.06.2008 - G.A.P.Cirrone (DMX-V09-01-01) << 269 Removed AIDA command from GNUmake << 270 << 271 04.04.2008 - A. Howard (DMX-V09-01-00) << 272 Fixed mis-sized arrays - ring_phys_gas[ << 273 Both one were less than the utilized si << 274 been wrong. << 275 << 276 06.11.2007 - A. Howard (DMX-V09-00-02) << 277 Corrected micrometer unit in macros fro << 278 release 8.2) << 279 << 280 02.07.2007 - A. Howard (DMX-V09-00-01) << 281 Added G4StepLimiter to physics list (co << 282 Geant4 9.0) << 283 << 284 02.07.2007 - A. Howard (DMX-V09-00-00) << 285 Added missing header file G4hIonisation << 286 << 287 06.06.2007 - A. Howard (DMX-V08-03-01) << 288 Changed fG4v71 to preferable fMinimal f << 289 Converted to hIonisation from hLowEnerg << 290 un-initialiased variables are fix << 291 << 292 06.06.2007 - A. Howard (DMX-V08-03-00) << 293 Migrated to new interface for SetMscSte << 294 DMXPhysicsList << 295 8 >> 9 Category History file >> 10 --------------------- 296 13.10.2006 - A. Howard (DMX-V08-01-00) 11 13.10.2006 - A. Howard (DMX-V08-01-00) 297 Removed uninitialized UserLimitsForXeno 12 Removed uninitialized UserLimitsForXenon (bug) 298 13 299 07.12.2005 - S. Guatelli (DMX-V07-01-02) 14 07.12.2005 - S. Guatelli (DMX-V07-01-02) 300 Compiles with CLHEP 15 Compiles with CLHEP 301 16 302 15.11.2005 - G.Cosmo (DMX-V07-01-00) 17 15.11.2005 - G.Cosmo (DMX-V07-01-00) 303 Migration to <sstream> from depre 18 Migration to <sstream> from deprecated <strstream>. 304 19 305 03.05.2005 - J.Allison 20 03.05.2005 - J.Allison 306 Replaced vis manager with G4VisEx 21 Replaced vis manager with G4VisExecutive. 307 22 308 07.12.2004 - S. Guatelli (DMX-V06-02-02) 23 07.12.2004 - S. Guatelli (DMX-V06-02-02) 309 G4VParticleChange migrated 24 G4VParticleChange migrated 310 25 311 29.11.2004 - S. Guatelli (DMX-V06-02-00) 26 29.11.2004 - S. Guatelli (DMX-V06-02-00) 312 Migrated to <cmath> 27 Migrated to <cmath> 313 28 314 28.05.2004 - S. Guatelli (DMX-V06-01-00) 29 28.05.2004 - S. Guatelli (DMX-V06-01-00) 315 Migrated to AIDA 3.2.1 and PI 1.2 30 Migrated to AIDA 3.2.1 and PI 1.2.1 316 31 317 02.12.2003 - G.Cosmo (DMX-V05-02-01) 32 02.12.2003 - G.Cosmo (DMX-V05-02-01) 318 Migrated to new hadronic processe 33 Migrated to new hadronic processes for release 6.0. 319 Fixed compilation warnings. 34 Fixed compilation warnings. 320 35 321 12.11.2003 - John Allison 36 12.11.2003 - John Allison 322 Updated Vis Manager. 37 Updated Vis Manager. 323 38 324 08.11.2002 - A.Howard 39 08.11.2002 - A.Howard 325 Migrated to AIDA 3. 40 Migrated to AIDA 3. 326 41 327 28.11.2001 - A.Howard 42 28.11.2001 - A.Howard 328 Created, first version. 43 Created, first version.