Geant4 Cross Reference |
1 ---------------------------------------------- 2 ---------------------------------------------- 3 4 ========================================= 5 Geant4 - Microelectronics example 6 ========================================= 7 8 README file 9 -------------------- 10 11 CORRESPONDING AUTHO 12 13 M. Raine*, D. Lambert*, C. Inguimbert', Q. Gib 14 * CEA, DAM, DIF, F-91297 Arpajon, France 15 ' ONERA, 2 avenue Edouard Belin - BP 74025 - 3 16 email: damien.lambert@ce 17 Quentin. 18 19 ---->0. INTRODUCTION. 20 21 The microelectronics example simulates the tra 22 Geant4 standard EM models are used in the Worl 23 are used in a Target volume, declared as a Reg 24 25 ---->1. GEOMETRY SET-UP. 26 27 By default, the geometry is a 2 um side cube ( 28 a smaller cubic Target volume of silicon (1 um 29 The target material can be modified and simula 30 31 ---->2. SET-UP 32 33 Make sure that the G4EMLOW database version is 34 35 The variable G4ANALYSIS_USE must be set to 1. 36 37 The code should be compiled with cmake: 38 $ mkdir microelectronics-build 39 $ cd microelectronics-build 40 $ cmake -DGeant4_DIR=/your_path/geant4-ins 41 $ make 42 43 It works in MT mode (but in this example today 44 45 ---->3. HOW TO RUN THE EXAMPLE 46 47 In interactive mode, run: 48 49 ./microelectronics 50 51 The macro microelectronics.mac is executed by 52 53 To get visualization, make sure to uncomment t 54 line in the macro. 55 56 By default, the new MicroElec models are used 57 You can used the Silicon MicroElec models, wi 58 ./microelectronics -onlySi 59 or 60 ./microelectronics microelectronics.mac -onlyS 61 62 You can change the type of the target material 63 (G4_Ag G4_Al G4_C G4_Cu G4_Ge G4_KAPTON G4_Ni 64 if you uncomment one line (/microelectronics/d 65 66 67 68 ---->4. PHYSICS 69 70 This example shows: 71 - how to use the G4MicroElecPhysics and G4Micr 72 - how to affect them a name 73 - how to combine them with Standard EM Physics 74 75 A simple electron capture process is also prov 76 below a chosen energy threshold, set in the Ph 77 78 Look at the (previous 79 and (new MicroElec model 80 81 ---->5. SIMULATION OUTPUT AND RESULT ANALYZIS 82 83 The output results consists in a microelectron 84 - the type of particle for the current step 85 - the type of process for the current step 86 - the track position of the current step (in n 87 - the energy deposit along the current step (i 88 - the step length (in nm) 89 - the total enery loss along the current step 90 91 This file can be easily analyzed using for exa 92 file plot.C; to do so : 93 * be sure to have ROOT installed on your machi 94 * be sure to be in the microelectronics direct 95 * launch ROOT by typing root 96 * under your ROOT session, type in : .X plot.C 97 * alternatively you can type directly under yo 98 99 The naming scheme on the displayed ROOT plots 100 101 -particles: 102 e- : 1 103 proton : 2 104 ion : 3 105 106 -processes: 107 e-_G4MicroElecElastic 11 108 e-_G4MicroElecInelastic 12 109 eCapture 13 110 111 p_G4MicroElecInelastic 14 112 113 ion_G4MicroElecInelastic 15 114 115 hIoni 16 116 eIoni 17 117 118 G4MicroElecPhysics parameters: 119 e-_G4LOPhononScattering 19 120 e-_G4MicroElecSurface 20 121 alpha_G4Dielectrics 21 122 ion_G4Dielectrics 22 123 124 125 ---------------------------------------------- 126 127 Should you have any enquiry, please do not hes