Geant4 Cross Reference |
1 ---------------------------------------------- << 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 ---------------------------------------------- << 2 $Id: README,v 1.9 2006/11/23 12:24:20 sincerti Exp $ 3 << 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 ========================================= << 4 5 Geant4 - Microbeam example << 5 ========================================================= 6 ========================================= << 6 Geant4 - Microbeam example 7 << 7 ========================================================= 8 README file << 8 9 -------------------- << 9 README file 10 << 10 ---------------------- 11 CORRESPONDING AUTHO << 11 12 << 12 CORRESPONDING AUTHOR 13 S. Incerti (a, *) et al. << 13 14 a. Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Bordeaux-Grad << 14 S. Incerti (a, *) et al. 15 (CENBG), IN2P3 / CNRS / Bordeaux 1 University, << 15 a. Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Bordeaux-Gradignan 16 * << 16 (CENBG), IN2P3 / CNRS / Bordeaux 1 University, 33175 Gradignan, France 17 << 17 * 18 ---->0. INTRODUCTION. << 18 19 << 19 Last modified by S. Incerti, 23/06/2006 20 The microbeam example simulates the cellular i << 20 21 installed on the AIFIRA electrostatic accelera << 21 ---->0. INTRODUCTION. 22 CENBG, Bordeaux-Gradignan, France. For more in << 22 23 please visit : << 23 The microbeam example simulates the cellular irradiation beam line 24 << 24 installed on the AIFIRA electrostatic accelerator facility located at 25 << 25 CENBG, Bordeaux-Gradignan, France. For more information on this facility, 26 ---->1. GEOMETRY SET-UP. << 26 please visit : 27 << 27 28 The elements simulated are: << 28 29 << 29 An overall description of this example is also available in this directory: 30 1. A switching dipole magnet with fringing fie << 30 to access it, simply open the microbeam.htm file with your internet browser. 31 beam generated by the electrostatic accelerato << 31 32 oriented at 10 degrees from the main beam dire << 32 ---->1. GEOMETRY SET-UP. 33 << 33 34 2. A circular collimator object, defining the << 34 The elements simulated are: 35 microbeam line entrance; << 35 36 << 36 1. A switching dipole magnet with fringing field, to deflect the 3 MeV alpha 37 3. A quadrupole based magnetic symmetric focus << 37 beam generated by the electrostatic accelerator into the microbeam line, 38 transverse demagnifications of 10. Fringe fiel << 38 oriented at 10 degrees from the main beam direction; 39 model. << 39 40 << 40 2. A circular collimator object, defining the incident beam size at the 41 4. A dedicated cellular irradiation chamber se << 41 microbeam line entrance; 42 << 42 43 5. A set of horizontal and vertical electrosta << 43 3. A quadrupole based magnetic symmetric focusing system allowing equal 44 be turned on or off to deflect the beam on tar << 44 transverse demagnifications of 10. Fringe fields are calculated from Enge's 45 << 45 model. 46 6. A realistic human keratinocyte voxellized c << 46 47 microscopy and taking into account realistic n << 47 4. A dedicated cellular irradiation chamber setup; 48 compositions. << 48 49 << 49 5. A set of horizontal and vertical electrostatic deflecting plates which can 50 << 50 be turned on or off to deflect the beam on target; 51 ---->2. EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP. << 51 52 << 52 6. A realistic human keratinocyte voxellized cell observed from confocal 53 The beam is defined at the microbeam line entr << 53 microscopy and taking into account realistic nucleus and cytoplasm chemical 54 5 micrometer in diameter. The beam is then foc << 54 compositions 55 quadruplet of quadrupoles in the so-called Dym << 55 56 The beam is sent to the irradiation chamber wh << 56 57 isobutane gas detector for counting purpose be << 57 ---->2. EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP. 58 culture foil of the target cell which is immer << 58 59 enclosed within a dish. << 59 The beam is defined at the microbeam line entrance through a collimator 60 << 60 5 micrometer in diameter. The beam is then focused onto target using a 61 A cell is placed on the polypropylene foil and << 61 quadruplet of quadrupoles in the so-called Dymnikov magnetic configuration. 62 microbeam. The cell is represented through a 3 << 62 The beam is sent to the irradiation chamber where it travels through a 63 obtained from confocal microscopy. In the prov << 63 isobutane gas detector for counting purpose before reaching the polypropylene 64 are : 359 nm (X) x 359 nm (Y) x 163 nm (Z) << 64 culture foil of the target cell which is immersed in the growing medium and 65 << 65 enclosed within a dish. 66 The primary particle beam parameters are gener << 66 67 measurements performed on the AIFIRA facility. << 67 A cell is placed on the polypropylene foil and is irradiated using the 68 cellular irradiation are 3 MeV alpha particles << 68 microbeam. The cell is represented through a 3D phantom (G4PVParameterization) 69 << 69 obtained from confocal microscopy. In the provided example, the voxels sizes 70 More details on the experimental setup and its << 70 are : 359 nm (X) x 359 nm (Y) x 163 nm (Z) 71 be found in the following papers: << 71 72 << 72 The primary particle beam parameters are generated from experimental 73 - IN SILICO NANODOSIMETRY: NEW INSIGHTS INTO N << 73 measurements performed on the AIFIRA facility. Incident particle used for 74 RADIATION << 74 cellular irradiation are 3 MeV alpha particles. 75 By Z. Kuncic, H. L. Byrne, A. L. McNamara, S. << 75 76 Publsihed in Comp. Math. Meth. Med. (2012) 147 << 76 More details on the experimental setup and its simulation with Geant4 can 77 << 77 be found in the following papers : 78 - MONTE CARLO MICRODOSIMETRY FOR TARGETED IRRA << 78 79 A MICROBEAM FACILITY << 79 - GEANT4 SIMULATION OF THE NEW CENBG MICRO AND NANOPROBES FACILITY 80 By S. Incerti, H. Seznec, M. Simon, Ph. Barber << 80 By S. Incerti, C. Habchi, Ph. Moretto, J. Olivier and H. Seznec 81 Published in Rad. Prot. Dos. 133, 1 (2009) 2-1 << 81 (CENBG, Gradignan),. May 2006. 5pp. 82 << 82 Published in Nucl.Instrum.Meth.B249:738-742, 2006 83 - MONTE CARLO SIMULATION OF THE CENBG MICROBEA << 83 84 GEANT4 TOOLKIT << 84 - DEVELOPMENT OF A FOCUSED CHARGED PARTICLE MICROBEAM FOR THE IRRADIATION OF 85 By S. Incerti, Q. Zhang, F. Andersson, Ph. Mor << 85 INDIVIDUAL CELLS. 86 M.J. Merchant, D.T. Nguyen, C. Habchi, T. Pout << 86 By Ph. Barberet, A. Balana, S. Incerti, C. Michelet-Habchi, Ph. Moretto, 87 Published in Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. B 260 (2 << 87 Th. Pouthier (CENBG, Gradignan),. Dec 2004. 6pp. 88 << 88 Published in Rev.Sci.Instrum.76:015101, 2005 89 - A COMPARISON OF CELLULAR IRRADIATION TECHNIQ << 89 90 THE GEANT4 MONTE CARLO SIMULATION TOOLKIT << 90 - SIMULATION OF CELLULAR IRRADIATION WITH THE CENBG MICROBEAM LINE USING 91 By S. Incerti, N. Gault, C. Habchi, J.L.. Lefa << 91 GEANT4. 92 T. Pouthier, H. Seznec. Dec 2006. 3pp. << 92 By S. Incerti, Ph. Barberet, R. Villeneuve, P. Aguer, E. Gontier, 93 Published in Rad. Prot. Dos. 122, 1-4, (2006) << 93 C. Michelet-Habchi, Ph. Moretto, D.T. Nguyen, T. Pouthier, R.W. Smith 94 << 94 (CENBG, Gradignan),. Oct 2003. 6pp. 95 - GEANT4 SIMULATION OF THE NEW CENBG MICRO AND << 95 Published in IEEE Trans.Nucl.Sci.51:1395-1401, 2004 96 By S. Incerti, C. Habchi, Ph. Moretto, J. Oliv << 96 97 Published in Nucl.Instrum.Meth.B249:738-742, 2 << 97 - SIMULATION OF ION PROPAGATION IN THE MICROBEAM LINE OF CENBG USING GEANT4. 98 << 98 S. Incerti, Ph. Barberet, B. Courtois, C. Michelet-Habchi, Ph. Moretto 99 - A COMPARISON OF RAY-TRACING SOFTWARE FOR THE << 99 (CENBG, Gradignan). Sep 2003. 100 SYSTEMS << 100 Published in Nucl.Instrum.Meth.B210:92-97, 2003 101 By S. Incerti et al., << 101 102 Published in Nucl.Instrum.Meth.B231:76-85, 200 << 102 103 << 103 ---->3. SET-UP 104 - DEVELOPMENT OF A FOCUSED CHARGED PARTICLE MI << 104 105 INDIVIDUAL CELLS. << 105 - a standard Geant4 example GNUmakefile is provided 106 By Ph. Barberet, A. Balana, S. Incerti, C. Mic << 106 107 Th. Pouthier. Dec 2004. 6pp. << 107 setup with: 108 Published in Rev.Sci.Instrum.76:015101, 2005 << 108 compiler = gcc-3.2.3 109 << 109 G4SYSTEM = linux-g++ 110 - SIMULATION OF CELLULAR IRRADIATION WITH THE << 110 111 GEANT4. << 111 The following section gives the necessary environment variables. 112 By S. Incerti, Ph. Barberet, R. Villeneuve, P. << 112 113 C. Michelet-Habchi, Ph. Moretto, D.T. Nguyen, << 113 ------->>3.1 ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES 114 Published in IEEE Trans.Nucl.Sci.51:1395-1401, << 114 115 << 115 All variables are defined with their default value. 116 - SIMULATION OF ION PROPAGATION IN THE MICROBE << 116 117 GEANT4. << 117 - G4SYSTEM = Linux-g++ 118 By S. Incerti, Ph. Barberet, B. Courtois, C. M << 118 119 Ph. Moretto. Sep 2003. << 119 - G4INSTALL points to the installation directory of GEANT4; 120 Published in Nucl.Instrum.Meth.B210:92-97, 200 << 120 121 << 121 - G4LIB point to the compiled libraries of GEANT4; 122 << 122 123 ---->3 VISUALIZATION << 123 - G4WORKDIR points to the work directory; 124 << 124 125 The user can visualize the targeted cell thank << 125 - CLHEP_BASE_DIR points to the installation directory of CHLEP; 126 << 126 127 ---->4. HOW TO RUN THE EXAMPLE << 127 - G4LEDATA points to the low energy electromagnetic libraries; 128 << 128 129 The code should be compiled with cmake. << 129 - LD_LIBRARY_PATH = $CLHEP_BASE_DIR/lib 130 << 130 131 Run the example from your build directory with << 131 - G4LEVELGAMMADATA points to the photoevaporation library; 132 ./microbeam microbeam.mac << 132 133 << 133 - NeutronHPCrossSections points to the neutron data files; 134 or in interactive mode: << 134 135 ./microbeam << 135 - G4RADIOACTIVEDATA points to the libraries for radio-active decay 136 << 136 hadronic processes; 137 The example works in MT mode. << 137 138 << 138 However, the $G4LEVELGAMMADATA, $NeutronHPCrossSections and $G4RADIOACTIVEDATA 139 ---->5. PHYSICS << 139 variables do not need to be defined for this example. 140 << 140 141 Livermore physics list is used by default. << 141 Once these variables have been set, simply type gmake to compile the Microbeam 142 << 142 example. 143 ---->6. SIMULATION OUTPUT AND RESULT ANALYZIS << 143 144 << 144 ------->>3.2 VISUALIZATION 145 The output results consist in a microbeam.root << 145 146 containing several ntuples: << 146 The user can visualize the targeted cell with OpenGL, DAWN and vrml, 147 << 147 as chosen in the microbeam.mac file. OpenGL is the default viewer. The 148 * total deposited dose in the cell nucleus and << 148 cytoplasm in shown in red and the nucleus in green. 149 cytoplasm by each incident alpha particle; << 149 150 << 150 151 * average on the whole run of the dose deposit << 151 ---->4. HOW TO RUN THE EXAMPLE 152 Voxel per incident alpha particle; << 152 153 << 153 In interactive mode, run: 154 * final stopping (x,y,z) position of the incid << 154 155 alpha particle within the irradiated medium (c << 155 > $G4WORDIR/bin/Linux-g++/Microbeam 156 << 156 157 * stopping power dE/dx of the incident << 157 The macro microbeam.mac is executed by default. To get vizualisation, make 158 alpha particle just before penetrating into th << 158 sure to uncomment the /vis/... lines in the microbeam.mac macro. 159 << 159 The Microbeam code reads the phantom.dat file containing all the necessary 160 * beam transverse position distribution (X and << 160 information describing the cell phantom. 10 alphas particles are generated. 161 just before penetrating into the targeted cell << 161 162 << 162 163 These results can be easily analyzed using for << 163 ---->5. PHYSICS 164 file plot.C; to do so : << 164 165 * be sure to have ROOT installed on your machi << 165 Low energy electromagnetic processes (for alphas, electrons, photons) and 166 * be sure to be in the directory where the out << 166 hadronic elastic and inelastic scattering for alphas are activated by default. 167 * do: root plot.C << 167 Low energy electromagnetic electronic and nuclear stopping power are computed 168 * or under your ROOT session, type in : .X plo << 168 from ICRU tables. 169 << 169 170 ---------------------------------------------- << 170 171 << 171 ---->6. SIMULATION OUTPUT AND RESULT ANALYZIS 172 Should you have any enquiry, please do not hes << 172 173 << 173 This example does not need any external analysis package. >> 174 The output results consists in several .txt files: >> 175 >> 176 * dose.txt : gives the total deposited dose in the cell nucleus and in the cell >> 177 cytoplasm by each incident alpha particle; >> 178 >> 179 * 3DDose.txt : gives the average on the whole run of the dose deposited per >> 180 Voxel per incident alpha particle; >> 181 >> 182 * range.txt : indicates the final stopping (x,y,z) position of the incident >> 183 alpha particle within the irradiated medium (cell or culture medium) >> 184 >> 185 * stoppingPower.txt : gives the actual stopping power dE/dx of the incident >> 186 alpha particle just before penetrating into the targeted cell; >> 187 >> 188 * beamPosition.txt : gives the beam transverse position distribution(X and Y) >> 189 just before penetrating into the targeted cell; >> 190 >> 191 These files can be easily analyzed using for example the provided ROOT macro >> 192 file plot.C; to do so : >> 193 * be sure to have ROOT installed on your machine >> 194 * be sure to be in the microbeam directory >> 195 * launch ROOT by typing root >> 196 * under your ROOT session, type in : .X plot.C to execute the macro file >> 197 >> 198 A graphical output obtained with this macro for 40000 incident alpha particles >> 199 is shown in the file microbeam.gif >> 200 >> 201 The simulation predicts that 95% of the incident alpha particles detected by the >> 202 gas detector are located within a circle of 10 um in diameter on the target, in >> 203 nice agreement with experimental measurements performed on the CENBG setup. >> 204 >> 205 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> 206 >> 207 Should you have any enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact: >> 208