Geant4 Cross Reference |
1 1 2 ======================================= << 2 ========================================================= 3 Text version of the iort_ << 3 Text version of the IORT README file >> 4 ========================================================= >> 5 >> 6 First revision: G.Russo, C.Casarino, G.A.P. Cirrone, F.Romano, September 2011; >> 7 It will be released with the Geant4 9.4 patch 02 version or next Geant4 version >> 8 >> 9 >> 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >> 11 ADVERTISEMENT: this is the text version of the README file of the 'basic' IORT, >> 12 as it should be released in the official Geant4 9.4 release >> 13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> 14 >> 15 ========================================================= >> 16 IORT 4 ================================= 17 ========================================================= 5 18 6 Main Authors: 19 Main Authors: 7 G.Russo(a,b), C.Casarino*(c), G.C. Candiano(c 20 G.Russo(a,b), C.Casarino*(c), G.C. Candiano(c), G.A.P. Cirrone(d), F.Romano(d) 8 21 9 Contributor Authors: 22 Contributor Authors: 10 S.Guatelli(e) 23 S.Guatelli(e) 11 24 12 Past Authors: 25 Past Authors: 13 G.Arnetta(c), S.E.Mazzaglia(d) 26 G.Arnetta(c), S.E.Mazzaglia(d) 14 27 15 (a) Fondazione Istituto San Raffaele G.Giglio << 28 (a) Fondazione Istituto San Raffaele G.Giglio, Cefalù, Italy 16 29 17 (b) IBFM-CNR , Segrate (Milano), Italy 30 (b) IBFM-CNR , Segrate (Milano), Italy 18 31 19 (c) LATO (Laboratorio di Tecnologie Oncologic << 32 (c) LATO (Laboratorio di Tecnologie Oncologiche), Cefalù, Italy 20 33 21 (d) Laboratori Nazionali del Sud of the INFN, 34 (d) Laboratori Nazionali del Sud of the INFN, Catania, Italy 22 35 23 (e) University of Wollongong, Australia << 36 (e) University of Wallongong, Australia 24 37 25 38 26 *Corresponding author, email to carlo.casari 39 *Corresponding author, email to 27 ---------------------------------------------- 40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 41 29 iort_therapy: << 42 IORT: 30 43 31 WHAT IT IS, WHAT IT DOES AND WHAT IT WILL PROV 44 WHAT IT IS, WHAT IT DOES AND WHAT IT WILL PROVIDE 32 45 33 iort_therapy is a Geant4-based application spe << 46 IORT is a Geant4-based application specifically developed to address typical needs related to the Intra-Operative Radio-Therapy (IORT) tecnique. The application presents the main structure and facilities of the Hadrontherapy advanced example (developed by the G.A.P. Cirrone team). 34 47 35 iort_therapy is capable to simulate a well spe << 48 This is the first BETA release. At this time IORT is capable to simulate a well specified intra-operative electron radio-therapy facility: the collimator beam line system of a typical medical mobile linac and the relative target (water-phantom). IORT application is currently used by the G.Russo team in clinical and research activities carried out in Fondazione Istituto San Raffaele G.Giglio Hospital (Cefalù, Italy) where a NOVAC7 linac is installed. 36 49 37 iort_therapy, is flexible and show many capabi << 50 IORT, is flexible and show many capabilities. Its geometrical set-up, for example, is completely interchangeable permitting a simple switch between different geometrical collimator system configurations; the possibility to simulate a composite metallic protection disc inside the water-phantom was also implemented. 38 51 39 52 40 Folder structure of iort_therapy << 53 Folder structure of IORT 41 54 42 iort_therapy distribution contain these sub-fo << 55 IORT distribution contain these sub-folders: 43 56 44 \src: where source .cc files are stored 57 \src: where source .cc files are stored 45 \include: where header .hh files are stored 58 \include: where header .hh files are stored >> 59 \macro: where a set of ready-to-use macro files are provided >> 60 46 61 47 Currently this folders structure is in develop 62 Currently this folders structure is in development and in the meanwhile new features and capabilities will be added. 48 63 49 64 50 DOWNLOAD AND INSTALLATION 65 DOWNLOAD AND INSTALLATION 51 66 52 iort_therapy source code is released inside th << 67 IORT source code would be soon released inside the official distribution of the Geant4 toolkit in the $G4INSTALL/examples/AdvancedExamples folder. 53 << 54 To run iort_therapy you must first install the << 55 ../iort_therapy folder). When compilation is c << 56 68 57 A CMakeLists.txt file is provided together wit << 69 To run IORT you must first install the Geant4 package. Once Geant4 is installed the example must be first compiled (with the command gmake inside the >> 70 ../IORT folder). When compilation is completed the program can be executed. 58 71 59 A complete guide for the Geant4 installation i 72 A complete guide for the Geant4 installation in different operating systems can be found inside the official installation Geant4 pages. 60 73 >> 74 If you have troubles with the Geant4 installation please send an e-mail to us. >> 75 >> 76 SISTEM SET-UP: enviroment variables >> 77 >> 78 A standard Geant4 example GNUmakefile is provided >> 79 >> 80 The following section reports the environment variables that are necessary for the run of IORT. >> 81 #------------------------------------- >> 82 # SET UP LINUX GCC >> 83 #------------------------------------- >> 84 >> 85 VERSION="geant4-09-04-patch-02" >> 86 >> 87 # Path to the directory in which you have put data files and CLHEP >> 88 LIBPATH=$HOME/Geant4Library >> 89 >> 90 export G4SYSTEM=Linux-g++ >> 91 >> 92 # Path to the directory in which you put your Geant4 installation >> 93 export G4INSTALL=$HOME/${VERSION} >> 94 >> 95 export G4LIB=$G4INSTALL/lib >> 96 export G4WORKDIR=$G4INSTALL/workdir >> 97 export G4EXE=$G4WORKDIR/bin/$G4SYSTEM >> 98 >> 99 export CLHEP_BASE_DIR=$LIBPATH/CLHEP2.0.4.5 >> 100 export G4LEDATA=$LIBPATH/G4EMLOW6.9 >> 101 export G4LEVELGAMMADATA=$LIBPATH/PhotonEvaporation2.0 >> 102 export G4NEUTRONHPDATA=$LIBPATH/G4NDL3.13 >> 103 export G4RADIOACTIVEDATA=$LIBPATH/RadioactiveDecay3.2 >> 104 export G4ABLADATA=$LIBPATH/G4ABLA3.0 >> 105 >> 106 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$CLHEP_BASE_DIR/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH >> 107 >> 108 # For the generation .root file directly using the ROOT (if ROOT is >> 109 # instaled in you machine) >> 110 export G4ANALYSIS_USE_ROOT=1 >> 111 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ROOTSYS/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH >> 112 >> 113 #------------------------------------- >> 114 # SET UP VRML VIEW >> 115 #------------------------------------- >> 116 export G4VIS_BUILD_VRML_DRIVER=1 >> 117 export G4VIS_USE_VRML=1 >> 118 export G4VIS_USE_VRMLFILE=1 >> 119 export G4VRMLFILE_MAX_FILE_NUM=100 >> 120 export G4VRMLFILE_VIEWER=vrmlview #if installed >> 121 >> 122 # Add path to your VRML installation >> 123 export PATH=$PATH:~/VRML >> 124 >> 125 #------------------------------------- >> 126 # SET UP OpenGL o Mesa >> 127 #------------------------------------- >> 128 export G4VIS_BUILD_OPENGLX_DRIVER=1 >> 129 export G4VIS_USE_OPENGLX=1 >> 130 >> 131 # Add path to your OpenGL installation >> 132 #export OGLHOME=/usr/lib >> 133 >> 134 >> 135 #------------------------------------- >> 136 # SET UP DAWN (if installed) >> 137 #------------------------------------- >> 138 export G4VIS_BUILD_DAWN_DRIVER=1 >> 139 export G4VIS_BUILD_DOWNFILE_DRIVER=1 >> 140 export G4VIS_USE_DAWN=1 >> 141 export G4VIS_USE_DAWNFILE=1 >> 142 # Add path to your DAWN installation >> 143 # export PATH=$PATH:~/dawn_3_86a >> 144 >> 145 # VARIOUS USER INTERFACES >> 146 export G4UI_USE_XM=1 >> 147 export G4UI_USE_TCSH=1 >> 148 export G4UI_BUILD_QT_SESSION=1 >> 149 export G4UI_USE_QT=1 >> 150 >> 151 # VARIOUS GRPHICAL USER INTERFACES >> 152 export G4VIS_BUILD_QT_SESSION=1 >> 153 export G4VIS_BUILD_OPENGLQT_DRIVER=1 >> 154 export G4VIS_USE_OPENGLQT=1 >> 155 >> 156 # If the QT libraries want be used for the User interfaces than the >> 157 # correct path must be addressed >> 158 >> 159 export QTHOME=/usr/lib/qt4 >> 160 export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/qt4/include/ >> 161 export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/qt4/ >> 162 >> 163 61 164 62 GEOMETRICAL SET-UP 165 GEOMETRICAL SET-UP 63 166 64 The idea of iort_therapy is to provide a tool << 167 The idea of IORT is to provide a tool useful for Users interested in the field of electron intra-operative radio-therapy. These can include the simple calculation of dose distribution curves in water or other materials, the possibility to study and plan dose distribution in the treatment region with different clinical set-up, and to optimize radio-protection of normal patient tissues simulating a composite metallic protection disc. 65 168 66 The main component of the simulation is the co << 169 The main component of the simulation is collimator beam line system, the phantom, the detector and the composite metallic protection disc. 67 170 68 171 69 COLLIMATOR BEAM LINE SYSTEM 172 COLLIMATOR BEAM LINE SYSTEM 70 173 71 At moment iort_therapy include the simulation << 174 At moment IORT include the simulation of a collimator beam line system, based on a typical medical mobile linac structure us the NOVAC7. This collimator beam line is elaborated in the files , where XX may be 40, 50, 60, 70 ,80 or 100 (mm) depending on the diameter collimator set-up chosen. 72 In fact, there is also a facility in iort_ther << 175 In fact,there is also a facility in IORT that allows the user to make a choice, via macro, between alternative collimator beam line set-up. This can be done by using command: 73 176 74 /geometrySetup/selectGeometry <name> 177 /geometrySetup/selectGeometry <name> 75 178 76 where <name> is coll40, coll50, coll60, coll70 179 where <name> is coll40, coll50, coll60, coll70, coll80 or coll100 depending on the diameter collimator set-up chosen (40mm, 50mm, 60mm, 70mm, 80mm or 100mm). The standard "default" geometry is coll60. 77 180 78 The Collimator beam line system class file << 181 The Collimnator beam line system class file 79 182 80 The following is the description of the elemen 183 The following is the description of the elements of the collimator beam line system from the accelerator head to the final collimator. This line is completely simulated inside this class. 81 184 82 The main elements are the accelerator head and 185 The main elements are the accelerator head and the applicator. 83 The accelerator head performs as a primary col 186 The accelerator head performs as a primary collimator system. It consists of titanium exit window and a cylindrical PMMA structure where two monitor chambers are installed. 84 The applicator consists of a cylindrical PMMA 187 The applicator consists of a cylindrical PMMA tube (the final collimator). In the order we have implemented the following functions: 85 188 86 IortBeamLineVacuumSource(); 189 IortBeamLineVacuumSource(); 87 IortBeamLineTitaniumWindows(); 190 IortBeamLineTitaniumWindows(); 88 IortBeamLineMonitorChambers(); 191 IortBeamLineMonitorChambers(); 89 IortBeamLineBlocks() ; 192 IortBeamLineBlocks() ; 90 IortBeamLineJunctions(); 193 IortBeamLineJunctions(); 91 IortBeamLineFinalCollimator(); 194 IortBeamLineFinalCollimator(); 92 195 >> 196 >> 197 93 The user has now the possibility to vary, via 198 The user has now the possibility to vary, via messenger, the inner and outer radius of the final collimator. 94 199 95 200 96 THE PHANTOM 201 THE PHANTOM 97 202 98 At the end of the beam line a phantom (a box o 203 At the end of the beam line a phantom (a box of 20cmx20cmx20cm default dimensions) is reproduced. 99 Inside it, a user-defined region (the detector 204 Inside it, a user-defined region (the detector) is divided (via the ROGeomtry classes of Geant4) in cubic and identical voxels. The voxels size can be varied as well as the voxelized region. 100 At the end of a simulation run the dose deposi 205 At the end of a simulation run the dose deposited by primaries and secondaries in each voxel is collected. This information is available as an .out file. 101 206 102 THE DETECTOR 207 THE DETECTOR 103 208 104 A scoring mesh is set to score the dose in the << 209 The default sizes of the sensible voxelized region (detector) are 7cmx15cmx15cm and actually the default voxel configuration is 0.5mm x 0.5mm x 0.5mm, which means a matrix of 140x300x300 cubic voxels each with a lateral dimension of 0.5 mm. Of course this default can be modified. 105 210 106 As concern the cut and stepMax values, the def 211 As concern the cut and stepMax values, the default configuration implies a cut value of 0.01 mm in the whole world (use the command /physic/setCuts <length> in order to set the cut for all, and the command /physic/setDetectorCuts <length> to set the cut for the detector only) and a stepMax of 0.01 mm just in the phantom (use the command /Step/waterPhantomStepMax 0.01 mm). 107 In any case it is strongly recommended to use 212 In any case it is strongly recommended to use a stepMax value not bigger than 5% of the dose slice thickness. 108 213 109 214 110 SHIELDING DISC << 215 PROTECTION DISC 111 216 112 Inside the detector is positioned a double lay << 217 Inside the detector is positioned a double layered protection disc. For both layers it is possible via macro to change the outer and inner radius,the thickness, the position along the beam axis and the material. 113 NOTE 1: to delete the disc out the entire geom << 218 ADVERTISEMENT: to delete the disc out the entire geometry the relative macro command must be used!! 114 NOTE 2: to re-insert the disc in the entire ge << 219 ADVERTISEMENT: to re-insert the disc in the entire geometry the relative macro command must be used!! 115 220 >> 221 116 222 117 PHYSICS PROCESSES AND PHYSICS MODELS IMPLEMENT 223 PHYSICS PROCESSES AND PHYSICS MODELS IMPLEMENTATION 118 224 119 EM Standard option 4 is activated. The user ca << 225 Physics models in IORT, following the Geant4 organisation, can be definided using two different approaches: >> 226 >> 227 >> 228 Activating one of the 'Reference Physics Lists' that are already prepared by the Geant4 Collaboration and are contained in the $G4INSTALL/source/physics_lists/lists folderlist. >> 229 The 'Reference Physics Lists' can be activated setting a specific enviroment variable to the name of the physics. For example if the QGSP_BIC Reference Physics Lists must be activated the User must set export PHYSLIST=QGSP_BIC (or setenv PHYSLIST QGSP_BIC). A 'Reference Physics Lists' contains all the physics process necessary to a particle transport. >> 230 If the User set the PHYSLIST variable, IORT will start with the defaultMacroWithReferencePhysicsList.mac macro. See this macro file for more details. >> 231 Activating the 'Builders' already prepared by the Geant4 Collaboration and contained in the $G4INSTALL/source/physics_lists/builder folder. >> 232 Each builder is specific of a given model. There are builders for the electromagnetic processes, for the hadronic one, etc. >> 233 If the PHYSLIST variable is not defined IORT starts with the defaultMacro.mac where the single builders are activated for the various processes of interest. >> 234 Each builder is activated with the /Physics/addPhysics <nome builder> command. >> 235 >> 236 >> 237 ****** SUGGESTED PHYSICS ********* >> 238 >> 239 AT MOMENT, IF ACCURATE RESULTS ARE NEDED, WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND: >> 240 1. The use of the emstandard_opt3, or >> 241 2. the QGSP_BIC_EMY Reference Physics Lists (define the PHYSLIST eviroment variable): >> 242 export PHYSLIST=QGSP_BIC_EMY >> 243 A particular care is addressed to the simulation of the physic processes. 120 244 121 245 122 INTERACTIVE COMMANDS 246 INTERACTIVE COMMANDS 123 247 124 How to change Phantom, Detector and Shielding << 248 >> 249 >> 250 How to change Phantom, Detector and Protection Disc geometries 125 251 126 In order to let the end user to change phantom 252 In order to let the end user to change phantom and detector geometries and voxelization, some interactive commands have been provided. All parameters are mandatory, except those inside square brackets. 127 253 128 254 129 Phantom geometry 255 Phantom geometry 130 256 131 (1) The phantom size. As usually, zero or nega 257 (1) The phantom size. As usually, zero or negatives values mean: <<don't change it>>. 132 (2) The phantom position respect to the world. 258 (2) The phantom position respect to the world. In this case specified values refer to the three components of the position of the phantom's center respect to the world's. 133 259 134 Command synopsis: 260 Command synopsis: 135 261 136 /changePhantom/size <dimX> <dimY> <dimZ> <[uni 262 /changePhantom/size <dimX> <dimY> <dimZ> <[unit]> # 20 20 20 cm 137 /changePhantom/position <posX> <posY> <posZ> < 263 /changePhantom/position <posX> <posY> <posZ> <[unit]> # 4.5 0 0 cm 138 264 139 265 140 Detector geometry 266 Detector geometry 141 267 142 The user can change: 268 The user can change: 143 269 144 (1) The detector (box) size. 270 (1) The detector (box) size. 145 271 146 (2) The displacement between the phantom and t << 272 (2) The voxels sizes. Changing this parameters, and/or the detector sizes, user should choose values in order to be divisors of the detector correspondent sizes. >> 273 For both above commands, zero or negative values mean << don't change it >> >> 274 >> 275 (3) The displacement between the phantom and the detector. Displacement parameters refer to the lower left corner of the detector respect to that of the phantom, by the point of view of the beam. In this case zero or positive values are allowed, while the negatives ones mean: << don't change it>>. >> 276 147 277 148 Command synopsis: 278 Command synopsis: >> 279 >> 280 149 /changeDetector/size <dimX> <dimY> <dimZ> <[un 281 /changeDetector/size <dimX> <dimY> <dimZ> <[unit]> >> 282 /changeDetector/voxelSize <dimX> <dimY> <dimZ> <[unit]> 150 /changeDetector/displacement <dispX> <dispY> < 283 /changeDetector/displacement <dispX> <dispY> <dispZ> <[unit]> 151 284 152 The user has to change the scoring mesh accord << 285 Default size values are 7x15x15 cm for the detector, 0.5x0.5x0.5 mm for any voxel. The default detector position is chosen so that the 15x15 detector face is aligned and centred respect the detector beam exposed face. 153 286 154 287 155 Shielding Disc geometry << 288 >> 289 Protection Disc geometry 156 290 157 Command synopsis: 291 Command synopsis: 158 292 159 /ProtectionDisc1/OuterRadiusDisc1 <dim> 293 /ProtectionDisc1/OuterRadiusDisc1 <dim> # default -> 40*mm ; 160 /ProtectionDisc1/InnerRadiusDisc1 <dim> 294 /ProtectionDisc1/InnerRadiusDisc1 <dim> # default -> 0*mm 161 /ProtectionDisc1/HeightDisc1 <dim> 295 /ProtectionDisc1/HeightDisc1 <dim> # default -> 2*mm 162 /ProtectionDisc1/XPositionDisc1 <dimX> 296 /ProtectionDisc1/XPositionDisc1 <dimX> # default -> -11*mm 163 /ProtectionDisc1/material <G4_Material> 297 /ProtectionDisc1/material <G4_Material> # default -> G4_WATER ; 164 298 165 /ProtectionDisc2/OuterRadiusDisc2 <dim> 299 /ProtectionDisc2/OuterRadiusDisc2 <dim> # default -> 40*mm ; 166 /ProtectionDisc2/InnerRadiusDisc2 <dim> 300 /ProtectionDisc2/InnerRadiusDisc2 <dim> # default -> 0*mm 167 /ProtectionDisc2/HeightDisc2 <dim> 301 /ProtectionDisc2/HeightDisc2 <dim> # default -> 1*mm 168 /ProtectionDisc2/XPositionDisc2 <dimX> 302 /ProtectionDisc2/XPositionDisc2 <dimX> # default -> -8*mm 169 /ProtectionDisc2/material <G4_Material> 303 /ProtectionDisc2/material <G4_Material> # default -> G4_WATER ; 170 304 171 305 172 All these commands must be followed 306 All these commands must be followed by the command /changePhantom/update 173 in order to check and eventually apply changes 307 in order to check and eventually apply changes to the real geometry. 174 Moreover they must be issued between 308 Moreover they must be issued between runs (so where you want but after the /run/initialize initialization command, or the G4State_Idle Geant4 state machine). 175 Obviously all the previous sizes must be set i 309 Obviously all the previous sizes must be set in order to maintain the detector fully inside the phantom, otherwise system complains. 176 310 177 311 178 To Delete Disc geometry 312 To Delete Disc geometry 179 313 180 Command synopsis: 314 Command synopsis: 181 315 182 /DeleteProtectionDisc/delete 316 /DeleteProtectionDisc/delete 183 317 184 To Re-insert Disc geometry 318 To Re-insert Disc geometry 185 319 186 Command synopsis: 320 Command synopsis: 187 321 188 /InsertProtectionDisc/insert 322 /InsertProtectionDisc/insert 189 323 190 **** To set initial beam features << 324 >> 325 Stopping powers calculation >> 326 >> 327 It is possible for the end-user to calculate, via macro command, stopping powers only for those materials inserted into G4NistMaterialBuilder class (about 300). >> 328 To get stopping powers user must provide this command line on the idle interactive terminal (or into a macro file) : >> 329 >> 330 /parameter/getstopping <G4_material> <Emin> <Emax> <nPoints> <[particle]> <[output_filename]> >> 331 >> 332 All parameters are mandatory except those inside square brackets []. >> 333 Default values for parameters inside square brackets are respectively proton and standard output (usually the user console terminal). >> 334 >> 335 Parameters are respectively: >> 336 >> 337 The material (NIST) name (something like G4_..., the complete list of elements and materials is available into the G4NistMaterialBuilder class and can be printed to the terminal screen via the macro command: /parameter/nist ) >> 338 Kinetic energy range in MeV and the number of data points to be retrieved (in a logarithmically uniform space) >> 339 The particle name (proton, e+, e-, He3, neutron,... a full list can be gotten via the macro command: /particle/list). >> 340 Only for ions, user must firstly give them to the particle gun, for example issuing the macro commands: >> 341 /gun/particle ion >> 342 /gun/ion <Z> <A> <[charge]> >> 343 The output filename: if users leave this blank then the standard output is used. >> 344 >> 345 Below is an example in order to calculate the stopping power for alphas into Hydrogen between 1 keV to 150 MeV for 15 points: >> 346 >> 347 /parameter/getstopping G4_H 0.001 150 15 alpha >> 348 >> 349 # and for C12 ion: >> 350 >> 351 /gun/particle ion >> 352 /gun/ion 6 12 6 >> 353 /parameter/getstopping G4_H 0.001 150 15 C12[0.0] >> 354 >> 355 # Value inside square brackets is the excitation energy of the ion (ground state in this case). >> 356 >> 357 >> 358 To set initial beam features 191 359 192 By default, the beam propagates along the posi 360 By default, the beam propagates along the positive X direction with Gaussian momentum and Y-Z distributions. 193 It is possible to select: particle type, mean 361 It is possible to select: particle type, mean energy and relative standard deviation, X,Y and Z coordinates, Y and Z standard deviations and, finally, the beam spread along X direction (Theta). 194 362 195 Command synopsis: 363 Command synopsis: 196 364 197 /gun/particle 365 /gun/particle 198 /beam/energy/meanEnergy 366 /beam/energy/meanEnergy 199 /beam/energy/sigmaEnergy 367 /beam/energy/sigmaEnergy 200 /beam/position/Xposition 368 /beam/position/Xposition 201 /beam/position/Yposition 369 /beam/position/Yposition 202 /beam/position/Yposition/sigmaY 370 /beam/position/Yposition/sigmaY 203 /beam/position/Zposition 371 /beam/position/Zposition 204 /beam/position/Zposition/sigmaZ 372 /beam/position/Zposition/sigmaZ 205 /beam/momentum/Theta 373 /beam/momentum/Theta 206 374 207 HOW RUN iort_therapy << 375 >> 376 >> 377 HOW RUN IORT 208 378 209 Run the example in interactive mode 379 Run the example in interactive mode 210 380 211 > $G4WORDIR/bin/Linux-g++/iort_therapy << 381 > $G4WORDIR/bin/Linux-g++/IORT 212 382 213 In this case the main file ( p << 383 In this case the main file ( performs different operations depending on which environment variable is activated; 214 For example, if the environment variable G4UI_ << 384 For example, if the environment variable G4UI_USE_TCSH is activated, IORT will start with the TCSH User Interface that has many useful functionalities. On the other hand, if this first variables is not defined, the program will continue searching for the G4UI_USE_QT variable and, finally, will open the standard G4UITerminal. 215 385 216 Run the example using macro files 386 Run the example using macro files 217 387 218 iort_therapy can be launched using a macro fil << 388 IORT can be launched using a macro file: 219 389 220 > $G4WORDIR/bin/Linux-g++/iort_therapy macroFi << 390 > $G4WORDIR/bin/Linux-g++/IORT macroFile.mac 221 391 222 The defaultMacro.mac file is contained in the << 392 The defaultMacro.mac file is contained in the main directory of IORT and is automatically readed in case the user launch the executable without a parameter. 223 393 224 394 225 SIMULATION OUTPUT 395 SIMULATION OUTPUT 226 396 227 Store results in an ASCII file 397 Store results in an ASCII file 228 398 229 A .out ASCII file is generated at the end of e << 399 A .out ASCII file is generated at the end of each run, Dose.out is its default name that can be changed in the file. 230 The file contains four columns; the first thre << 400 The file contains four columns; the first three columns represent the voxel indexes (that univocally identify the voxel volume), while the last column represents the dose deposited in that given voxel. >> 401 >> 402 >> 403 FUTURE CHALLENGES >> 404 >> 405 This is a list of future components that will be added in IORT. >> 406 >> 407 In the next future IORT will be improved making it possible to simulate roto-translations of the collimator beam line respect the target thus reproducing the mobility characteristics of the linac. >> 408 >> 409 >> 410 Dicom Interface >> 411 >> 412 A first work in progress version IORT-DICOM is underdeveloped. This application imports in IORT the main parts and facilities of the Dicom extended-medical exmple, so it permits to replace the water phantom with a voxellized phantom version of the dicom images. >> 413 >> 414 Human-Phantom Interface >> 415 >> 416 Also a second work in progress version IORT-Human-Phantom is underdeveloped. It is based on the Human-Phantom advanced example. Thus there will be the possibility to replace the water phantom with the human phantom. >> 417 >> 418 All these configuration will be setted by macro commands. >> 419 231 420 >> 421 Please contact for more details or suggestions and feedbacks on this document. 232 422 233 423