Geant4 Cross Reference |
1 2 ======================================= 3 Text version of the iort_ 4 ================================= 5 6 Main Authors: 7 G.Russo(a,b), C.Casarino*(c), G.C. Candiano(c 8 9 Contributor Authors: 10 S.Guatelli(e) 11 12 Past Authors: 13 G.Arnetta(c), S.E.Mazzaglia(d) 14 15 (a) Fondazione Istituto San Raffaele G.Giglio 16 17 (b) IBFM-CNR , Segrate (Milano), Italy 18 19 (c) LATO (Laboratorio di Tecnologie Oncologic 20 21 (d) Laboratori Nazionali del Sud of the INFN, 22 23 (e) University of Wollongong, Australia 24 25 26 *Corresponding author, email to carlo.casari 27 ---------------------------------------------- 28 29 iort_therapy: 30 31 WHAT IT IS, WHAT IT DOES AND WHAT IT WILL PROV 32 33 iort_therapy is a Geant4-based application spe 34 35 iort_therapy is capable to simulate a well spe 36 37 iort_therapy, is flexible and show many capabi 38 39 40 Folder structure of iort_therapy 41 42 iort_therapy distribution contain these sub-fo 43 44 \src: where source .cc files are stored 45 \include: where header .hh files are stored 46 47 Currently this folders structure is in develop 48 49 50 DOWNLOAD AND INSTALLATION 51 52 iort_therapy source code is released inside th 53 54 To run iort_therapy you must first install the 55 ../iort_therapy folder). When compilation is c 56 57 A CMakeLists.txt file is provided together wit 58 59 A complete guide for the Geant4 installation i 60 61 62 GEOMETRICAL SET-UP 63 64 The idea of iort_therapy is to provide a tool 65 66 The main component of the simulation is the co 67 68 69 COLLIMATOR BEAM LINE SYSTEM 70 71 At moment iort_therapy include the simulation 72 In fact, there is also a facility in iort_ther 73 74 /geometrySetup/selectGeometry <name> 75 76 where <name> is coll40, coll50, coll60, coll70 77 78 The Collimator beam line system class file 79 80 The following is the description of the elemen 81 82 The main elements are the accelerator head and 83 The accelerator head performs as a primary col 84 The applicator consists of a cylindrical PMMA 85 86 IortBeamLineVacuumSource(); 87 IortBeamLineTitaniumWindows(); 88 IortBeamLineMonitorChambers(); 89 IortBeamLineBlocks() ; 90 IortBeamLineJunctions(); 91 IortBeamLineFinalCollimator(); 92 93 The user has now the possibility to vary, via 94 95 96 THE PHANTOM 97 98 At the end of the beam line a phantom (a box o 99 Inside it, a user-defined region (the detector 100 At the end of a simulation run the dose deposi 101 102 THE DETECTOR 103 104 A scoring mesh is set to score the dose in the 105 106 As concern the cut and stepMax values, the def 107 In any case it is strongly recommended to use 108 109 110 SHIELDING DISC 111 112 Inside the detector is positioned a double lay 113 NOTE 1: to delete the disc out the entire geom 114 NOTE 2: to re-insert the disc in the entire ge 115 116 117 PHYSICS PROCESSES AND PHYSICS MODELS IMPLEMENT 118 119 EM Standard option 4 is activated. The user ca 120 121 122 INTERACTIVE COMMANDS 123 124 How to change Phantom, Detector and Shielding 125 126 In order to let the end user to change phantom 127 128 129 Phantom geometry 130 131 (1) The phantom size. As usually, zero or nega 132 (2) The phantom position respect to the world. 133 134 Command synopsis: 135 136 /changePhantom/size <dimX> <dimY> <dimZ> <[uni 137 /changePhantom/position <posX> <posY> <posZ> < 138 139 140 Detector geometry 141 142 The user can change: 143 144 (1) The detector (box) size. 145 146 (2) The displacement between the phantom and t 147 148 Command synopsis: 149 /changeDetector/size <dimX> <dimY> <dimZ> <[un 150 /changeDetector/displacement <dispX> <dispY> < 151 152 The user has to change the scoring mesh accord 153 154 155 Shielding Disc geometry 156 157 Command synopsis: 158 159 /ProtectionDisc1/OuterRadiusDisc1 <dim> 160 /ProtectionDisc1/InnerRadiusDisc1 <dim> 161 /ProtectionDisc1/HeightDisc1 <dim> 162 /ProtectionDisc1/XPositionDisc1 <dimX> 163 /ProtectionDisc1/material <G4_Material> 164 165 /ProtectionDisc2/OuterRadiusDisc2 <dim> 166 /ProtectionDisc2/InnerRadiusDisc2 <dim> 167 /ProtectionDisc2/HeightDisc2 <dim> 168 /ProtectionDisc2/XPositionDisc2 <dimX> 169 /ProtectionDisc2/material <G4_Material> 170 171 172 All these commands must be followed 173 in order to check and eventually apply changes 174 Moreover they must be issued between 175 Obviously all the previous sizes must be set i 176 177 178 To Delete Disc geometry 179 180 Command synopsis: 181 182 /DeleteProtectionDisc/delete 183 184 To Re-insert Disc geometry 185 186 Command synopsis: 187 188 /InsertProtectionDisc/insert 189 190 **** To set initial beam features 191 192 By default, the beam propagates along the posi 193 It is possible to select: particle type, mean 194 195 Command synopsis: 196 197 /gun/particle 198 /beam/energy/meanEnergy 199 /beam/energy/sigmaEnergy 200 /beam/position/Xposition 201 /beam/position/Yposition 202 /beam/position/Yposition/sigmaY 203 /beam/position/Zposition 204 /beam/position/Zposition/sigmaZ 205 /beam/momentum/Theta 206 207 HOW RUN iort_therapy 208 209 Run the example in interactive mode 210 211 > $G4WORDIR/bin/Linux-g++/iort_therapy 212 213 In this case the main file ( p 214 For example, if the environment variable G4UI_ 215 216 Run the example using macro files 217 218 iort_therapy can be launched using a macro fil 219 220 > $G4WORDIR/bin/Linux-g++/iort_therapy macroFi 221 222 The defaultMacro.mac file is contained in the 223 224 225 SIMULATION OUTPUT 226 227 Store results in an ASCII file 228 229 A .out ASCII file is generated at the end of e 230 The file contains four columns; the first thre 231 232 233