Geant4 Cross Reference |
1 # Example iort_therapy History << 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> 2 History File, 2011/09/08 C. Casarino, Created >> 3 >> 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> 5 >> 6 ==================================================== >> 7 History file of the IORT application >> 8 ==================================================== 2 9 3 See `CONTRIBUTING.rst` for details of **requir << 4 which **must** added in reverse chronological << 5 be used as a substitute for writing good git c << 6 << 7 ## 2023-11-15 I. Hrivnacova (iort_therapy-V11- << 8 - Updated defaultMacro.mac: << 9 - Added a commented line for calling 'vis/op << 10 for opening the default driver << 11 << 12 ## 2022-09-09 Susanna Guatelli (iort_therapy-V << 13 - Ranecu engine removed. << 14 << 15 ## 2022-06-20 Sergio Losilla (iort_therapy-V11 << 16 - Simplified calls to SetProductionCut. << 17 << 18 ## 2021-12-10 Ben Morgan (iort_therapy-V11-00- << 19 - Change to new Markdown History format << 20 << 21 --- << 22 << 23 # History entries prior to 11.0 << 24 << 25 24.05.2021 - B. Morgan (iort_therapy-V10-07-01 << 26 - Bump required CMake version range to 3.12... << 27 << 28 12.02.2021 - S.Guatelli tag iort_therapy-V10-0 << 29 Dependence to G4EmProcessOptions r << 30 SetCuts method removed from local << 31 it is not thread-safe. Cuts per Re << 32 RegionStore is not available when << 33 of the Physics List. << 34 << 35 02.11.2020 - B.Morgan tag iort_therapy-V10-06- << 36 Support same CMake version range << 37 << 38 13.08.2020 - S. Guatelli tag iort_therapy-V10- << 39 Unnecessary in CMakeLists.tst dep << 40 << 41 13.11.2018 - G. Cosmo tag iort_therapy-V10-04- << 42 IORTDetectorConstruction: fixed i << 43 radius also for "DiscoIORT0" comp << 44 << 45 12.11.2018 - G. Cosmo tag iort_therapy-V10-04- << 46 IORTDetectorConstruction: fixed i << 47 radius for "DiscoIORT1" component << 48 << 49 09.11.2018 - G. Cosmo tag iort_therapy-V10-04- << 50 IORTDetectorConstruction: fixed t << 51 << 52 18.09.2018 - S. Guatelli tag iort_therapy-V10- << 53 unused variable deleted << 54 << 55 17.09.2018 - S. Guatelli tag iort_therapy-V10- << 56 CMakeList.txt updated << 57 << 58 17.09.2018 - S. Guatelli tag iort_therapy-V10- << 59 delete macro directory. << 60 << 61 12.09.2018 - S. Guatelli tag iort_therapy-V10- << 62 removed RO geometry together with << 63 G4_UI_USE and G4_VIS_USE removed. << 64 How to delete the geometry of the << 65 Analysis class deleted (no analys << 66 G4Decay and IORTMatrix deleted as << 67 Protontherapy removed as it is ou << 68 G4SystemOfUnits.hh included << 69 README updated accordingly to cha << 70 << 71 28.11.2017 - B.Morgan tag iort_therapy-V10-03- << 72 Replace ROOT_INCLUDE_DIR with ROO << 73 << 74 31.10.2017 - L.Pandola tag iort_therapy-V10-03 << 75 Clean up visualization from batch << 76 << 77 28.11.2016 - G.Folger tag iort_therapy-V10-02- << 78 Remove direct use of theParticleIt << 79 fix required by clang39 on Linux << 80 << 81 22.09.2015 - L.Pandola: tag iort_therapy-V10-0 << 82 Migraeted to g4tools << 83 Left a minimal dependency to ROOT (due << 84 The dependency is optional << 85 16.10.2014 - C.Casarino: tag iort_therapy-V10- << 86 Updated README << 87 30.07.2013 - A.Dotti: tag iort_therapy-V09-06- 10 30.07.2013 - A.Dotti: tag iort_therapy-V09-06-05 88 fix last compilation warning fr 11 fix last compilation warning from clang32 >> 12 89 28/29.07.2013 - P.Gumplinger: tag iort_therapy 13 28/29.07.2013 - P.Gumplinger: tag iort_therapy-V09-06-03/iort_therapy-V09-06-04 90 fix new compilation warning 14 fix new compilation warning 91 26.07.2013 - P.Gumplinger: tag iort_therapy-V0 15 26.07.2013 - P.Gumplinger: tag iort_therapy-V09-06-02 92 fix clang32 compilation warning 16 fix clang32 compilation warnings 93 04.02.2013 - G.Folger; tag iort_therapy-V09-06 17 04.02.2013 - G.Folger; tag iort_therapy-V09-06-01 94 Update for 18 Update for renamed physics builders 95 GNUmakefile: correct G4INSTALL 19 GNUmakefile: correct G4INSTALL 96 14.12.2012 - A.Ribon; tag iort_therapy-V09-06- 20 14.12.2012 - A.Ribon; tag iort_therapy-V09-06-00 97 Removed G4HadronQElasticPhysics 21 Removed G4HadronQElasticPhysics, and replaced G4QStoppingPhysics 98 29.11.2012 - G.Cosmo; tag iort_therapy-V09-05- 22 29.11.2012 - G.Cosmo; tag iort_therapy-V09-05-14, iort_therapy-V09-05-13 99 More fixes for variable shadowi 23 More fixes for variable shadowing related to use of ROOT. 100 28.11.2012 - G.Cosmo; tag iort_therapy-V09-05- 24 28.11.2012 - G.Cosmo; tag iort_therapy-V09-05-12 101 Fixed cases of variable shadowi 25 Fixed cases of variable shadowing. 102 07.11.2012 - F.Romano; Tag iort_therapy-V09-05 26 07.11.2012 - F.Romano; Tag iort_therapy-V09-05-11 103 Included generic command for vi 27 Included generic command for visualization vis/open OGL where needed 104 07.11.2012 - F.Romano; Tag iort_therapy-V09-05 28 07.11.2012 - F.Romano; Tag iort_therapy-V09-05-10 105 Fix SystemOfUnits and ROOT comp 29 Fix SystemOfUnits and ROOT compilation errors 106 06.11.2012 - L.Pandola; Tag iort_therapy-V09-0 30 06.11.2012 - L.Pandola; Tag iort_therapy-V09-05-09 107 Fix syntax in CMakeLists.txt 31 Fix syntax in CMakeLists.txt 108 01.11.2012 - F.Romano; Tag: iort_therapy-V09- 32 01.11.2012 - F.Romano; Tag: iort_therapy-V09-05-08 109 Warning in main solved 33 Warning in main solved 110 01.11.2012 - G.Folger; Tag: iort_therapy-V09- 34 01.11.2012 - G.Folger; Tag: iort_therapy-V09-05-07 111 Updated iort_therapy to include 35 Updated iort_therapy to include <ctime> for use of time() 112 26.10.2012 - F.Romano; Tag: iort_therapy-V09- 36 26.10.2012 - F.Romano; Tag: iort_therapy-V09-05-06 113 Updated some files: general rev 37 Updated some files: general review of the example 114 26.10.2012 - L.Pandola; Tag: iort_therapy-V09 38 26.10.2012 - L.Pandola; Tag: iort_therapy-V09-05-05 115 Replace CMakeLists.txt to deal 39 Replace CMakeLists.txt to deal with UI/VIS 116 24.10.2012 - A.Ribon; Tag: iort_therapy-V0 40 24.10.2012 - A.Ribon; Tag: iort_therapy-V09-05-04 117 Migrated to the new stopping p 41 Migrated to the new stopping physics. 118 12.10.2012 - G.Cosmo; Tag: iort_therapy-V0 42 12.10.2012 - G.Cosmo; Tag: iort_therapy-V09-05-03 119 Explicit inclusion of units an 43 Explicit inclusion of units and constants headers. 120 13.06.2012 - G.Cosmo; Tag: iort_therapy-V0 44 13.06.2012 - G.Cosmo; Tag: iort_therapy-V09-05-02 121 Use std::string::size_type for 45 Use std::string::size_type for string length instead of int 122 in IORTMatrix::ion. Fixes comp 46 in IORTMatrix::ion. Fixes compilation warning on gcc-4.7. 123 15.12.2011 - P.Mato; Tag: iort_therapy-V0 47 15.12.2011 - P.Mato; Tag: iort_therapy-V09-05-01 124 Tagged changes made by Gunter << 48 Tagged changes made by Gunter (windows line endings, 125 invalid header files, etc.) 49 invalid header files, etc.) 126 24.11.2011 - P.Mato; Tag: iort_therapy-V0 50 24.11.2011 - P.Mato; Tag: iort_therapy-V09-05-00 127 Added CMakeLists.txt file 51 Added CMakeLists.txt file 128 24.11.2011 - G.Folger; Tag: iort_therapy- 52 24.11.2011 - G.Folger; Tag: iort_therapy-V09-04-08 129 Use G4lrint() in place of lrint() 53 Use G4lrint() in place of lrint() 130 17.11.2011 - G.A.P.Cirrone; Tag: iort_therapy- 54 17.11.2011 - G.A.P.Cirrone; Tag: iort_therapy-V09-04-07 131 Warnings removed 55 Warnings removed 132 07.11.2011 - G.A.P.Cirrone; Tag: iort_therapy- 56 07.11.2011 - G.A.P.Cirrone; Tag: iort_therapy-V09-04-06 133 Macro file corrected 57 Macro file corrected 134 07.11.2011 - G.A.P.Cirrone; Tag: iort_therapy- 58 07.11.2011 - G.A.P.Cirrone; Tag: iort_therapy-V09-04-05 135 Code revision and visualisation impr 59 Code revision and visualisation improved 136 03.11.2011 - F.Romano; Tag: iort_therapy-V09-0 60 03.11.2011 - F.Romano; Tag: iort_therapy-V09-04-04 137 Migration to new G4Exception scheme 61 Migration to new G4Exception scheme 138 02.11.2011 - C.Casarino; Tag: iort_therapy-V09 62 02.11.2011 - C.Casarino; Tag: iort_therapy-V09-04-03 139 Main file improved 63 Main file improved 140 02.11.2011 - C.Casarino; Tag: iort_therapy-V09 64 02.11.2011 - C.Casarino; Tag: iort_therapy-V09-04-02 141 Warings removed. 65 Warings removed. 142 30.10.2011 - G.A.P. Cirrone; Tag: iort_therapy 66 30.10.2011 - G.A.P. Cirrone; Tag: iort_therapy-V09-04-01 143 Main name changed. 67 Main name changed. 144 30.10.2011 - G.A.P. Cirrone; Tag: iort_therapy 68 30.10.2011 - G.A.P. Cirrone; Tag: iort_therapy-V09-04-00 145 First tag proposed to the Geant4 repos 69 First tag proposed to the Geant4 repository 146 08.09.2011 - G.Russo, C.Casarino, G.C. Candian 70 08.09.2011 - G.Russo, C.Casarino, G.C. Candiano, G.A.P. Cirrone, F.Romano 147 Created, first version. 71 Created, first version. 148 72 149 73 150 74 151 75 152 76 153 77 154 78