Geant4 Cross Reference

Cross-Referencing   Geant4

Version: [ ReleaseNotes ] [ 1.0 ] [ 1.1 ] [ 2.0 ] [ 3.0 ] [ 3.1 ] [ 3.2 ] [ 4.0 ] [ 4.0.p1 ] [ 4.0.p2 ] [ 4.1 ] [ 4.1.p1 ] [ 5.0 ] [ 5.0.p1 ] [ 5.1 ] [ 5.1.p1 ] [ 5.2 ] [ 5.2.p1 ] [ 5.2.p2 ] [ 6.0 ] [ 6.0.p1 ] [ 6.1 ] [ 6.2 ] [ 6.2.p1 ] [ 6.2.p2 ] [ 7.0 ] [ 7.0.p1 ] [ 7.1 ] [ 7.1.p1 ] [ 8.0 ] [ 8.0.p1 ] [ 8.1 ] [ 8.1.p1 ] [ 8.1.p2 ] [ 8.2 ] [ 8.2.p1 ] [ 8.3 ] [ 8.3.p1 ] [ 8.3.p2 ] [ 9.0 ] [ 9.0.p1 ] [ 9.0.p2 ] [ 9.1 ] [ 9.1.p1 ] [ 9.1.p2 ] [ 9.1.p3 ] [ 9.2 ] [ 9.2.p1 ] [ 9.2.p2 ] [ 9.2.p3 ] [ 9.2.p4 ] [ 9.3 ] [ 9.3.p1 ] [ 9.3.p2 ] [ 9.4 ] [ 9.4.p1 ] [ 9.4.p2 ] [ 9.4.p3 ] [ 9.4.p4 ] [ 9.5 ] [ 9.5.p1 ] [ 9.5.p2 ] [ 9.6 ] [ 9.6.p1 ] [ 9.6.p2 ] [ 9.6.p3 ] [ 9.6.p4 ] [ 10.0 ] [ 10.0.p1 ] [ 10.0.p2 ] [ 10.0.p3 ] [ 10.0.p4 ] [ 10.1 ] [ 10.1.p1 ] [ 10.1.p2 ] [ 10.1.p3 ] [ 10.2 ] [ 10.2.p1 ] [ 10.2.p2 ] [ 10.2.p3 ] [ 10.3 ] [ 10.3.p1 ] [ 10.3.p2 ] [ 10.3.p3 ] [ 10.4 ] [ 10.4.p1 ] [ 10.4.p2 ] [ 10.4.p3 ] [ 10.5 ] [ 10.5.p1 ] [ 10.6 ] [ 10.6.p1 ] [ 10.6.p2 ] [ 10.6.p3 ] [ 10.7 ] [ 10.7.p1 ] [ 10.7.p2 ] [ 10.7.p3 ] [ 10.7.p4 ] [ 11.0 ] [ 11.0.p1 ] [ 11.0.p2 ] [ 11.0.p3, ] [ 11.0.p4 ] [ 11.1 ] [ 11.1.1 ] [ 11.1.2 ] [ 11.1.3 ] [ 11.2 ] [ 11.2.1 ] [ 11.2.2 ] [ 11.3.0 ]

Diff markup

Differences between /examples/advanced/exp_microdosimetry/History (Version 11.3.0) and /examples/advanced/exp_microdosimetry/History (Version 11.2)

  1 # Example exp_microdosimetry History                1 # Example exp_microdosimetry History
  2                                                     2 
  3 See `CONTRIBUTING.rst` for details of **requir      3 See `CONTRIBUTING.rst` for details of **required** info/format for each entry,
  4 which **must** added in reverse chronological       4 which **must** added in reverse chronological order (newest at the top).
  5 It must **not** be used as a substitute for wr      5 It must **not** be used as a substitute for writing good git commit messages!
  6                                                     6 
  7 ----------------------------------------------      7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8 ## 2024-10-28 G. Milluzzo (exp_microdosimetry- << 
  9 - Added the SiC microdosimeter geometry in Det << 
 10                                                     8 
 11 ## 2023-11-15 I. Hrivnacova (exp_microdosimetr      9 ## 2023-11-15 I. Hrivnacova (exp_microdosimetry-V11-01-03)
 12 - Updated vis.mac: changed "/vis/open XYZ [600     10 - Updated vis.mac: changed "/vis/open XYZ [600x600-0+0]" to "/vis/open"
 13   to allow run-time choices and simplified com     11   to allow run-time choices and simplified comments.
 14                                                    12 
 15 ## 2023-11-12 Alberto Ribon (exp_microdosimetr     13 ## 2023-11-12 Alberto Ribon (exp_microdosimetry-V11-01-02)
 16 - run.mac : introduced the UI command              14 - run.mac : introduced the UI command
 17   '/process/had/rdm/thresholdForVeryLongDecayT     15   '/process/had/rdm/thresholdForVeryLongDecayTime 1.0e+60 year'
 18   to allow all radioactive decays (including t     16   to allow all radioactive decays (including the very long ones).
 19   This is necessary since G4 11.2, being 1 yea     17   This is necessary since G4 11.2, being 1 year the default time
 20   threshold above which the decays are ignored     18   threshold above which the decays are ignored.
 21                                                    19 
 22 ## 2023-11-09 G. Milluzzo (exp_microdosimetry-     20 ## 2023-11-09 G. Milluzzo (exp_microdosimetry-V11-01-01)
 23 - Renaming the radioprotection example in exp_     21 - Renaming the radioprotection example in exp_microdosimetry
 24                                                    22 
 25 ## 2022-11-16 F. Romano, J.Magini, G.Parisi, G     23 ## 2022-11-16 F. Romano, J.Magini, G.Parisi, G. Milluzzo (radioprotection-V11-00-02)
 26 -  Updating the READMEfile.                        24 -  Updating the READMEfile.
 27                                                    25    
 28 ## 2022-11-09 Francesco Romano (radioprotectio     26 ## 2022-11-09 Francesco Romano (radioprotection-V11-00-01)
 29 -  Added the diamondTelescope detector. Messen     27 -  Added the diamondTelescope detector. Messengers modified accordingly.
 30    Added python scripts to analyze the spectra     28    Added python scripts to analyze the spectra files and calculate microdosimetric
 31    Quantities.                                     29    Quantities.
 32                                                    30 
 33 ---                                                31 ---
 34                                                    32 
 35 # History entries prior to 11.0                    33 # History entries prior to 11.0
 36                                                    34 
 37 28.10.2021,  S.Guatelli tag radioprotection-V1     35 28.10.2021,  S.Guatelli tag radioprotection-V10-07-04
 38              Added the Bridge silicon microdos     36              Added the Bridge silicon microdosimeter and a
 39              macro to perform microdosimetric      37              macro to perform microdosimetric calculations.
 40              The ROOT macros run with ROOT ver     38              The ROOT macros run with ROOT version 6. 
 41                                                    39              
 42 07.10.2021,  I. Hrivnacova tag radioprotection     40 07.10.2021,  I. Hrivnacova tag radioprotection-V10-07-03
 43              Migration to new G4AnalysisManage     41              Migration to new G4AnalysisManager.hh header.
 44                                                    42 
 45 19.07.2021,  I. Hrivnacova tag radioprotection     43 19.07.2021,  I. Hrivnacova tag radioprotection-V10-07-02
 46              Updated for changes in the analys     44              Updated for changes in the analysis category:
 47              removed deleting of the analysis      45              removed deleting of the analysis manager,
 48              as this is now done by the Geant4     46              as this is now done by the Geant4 kernel.
 49                                                    47 
 50 24.05.2021,  B. Morgan (radioprotection-V10-07     48 24.05.2021,  B. Morgan (radioprotection-V10-07-01)
 51 - Bump required CMake version range to 3.12...     49 - Bump required CMake version range to 3.12...3.20, matching core Geant4
 52                                                    50 
 53 11.02.2021 - S. Guatelli tag radioprotection-V     51 11.02.2021 - S. Guatelli tag radioprotection-V10-07-00
 54              Dependence to G4EmProcessOptions      52              Dependence to G4EmProcessOptions removed.
 55              SetCuts method removed from the l     53              SetCuts method removed from the local PhysicsList as it is
 56              not thread-safe.                      54              not thread-safe.
 57                                                    55 
 58 17.11.2020 - S. Guatelli tag radioprotection-V     56 17.11.2020 - S. Guatelli tag radioprotection-V10-06-02
 59              Migration to G4RunManagerFactory      57              Migration to G4RunManagerFactory
 60                                                    58 
 61 02.11.2020 - F. Romano and J. Magini tag radio     59 02.11.2020 - F. Romano and J. Magini tag radioprotection-V10-06-01
 62            - :                  60            - :
 63        added new parameter to DetectorConstruc     61        added new parameter to DetectorConstruction constructor
 64        added instance of DetectorManager           62        added instance of DetectorManager
 65            - DetectorConstruction.hh :             63            - DetectorConstruction.hh :
 66        defined private methods to construct a      64        defined private methods to construct a specific type of detector ("Silicon", "Diamond", and "MicroDiamond")
 67        added detectorType private string to st     65        added detectorType private string to store the name of the one in use
 68        added a variable to the constructor         66        added a variable to the constructor
 69        added declaration for DetectorMessenger     67        added declaration for DetectorMessenger class
 70      - :                   68      - :
 71        modifed the constructor to store the de     69        modifed the constructor to store the detector type
 72        rewrote Construct so that it calls the      70        rewrote Construct so that it calls the specific method of the selected detector type
 73        moved the previous diamond detector geo     71        moved the previous diamond detector geometry to ConstructDiamondDetector, and added new possible
 74        geometries (silicon and microdiamond) f     72        geometries (silicon and microdiamond) from scratch via the other two methods
 75        - DetectorMessenger.hh :                    73        - DetectorMessenger.hh :
 76        created the file in order to switch det     74        created the file in order to switch detector type
 77      - :                      75      - :
 78        created the file in order to switch det     76        created the file in order to switch detector type
 79      - geometry.mac :                              77      - geometry.mac :
 80        create the macro in order to select a s     78        create the macro in order to select a specific detector at runtime (by default, all options are commented out)
 81      - vis.mac :                                   79      - vis.mac :
 82        added a line to execute geometry.mac be     80        added a line to execute geometry.mac before launching the GUI (at which point it wouldn't be possible to change         the geometry anymore)
 83      - run.mac:                                    81      - run.mac:
 84              added a line to execute geometry.     82              added a line to execute geometry.mac
 85      - CMakeLists.txt :                            83      - CMakeLists.txt :
 86        added geometry.mac to the list of files     84        added geometry.mac to the list of files to be copied to the build directory
 87                                                    85 
 88 02.11.2020 - B.Morgan tag radioprotection-V10-     86 02.11.2020 - B.Morgan tag radioprotection-V10-06-00
 89              Support same CMake version range      87              Support same CMake version range as core Geant4
 90                                                    88 
 91 30.10.2019 - S. Guatelli tag radioprotection-V     89 30.10.2019 - S. Guatelli tag radioprotection-V10-05-01
 92              using namespace std removed           90              using namespace std removed
 93                                                    91 
 94 31.01.2019 - I.Hrivnacova tag radioprotection-     92 31.01.2019 - I.Hrivnacova tag radioprotection-V10-05-00
 95              Merged GitHub PR #4: all Boolean      93              Merged GitHub PR #4: all Boolean operators now return G4bool.
 96                                                    94 
 97 19.11.2016 - A. Dotti   tag radioprotection-V1     95 19.11.2016 - A. Dotti   tag radioprotection-V10-02-01
 98       Explicit set of SD to manager                96       Explicit set of SD to manager
 99                                                    97 
100 28.10.2016 - G. Folger  tag radioprotection-V1     98 28.10.2016 - G. Folger  tag radioprotection-V10-02-00
101             Remove direct use of theParticleIt     99             Remove direct use of theParticleIterator, use GetParticleTableIterator().
102              fix required by clang39 on Linux     100              fix required by clang39 on Linux and MAC
103                                                   101 
104 06.03.2015 - A. Dotti. tag radioprotection-V10    102 06.03.2015 - A. Dotti. tag radioprotection-V10-01-00
105              removing unnecessary GPS in maste    103              removing unnecessary GPS in master
106                                                   104 
107 13.10.2014 - S. Guatelli. tag radioprotection-    105 13.10.2014 - S. Guatelli. tag radioprotection-V10-00-01
108              compilation warning with CLANG de    106              compilation warning with CLANG deleted (Run Action)
109                                                   107 
110 09.10.2014 - S. Guatelli. tag radioprotection-    108 09.10.2014 - S. Guatelli. tag radioprotection-V10-00-00
111              compilation errors and warning on    109              compilation errors and warning on cdash deleted
112                                                   110 
113 08.11.2013 - S. Guatelli. tag radioprotection-    111 08.11.2013 - S. Guatelli. tag radioprotection-V09-06-03
114              MT mode + analysis working           112              MT mode + analysis working
115                                                   113 
116 20.09.2013 - S. Guatelli. tag radioprotection-    114 20.09.2013 - S. Guatelli. tag radioprotection-V09-06-02
117              REMSIM example dismissed as it is    115              REMSIM example dismissed as it is out of date.
118              Replaced with characterisation of    116              Replaced with characterisation of novel diamond detector for
119              radiation protection, using micro    117              radiation protection, using microdosimetric approach.
120                                                   118 
121 04.02.2013 - G.Folger; tag radioprotection-V09    119 04.02.2013 - G.Folger; tag radioprotection-V09-06-01
122   Update for re    120   Update for renamed physics builders
123      GNUmakefile: correct G4INSTALL               121      GNUmakefile: correct G4INSTALL
124                                                   122 
125 14.12.2012 A. Ribon, tag radioprotection-V09-0    123 14.12.2012 A. Ribon, tag radioprotection-V09-06-00
126            Removed use of obsolete G4HadronQEl    124            Removed use of obsolete G4HadronQElasticPhysics.
127                                                   125 
128 28.11.2012 G. Cosmo, tag radioprotection-V09-0    126 28.11.2012 G. Cosmo, tag radioprotection-V09-05-03
129            Fixed cases of variable shadowing.     127            Fixed cases of variable shadowing.
130                                                   128 
131 25.10.2012 L. Pandola, tag radioprotection-V09    129 25.10.2012 L. Pandola, tag radioprotection-V09-05-02
132      Replace CMakeLists.txt to deal with UI/VI    130      Replace CMakeLists.txt to deal with UI/VIS
133                                                   131 
134 12.10.2012 G. Cosmo, tag radioprotection-V09-0    132 12.10.2012 G. Cosmo, tag radioprotection-V09-05-01
135            Explicit inclusion of units and con    133            Explicit inclusion of units and constants headers.
136                                                   134 
137 08.12.2011 P. Mato. tag radioprotection-V09-05    135 08.12.2011 P. Mato. tag radioprotection-V09-05-00
138            Added CMakeLists.txt file              136            Added CMakeLists.txt file
139                                                   137 
140 31.10.2011 L. Pandola. Migrated G4Exceptions t    138 31.10.2011 L. Pandola. Migrated G4Exceptions to the new scheme
141      tag radioprotection-V09-04-02                139      tag radioprotection-V09-04-02
142                                                   140 
143 23.09.2011 S. Guatelli. Scoring mesh introduce    141 23.09.2011 S. Guatelli. Scoring mesh introduced.
144            G4Analysis component subtitutes AID    142            G4Analysis component subtitutes AIDA/PI analysis
145            tag radioprotection-V09-04-01          143            tag radioprotection-V09-04-01
146                                                   144 
147 21.09.2011 S. Guatelli. Update of the physics     145 21.09.2011 S. Guatelli. Update of the physics list,
148            tag radioprotection-V09-04-00          146            tag radioprotection-V09-04-00
149                                                   147 
150 18.11.2010 J.Allison, tag radioprotection-V09-    148 18.11.2010 J.Allison, tag radioprotection-V09-03-03
151            Introduce G4UIExecutive.               149            Introduce G4UIExecutive.
152                                                   150 
153 09.11.2010 M.Asai, tag radioprotection-V09-03-    151 09.11.2010 M.Asai, tag radioprotection-V09-03-02
154            Fix AIDA file option                   152            Fix AIDA file option
155                                                   153 
156 06.06.2010 J. Perl, tag radioprotection-V09-03    154 06.06.2010 J. Perl, tag radioprotection-V09-03-01
157      Remove unused variable in EventAction        155      Remove unused variable in EventAction
158                                                   156 
159 03.06.2010 J. Perl, tag radioprotection-V09-03    157 03.06.2010 J. Perl, tag radioprotection-V09-03-00
160      Update vis usage                             158      Update vis usage
161                                                   159 
162 16.11.2009 S. Guatelli, tag radioprotection-V0    160 16.11.2009 S. Guatelli, tag radioprotection-V09-02-04
163      analysis output format is changed to xml     161      analysis output format is changed to xml
164                                                   162 
165 12.11.2009 S. Guatelli, tag radioprotection-V0    163 12.11.2009 S. Guatelli, tag radioprotection-V09-02-01
166      Physics List updated                         164      Physics List updated
167                                                   165 
168 08.04.2009 G.A.P.Cirrone, tag radioprotection-    166 08.04.2009 G.A.P.Cirrone, tag radioprotection-V09-02-00
169            GNUmakefile updated                    167            GNUmakefile updated
170                                                   168 
171 6 March 2009 Guy Barrand (in agreement with G.    169 6 March 2009 Guy Barrand (in agreement with G.Cosmo)
172 - GNUmakefile : remove the G4ANALYSIS_USE logi    170 - GNUmakefile : remove the G4ANALYSIS_USE logic found in this file
173   since it is handled already in the config/an    171   since it is handled already in the config/analysis.gmk.
174   This avoids a duplication in the compilation    172   This avoids a duplication in the compilation and link commands
175   of the aida-config options.                     173   of the aida-config options.
176                                                   174 
177 06.06.2007 MGP tag radioprotection-V08-03-00      175 06.06.2007 MGP tag radioprotection-V08-03-00
178            Minor documentation update             176            Minor documentation update
179                                                   177 
180 15th November 2006 Susanna Guatelli (radioprot    178 15th November 2006 Susanna Guatelli (radioprotection-V08-01-00)
181 - The hadronic physics lists are more clear.      179 - The hadronic physics lists are more clear.
182                                                   180 
183 31th May 2006 Susanna Guatelli(radioprotection    181 31th May 2006 Susanna Guatelli(radioprotection-V08-00-01)
184 - Added histograms                                182 - Added histograms
185 - Added comments                                  183 - Added comments
186                                                   184 
187 15th March 2006 Susanna Guatelli(radioprotecti    185 15th March 2006 Susanna Guatelli(radioprotection-V08-00-00)
188 - Pion absorption at rest introduced in  RemSi    186 - Pion absorption at rest introduced in
189 - Added more histograms                           187 - Added more histograms
190 - Primary particle generator can handle spectr    188 - Primary particle generator can handle spectra
191                                                   189 
192 7th December 2005 Susanna Guatelli (radioprote    190 7th December 2005 Susanna Guatelli (radioprotection-V07-01-04)
193 - Macros updated                                  191 - Macros updated
194 - Comment deleted from                  192 - Comment deleted from
195                                                   193 
196 2nd December 2005 Susanna Guatelli (radioprote    194 2nd December 2005 Susanna Guatelli (radioprotection-V07-01-03)
197 - Ions updated                                    195 - Ions updated
198 - General Particle source introduced              196 - General Particle source introduced
199 - Macros updated                                  197 - Macros updated
200 - README updated                                  198 - README updated
201                                                   199 
202 23th November 2005 Susanna Guatelli (radioprot    200 23th November 2005 Susanna Guatelli (radioprotection-V07-01-02)
203 - Ions introduced                                 201 - Ions introduced
204                                                   202 
205 23th November 2005 Susanna Guatelli (radioprot    203 23th November 2005 Susanna Guatelli (radioprotection-V07-01-01)
206 - Deleted warning due to standard C++ librarie    204 - Deleted warning due to standard C++ libraries concerning reading
207 external files                                    205 external files
208 - Added Eta and EtaPrime as particles             206 - Added Eta and EtaPrime as particles
209                                                   207 
210 8th September 2005  Susanna Guatelli  (radiopr    208 8th September 2005  Susanna Guatelli  (radioprotection-V07-01-00)
211 - Deleted bug. The bug appears at the end of t    209 - Deleted bug. The bug appears at the end of the execution of the simulation.
212   The bug consists in a segmentation fault app    210   The bug consists in a segmentation fault appearing after the delete
213   of the run manager. The bug appeared with pl    211   of the run manager. The bug appeared with platform slc3.
214   It is due to a bug in G4hLowEnergyIonisation    212   It is due to a bug in G4hLowEnergyIonisation.
215                                                   213 
216 30th May 2005  Susanna Guatelli  (radioprotect    214 30th May 2005  Susanna Guatelli  (radioprotection-V07-00-05)
217 - Code review, analysis with AIDA 3.2.1 and PI    215 - Code review, analysis with AIDA 3.2.1 and PI 1.3.3
218                                                   216 
219 3rd May 2005  John Allison  (examples-V07-00-0    217 3rd May 2005  John Allison  (examples-V07-00-03)
220 - Replaced vis manager with G4VisExecutive.       218 - Replaced vis manager with G4VisExecutive.
221                                                   219 
222 11.2004 - Binary cascade approach added           220 11.2004 - Binary cascade approach added
223                                                   221 
224 11.2004 - Option to define the format of the o    222 11.2004 - Option to define the format of the output file hbook or xml
225                                                   223 
226 11.2004 - Add histograms                          224 11.2004 - Add histograms
227                                                   225 
228 05.2004 - Design iteration with Decorator Desi    226 05.2004 - Design iteration with Decorator Design pattern
229                                                   227 
230 01.2004 - S.Guatelli                              228 01.2004 - S.Guatelli
231           First implementation                    229           First implementation
232                                                   230