Geant4 Cross Reference |
1 ============================================== 2 ---------------Geant4 doiPET example---------- 3 ============================================== 4 Author list to be updated, with names of co-a 5 6 Abdella M. Ahmed (1, 2), Andrew Chacon (1, 2) 7 Hideaki Tashima (3), Go Akamatsu (3), Akram M 8 Susanna Guatelli (2), and Mitra Safavi-Naeini 9 10 *Corresponding authors 11 e-mail: 12 13 14 15 (1) Australian Nuclear Science and Technology 16 (2) University of Wollongong, Australia 17 (3) National Institute of Radiological Science 18 19 ============================================== 20 21 Introduction: 22 23 This example simulates depth-of-interaction (d 24 and NEMA NU phantoms.The example can be execut 25 of identifying crystal ID are presented. 26 27 - The center of mass of the position of int 28 29 * Note: the following steps are performed if 30 the inputParameter.txt 31 - Four ideal photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) ar 32 - Perform Anger type calculation method to i 33 - Shift the position response based on the r 34 - DOI is identified by using a look-up-table 35 - Crystal ID in 3D is determined 36 37 The above steps are illustrated figuratively i 38 39 ============================================== 40 1-Geometry and Phantoms 41 42 The detector construction has two main parts: 43 44 The PET system is constructed from depth-of-in 45 of 16 x 16 x 4 crystal array constructed from 46 DefineMaterials() using Geant4 NIST database. 47 in the GlobalParameters.hh file. 48 49 The scanner has 4 ring detectors. The detector 50 elements, as well as adjacent rings are introd 51 52 Various types of NEMA NU phantoms has been pro 53 To precisely create the image quality phantom, 54 has been used. The type, position and size of 55 A macro file is provided for each type of phan 56 phantom, the run_imageQualityPhantom_wholeBody 57 58 2- PHYSICS LIST 59 60 The physics list contains standard electromagn 61 defined in the PhysicsList class as a Geant4 m 62 - G4DecayPhysics - defines all particles an 63 - G4RadioactiveDecayPhysics - defines radio 64 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option3 - defines EM 65 66 3- ACTION INITALIZATION 67 68 The ActionInitialization class instantiates 69 ActionInitialization::Build(). 70 71 4- PRIMARY GENERATOR 72 73 The default particle beam is F-18 ion at rest 74 of activity distribution. Various macro files 75 macro files are provided: 76 77 run_imageQualityPhantom_wholeBody.mac 78 run_imageQualityPhantom_smallAnimal.mac 79 run_NECR.mac 80 run_sensitivity.mac 81 run_spatialResolution.mac 82 run_normalization.mac (This one is not given i 83 84 5-EVENT ACTION 85 86 At the end of each event, the information is e 87 (multimap and set methods) and the containers 88 89 90 6- STEPPING ACTION 91 92 The SteppingAction class is the one which is u 93 photon with the crystal and the phantoms are e 94 is passed into the class, which ou 95 96 Generation of the source (F-18 ion) is confine 97 the physical volume. 98 99 7-ANALYSIS 100 101 In the doiPETAnalysis class, several realistic 102 crystal dependent energy resoltion, etc are p 103 104 ***** Geant4 ROOT ANALYSIS 105 /Path/doiPET/build/ and type: 106 cmake -DWITH_ANALYSIS_USE=ON -DGeant4_DIR=/pat 107 108 109 ***** How to run a simulation: 110 111 Be in the build director 112 /Path/doiPET/build/ cmake ../ 113 /Path/doiPET/build/ make 114 /Path/doiPET/build/ ./doiPET run.mac 115 116 Simulation output: 117 118 ASCII and ROOT files are created depending on 119 120 EventID, BlockID, tangentialCrystalID, AxialCr 121 122 The user can choose to make the output either 123 124 #Choose the type of output: singlesOutput or c 125 TypeOfOutput: coincidenceOutput 126 127 - Use the code analysis.cpp to analyse the raw 128 Before compiling, change the option in the hea 129 as follows: 130 131 132 Compile: g++ analysis.cpp -o analysis `roo 133 Run: ./analysis 134 135 Then, the axial sensitivity will be saved in a 136 137 The reference data for this example are in: ht 138 The user can compare his/her simulation result 139 =================== end ====================