Geant4 Cross Reference |
1 // 1 2 // ******************************************* 3 // * License and Disclaimer 4 // * 5 // * The Geant4 software is copyright of th 6 // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided 7 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License 8 // * LICENSE and available at 9 // * include a list of copyright holders. 10 // * 11 // * Neither the authors of this software syst 12 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing fin 13 // * work make any representation or warran 14 // * regarding this software system or assum 15 // * use. Please see the license in the file 16 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitatio 17 // * 18 // * This code implementation is the result 19 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboratio 20 // * By using, copying, modifying or distri 21 // * any work based on the software) you ag 22 // * use in resulting scientific publicati 23 // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Sof 24 // ******************************************* 25 // 26 // 27 /// file:EventAction.hh 28 /// brief: 29 #ifndef MOLECULAR_EVENT_ACTION_HH 30 #define MOLECULAR_EVENT_ACTION_HH 31 32 #include "G4ThreeVector.hh" 33 #include "G4UserEventAction.hh" 34 #include "globals.hh" 35 36 #include <map> 37 #include <vector> 38 39 class AnalysisManager; 40 41 class DNAHit; 42 43 class ChromosomeHit; 44 45 class DNAGeometry; 46 47 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oo 48 49 class EventAction : public G4UserEventAction 50 { 51 public: 52 explicit EventAction(AnalysisManager*); 53 54 ~EventAction() override = default; 55 56 void BeginOfEventAction(const G4Event*) ov 57 58 void EndOfEventAction(const G4Event*) over 59 60 void AddDNAHit(const DNAHit* hit) { fDNAHi 61 62 void AddChromosomeEdep(const G4String&, co 63 64 void AddCellEdep(const G4double&); 65 66 void AddTrackLengthCell(const G4double&); 67 68 void AddTrackLengthChro(const G4double&); 69 70 void SetPrimStopPos(const G4ThreeVector& p 71 72 void Initialize(); 73 74 private: 75 G4bool fInitialized = false; 76 AnalysisManager* fAnalysisManager; 77 DNAGeometry* fDNAGeometry = nullptr; 78 std::map<uint32_t, ChromosomeHit*> fChromo 79 std::vector<const DNAHit*> fDNAHits; 80 G4double fEdepCell = 0; // dousatsu 81 G4double fTraLenCell = 0; // dousatsu 82 G4double fTraLenChro = 0; // dousatsu 83 G4ThreeVector fprimstoppos = G4ThreeVector 84 }; 85 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oo 86 87 #endif // MOLECULAR_EVENT_ACTION_HH 88