Geant4 Cross Reference

Cross-Referencing   Geant4

Version: [ ReleaseNotes ] [ 1.0 ] [ 1.1 ] [ 2.0 ] [ 3.0 ] [ 3.1 ] [ 3.2 ] [ 4.0 ] [ 4.0.p1 ] [ 4.0.p2 ] [ 4.1 ] [ 4.1.p1 ] [ 5.0 ] [ 5.0.p1 ] [ 5.1 ] [ 5.1.p1 ] [ 5.2 ] [ 5.2.p1 ] [ 5.2.p2 ] [ 6.0 ] [ 6.0.p1 ] [ 6.1 ] [ 6.2 ] [ 6.2.p1 ] [ 6.2.p2 ] [ 7.0 ] [ 7.0.p1 ] [ 7.1 ] [ 7.1.p1 ] [ 8.0 ] [ 8.0.p1 ] [ 8.1 ] [ 8.1.p1 ] [ 8.1.p2 ] [ 8.2 ] [ 8.2.p1 ] [ 8.3 ] [ 8.3.p1 ] [ 8.3.p2 ] [ 9.0 ] [ 9.0.p1 ] [ 9.0.p2 ] [ 9.1 ] [ 9.1.p1 ] [ 9.1.p2 ] [ 9.1.p3 ] [ 9.2 ] [ 9.2.p1 ] [ 9.2.p2 ] [ 9.2.p3 ] [ 9.2.p4 ] [ 9.3 ] [ 9.3.p1 ] [ 9.3.p2 ] [ 9.4 ] [ 9.4.p1 ] [ 9.4.p2 ] [ 9.4.p3 ] [ 9.4.p4 ] [ 9.5 ] [ 9.5.p1 ] [ 9.5.p2 ] [ 9.6 ] [ 9.6.p1 ] [ 9.6.p2 ] [ 9.6.p3 ] [ 9.6.p4 ] [ 10.0 ] [ 10.0.p1 ] [ 10.0.p2 ] [ 10.0.p3 ] [ 10.0.p4 ] [ 10.1 ] [ 10.1.p1 ] [ 10.1.p2 ] [ 10.1.p3 ] [ 10.2 ] [ 10.2.p1 ] [ 10.2.p2 ] [ 10.2.p3 ] [ 10.3 ] [ 10.3.p1 ] [ 10.3.p2 ] [ 10.3.p3 ] [ 10.4 ] [ 10.4.p1 ] [ 10.4.p2 ] [ 10.4.p3 ] [ 10.5 ] [ 10.5.p1 ] [ 10.6 ] [ 10.6.p1 ] [ 10.6.p2 ] [ 10.6.p3 ] [ 10.7 ] [ 10.7.p1 ] [ 10.7.p2 ] [ 10.7.p3 ] [ 10.7.p4 ] [ 11.0 ] [ 11.0.p1 ] [ 11.0.p2 ] [ 11.0.p3, ] [ 11.0.p4 ] [ 11.1 ] [ 11.1.1 ] [ 11.1.2 ] [ 11.1.3 ] [ 11.2 ] [ 11.2.1 ] [ 11.2.2 ] [ 11.3.0 ]

Diff markup

Differences between /examples/advanced/air_shower/History (Version 11.3.0) and /examples/advanced/air_shower/History (Version 11.2)

  1 # Example air_shower History                        1 # Example air_shower History
  2                                                     2 
  3 See `CONTRIBUTING.rst` for details of **requir      3 See `CONTRIBUTING.rst` for details of **required** info/format for each entry,
  4 which **must** added in reverse chronological       4 which **must** added in reverse chronological order (newest at the top). It must **not**
  5 be used as a substitute for writing good git c      5 be used as a substitute for writing good git commit messages!
  6                                                     6 
  7 ## 2023-11-15 I. Hrivnacova (air_shower-V11-01      7 ## 2023-11-15 I. Hrivnacova (air_shower-V11-01-01)
  8 - Updated OpenVis.mac:                              8 - Updated OpenVis.mac:
  9   - Changed "/vis/open XYZ [600x600-0+0]" to "      9   - Changed "/vis/open XYZ [600x600-0+0]" to "/vis/open" to allow run-time choices
 10     and simplified comments.                       10     and simplified comments.
 11                                                    11 
 12 ## 2023-11-09 Bernardo Tome (air_shower-V11-01     12 ## 2023-11-09 Bernardo Tome (air_shower-V11-01-00)
 13 - Address the warning message regarding the si     13 - Address the warning message regarding the size of the material property vector
 14                                                    14 
 15 ## 2022-02-22 Daren Sawkey (air_shower-V11-00-     15 ## 2022-02-22 Daren Sawkey (air_shower-V11-00-01)
 16 - All material properties in order of increasi     16 - All material properties in order of increasing energy
 17                                                    17 
 18 ## 2021-12-10 Ben Morgan (air_shower-V11-00-00     18 ## 2021-12-10 Ben Morgan (air_shower-V11-00-00)
 19 - Change to new Markdown History format            19 - Change to new Markdown History format
 20                                                    20 
 21 ---                                                21 ---
 22                                                    22 
 23 # History entries prior to 11.0                    23 # History entries prior to 11.0
 24                                                    24 
 25 11.11.2021 - B. Tome (air_shower-V10-07-04)        25 11.11.2021 - B. Tome (air_shower-V10-07-04)
 26              Start using C++11 guidelines          26              Start using C++11 guidelines
 27                                                    27 
 28 06.11.2021 - I. Hrivnacova (air_shower-V10-07-     28 06.11.2021 - I. Hrivnacova (air_shower-V10-07-03)
 29              Added analysis manager Clear() ca     29              Added analysis manager Clear() call instead of
 30              deleting in the end of run (remov     30              deleting in the end of run (removed on July 19)
 31                                                    31 
 32 07.10.2021 - I. Hrivnacova (air_shower-V10-07-     32 07.10.2021 - I. Hrivnacova (air_shower-V10-07-02)
 33              Migration to new G4AnalysisManage     33              Migration to new G4AnalysisManager.hh header;
 34              define the default output file ty     34              define the default output file type (root),
 35              removed UltraAnalysisManager.hh.      35              removed UltraAnalysisManager.hh.
 36                                                    36 
 37 19.07.2021 - I. Hrivnacova (air_shower-V10-07-     37 19.07.2021 - I. Hrivnacova (air_shower-V10-07-01)
 38              Updated for changes in the analys     38              Updated for changes in the analysis category:
 39              removed deleting of the analysis      39              removed deleting of the analysis manager,
 40              as this is now done by the Geant4     40              as this is now done by the Geant4 kernel.
 41                                                    41 
 42 24.05.2021 - B. Morgan (air_shower-V10-07-00)      42 24.05.2021 - B. Morgan (air_shower-V10-07-00)
 43              Bump required CMake version range     43              Bump required CMake version range to 3.12...3.20, matching core Geant4
 44                                                    44 
 45 14.11.2020 - S. Guatelli(air_shower-V10-06-04)     45 14.11.2020 - S. Guatelli(air_shower-V10-06-04)
 46              Migration to G4RunFactoryManager      46              Migration to G4RunFactoryManager
 47                                                    47 
 48 05.11.2020 - B.Tome (air_shower-V10-06-03)         48 05.11.2020 - B.Tome (air_shower-V10-06-03)
 49              Output results histograms to ROOT     49              Output results histograms to ROOT file
 50              Add ROOT macro file to plot histo     50              Add ROOT macro file to plot histograms
 51                                                    51 
 52 03.11.2020 - D.Sawkey (air_shower-V10-06-02)       52 03.11.2020 - D.Sawkey (air_shower-V10-06-02)
 53              Create material properties using      53              Create material properties using std::vectors
 54                                                    54 
 55 02.11.2020 - B.Morgan (air_shower-V10-06-01)       55 02.11.2020 - B.Morgan (air_shower-V10-06-01)
 56              Support same CMake version range      56              Support same CMake version range as core Geant4
 57                                                    57 
 58 29.05.2020 - D.Sawkey (air_shower-V10-06-00)       58 29.05.2020 - D.Sawkey (air_shower-V10-06-00)
 59              added an #include to UltraDetecto     59              added an #include to UltraDetectorConstruction, due to optical
 60              physics changes.                      60              physics changes.
 61                                                    61 
 62 8 November, 2019 B. Tomé (air_shower-V10-05-0     62 8 November, 2019 B. Tomé (air_shower-V10-05-01)
 63 - Minor changes, mainly stetics.                   63 - Minor changes, mainly stetics.
 64                                                    64 
 65 31.01.2019 - I.Hrivnacova (air_shower-V10-05-0     65 31.01.2019 - I.Hrivnacova (air_shower-V10-05-00)
 66              Merged GitHub PR #4: all Boolean      66              Merged GitHub PR #4: all Boolean operators now return G4bool.
 67                                                    67 
 68 09.11.2018 - B. Tome (air_shower-V10-04-04)        68 09.11.2018 - B. Tome (air_shower-V10-04-04)
 69              Allow to remove reflecting surfac     69              Allow to remove reflecting surface.
 70                                                    70 
 71 09.11.2018 - B. Tome (air_shower-V10-04-03)        71 09.11.2018 - B. Tome (air_shower-V10-04-03)
 72              Add UltraMacro.mac to CMakeLists.     72              Add UltraMacro.mac to CMakeLists.txt
 73                                                    73 
 74 09.11.2018 - B. Tome (air_shower-V10-04-02)        74 09.11.2018 - B. Tome (air_shower-V10-04-02)
 75        Reorganise macros. Add new macros.          75        Reorganise macros. Add new macros.
 76              Reorganise and simplify code in U     76              Reorganise and simplify code in UltraDetectorConstruction.
 77              Geometry can now be changed in th     77              Geometry can now be changed in the same interactive session.
 78                                                    78 
 79 08.11.2018 - B. Tome (air_shower-V10-04-01)        79 08.11.2018 - B. Tome (air_shower-V10-04-01)
 80        Drop detector configuration through pre     80        Drop detector configuration through preprocessor directives. Use detector messenger instead.
 81        New macros for visualisation, replacing     81        New macros for visualisation, replacing preprocessor options.
 82        No default PrimaryGeneratorAction in Us     82        No default PrimaryGeneratorAction in UserActionInitialization.
 83                                                    83 
 84 10.05.2018 - B. Morgan (air_shower-V10-04-00)      84 10.05.2018 - B. Morgan (air_shower-V10-04-00)
 85        Include G4Types before use of G4MULTITH     85        Include G4Types before use of G4MULTITHREADED. For forward
 86        compatibility with move to #defines ove     86        compatibility with move to #defines over -D for G4 preprocessor
 87        symbols.                                    87        symbols.
 88                                                    88 
 89 09.03.2017 - G. Cosmo (air_shower-V10-03-00)       89 09.03.2017 - G. Cosmo (air_shower-V10-03-00)
 90        Updated setup for visualization in main     90        Updated setup for visualization in main() and Visualisation.mac.
 91                                                    91 
 92 21.11.2016 - G. Cosmo (air_shower-V10-02-03)       92 21.11.2016 - G. Cosmo (air_shower-V10-02-03)
 93        Fixed compilation warning for unused va     93        Fixed compilation warning for unused variable in
 94              UltraDetectorConstruction.            94              UltraDetectorConstruction.
 95                                                    95 
 96 19.11.2016 - A. Dotti (air_shower-V10-02-02)       96 19.11.2016 - A. Dotti (air_shower-V10-02-02)
 97        Explicit set of SD to manager               97        Explicit set of SD to manager
 98                                                    98 
 99 16.11.2016 - B. Tome                               99 16.11.2016 - B. Tome
100        Use modular physics lists.                 100        Use modular physics lists.
101        Remove drawing of step points from Visu    101        Remove drawing of step points from Visualisation.mac
102        Update History, README, CMakeLists.txt     102        Update History, README, CMakeLists.txt and GNUmakefile.
103                                                   103 
104 28.11.2016 - G. Folger  (air_shower-V10-02-01)    104 28.11.2016 - G. Folger  (air_shower-V10-02-01)
105              Replace direct use of theParticle    105              Replace direct use of theParticleIterator by GetParticleIterator().
106                fix required by clang39 on Wind    106                fix required by clang39 on Windows and MAC
107                                                   107 
108 03.03.2016 - L. Pandola (air_shower-V10-02-00)    108 03.03.2016 - L. Pandola (air_shower-V10-02-00)
109              Replace std::log with G4Log          109              Replace std::log with G4Log
110                                                   110 
111 14.04.2015 - G. Cosmo   (air_shower-V10-01-02)    111 14.04.2015 - G. Cosmo   (air_shower-V10-01-02)
112              Replaced call to obsolete GetDz()    112              Replaced call to obsolete GetDz() for G4Tubs to GetZHalfLength()
113              in UltraDetectorConstruction.        113              in UltraDetectorConstruction.
114                                                   114 
115 20.02.2015 - A. Dotti   (air_shower-V10-01-00)    115 20.02.2015 - A. Dotti   (air_shower-V10-01-00)
116              Set defaults for GPS in master th    116              Set defaults for GPS in master thread
117                                                   117 
118 04.06.2014 - A. Dotti   (air_shower-V10-00-00)    118 04.06.2014 - A. Dotti   (air_shower-V10-00-00)
119              New MT-ready GPS: migration          119              New MT-ready GPS: migration
120                                                   120 
121 22.10.2013 - L. Pandola (air_shower-V09-06-03)    121 22.10.2013 - L. Pandola (air_shower-V09-06-03)
122 add include for <cti    122 add include for <ctime>,
123              needed for Windows                   123              needed for Windows
124                                                   124 
125 21.10.2013 - L. Pandola (air_shower-V09-06-02)    125 21.10.2013 - L. Pandola (air_shower-V09-06-02)
126        Migrated to MT. Works in MT and sequent    126        Migrated to MT. Works in MT and sequential mode.
127        Removed RunActionMessenger and edited U    127        Removed RunActionMessenger and edited UltraMacro.mac
128        accordingly.                               128        accordingly.
129                                                   129 
130 27.08.2013 - G. Cosmo (air_shower-V09-06-01)      130 27.08.2013 - G. Cosmo (air_shower-V09-06-01)
131              Added G4Ellipsoid among solids en    131              Added G4Ellipsoid among solids enabled for parameterisation.
132                                                   132 
133 28.05.2013 - L. Pandola (air_shower-V09-06-00)    133 28.05.2013 - L. Pandola (air_shower-V09-06-00)
134        Migrate analysis from AIDA (with local     134        Migrate analysis from AIDA (with local singleton
135        analysis class) to the g4analysis tools    135        analysis class) to the g4analysis tools.
136        Remove AIDA dependency. CMakeLists.txt     136        Remove AIDA dependency. CMakeLists.txt and
137        README are updated accordingly             137        README are updated accordingly
138                                                   138 
139 28.11.2012 - G. Cosmo (air_shower-V09-05-07)      139 28.11.2012 - G. Cosmo (air_shower-V09-05-07)
140              Fixed cases of variable shadowing    140              Fixed cases of variable shadowing.
141                                                   141 
142 06.11.2012 - L. Pandola (air_shower-V09-05-06)    142 06.11.2012 - L. Pandola (air_shower-V09-05-06)
143              Fixed syntax in CMakeLists.txt.      143              Fixed syntax in CMakeLists.txt.
144                                                   144 
145 26.10.2012 - L. Pandola (air_shower-V09-05-05)    145 26.10.2012 - L. Pandola (air_shower-V09-05-05)
146        Replace CMakeLists.txt to deal with UI/    146        Replace CMakeLists.txt to deal with UI/VIS.
147                                                   147 
148 11.10.2012 - G.Cosmo (air_shower-V09-05-04)       148 11.10.2012 - G.Cosmo (air_shower-V09-05-04)
149        Explicit inclusion of units and constan    149        Explicit inclusion of units and constants headers.
150                                                   150 
151 26.06.2012 - G.Cosmo (air_shower-V09-05-03)       151 26.06.2012 - G.Cosmo (air_shower-V09-05-03)
152              Removed call to SetModel for opti    152              Removed call to SetModel for optical physics, according to
153              latest change to optical boundary    153              latest change to optical boundary process.
154                                                   154 
155 31.01.2012 - G.Folger (air_shower-V09-05-02)      155 31.01.2012 - G.Folger (air_shower-V09-05-02)
156              fix another compilation warning f    156              fix another compilation warning from gcc4.6: variables set but
157        not used, in src/       157        not used, in src/
158                                                   158 
159 18.01.2012 - G.Folger (air_shower-V09-05-01)      159 18.01.2012 - G.Folger (air_shower-V09-05-01)
160              fix compilation warnings from gcc    160              fix compilation warnings from gcc4.6: variables set but not used.
161                                                   161 
162 08.12.2011 - P.Mato (air_shower-V09-05-00)        162 08.12.2011 - P.Mato (air_shower-V09-05-00)
163        Added CMakeLists.txt file                  163        Added CMakeLists.txt file
164                                                   164 
165 31.10.2011 - L.Pandola (air_shower-V09-04-01)     165 31.10.2011 - L.Pandola (air_shower-V09-04-01)
166        Migrated G4Exceptions to the new scheme    166        Migrated G4Exceptions to the new scheme
167                                                   167 
168 17.01.2011 - G.A.P.Cirrone (air_shower-V09-04-    168 17.01.2011 - G.A.P.Cirrone (air_shower-V09-04-00)
169        Solved compilation error related to the    169        Solved compilation error related to the new CLHEP version
170                                                   170 
171 09.11.2010 - J.Allison (air_shower-V09-03-01)     171 09.11.2010 - J.Allison (air_shower-V09-03-01)
172              Inroduced G4UIExecutive.             172              Inroduced G4UIExecutive.
173                                                   173 
174 02.06.2010 - J.Perl (air_shower-V09-03-00)        174 02.06.2010 - J.Perl (air_shower-V09-03-00)
175              Updated vis usage                    175              Updated vis usage
176                                                   176 
177 16.11.2009 -- B. Tomé,                           177 16.11.2009 -- B. Tomé,
178               Tag air_shower-V09-02-06            178               Tag air_shower-V09-02-06
179               Changed to u    179               Changed to use new processes G4eMultipleScattering, G4MuMultipleScattering
180               and G4hMultipleScattering           180               and G4hMultipleScattering
181               Tested example air_shower with G    181               Tested example air_shower with Geant4 tag geant4-09-02-ref-10
182                                                   182 
183 15.05.2009 -- B. Tomé,                           183 15.05.2009 -- B. Tomé,
184               Updated README file. Tag air_sho    184               Updated README file. Tag air_shower-V09-01-00
185               Tested example with Geant4 tag g    185               Tested example with Geant4 tag geant4-09-02-ref-04 and iAIDA-1.0.14
186                                                   186 
187 10.12.2008 -- G.A.P.Cirrone, Tag: air_shower-V    187 10.12.2008 -- G.A.P.Cirrone, Tag: air_shower-V09-01-05
188               Updated README file;                188               Updated README file;
189 03.07.2008 -- B. Tomé;  Tag air_shower-V09-01    189 03.07.2008 -- B. Tomé;  Tag air_shower-V09-01-04
190               Access to private data members o    190               Access to private data members of UltraDetectorConstruction through Get functions.
191                                                   191 
192 03.07.2008 -- B. Tomé;  Tag air_shower-V09-01    192 03.07.2008 -- B. Tomé;  Tag air_shower-V09-01-03
193               Adjusted range of optical proper    193               Adjusted range of optical properties tables in UltraDetectorConstruction;
194               Added check of optical photon en    194               Added check of optical photon energy in UltraPrimaryGeneratorAction;
195               Cerenkov process attached to all    195               Cerenkov process attached to all applicable particles;
196               Modified Visualisation.mac and U    196               Modified Visualisation.mac and UltraMacro.mac files
197                                                   197 
198 26.06.2008 -- G.A.P.Cirrone; Tag air_shower-V0    198 26.06.2008 -- G.A.P.Cirrone; Tag air_shower-V09-01-02
199               Corrected a parameter in the Ult    199               Corrected a parameter in the UltraDetectorConstruction to remove a segmentation
200         due to a non correct definition of the    200         due to a non correct definition of the refraction index of the Quartz.
201                                                   201 
202 15.06.2008 -- G.A.P.Cirrone; Tag: air_shower-V    202 15.06.2008 -- G.A.P.Cirrone; Tag: air_shower-V09-01-01
203               Removed no more necessary AIDA c    203               Removed no more necessary AIDA commands from GNUmakefile
204                                                   204 
205 11.06.2008 -- G.A.P.Cirrone air_shower-V09-01-    205 11.06.2008 -- G.A.P.Cirrone air_shower-V09-01-00
206               Solved a compilation error in th    206               Solved a compilation error in the Analysis Manager
207                                                   207 
208 30.09.2007 -- P.Gumplinger - air_shower-V09-00    208 30.09.2007 -- P.Gumplinger - air_shower-V09-00-00
209            -- adjust to the G4Cerenkov process    209            -- adjust to the G4Cerenkov process now being a G4VDiscreteProcess
210                                                   210 
211 16.11.2006 -- B. Tome  - air_shower-V08-01-00     211 16.11.2006 -- B. Tome  - air_shower-V08-01-00
212            -- Tested with candidate tag geant4    212            -- Tested with candidate tag geant4-08-02-cand-00.
213            -- - Removed invocation of    213            -- - Removed invocation of Visualisation.mac if argc==1.
214                                                   214 
215 02.06.2006 -- B. Tome - air_shower-V08-00-01      215 02.06.2006 -- B. Tome - air_shower-V08-00-01
216            -- : Removed use     216            -- : Removed use of visualization UI commands.
217            -- Small changes in UltraPrimaryGen    217            -- Small changes in
218                                                   218 
219 17.05.2006 -- B. Tome - air_shower-V08-00-00      219 17.05.2006 -- B. Tome - air_shower-V08-00-00
220            -- Small fix correction                220            -- Small fix correction
221                                                   221 
222 7.12.2005 -- S. Guatelli - air_shower-V07-01-0    222 7.12.2005 -- S. Guatelli - air_shower-V07-01-02
223           -- Compile with CLHEP           223           -- Compile with CLHEP
224                                                   224 
225 6.12.2005 -- S. Guatelli - air_shower-V07-01-0    225 6.12.2005 -- S. Guatelli - air_shower-V07-01-01
226           -- Warning deleted                      226           -- Warning deleted
227                                                   227 
228 15.11.2005 -- G.Cosmo - air_shower-V07-01-00      228 15.11.2005 -- G.Cosmo - air_shower-V07-01-00
229            -- Migration to <sstream> from depr    229            -- Migration to <sstream> from deprecated <strstream>.
230                                                   230 
231 06.06.2005 -- B.Tome - air_shower-V07-00-01       231 06.06.2005 -- B.Tome - air_shower-V07-00-01
232            -- README updated; analysis with AI    232            -- README updated; analysis with AIDA 3.2.1 and PI 1.3.3.
233                                                   233 
234 06.06.2005 -- G.Cosmo - air_shower-V07-00-00      234 06.06.2005 -- G.Cosmo - air_shower-V07-00-00
235            -- Corrected usage of <strstream> i    235            -- Corrected usage of <strstream> in RunActionMessenger.
236            -- Corrected call to Visualisation.    236            -- Corrected call to Visualisation.mac from
237            -- Changed viewer to OGLSX in Visua    237            -- Changed viewer to OGLSX in Visualisation.mac.
238                                                   238 
239 03.05.2005 -- J.Allison                           239 03.05.2005 -- J.Allison
240            -- Replaced vis manager with G4VisE    240            -- Replaced vis manager with G4VisExecutive.
241                                                   241 
242 10.12.2004 -- air_shower-V06-02-02                242 10.12.2004 -- air_shower-V06-02-02
243            -- Replaced usage of M_PI with CLHE    243            -- Replaced usage of M_PI with CLHEP's pi.
244                                                   244 
245 24.11.2004 -- air_shower-V06-02-01                245 24.11.2004 -- air_shower-V06-02-01
246            -- Migration to the new tree-struct    246            -- Migration to the new tree-structured command format for G4GeneralParticleSource:
247               - new UI commands implemented       247               - new UI commands implemented
248               - changed access to public metho    248               - changed access to public methods of G4GeneralParticleSource in
249                 UltraPrimaryGenerationAction;     249                 UltraPrimaryGenerationAction; methods of G4SPSxxxDistribution are now used.
250            -- Migration to <cmath>                250            -- Migration to <cmath>
251                                                   251 
252 20.05.2004 -- Example committed                   252 20.05.2004 -- Example committed