Geant4 Cross Reference |
1 1 2 ========================================= 2 ========================================================= 3 Geant4 - Solid-target cyclotron 3 Geant4 - Solid-target cyclotron example 4 ========================================= 4 ========================================================= 5 5 6 README 6 README 7 --------------------- 7 --------------------- 8 8 9 // 9 // 10 // March 2014 - September 2014 10 // March 2014 - September 2014 // 11 // The code was written by : 11 // The code was written by : // 12 // Floriane Poignant - floriane 12 // Floriane Poignant - // 13 // with the support of Scott Pe 13 // with the support of Scott Penfold (University of Adelaide, Australia) // 14 // 14 // // 15 // for a colloboration work between the Unive 15 // for a colloboration work between the University of Adelaide & the SAHMRI // 16 // (J. Asp, P. Takhar) 16 // (J. Asp, P. Takhar) // 17 // 17 // // 18 //******************************************** 18 //******************************************************************************************// 19 19 20 ------------------------------- 20 ------------------------------- 21 ---- I) Introduction ---- 21 ---- I) Introduction ---- 22 ------------------------------- 22 ------------------------------- 23 23 24 24 25 This project was realised by F. Poignant at th 25 This project was realised by F. Poignant at the University of Adelaide, for a collaboration 26 between the University of Adelaide, the SAHMRI 26 between the University of Adelaide, the SAHMRI and Comecer (company in charge of the design 27 of the solid target). The aim was to model a s 27 of the solid target). The aim was to model a solid target of the cyclotron to study to 28 production of the radioisotope of interest for 28 production of the radioisotope of interest for proton irradiation, and to be able to estimate 29 any undesired secondary product, especially is 29 any undesired secondary product, especially isotopes of the product of interest. 30 30 31 For more details about this project and the re 31 For more details about this project and the results, see : 32 32 33 33 34 34 35 Anyone who would like to study the production 35 Anyone who would like to study the production of radioisotope for low current and low energy 36 irradiation can use this simulation. 36 irradiation can use this simulation. 37 37 38 The solid target system is made of a tube surr 38 The solid target system is made of a tube surrounded by aluminium, a foil, a volume of helium 39 between the foild and the target, and the targ 39 between the foild and the target, and the target set on a plate of platinium. 40 40 41 ------------------------------------ 41 ------------------------------------ 42 ---- II) Setting the database ---- 42 ---- II) Setting the database ---- 43 ------------------------------------ 43 ------------------------------------ 44 44 45 Beforehand, you first need to make sure that t 45 Beforehand, you first need to make sure that the database used for inelastic collisions of primary 46 particles is set up correctly. You can downloa 46 particles is set up correctly. You can download formated data of the TENDL and ENDF-VII0 database 47 at the following links: 47 at the following links: 48 48 49 TENDL data: 49 TENDL data: 50 - CMake can download and install this dataset, 50 - CMake can download and install this dataset, add 51 -DGEANT4_INSTALL_DATASETS_TENDL=ON 51 -DGEANT4_INSTALL_DATASETS_TENDL=ON 52 to your CMake options. 52 to your CMake options. 53 - or, download via download page searching for 53 - or, download via download page searching for TENDL download 54 54 55 - or direct download: 55 - or direct download: 56 56 57 57 58 ENDF-VII0: 58 ENDF-VII0: 59 (G4 L 59 (G4 Low Energy Nuclear Data) 60 60 61 In your bashrc file, add the following: 61 In your bashrc file, add the following: 62 export G4PARTICLEHPDATA=/PATH_TO_TENDL____OR__ 62 export G4PARTICLEHPDATA=/PATH_TO_TENDL____OR____ENDF_DATABASE 63 export G4NEUTRONHPDATA=/PATHTO_GEANT4_INSTALLA 63 export G4NEUTRONHPDATA=/PATHTO_GEANT4_INSTALLATION_FOLDER/share/Geant4-vXX.XX/data/G4NDL4.5 64 export G4PHP_DO_NOT_ADJUST_FINAL_STATE=1 64 export G4PHP_DO_NOT_ADJUST_FINAL_STATE=1 65 export G4PHP_MULTIPLICITY_METHOD=Poisson 65 export G4PHP_MULTIPLICITY_METHOD=Poisson 66 66 67 67 68 ------------------------------------ 68 ------------------------------------ 69 ---- III) Input parameters ---- 69 ---- III) Input parameters ---- 70 ------------------------------------ 70 ------------------------------------ 71 71 72 -----Macro/init_parameters.mac, file available 72 -----Macro/init_parameters.mac, file available also in the main directory. 73 73 74 To study the optimization of the isotope produ 74 To study the optimization of the isotope production, a list of parameters can be changed in 75 the Macro/init_parameters.mac (or using the Ge 75 the Macro/init_parameters.mac (or using the Geant4 User Interface): 76 76 77 PART1) Beam parameters 77 PART1) Beam parameters 78 78 79 Different parameters can be changed for the 79 Different parameters can be changed for the beam : type of particle, energy, energy distribution, 80 shape of the beam, etc ... To design your o 80 shape of the beam, etc ... To design your own beam, please refer to the Geant4 User's Guide for 81 Application Developpers. 81 Application Developpers. 82 82 83 Time and current parameters 83 Time and current parameters 84 As Geant4 doesn't model any time scale, the 84 As Geant4 doesn't model any time scale, the current/particles generated relation is established as 85 the following: 85 the following: 86 - for one event generated, the number of pa 86 - for one event generated, the number of particles represent 10E-11 second of a real experiment. It 87 is calculated the following way : 87 is calculated the following way : 88 NumberOfParticle = beamCurrent*time 88 NumberOfParticle = beamCurrent*timePerEvent/chargeParticle 89 where - beamCurrent is a parameter that 89 where - beamCurrent is a parameter that can be changed, in ampere 90 - timePerEvent is set to 10E-11 sec 90 - timePerEvent is set to 10E-11 second. 91 - chargetParticle is the charger of the 91 - chargetParticle is the charger of the particle 92 in Coulomb (for example, the value is 1 92 in Coulomb (for example, the value is 1.9E-19 C for proton). 93 Then, the user can choose the time of irrad 93 Then, the user can choose the time of irradiation. Note that a simulation for a real time of irradiation 94 would be too long. The time of irradiation 94 would be too long. The time of irradiation parameter enables to get results for the real time of irradiation 95 from a smaller time simulation. 95 from a smaller time simulation. 96 96 97 PART2) Target parameters: 97 PART2) Target parameters: 98 - the target thickness. Must be smaller tha 98 - the target thickness. Must be smaller than 38.32 mm, which is the length of the tube containing the target. 99 - the target diameter. Must be smaller than 99 - the target diameter. Must be smaller than 15 mm, which is the diameter of the tube containing the target. 100 - the target material : there are two ways 100 - the target material : there are two ways to change the material of the target : 101 - If the material is natural, the user c 101 - If the material is natural, the user can choose to use the NIST database. 102 - If the material is enriched, the user 102 - If the material is enriched, the user can set up their own material. The material created is made of a 103 number of elements. The number of elemen 103 number of elements. The number of elements can be set up by the user. Then, one element can be created in 104 two different ways : it can be a natural 104 two different ways : it can be a natural element, using the NIST database, or it can be made of a number 105 of isotopes that the user can set up. Pl 105 of isotopes that the user can set up. Please, note that the order to declare parameters is important and 106 has to be the following : 106 has to be the following : 107 1) Material settings 107 1) Material settings 108 2) Element i settings 108 2) Element i settings 109 3) Isotopes settings for the elemen 109 3) Isotopes settings for the element i 110 4) Element i+1 settings 110 4) Element i+1 settings 111 5) Isotopes settings for the elemen 111 5) Isotopes settings for the element i+1, .... and so on. 112 For example, to create an target of nick 112 For example, to create an target of nickel enriched to 60% of Ni64 : one will create a new material, made 113 of two elements : natural nickel and pur 113 of two elements : natural nickel and pure Ni64. The natural nickel will be an element created using the NIST 114 database. The pure Ni64 will be an eleme 114 database. The pure Ni64 will be an element made of one isotope : Ni64. In case you want to create a pure 64Ni 115 target, the materialis made of one eleme 115 target, the materialis made of one element, made itself of one isotope (Ni64). Few examples are provided in 116 the folder "Macro/Material/Target" that 116 the folder "Macro/Material/Target" that can be executed in the init_parameters.mac. 117 117 118 PART3) Foil parameters: 118 PART3) Foil parameters: 119 - the foil thickness. 119 - the foil thickness. 120 - the foil material. With this parameter, i 120 - the foil material. With this parameter, it is possible to change the foil material in order to study some specific 121 aspects of the reaction. Refers to the ch 121 aspects of the reaction. Refers to the change of target material for more detail. 122 122 123 PART4) Histograms: 123 PART4) Histograms: 124 The histograms parameters can be changed in 124 The histograms parameters can be changed in order to fit to the expected range for a given data. For example, for a 125 proton beam with an expected energy of 16 M 125 proton beam with an expected energy of 16 MeV when reaching the target, the beam energy profile range can be set up 126 between 15. to 17. MeV. 126 between 15. to 17. MeV. 127 127 128 -----Macro/Vis/vis.mac 128 -----Macro/Vis/vis.mac 129 This file sets up the visualisation paramet 129 This file sets up the visualisation parameters. vis.mac is also available in the main directory. 130 130 131 -----Macro/GUI/gui.mac 131 -----Macro/GUI/gui.mac 132 This file sets up the tool bars and buttons 132 This file sets up the tool bars and buttons that enables to modify the parameters using the Geant4 User Interface. 133 133 134 ------------------------------------ 134 ------------------------------------ 135 ---- IV) Running the simulation ---- 135 ---- IV) Running the simulation ---- 136 ------------------------------------ 136 ------------------------------------ 137 137 138 To run your simulation, create a "STCyclotron- 138 To run your simulation, create a "STCyclotron-build" directory. Go in the build directory, and compile: 139 cmake PATHTO_SOURCE_DIRECTORY (correspon 139 cmake PATHTO_SOURCE_DIRECTORY (corresponding to the path to the STCyclotron directory). 140 make 140 make 141 141 142 It will create and executable 'STCyclotron'. T 142 It will create and executable 'STCyclotron'. To run your simulation, type: 143 ./STCyclotron 143 ./STCyclotron 144 144 145 If the Graphical User Interface is activated a 145 If the Graphical User Interface is activated and your Geant4 environment is correctly set, a Graphical User Interface 146 should open. On the top, the tool bar enables 146 should open. On the top, the tool bar enables the user to execute the different commands. There are few menus : one for 147 the beam parameters, one for the target materi 147 the beam parameters, one for the target material, one for the geometry of the target, one for the foil material, and one 148 for the foil geometry. Through this tool bar, 148 for the foil geometry. Through this tool bar, you can modify the main parameters you need to run your simulation. 149 149 150 The viewer shows you the structure of the targ 150 The viewer shows you the structure of the target system. The proton beam arrives from the left and is transported through 151 the tube and the foil before impacting the tar 151 the tube and the foil before impacting the target. The yellow tube is either void (before the blue foil) or pressured helium 152 (after the foil). The out-layer is made of alu 152 (after the foil). The out-layer is made of aluminum or gold. The target is displayed in green. 153 153 154 To send protons, type 154 To send protons, type 155 /run/beamOn 1 155 /run/beamOn 1 156 156 157 /!\IMPORTANT/!\ If the number of runs you laun 157 /!\IMPORTANT/!\ If the number of runs you launch is larger than a few, desactivate the viewer (Menu 'Viewer' -> 'Disable 158 Viewer') otherwise it will crash. This is due 158 Viewer') otherwise it will crash. This is due to the number of particles sent per event, that is quite large. The viewer 159 has a limit of the number of particles it can 159 has a limit of the number of particles it can display on the screen. 160 160 161 Note that the number of particles per event is 161 Note that the number of particles per event is set according to the current, so that one event represents 10^-11 second 162 of irradiation. For 30 μA, it corresponds to 162 of irradiation. For 30 μA, it corresponds to 1 875 protons. This value was chosen so the number of protons per event won't 163 be too high. If you work on high current (over 163 be too high. If you work on high current (over 100 μA) you might need to change the set up. This time is defined in the 164 PrimaryGeneratorAction class. Also note that, 164 PrimaryGeneratorAction class. Also note that, for one event, all primaries are set up with the same primary coordinates. 165 You need to launch a high enough number of run 165 You need to launch a high enough number of runs (~ 1000) if you want a good statistics on results such as the beam intensity. 166 166 167 At the end of the run, type 'exit' to leave th 167 At the end of the run, type 'exit' to leave the Geant4 User Interface. Execute the file Plot.C by typing 168 root Plot.C 168 root Plot.C 169 It will create many PDF files. To exit ROOT, t 169 It will create many PDF files. To exit ROOT, type 170 .q 170 .q 171 171 172 ------------------------------------ 172 ------------------------------------ 173 ---- V) Output ---- 173 ---- V) Output ---- 174 ------------------------------------ 174 ------------------------------------ 175 175 176 Different types of output are available. 176 Different types of output are available. 177 177 178 1) The .root file: 178 1) The .root file: 179 This ROOT file gives a list of histograms r 179 This ROOT file gives a list of histograms representing the following data : 180 180 181 a) 1D histograms : 181 a) 1D histograms : 182 - n°0: The energy distribution of prim 182 - n°0: The energy distribution of primary particles (e.g. protons) when reaching the target (MeV). 183 - n°1: The energy distribution of prim 183 - n°1: The energy distribution of primary particles (e.g. protons) when reaching the foil (MeV). 184 - n°2: The energy distribution of prim 184 - n°2: The energy distribution of primary particles (e.g. protons) going out of the target (MeV). 185 - n°3: The energy distribution of prim 185 - n°3: The energy distribution of primary particles (e.g. protons) going out of the foil (MeV). 186 - n°4: The depth of isotope production 186 - n°4: The depth of isotope production in your target (number of particles as a function of the foil 187 thickness in mm). 187 thickness in mm). 188 - n°5-8: energy spectrum of particles 188 - n°5-8: energy spectrum of particles produced in the target following inelastic collision of primary 189 particles (e.g. protons) with 189 particles (e.g. protons) with the target material (MeV). 190 In order: 5 = positrons; 6 = electr 190 In order: 5 = positrons; 6 = electrons; 7 = gammas; 8 = neutrons. 191 - n°9-14: energy spectrum of par 191 - n°9-14: energy spectrum of particles produced in the target following decay of isotopes produced in 192 the target (MeV). 192 the target (MeV). 193 In order: 9 = positrons; 10 = elect 193 In order: 9 = positrons; 10 = electrons; 11 = gammas; 12 = neutrons; 13 = nu; 14 = anti_nu 194 (electron (anti)neutrinos). 194 (electron (anti)neutrinos). 195 195 196 b) 2D histograms : 196 b) 2D histograms : 197 - n°0: the beam intensity profile before 197 - n°0: the beam intensity profile before hiting the target (mm x mm). 198 - n°1: the beam intensity profile before 198 - n°1: the beam intensity profile before hiting the foil (mm x mm). 199 - n°2: the radioisotopes produced accord 199 - n°2: the radioisotopes produced according to their Z and A number. 200 - n°3: the energy of the primary particl 200 - n°3: the energy of the primary particles (e.g. protons) according to depth in the target (mm x MeV). 201 - n°4: the beam intensity going out from 201 - n°4: the beam intensity going out from the target (mm x mm). 202 - n°5: the beam intensity going out from 202 - n°5: the beam intensity going out from the foil (mm x mm). 203 203 204 /!\ the histograms are not normalized /!\ 204 /!\ the histograms are not normalized /!\. The file 'Plot.C' renormalize the histograms and plot them into 205 PDFs as explained below. 205 PDFs as explained below. 206 206 207 2) .txt files: 207 2) .txt files: 208 Several text files are provided : 208 Several text files are provided : 209 209 210 ----a) Output_General.txt 210 ----a) Output_General.txt 211 This file summarizes the parameters used du 211 This file summarizes the parameters used during the simulation: 212 - Geam parameters: primary particles (by d 212 - Geam parameters: primary particles (by default protons), energy of the primary particles (MeV), current 213 of the beam (Ampere), irradiation time ( 213 of the beam (Ampere), irradiation time (hour(s)), and current factor. This last factor is a rescaling 214 factor: in the simulation, the number of 214 factor: in the simulation, the number of particles sent is calculated for a current obtained before the foil, 215 while the current in the actual cyclotro 215 while the current in the actual cyclotron the current is measured after the foil. This parameter therefore 216 rescales the number of particles to matc 216 rescales the number of particles to match the current arriving at the target. 217 - simulation parameters: equivalent time per 217 - simulation parameters: equivalent time per event (by default set at 10^-11 second), number of events run 218 during the simulation, number of primari 218 during the simulation, number of primaries per event (calculated according to the time per event, the beam 219 current and the charge of the primary pa 219 current and the charge of the primary particle), total number of particles sent during the simulation. 220 - Geometry parameters: target thickness, dia 220 - Geometry parameters: target thickness, diameter and foil thickness. 221 221 222 It also provides the heating of the target 222 It also provides the heating of the target and the foil (W/mm3). 223 223 224 ----b) Output_ParentIsotopes.txt 224 ----b) Output_ParentIsotopes.txt 225 This file provides a list of radioisotopes 225 This file provides a list of radioisotopes produced during the irradiation of the target. For each isotope, it contains: 226 - Name of the isotope. 226 - Name of the isotope. 227 - Number of isotopes created during the simu 227 - Number of isotopes created during the simulation. Can be used to evaluate the accuracy of your predictions. 228 - Decay constant (s-1). 228 - Decay constant (s-1). 229 - Half life time (hour(s)). 229 - Half life time (hour(s)). 230 - Process that induced its creation. 230 - Process that induced its creation. 231 - Number of isotopes produced per second of 231 - Number of isotopes produced per second of irradiation. 232 - Number of isotopes produced at the end of 232 - Number of isotopes produced at the end of the beam. 233 - Activity induced by the isotope at the end 233 - Activity induced by the isotope at the end of the beam (mCi). 234 234 235 ----c) Output_DaughterIsotopes.txt 235 ----c) Output_DaughterIsotopes.txt 236 This file provides a list of unstable daugh 236 This file provides a list of unstable daughter radioisotopes produced due to the decay on unstable primary (parent) radiosotopes. 237 Note that it may be empty. As for the file 237 Note that it may be empty. As for the file Output_ParentIsotopes.txt, it contains: 238 - Name of the daughter isotope. 238 - Name of the daughter isotope. 239 - Name of the parent isotope. 239 - Name of the parent isotope. 240 - Decay constant of the parent isotope (s-1) 240 - Decay constant of the parent isotope (s-1). 241 - Decay constant of the daughter isotope (s- 241 - Decay constant of the daughter isotope (s-1). 242 - Half life time of the parent isotope (hour 242 - Half life time of the parent isotope (hour(s)). 243 - Half life time of the daughter isotope (ho 243 - Half life time of the daughter isotope (hour(s)). 244 - Number of daughter isotopes produced per s 244 - Number of daughter isotopes produced per second of irradiation. 245 - Number of daughter isotopes produced at th 245 - Number of daughter isotopes produced at the end of the beam. 246 - Activity induced by the daughter isotope 246 - Activity induced by the daughter isotope at the end of the beam (mCi). 247 247 248 ----d) Output_StableIsotopes.txt 248 ----d) Output_StableIsotopes.txt 249 For information, this file provides a list 249 For information, this file provides a list of stable isotopes (name and number of isotopes produced during the simulation) 250 that are produced in the target due to the 250 that are produced in the target due to the decay of radioisotopes. 251 251 252 ----e) Output_Particles.txt 252 ----e) Output_Particles.txt 253 For information, this file provides a list 253 For information, this file provides a list of other particles such as electrons, etc., (name and number of isotopes produced 254 during the simulation) that are produced in 254 during the simulation) that are produced in the target. 255 255 256 This folder provides pdf format of the hist 256 This folder provides pdf format of the histograms generated in the root file, using a the macro 257 file Plot.C to generate it. It also provide 257 file Plot.C to generate it. It also provides the following curves : 258 - the number of each isotope according to 258 - the number of each isotope according to the time, from the start of the irradiation to 259 the end of the irradiation, but also until 259 the end of the irradiation, but also until few hours after the end of the irradiation. 260 - the variation of activity from the end of 260 - the variation of activity from the end of the irradiation time to few hours after. 261 261 262 3) PDF Files: 262 3) PDF Files: 263 263 264 After running the 'Plot.C' file, you obtain 264 After running the 'Plot.C' file, you obtain many PDF files that are created in a folder 'Results'. This code reads the different 265 outputs from the simulation (.root file and 265 outputs from the simulation (.root file and .txt files), normalize the results and plot them in PDFs in various folders: 266 266 267 ----a) Results/BeamData folder 267 ----a) Results/BeamData folder 268 - BeamEnergyInFoil.pdf and BeamEnergyInTarg 268 - BeamEnergyInFoil.pdf and BeamEnergyInTarget.pdf: beam energy distribution before entering the foil/target using histograms 1D0 and 1D1, 269 normalized to the number of primary proto 269 normalized to the number of primary protons and the bin width. 270 - BeamEnergyOutFoil.pdf and BeamEnergyOutTa 270 - BeamEnergyOutFoil.pdf and BeamEnergyOutTarget.pdf: beam energy distribution when exiting the foil/target, using histograms 1D2 and 1D3, 271 normalized to the number of primary proto 271 normalized to the number of primary protons and the bin width. 272 - BeamIntensityInFoil.pdf and BeamIntensity 272 - BeamIntensityInFoil.pdf and BeamIntensityInTarget.pdf: beam intensity before entering the foil/target using histograms 2D0 and 2D1, 273 normalized per primary particle and to th 273 normalized per primary particle and to the bins widths. 274 - BeamIntensityOutTarget.pdf: beam intensit 274 - BeamIntensityOutTarget.pdf: beam intensity when exiting the target using histogram 2D4, normalized per primary particle and to the bins 275 widths. 275 widths. 276 - EnergyDepth.pdf: energy of protons as a f 276 - EnergyDepth.pdf: energy of protons as a function of the depth in the target. 277 277 278 ----b) Results/IsotopesProduction 278 ----b) Results/IsotopesProduction 279 - ActivityOfXX.pdf and YieldOfXX.pdf 279 - ActivityOfXX.pdf and YieldOfXX.pdf 280 Shows the production of the isotope XX (n 280 Shows the production of the isotope XX (number of nuclei or activity) as a function of the time, starting from the beginning of 281 irradiation and up to 30 hours. Note that 281 irradiation and up to 30 hours. Note that if the time of irradiation is longer than 30 hours, you must change the maximum time 282 to display the activity or yield by openi 282 to display the activity or yield by opening the file 'Plot.C' and changing tMax. 283 - ActivitySaturationOfXX.pdf and YiedSatura 283 - ActivitySaturationOfXX.pdf and YiedSaturationOfXX.pdf 284 Shows the saturation reached for the prod 284 Shows the saturation reached for the production of the isotope XX (number of nuclei or activity) as a function of the time, if the 285 time of irradiation is set 'infinite'. 285 time of irradiation is set 'infinite'. 286 - Activity.pdf/Activity.jpg and Yield.pdf/Y 286 - Activity.pdf/Activity.jpg and Yield.pdf/Yield.jpg 287 Shows the activity (or yield) of all the 287 Shows the activity (or yield) of all the isotopes produced during the irradiation as a function of the time up to 30 hours on the 288 same graph. 288 same graph. 289 - TotalActivity.pdf 289 - TotalActivity.pdf 290 Shows the sum of the activities induced b 290 Shows the sum of the activities induced by all the radioisotope up to 30 hours. 291 - RadioisotopeProduction.pdf/RadioisotopePr 291 - RadioisotopeProduction.pdf/RadioisotopeProduction.jpg 292 Shows the number of isotopes produced per 292 Shows the number of isotopes produced per primary particles, as a function of Z and A. 293 - DepthCreation.pdf 293 - DepthCreation.pdf 294 Shows the depth at which radioisotopes we 294 Shows the depth at which radioisotopes were created. 295 295 296 ----c) ParticlesEnergySpectra 296 ----c) ParticlesEnergySpectra 297 Subfolder: beam. Energy spectra (normal 297 Subfolder: beam. Energy spectra (normalized per primary particles and bin width) of particles created following the inelastic 298 interaction of the beam with the target 298 interaction of the beam with the target (1D 5->8). 299 Subfolder: decay. Energy spectra (norma 299 Subfolder: decay. Energy spectra (normalized per primary particles and bin width) of particles created following the decay of 300 radioisotopes created in the target (1D 300 radioisotopes created in the target (1D 9->14). 301 301 302 ------------------------------------ 302 ------------------------------------ 303 ---- VI) Checking the results ---- 303 ---- VI) Checking the results ---- 304 ------------------------------------ 304 ------------------------------------ 305 305 306 Keep a critical mind with the results : they a 306 Keep a critical mind with the results : they are highly dependent on the accuracy of the database used. You can verify the coherence 307 of your results on checking the nuclear databa 307 of your results on checking the nuclear database you are using. Go to the following website: 308 308 309 309 310 In the web access part, you can click on the 310 In the web access part, you can click on the “protons” to access the database of protons. Click on the atom which your target is made of. 311 For example, for the production of Copper 64, 311 For example, for the production of Copper 64, Nickel 64 is used, so you will click on 28-Ni. The list of isotopes of Nickel is available. 312 Click on 28-Ni-64 and select the nuclear react 312 Click on 28-Ni-64 and select the nuclear reaction you are interested in. The cross sections will be displayed on your screen for different 313 nuclear databases and experiments. 313 nuclear databases and experiments. 314 314 315 The computed values can be used to be compared 315 The computed values can be used to be compared to experimental ones using the EXFOR website. Go on this website: 316 316 317 Enter the parameters of the irradiation (i.e., 317 Enter the parameters of the irradiation (i.e., atomic target, reaction, etc.). Then click on submit. You will have different experimental 318 data available. Tick the ones you are interest 318 data available. Tick the ones you are interested in. Tick “Quick plot” and then click on retrieve. It will display a plot with different 319 experimental values. On the right, you can tic 319 experimental values. On the right, you can tick “use my data”. Do it and add the data from the JANIS Book website. Make sure the units 320 are coherent. Rename your data. Tick “author 320 are coherent. Rename your data. Tick “authors” and “legend”. Then click on repaint. You can save your plot buy clicking on PostScript and 321 selecting a PDF format. 321 selecting a PDF format. 322 322 323 These tools can be used to check on the accura 323 These tools can be used to check on the accuracy of the database at a given energy.