Geant4 Cross Reference |
1 The compressed package of electronic files con 2 3 1. Data files in Phantom_data 4 5 This folder is subdivided into two folders, on 6 7 * Data files for tetrahedral mesh (TM) version 8 MRCP_AM.node 9 MRCP_AM.ele 10 MRCP_AF.node 11 MRCP_AF.ele 12 The data files consist of NODE- and ELE-form 13 - First line: <# of nodes> <dimension (= 3 14 - Remaining lines list # of points: <node 15 The ELE-format files contain a list of tetra 16 - First line: <# of tetrahedrons> <dimensi 17 - Remaining lines list # of tetrahedrons: 18 19 * Data files for polygon mesh (PM) version of 20 MRCP_AM.obj 21 MRCP_AM.mtl 22 MRCP_AF.obj 23 MRCP_AF.mtl 24 These files consist of OBJ- and MTL-format f 25 26 * Lists of the media, elemental compositions a 27 MRCP_AM_media.dat 28 MRCP_AF_media.dat 29 30 * The mass ratios of bone constituents (trabec 31 MRCP_AM_spongiosa.dat 32 MRCP_AF_spongiosa.dat 33 34 * The mass ratios of blood in various body tis 35 MRCP_AM_blood.dat 36 MRCP_AF_blood.dat 37 38 * PDF files for phantom visualisation; the fil 39 MRCP_AM.pdf 40 MRCP_AF.pdf 41 The PDF files visualise the MRCPs in a 3D vi 42 43 2. Data files in MC_examples 44 45 This folder contains the following three compr 46 47 48 49 The data files contain input examples for impl