Geant4 Cross Reference |
1 # Example ICRP145_HumanPhantoms History 2 3 See `CONTRIBUTING.rst` for details of **requir 4 which **must** added in reverse chronological 5 It must **not** be used as a substitute for wr 6 7 ---------------------------------------------- 8 ## 2023-11-15 I. Hrivnacova, John Allison (ICR 9 - Updated vis.mac and standalone.mac: 10 - Changed "/vis/open XYZ [600x600-0+0]" to " 11 and simplified comments. 12 - Keep previous driver opening with an extra 13 14 ## 2023-04-08 Susanna Guatelli (ICRP145Phantom 15 - Code revision in the TETRun class 16 17 ## 2023-03-21 John Allison (ICRP145Phantoms-V1 18 - standalone.mac: Disable auto refresh *before 19 - For auto-refresh viewers, without this cha 20 to draw the detector with the default view 21 the case of this phantom, it overwhelms th 22 - This phantom should be displayed with spec 23 24 ## 2023-03-19 John Allison (ICRP145Phantoms-V1 25 - Introduce ICRP145standalone. 26 - "make" builds two executables - ICRP145pha 27 - ICRP145standalone allows you to visualise 28 overhead of the run manager and physics ta 29 initialisation. Of course, you cannot run 30 31 ## 2022-10-04 Gabriele Cosmo (ICRP145Phantoms- 32 - Fixed compilation warnings on Intel-icx comp 33 in TETModelImport source; code formatting. 34 35 ## 2022-09-20 Susanna Guatelli (ICRP145Phantom 36 - README file updated 37 - RunManagerFactory implemented 38 - QGSP_BIC_HP physics list adopted 39 - general code review 40 - Migration to c++11/14/17 features 41 42 ## 2022-09-09 Susanna Guatelli (ICRP145Phantom 43 - Ranecu Engine removed. Default one now used 44 45 ## 2022-07-24 John Allison (ICRP145Phantoms-V1 46 - First version. 47 - New human phantom example, based on 48