Geant4 Cross Reference

Cross-Referencing   Geant4

Version: [ ReleaseNotes ] [ 1.0 ] [ 1.1 ] [ 2.0 ] [ 3.0 ] [ 3.1 ] [ 3.2 ] [ 4.0 ] [ 4.0.p1 ] [ 4.0.p2 ] [ 4.1 ] [ 4.1.p1 ] [ 5.0 ] [ 5.0.p1 ] [ 5.1 ] [ 5.1.p1 ] [ 5.2 ] [ 5.2.p1 ] [ 5.2.p2 ] [ 6.0 ] [ 6.0.p1 ] [ 6.1 ] [ 6.2 ] [ 6.2.p1 ] [ 6.2.p2 ] [ 7.0 ] [ 7.0.p1 ] [ 7.1 ] [ 7.1.p1 ] [ 8.0 ] [ 8.0.p1 ] [ 8.1 ] [ 8.1.p1 ] [ 8.1.p2 ] [ 8.2 ] [ 8.2.p1 ] [ 8.3 ] [ 8.3.p1 ] [ 8.3.p2 ] [ 9.0 ] [ 9.0.p1 ] [ 9.0.p2 ] [ 9.1 ] [ 9.1.p1 ] [ 9.1.p2 ] [ 9.1.p3 ] [ 9.2 ] [ 9.2.p1 ] [ 9.2.p2 ] [ 9.2.p3 ] [ 9.2.p4 ] [ 9.3 ] [ 9.3.p1 ] [ 9.3.p2 ] [ 9.4 ] [ 9.4.p1 ] [ 9.4.p2 ] [ 9.4.p3 ] [ 9.4.p4 ] [ 9.5 ] [ 9.5.p1 ] [ 9.5.p2 ] [ 9.6 ] [ 9.6.p1 ] [ 9.6.p2 ] [ 9.6.p3 ] [ 9.6.p4 ] [ 10.0 ] [ 10.0.p1 ] [ 10.0.p2 ] [ 10.0.p3 ] [ 10.0.p4 ] [ 10.1 ] [ 10.1.p1 ] [ 10.1.p2 ] [ 10.1.p3 ] [ 10.2 ] [ 10.2.p1 ] [ 10.2.p2 ] [ 10.2.p3 ] [ 10.3 ] [ 10.3.p1 ] [ 10.3.p2 ] [ 10.3.p3 ] [ 10.4 ] [ 10.4.p1 ] [ 10.4.p2 ] [ 10.4.p3 ] [ 10.5 ] [ 10.5.p1 ] [ 10.6 ] [ 10.6.p1 ] [ 10.6.p2 ] [ 10.6.p3 ] [ 10.7 ] [ 10.7.p1 ] [ 10.7.p2 ] [ 10.7.p3 ] [ 10.7.p4 ] [ 11.0 ] [ 11.0.p1 ] [ 11.0.p2 ] [ 11.0.p3, ] [ 11.0.p4 ] [ 11.1 ] [ 11.1.1 ] [ 11.1.2 ] [ 11.1.3 ] [ 11.2 ] [ 11.2.1 ] [ 11.2.2 ] [ 11.3.0 ]

Diff markup

Differences between /examples/advanced/ICRP110_HumanPhantoms/README (Version 11.3.0) and /examples/advanced/ICRP110_HumanPhantoms/README (Version 10.7.p1)

  1      =========================================      1      =======================================================================
  2                     Geant4 - ICRP110_HumanPhan      2                     Geant4 - ICRP110_HumanPhantoms Example 
  3      =========================================      3      =======================================================================
  4                                                     4 
  5 The ICRP110_HumanPhantoms example is developed      5 The ICRP110_HumanPhantoms example is developed and mantained by Susanna Guatelli, Matthew Large and Alessandra Malaroda,
  6 Centre For Medical Radiation Physics (CMRP), U <<   6 Centre For Medical Radiation Physics (CMRP), University of Wollongong, NSW, Australia.
  7 and University of Manchester, UK.              << 
  8                                                     7 
  9   Contacts:                                         8   Contacts:     
 10     -                            9     - 
 11     -                        10     -
 12     -                          11     -
 13     -                    << 
 14                                                    12 
 15 The example is based on the extended/medical/D     13 The example is based on the extended/medical/DICOM example
 16                                                    14 
 17 The authors acknowledge that this application      15 The authors acknowledge that this application of the ICRP110 human phantoms have been implemented in Geant4 with the kind permission of 
 18 the International Commission on Radiological P     16 the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP). 
 19                                                    17 
 20 ----------------------------------------------     18 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 21 --------------------------------------> Introd     19 --------------------------------------> Introduction <----------------------------------------------
 22 ----------------------------------------------     20 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 23                                                    21 
 24 This application models the ICRP110 reference      22 This application models the ICRP110 reference computational human phantoms [1] in a Geant4 simulation and calculates
 25 the dose in individual voxels and in entire or     23 the dose in individual voxels and in entire organs. 
 26                                                    24 
 27 The human male phantom, provided kindly by the     25 The human male phantom, provided kindly by the ICRP, is created from a whole-body clinical CT image set of a 38yr old 
 28 individual with height 176 cm and mass approxi     26 individual with height 176 cm and mass approximately 70 kg. Similarly, the human female phantom was created from a set of 
 29 whole body CT images of a 43yr old individual      27 whole body CT images of a 43yr old individual with height 163 cm and weight 60 kg. The CT scans were acquired with both 
 30 individuals laying supine and with arms restin     28 individuals laying supine and with arms resting parallel alongside the body. Both sets of CT data were then scaled to 
 31 closely approximate the ICRP adult Reference M     29 closely approximate the ICRP adult Reference Male and Reference Female, defined in previous ICRP publications [2, 3]. 
 32                                                    30  
 33   [1] HG Menzel, C Clement, and P DeLuca. ICRP     31   [1] HG Menzel, C Clement, and P DeLuca. ICRP publication 110. "Realistic reference phantoms:
 34   an icrp/icru joint effort: A report of adult     32   an icrp/icru joint effort: A report of adult reference computational phantoms", Annals of the
 35   ICRP, 39(2):1, 2009. URL: http://www.icrp.or     33   ICRP, 39(2):1, 2009. URL:
 36                                                    34  
 37   [2] Valetin J 2002 Basic anatomical and phys     35   [2] Valetin J 2002 Basic anatomical and physiological data for use in radiological protection: 
 38   reference values: ICRP Publication 89 Ann. I     36   reference values: ICRP Publication 89 Ann. ICRP vol. 32 (Oxford: Elsevier) pp 1-277.
 39                                                    37 
 40   [3] Valetin J 2007 The 2007 recommendations      38   [3] Valetin J 2007 The 2007 recommendations of the international commission on radiological 
 41   protection Ann. ICRP vol 37 (Oxford: Elsevie     39   protection Ann. ICRP vol 37 (Oxford: Elsevier) pp 1-133.
 42                                                    40 
 43 The table below summarises the key features of     41 The table below summarises the key features of the male and female voxelised human phantoms.
 44                                                    42     
 45   PROPERTY              AM    AF                   43   PROPERTY              AM    AF
 46   _____________________________________            44   _____________________________________
 47   Height (m)            1.76  1.63                 45   Height (m)            1.76  1.63  
 48                                                    46   
 49   Mass(Kg)              73.0  60.0                 47   Mass(Kg)              73.0  60.0  
 50                                                    48   
 51   Slice Thickness(mm)   8.0   4.84                 49   Slice Thickness(mm)   8.0   4.84
 52                                                    50   
 53   Voxel in-plane-       2.137 1.775                51   Voxel in-plane-       2.137 1.775
 54      -resolution (mm)                              52      -resolution (mm)       
 55                                                    53      
 56   Voxels along x        254   299                  54   Voxels along x        254   299   
 57     (i.e. columns)                                 55     (i.e. columns)
 58                                                    56       
 59   Voxels along y        127   137                  57   Voxels along y        127   137
 60     (i.e. rows)                                    58     (i.e. rows)
 61                                                    59     
 62   Number of Slices      222   348                  60   Number of Slices      222   348
 63     (i.e. along z)                                 61     (i.e. along z)
 64   ______________________________________           62   ______________________________________  
 65                                                    63 
 66 ----------------------------------------------     64 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 67 ------------------------------> Application Su     65 ------------------------------> Application Sub-Folder Structure <----------------------------------
 68 ----------------------------------------------     66 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 69                                                    67 
 70  - '/src': where the source .cc files are stor     68  - '/src': where the source .cc files are stored
 71                                                    69 
 72  - '/include': where header .hh files are stor     70  - '/include': where header .hh files are stored
 73                                                    71 
 74  - '/ICRPdata': where the phantom data files (     72  - '/ICRPdata': where the phantom data files (*.dat) and slice files are stored.
 75  It is downloaded automatically from URL https     73  It is downloaded automatically from URL
 76  during the configuration via cmake.               74  during the configuration via cmake.
 77                                                    75  
 78  Phantom data files containing the voxelisatio     76  Phantom data files containing the voxelisation of each phantom, as well as files 
 79  containing the definitions of the phantom org     77  containing the definitions of the phantom organs and materials used within geant4 
 80  code can be found in the folder /ICRPdata.        78  code can be found in the folder /ICRPdata. 
 81                                                    79  
 82  All data files used for this phantom were obt     80  All data files used for this phantom were obtained from the ICRP's website on publication 110 under "Supplementary Data"  
 83         -     81         - 
 84                                                    82         
 85 ----------------------------------------------     83 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 86 ----------------------------------> ICRP110Pha     84 ----------------------------------> ICRP110Phantoms Data <------------------------------------------
 87 ----------------------------------------------     85 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 88                                                    86 
 89 Within the '/ICRPdata' directory, the followin     87 Within the '/ICRPdata' directory, the following sub-directories are contained:
 90                                                    88 
 91         -> /ICRPdata/                  : conta     89         -> /ICRPdata/                  : contains '*Data.dat' files which list the number of phantom slices to 
 92                                          simul     90                                          simulate and the order in which to stack the phantom slices.
 93                                                    91                                          
 94         -> /ICRPdata/ICRP110_g4dat/AM/ : conta     92         -> /ICRPdata/ICRP110_g4dat/AM/ : contains the individual male phantom slice files. 
 95                                                    93                                          
 96         -> /ICRPdata/ICRP110_g4dat/AF/ : conta     94         -> /ICRPdata/ICRP110_g4dat/AF/ : contains the individual female phantom slice files.
 97                                                    95                                          
 98         -> /ICRPdata/ICRP110_g4dat/P110_data_V     96         -> /ICRPdata/ICRP110_g4dat/P110_data_V1.2 
 99                                                    97 
100 The final directory contains the raw ICRP110 p     98 The final directory contains the raw ICRP110 phantom data as obtained from the ICRP110 publication website [1]; 
101 5 files within folders for the AM and AF phant     99 5 files within folders for the AM and AF phantoms are given. These files are described as follows in the 
102 supplementary data's included README file.        100 supplementary data's included README file. 
103                                                   101 
104  The array of organ identification numbers (in    102  The array of organ identification numbers (in ASCII format); the file names are: 
105     AM.dat                                        103     AM.dat
106     AF.dat                                        104     AF.dat
107                                                   105 
108  A list of individually segmented structures,     106  A list of individually segmented structures, their identification numbers, and assigned media (Appendix A in ICRP110); the file names are: 
109     AM_organs.dat                                 107     AM_organs.dat
110     AF_organs.dat                                 108     AF_organs.dat
111                                                   109    
112   A list of the media, their elemental composi    110   A list of the media, their elemental compositions and densities (Appendix B in ICRP110); 
113   the file names are:                             111   the file names are: 
114     AM_media.dat                                  112     AM_media.dat
115     AF_media.dat                                  113     AF_media.dat
116                                                   114   
117   The mass ratios of bone constituents (trabec    115   The mass ratios of bone constituents (trabecular bone, red and yellow bone marrow) in the spongiosa regions; 
118   the file names are:                             116   the file names are: 
119     AM_spongiosa.dat                              117     AM_spongiosa.dat
120     AF_spongiosa.dat                              118     AF_spongiosa.dat
121                                                   119   
122   The mass ratios of blood in various body tis    120   The mass ratios of blood in various body tissues; the file names are: 
123     AM_blood.dat                                  121     AM_blood.dat
124     AF_blood.dat                                  122     AF_blood.dat
125                                                   123 
126 The primary data files AM.dat and AF.dat conta    124 The primary data files AM.dat and AF.dat contain an array of organ identification numbers ranging from 0 to 141.
127 Each number respresents the organ associated w    125 Each number respresents the organ associated with each voxel within the phantom. Within these files, the organ IDs 
128 are listed slice by slice, within each slice r    126 are listed slice by slice, within each slice row by row, within each row column by column. That means, the column 
129 index changes fastest, then the row index, the    127 index changes fastest, then the row index, then the slice index - in other words, the phantom voxels first increase 
130 along x, then along y and finally along z. Sli    128 along x, then along y and finally along z. Slice numbers increase from the toes up to the vertex of the body; 
131 row numbers increase from front to back; and c    129 row numbers increase from front to back; and column numbers increase from right to left side.
132                                                   130  
133 For use in this application, the original AM.d    131 For use in this application, the original AM.dat and AF.dat files containing the organ identification numbers of 
134 all voxels of the phantom were sub-divided int    132 all voxels of the phantom were sub-divided into many files with each representing a single phantom slice along z. 
135 As such, each file represents a 2D phantom sli    133 As such, each file represents a 2D phantom slice containing x,y voxel positions and organ identification numbers 
136 of each voxel. This allows for subsections of     134 of each voxel. This allows for subsections of the phantom to be simulated as required by the user, removing the 
137 need to simulate the entire phantom every time    135 need to simulate the entire phantom every time when this may not nessecrily be needed by the user. This also will 
138 allow for reductions in the simulation time de    136 allow for reductions in the simulation time depending on what portion of the total phantom is simulated by the user. 
139 This feature was achieved via a code developed    137 This feature was achieved via a code developed by Dr Alessandra Malaroda, University of Wollongong, Australia in 2017. 
140                                                   138 
141 The AM human phantom is voxelised in x,y,z wit    139 The AM human phantom is voxelised in x,y,z with 254 x 127 x 222 voxels with dimensions 2.137 x 2.137 x 8 mm.
142 The AF human phantom is voxelised in x,y,z wit    140 The AF human phantom is voxelised in x,y,z with 299 x 137 x 348 voxels with dimensions 1.775 x 1.775 x 4.84 mm.
143                                                   141 
144 ----------------------------------------------    142 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
145 ---------------------------------------> How t    143 ---------------------------------------> How to compile and run <-----------------------------------
146 ----------------------------------------------    144 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
147                                                   145 
148 - Create a build folder for the phantom run       146 - Create a build folder for the phantom run
149       % mkdir build/                              147       % mkdir build/
150                                                   148       
151 - Navigate to inside the build folder and init    149 - Navigate to inside the build folder and initialise Geant4 
152       % cmake ../                                 150       % cmake ../
153                                                   151 
154   The ICRP110 phantom data will be automatical    152   The ICRP110 phantom data will be automatically downloaded from
155                                                   153   
156 - Compile and link to generate the executable     154 - Compile and link to generate the executable (in your CMAKE build directory):
157         % make                                    155         % make
158   This should make two executables - ICRP110ph << 
159                                                   156 
160 - Execute the application in 'interactive' mod    157 - Execute the application in 'interactive' mode with visualization:
161         % ./ICRP110phantoms                       158         % ./ICRP110phantoms
162                                                   159               
163 - Execute the "standalone" application in 'int << 
164         % ./ICRP110standalone                  << 
165   This allows you to visualise the phantom wit << 
166   Of course, you cannot run or visualise traje << 
167                                                << 
168 - Execute the application in 'batch' mode from    160 - Execute the application in 'batch' mode from macro files:
169         % ./ICRP110phantoms        161         % ./ICRP110phantoms
170                                                   162 
171 -----------------------------                     163 -----------------------------
172     AVAILABLE MACRO FILES                         164     AVAILABLE MACRO FILES                                                                   
173 -----------------------------                     165 ----------------------------- 
174 For the users convenience, macro files have be << 166 For the users convinience, macro files have been created which are designed to construct partial head 
175 and trunk phantoms for both the male and femal    167 and trunk phantoms for both the male and female models. These macro files can be called upon in batch
176 mode when executing the application as specifi    168 mode when executing the application as specified above. If the user wishes to construct a completed/full
177 male or female phantom, the macros and    169 male or female phantom, the macros and can be called upon, respectively. 
178                                                   170 
179  -   : Creates a p    171  -   : Creates a partial head phantom for the male and female, respectively.
180  - : Creates a p    172  - : Creates a partial trunk phantom for the male and female, respectively.  
181  -                       : Creates ful    173  -                       : Creates full male ICRP110 phantom. This can be modified along with 'ICRPdata/MaleData.dat'
182                                    if the user    174                                    if the user wishes to create their own custom partial phantom section.
183  -                     : Creates ful    175  -                     : Creates full female ICRP110 phantom. This can be modified along with 
184                                   'ICRPdata/Fe    176                                   'ICRPdata/FemaleData.dat' if the user wishes to create their own custom partial phantom section.  
185  - openGLVis.mac                 : macro for v    177  - openGLVis.mac                 : macro for visualisation with openGL. 
186  - vis.mac (default)             : Executed by    178  - vis.mac (default)             : Executed by default when the simulation is run in 'interactive' mode.  
187  - primary.mac                   : Contains th << 179  - primary.mac                   : Contains the definition of the primary radiation field.          
188                                                   180 
189 At the very top of the various '.in' macro fil    181 At the very top of the various '.in' macro files (pre-initialization), there are a series of commands 
190 which define the sex and section of the phanto    182 which define the sex and section of the phantom to create. These commands are listed below:
191                                                   183 
192   o /phantom/setPhantomSex <option> : Passes s    184   o /phantom/setPhantomSex <option> : Passes sex of phantom to Detector Construction
193   o /phantom/setScoreWriterSex <option> : Pass    185   o /phantom/setScoreWriterSex <option> : Passes sex of phantom to User Score Writer
194                                                   186   
195   o /phantom/setPhantomSection <option> : Pass    187   o /phantom/setPhantomSection <option> : Passes section of phantom to Detector Construction
196   o /phantom/setScoreWriterSection <option>  P    188   o /phantom/setScoreWriterSection <option>  Passes section of phantom to User Score Writer
197                                                   189   
198 Available options for the first 2 commands are    190 Available options for the first 2 commands are: male or female.
199 Avalable options for the last 2 commands are:     191 Avalable options for the last 2 commands are: head, trunk or full.  
200                                                   192   
201 In the event that the macro called upon by the    193 In the event that the macro called upon by the user when executing the application in 'batch' mode
202 does not contain these commands (default case)    194 does not contain these commands (default case), the application sets phantom sex to female and the section as the head. 
203                                                   195 
204 WARNING: the phantom model can be chosen only     196 WARNING: the phantom model can be chosen only in the initialization phase of the simulation!!!
205 It cannot be changed during the run session. T    197 It cannot be changed during the run session. This feature will be implemented in the next future. 
206                                                   198 
207 ----------------------------------------------    199 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
208 ----------------------------------> Creating a    200 ----------------------------------> Creating a Custom Phantom <------------------------------------
209 ----------------------------------------------    201 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
210                                                   202 
211 If the user wishes to construct a customised s    203 If the user wishes to construct a customised section of the phantom (i.e. a single slice, the legs, etc),
212 he/she has to create a specific macro or edit     204 he/she has to create a specific macro or edit the ones provided. The recommended method for a custom male 
213 phantom is outlined as follows.                   205 phantom is outlined as follows. 
214                                                   206 
215 The user should edit the macro '' and t    207 The user should edit the macro '' and the data file 
216 'MaleData.dat'. Firstly, in 'FemaleData.dat',     208 'MaleData.dat'. Firstly, in 'FemaleData.dat', there are 2 simple ways in which the user can
217 select a custom range of phantom slices to sim    209 select a custom range of phantom slices to simulate: 
218                                                   210 
219 1. The very first entry of each Data.dat indic    211 1. The very first entry of each Data.dat indicates how many slices to simulate. 
220    Changing this number will determine the num    212    Changing this number will determine the number of slices to construct.
221                                                   213    
222 2. Further down in the Data.dat files (beginni    214 2. Further down in the Data.dat files (beginning at line 61) is the name of the first slice to simulate, followed 
223    by successive slices. Changing the slice fi    215    by successive slices. Changing the slice file orders here will allow various subsections of the human 
224    phantom to be simulated. As an indication t    216    phantom to be simulated. As an indication the following phantom subsections have been identified for the  
225    male phantom below.                            217    male phantom below.
226                                                   218    
227     --> AM_Slice1.g4dat to AM_Slice20.g4dat: F    219     --> AM_Slice1.g4dat to AM_Slice20.g4dat: Feet to ankles
228                                                   220     
229     --> AM_Slice21.g4dat to AM_Slice121.g4dat:    221     --> AM_Slice21.g4dat to AM_Slice121.g4dat: Ankles to hips
230                                                   222     
231     --> AM_Slice169.g4dat: Single chest slice     223     --> AM_Slice169.g4dat: Single chest slice with good visualisation 
232                            of lungs, ribs, hea    224                            of lungs, ribs, heart.
233                                                   225     
234     --> AM_Slice182.g4dat to AM_Slice222.g4dat    226     --> AM_Slice182.g4dat to AM_Slice222.g4dat: Neck and Head
235                                                   227     
236        NOTE: o Always order phantom slices beg    228        NOTE: o Always order phantom slices beginning with the lowest number and increasing 
237                in slice number going down the     229                in slice number going down the .dat files.
238              o Always use consecutive/adjacent    230              o Always use consecutive/adjacent slices when simulating multiple slices.
239              o The default number of slices fo    231              o The default number of slices for both male and female phantoms is set to 10
240                and starts at the feet of each     232                and starts at the feet of each phantom.  
241                                                   233  
242 Once the user customises the MaleData.dat/Fema    234 Once the user customises the MaleData.dat/FemaleData.dat (for example starting from the full phantoms macros), 
243 he/she has also to fix appropriately the scori    235 he/she has also to fix appropriately the scoring mesh in
244                                                   236 
245 ----------------------------------------------    237 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
246 ------------------------------> Scoring Mesh a    238 ------------------------------> Scoring Mesh and the User Score Writer <----------------------------
247 ----------------------------------------------    239 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
248                                                   240 
249 The macro primary.mac defines the radiation be    241 The macro primary.mac defines the radiation beam type, energy, direction and geometry. The UI commands of the
250 General Particle Source should be used to chan    242 General Particle Source should be used to change the radiation field. The macros and contain 
251 the /run/beamOn command and can call upon the     243 the /run/beamOn command and can call upon the radiation beam definition through the UI command
252 '/control/execute primary.mac'.                   244 '/control/execute primary.mac'. 
253                                                   245 
254 Within and, a scoring mesh i    246 Within and, a scoring mesh is defined which records the dose deposition within each individual 
255 phantom voxel. The size of the scoring mesh is    247 phantom voxel. The size of the scoring mesh is defined in line 54 of the files, and must be defined 
256 to match the constructed phantom dimensions (w    248 to match the constructed phantom dimensions (whole or partial) defined in the according '/ICRPdata/*Data.dat' file. 
257                                                   249 
258 The mesh dimensions are defined as half-dimens    250 The mesh dimensions are defined as half-dimensions in x,y,z - meaning a defined scoring mesh x-dimension of 100mm will construct 
259 a scoring mesh spanning from -100mm to +100mm     251 a scoring mesh spanning from -100mm to +100mm in the geometrical world in which the phantom lies. Furthermore, for the completed 
260 male phantom which has dimensions along x,y,z     252 male phantom which has dimensions along x,y,z of 542.798 x 271.399 x 1776 mm, the scoring mesh half-dimensions should be defined 
261 as 271.399 x 135.6995 x 888. mm. The number of    253 as 271.399 x 135.6995 x 888. mm. The number of bins or divisions to segment the mesh into is then defined in line 51. These 
262 should match the number of phantom voxels in x    254 should match the number of phantom voxels in x,y,z which are defined in the MaleData.dat and FemaleData.dat files in the '/ICRPdata' 
263 directory.                                        255 directory.  
264                                                   256 
265 If the user edits the MaleData.dat or FemaleDa    257 If the user edits the MaleData.dat or FemaleData.dat files to change the number of z-slices simulated in a run, they must also edit 
266 the scoring mesh dimensions and number of bins    258 the scoring mesh dimensions and number of bins to ensure it correctly scores their defined phantom. To do so, the user will typically 
267 only have to edit lines 54 and 55 of the male.    259 only have to edit lines 54 and 55 of the or macro files.
268                                                   260 
269 After completion of a simulation run, the phan    261 After completion of a simulation run, the phantom mesh records the deposited dose in each phantom voxel and outputs the data to a text file named 
270 "PhantomMesh_Dose.txt". This text file lists t    262 "PhantomMesh_Dose.txt". This text file lists the x,y,z positional number of the voxel in the phantom and the dose recorded within that voxel (in Gy). 
271                                                   263 
272 The output PhantomMesh_Dose.txt file is create    264 The output PhantomMesh_Dose.txt file is created by the User Score Writer class defined in the source code In the same class the dose 
273 in the voxels is analysed and associated to or    265 in the voxels is analysed and associated to organs. 
274                                                   266 
275 A final output file "ICRP.out" is then created << 267 A final output file "OrganDoses.out" is then created which contains the total dose delivered to each organ.   
276                                                   268 
277 ----------------------------------------------    269 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
278 ----------------------------------------> Furt    270 ----------------------------------------> Further Info <--------------------------------------------
279 ----------------------------------------------    271 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
280                                                   272 
281 -------> ColourMap.dat <--------                  273 -------> ColourMap.dat <--------
282                                                   274 
283 This file located in the build directory assig    275 This file located in the build directory assigns G4colours to the 53 phantom materials.
284 The user may edit these as they wish for visua    276 The user may edit these as they wish for visualistion purposes. 
285                                                   277 
286 ----------> Physics <-----------                  278 ----------> Physics <-----------
287                                                   279 
288 The QGSP_BIC_HP Physics List is adopted. The u    280 The QGSP_BIC_HP Physics List is adopted. The user may want to change the
289 cut of production of secondary particles.         281 cut of production of secondary particles. 
290                                                   282 
291 -----> Primary particles <------                  283 -----> Primary particles <------
292                                                   284 
293 The G4 General Particle Source (gps) is used t    285 The G4 General Particle Source (gps) is used to generate primary radiation field.
294 Macro primary.mac contains the definition of t    286 Macro primary.mac contains the definition of the primary radiation field.