Geant4 Cross Reference |
1 2 ========================================= 3 Geant4 - Cexmc advance 4 ========================================= 5 6 README 7 ----------------- 8 9 Author: A. Radkov ( 10 11 ------> Introduction 12 13 Cexmc stands for Charge EXchange Monte Carlo. 14 real experiments in Petersburg Nuclear Physics 15 Detailed User's Manual and explanatory images 16 found in directory doc/ of this example. 17 18 ------> Compilation 19 20 Basic modules of Cexmc must compile with Geant 21 with older versions of Geant4. Cexmc contains 22 be enabled or disabled in the makefile by sett 23 are listed in the beginning of the makefile an 24 involve additional dependencies. In the follow 25 related modules are shown. 26 27 Dependency Requirement Makefile Macro 28 ---------------------------------------------- 29 boost::serialize Optional CEXMC_USE_PERS 30 Persistency 31 32 33 boost::split Optional CEXMC_USE_PERS 34 Main 35 36 37 38 boost::spirit Optional CEXMC_USE_CUST 39 Custom filter 40 41 cernlib Optional CEXMC_USE_GENB 42 43 44 45 46 CERN ROOT Optional CEXMC_USE_ROOT 47 Histograming 48 49 CERN ROOT / Qt Optional CEXMC_USE_ROOT 50 binding Histograming 51 52 ---------------------------------------------- 53 54 The persistency module is compatible with a pr 55 (compilation was tested under Scientific Linux 56 version 1.32). Custom filter requires a newer 57 boost::spirit library which requires boost ver 58 Presence of CERN ROOT libraries is tested auto 59 is possible to disable or enable the histogram 60 CEXMC_USE_HISTOGRAMING in the makefile. 61 Compilation of visualization modules and inter 62 standard Geant4 macros like G4VIS_USE, G4UI_US 63 have been set. 64 If boost is installed in a special path in you 65 properly set environment variables BOOST_INCLU 66 which denote directories where boost include f 67 68 ------> Run modes 69 70 Run modes are set from command-line options. T 71 options type in terminal 'cexmc -h' or just 'c 72 unavailable if certain modules were not compil 73 74 Here is list of run modes categorized by type 75 76 1. Batch mode. The simplest mode without an 77 No command line option is required. 78 2. Interactive mode. The program provides a 79 To run in the interactive mode command l 80 3. Graphical Qt mode. This mode is specifie 81 82 List of run modes categorized by task: 83 84 1. Straight mode (or Monte Carlo mode). The 85 init macros, then calculate acceptances 86 project files. Project files are saved i 87 environment variable CEXMC_PROJECTS_DIR 88 is not defined), name of the project is 89 and init macros are set by options -p an 90 mode preinit macro must be specified exp 91 production model can be instantiated onl 92 2. Replay mode (or Read project mode). In t 93 common Geant4's event loop. Instead, it 94 from an existing project and pass them i 95 CexmcEventAction::EndOfEventAction(). Th 96 option -r. This mode is useful when user 97 existing project with different conditio 98 reconstruction parameters) or apply a cu 99 can be written again into another projec 100 3. Show results mode (or Output mode). The 101 from an existing project (specified by o 102 specified in option -o. For example, to 103 specify -orun in command line. To show e 104 user can specify -oevents,geom,run.