Geant4 Cross Reference

Cross-Referencing   Geant4

Version: [ ReleaseNotes ] [ 1.0 ] [ 1.1 ] [ 2.0 ] [ 3.0 ] [ 3.1 ] [ 3.2 ] [ 4.0 ] [ 4.0.p1 ] [ 4.0.p2 ] [ 4.1 ] [ 4.1.p1 ] [ 5.0 ] [ 5.0.p1 ] [ 5.1 ] [ 5.1.p1 ] [ 5.2 ] [ 5.2.p1 ] [ 5.2.p2 ] [ 6.0 ] [ 6.0.p1 ] [ 6.1 ] [ 6.2 ] [ 6.2.p1 ] [ 6.2.p2 ] [ 7.0 ] [ 7.0.p1 ] [ 7.1 ] [ 7.1.p1 ] [ 8.0 ] [ 8.0.p1 ] [ 8.1 ] [ 8.1.p1 ] [ 8.1.p2 ] [ 8.2 ] [ 8.2.p1 ] [ 8.3 ] [ 8.3.p1 ] [ 8.3.p2 ] [ 9.0 ] [ 9.0.p1 ] [ 9.0.p2 ] [ 9.1 ] [ 9.1.p1 ] [ 9.1.p2 ] [ 9.1.p3 ] [ 9.2 ] [ 9.2.p1 ] [ 9.2.p2 ] [ 9.2.p3 ] [ 9.2.p4 ] [ 9.3 ] [ 9.3.p1 ] [ 9.3.p2 ] [ 9.4 ] [ 9.4.p1 ] [ 9.4.p2 ] [ 9.4.p3 ] [ 9.4.p4 ] [ 9.5 ] [ 9.5.p1 ] [ 9.5.p2 ] [ 9.6 ] [ 9.6.p1 ] [ 9.6.p2 ] [ 9.6.p3 ] [ 9.6.p4 ] [ 10.0 ] [ 10.0.p1 ] [ 10.0.p2 ] [ 10.0.p3 ] [ 10.0.p4 ] [ 10.1 ] [ 10.1.p1 ] [ 10.1.p2 ] [ 10.1.p3 ] [ 10.2 ] [ 10.2.p1 ] [ 10.2.p2 ] [ 10.2.p3 ] [ 10.3 ] [ 10.3.p1 ] [ 10.3.p2 ] [ 10.3.p3 ] [ 10.4 ] [ 10.4.p1 ] [ 10.4.p2 ] [ 10.4.p3 ] [ 10.5 ] [ 10.5.p1 ] [ 10.6 ] [ 10.6.p1 ] [ 10.6.p2 ] [ 10.6.p3 ] [ 10.7 ] [ 10.7.p1 ] [ 10.7.p2 ] [ 10.7.p3 ] [ 10.7.p4 ] [ 11.0 ] [ 11.0.p1 ] [ 11.0.p2 ] [ 11.0.p3, ] [ 11.0.p4 ] [ 11.1 ] [ 11.1.1 ] [ 11.1.2 ] [ 11.1.3 ] [ 11.2 ] [ 11.2.1 ] [ 11.2.2 ] [ 11.3.0 ]

Diff markup

Differences between /examples/advanced/CaTS/gdml/LArTPC.gdml (Version 11.3.0) and /examples/advanced/CaTS/gdml/LArTPC.gdml (Version 8.1)

  1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>           
  2 <gdml_simple_extension xmlns:gdml_simple_exten    
  3                        xmlns:xs="http://www.w3    
  4                        xs:noNamespaceSchemaLoc    
  5     <extension>                                   
  6         <color name="test_color"  R="0.1"  G="    
  7         <color name="magenta"     R="1.0"  G="    
  8         <color name="green"       R="0.0"  G="    
  9         <color name="red"         R="1.0"  G="    
 10         <color name="blue"        R="0.0"  G="    
 11         <color name="yellow"      R="1.0"  G="    
 12         <color name="purple"      R="0.5"  G="    
 13     </extension>                                  
 14     <!-- A "generic" LAr TPC detector.            
 16     This is the version of `MinimalLArTPCdetec    
 18     This incarnation is extracted from `larcor    
 19     LArSoft v08_14_00.                            
 20     With respect to that version, it has been     
 21     unessential for LArSoft standard geometry     
 22     It is not strictly minimal for at least th    
 23      * PMT volumes host a "sensitive" detector    
 24        the standard geometry builder refers to    
 25        the PMT volume to use can be specified)    
 26        enclosure is not necessary.                
 29     It includes a single cryostat with a singl    
 30     and some optical ones.                        
 33     Table of contents                             
 34     - - - - - - - - - -                           
 36     [1]      Geometry definitions                 
 37     [2]      Material definitions                 
 38     [2.1]       element definitions               
 39     [2.2]       material definitions              
 40     [3]      Solid definitions                    
 41     [3.1]      Wire solid definitions [omitted    
 42     [3.2]      Wire plane solid definitions       
 43     [3.3]      TPC solid definitions              
 44     [3.4]      Optical detector solid definiti    
 45     [3.5]      Cryostat solid definition          
 46     [3.6]      Auxiliary detector solids defin    
 47     [3.7]      Detector enclosure solid defini    
 48     [3.8]      World volume solid definition      
 49     [4]      Placement of volumes in space        
 50     [4.1]      Wire volume definition for wire    
 51     [4.2]      First and second wire plane vol    
 52     [4.2.1]      Wire placement inside the fir    
 53     [4.3]      Vertical wire volume definition    
 54     [4.4]      Third wire plane definition        
 55     [4.4.1]      Wire placement inside the thi    
 56     [4.5]      Active TPC volume definition       
 57     [4.6]      TPC volume definition              
 58     [4.6.1]      active volume inside the TPC     
 59     [4.6.2]      wire planes inside the TPC       
 60     [4.7]      Optical detector volume definit    
 61     [4.8]      Cryostat volume definition         
 62     [4.8.1]      TPC definition inside the cry    
 63     [4.8.2]      Optical detector elements def    
 64     [4.9]      Auxiliary detector volume defin    
 65     [4.10]     Detector enclosure volume defin    
 66     [4.10.1]     Cryostat volumes inside the d    
 67     [4.10.2]     Auxiliary detector volumes in    
 68     [4.11]     World volume definition            
 69     [5]      Selection of the default starting    
 70     -->                                           
 71     <!-- [1] Geometry definitions  - - - - - -    
 72     <define>                                      
 73         <rotation name="rPlus90AboutX"       u    
 74         <rotation name="rPlusUVAngleAboutX"  u    
 75         <rotation name="rPlus180AboutY"      u    
 76         <rotation name="rPMTRotation1"       u    
 77         <!-- Cryostat dimensions:-->              
 78         <constant name="Cryox"   value="400."/    
 79         <constant name="Cryoy"   value="350."/    
 80         <constant name="Cryoz"   value="1100."    
 81         <!-- dimensions of active TPC: -->        
 82         <constant name="volactivex"   value="2    
 83         <constant name="volactivey"   value="2    
 84         <constant name="volactivez"   value="1    
 85         <!-- dimensions of TPC wire planes: --    
 86         <!-- thickness: -->                       
 87         <constant name="volplanex"  value="0.1    
 88         <!-- radius of sense wires: -->           
 89         <constant name="wireradius" value="0.0    
 90         <!-- spacing of sense wires: -->          
 91         <constant name="wirespacing" value="0.    
 92         <!-- number of wires and offset parall    
 93         <constant name="wireoffsetpar" value="    
 94         <constant name="numwirepar" value="580    
 95         <!-- number of wires and offset perpen    
 96         <constant name="wireoffsetperp" value=    
 97         <constant name="numwireperp" value="25    
 98         <!-- dimension of Auxdet detectors -->    
 99         <constant name="auxdetx" value="19."/>    
100         <constant name="auxdety" value="150."/    
101         <constant name="auxdetz" value="0.5"/>    
102         <!-- Parameterization of Auxdet placem    
103         <variable name="ii" value="0"/>           
104         <variable name="jj" value="0"/>           
105         <variable name="icol" value="0"/>         
106         <variable name="irow" value="0"/>         
107         <variable name="ilay" value="0"/>         
108         <constant name="numcols" value="36"/>     
109         <constant name="numrows" value="3"/>      
110         <constant name="numlays" value="3"/>      
111         <constant name="spacingy" value="20.0"    
112         <!-- dimension of Photodetectors -->      
113         <constant name="pmtradius" value="15.2    
114         <constant name="siliconz" value="0.03"    
115         <constant name="polystz" value="0.5"/>    
116         <!-- Parameterization of PMT placement    
117         <variable name="ilong"     value="0"/>    
118         <variable name="ishort"    value="0"/>    
119         <constant name="longstep"  value="144"    
120         <constant name="shortstep" value="56"/    
121         <constant name="numlong"   value="5"/>    
122         <constant name="numshort"  value="2"/>    
123         <constant name="xpos"      value="-144    
124         <constant name="yposm"     value="3.2"    
125         <constant name="zposm"     value="-472    
127         <matrix name="SY"  coldim="1" values="    
128         <matrix name="RS"  coldim="1" values="    
129         <matrix name="FTC" coldim="1" values="    
130         <matrix name="STC" coldim="1" values="    
131         <matrix name="YR"  coldim="1" values="    
132         <matrix name="SCINT" coldim="2" values    
148         <matrix coldim="2" name="REFLECTIVITY"    
149         <matrix coldim="2" name="EFFICIENCY" v    
150         <matrix coldim="2" name="AirRINDEX" va    
151         <matrix coldim="2" name="RINDEX0x4b6e6    
152         <matrix coldim="2" name="GROUPVEL0x4b6    
153         <matrix coldim="2" name="RAYLEIGH0x4b7    
154         <matrix coldim="2" name="ABSLENGTH0x4b    
155         <matrix coldim="2" name="FASTCOMPONENT    
156         <matrix coldim="2" name="SLOWCOMPONENT    
157         <matrix coldim="2" name="REEMISSIONPRO    
158         <matrix coldim="2" name="SCINTILLATION    
159         <matrix coldim="2" name="RESOLUTIONSCA    
160         <matrix coldim="2" name="GammaFASTTIME    
161         <matrix coldim="2" name="GammaSLOWTIME    
162         <matrix coldim="2" name="GammaYIELDRAT    
163         <matrix coldim="2" name="AlphaFASTTIME    
164         <matrix coldim="2" name="AlphaSLOWTIME    
165         <matrix coldim="2" name="AlphaYIELDRAT    
166         <matrix coldim="2" name="NeutronFASTTI    
167         <matrix coldim="2" name="NeutronSLOWTI    
168         <matrix coldim="2" name="NeutronYIELDR    
169         <matrix coldim="2" name="ReemissionFAS    
170         <matrix coldim="2" name="ReemissionSLO    
171         <matrix coldim="2" name="ReemissionYIE    
172         <matrix coldim="2" name="PPOABSLENGTH0    
173         <matrix coldim="2" name="PPOREEMISSION    
174         <matrix coldim="2" name="PPOCOMPONENT0    
175         <matrix coldim="2" name="PPOTIMECONSTA    
176         <matrix coldim="2" name="bisMSBABSLENG    
177         <matrix coldim="2" name="bisMSBREEMISS    
178         <matrix coldim="2" name="bisMSBCOMPONE    
179         <matrix coldim="2" name="bisMSBTIMECON    
180     </define>                                     
181     <!-- [2] Material definitions  - - - - - -    
182     <materials>                                   
183         <!--                                      
184         Here we are using one of the more than    
186         -->                                       
187         <!-- [2.1] element definitions - - - -    
188         <!-- [2.2] material definitions  - - -    
189         <material name="LAr" formula="LAr">       
190             <D value="1.40" unit="g/cm3"/>        
191             <fraction n="1.0000" ref="G4_Ar"/>    
192             <property name="RINDEX" ref="RINDE    
193             <property name="GROUPVEL" ref="GRO    
194             <property name="RAYLEIGH" ref="RAY    
195             <property name="ABSLENGTH" ref="AB    
196             <property name="FASTCOMPONENT" ref    
197             <property name="SLOWCOMPONENT" ref    
198             <property name="REEMISSIONPROB" re    
199             <property name="SCINTILLATIONYIELD    
200             <property name="RESOLUTIONSCALE" r    
201             <property name="FASTTIMECONSTANT"     
202             <property name="SLOWTIMECONSTANT"     
203             <property name="YIELDRATIO" ref="Y    
204             <property name="GammaFASTTIMECONST    
205             <property name="GammaSLOWTIMECONST    
206             <property name="GammaYIELDRATIO" r    
207             <property name="AlphaFASTTIMECONST    
208             <property name="AlphaSLOWTIMECONST    
209             <property name="AlphaYIELDRATIO" r    
210             <property name="NeutronFASTTIMECON    
211             <property name="NeutronSLOWTIMECON    
212             <property name="NeutronYIELDRATIO"    
213             <property name="ReemissionFASTTIME    
214             <property name="ReemissionSLOWTIME    
215             <property name="ReemissionYIELDRAT    
216             <property name="PPOABSLENGTH" ref=    
217             <property name="PPOREEMISSIONPROB"    
218             <property name="PPOCOMPONENT" ref=    
219             <property name="PPOTIMECONSTANT" r    
220             <property name="bisMSBABSLENGTH" r    
221             <property name="bisMSBREEMISSIONPR    
222             <property name="bisMSBCOMPONENT" r    
223             <property name="bisMSBTIMECONSTANT    
224             <!--                                  
225                         <property name="SLOWCO    
226                         <property name="SCINTI    
227                         <property name="RESOLU    
228                         <property name="SLOWTI    
229                         <property name="YIELDR    
230             -->                                   
231         </material>                               
232     </materials>                                  
233     <!-- [3] Solid definitions - - - - - - - -    
234     <solids>                                      
235         <!-- [3.1] Wire solid definitions  - -    
236         <!-- first the wires parallel to the z    
237         <!-- comment out for no wires             
238              <tube name="TPCWirepar"  rmax="wi    
239         -->                                       
240         <!-- the wires perpendicular to the z-    
241         <!-- comment out for no wires             
242              <tube name="TPCWireperp" rmax="wi    
243         -->                                       
244         <!-- [3.2] Wire plane solid definition    
245         <box name="TPCPlane"     lunit="cm" x=    
246         <!-- [3.3] TPC solid definitions - - -    
247         <box name="TPCActive"    lunit="cm" x=    
248         <!-- [3.4] Optical detector solid defi    
249         <tube name="PMTVolume"        rmax="pm    
250         <tube name="PMT_AcrylicPlate" rmax="pm    
251         <!-- [3.5] Cryostat solid definition -    
252         <box name="Cryostat"     lunit="cm" x=    
253         <box name="TPC"          lunit="cm" x=    
254         <!-- [3.6] Auxiliary detector solids d    
255         <box name="AuxDetBox"    lunit="cm" x=    
256         <!-- [3.7] Detector enclosure solid de    
257         <box name="DetEnclosure" lunit="cm" x=    
258         <!-- [3.8] World volume solid definiti    
259         <box name="World"        lunit="cm" x=    
260     </solids>                                     
261     <!-- [4] Placement of volumes in space - -    
262     <structure>                                   
263         <!-- [4.1] Wire volume definition for     
264         <!-- comment out for no wires             
265            <volume name="volTPCWirepar">          
266            <materialref ref="G4_Ti"/>             
267            <solidref ref="TPCWirepar"/>           
268            <auxiliary auxtype="Solid" auxvalue    
269            <colorref ref="blue"/>                 
270            </volume>                              
271            <volume name="volTPCWireperp">         
272            <materialref ref="G4_Ti"/>             
273            <solidref ref="TPCWireperp"/>          
274            <auxiliary auxtype="Solid" auxvalue    
275            <colorref ref="red"/>                  
276            </volume>                              
277         -->                                       
278         <volume name="volTPCActive">              
279             <materialref ref="LAr"/>              
280             <solidref ref="TPCActive"/>           
281             <colorref ref="green"/>               
282             <auxiliary auxtype="StepLimit" aux    
283             <auxiliary auxtype="SensDet" auxva    
284         </volume> <!-- "volTPCActive" -->         
285         <!-- [4.1] Wire volume definition for     
286         <!-- omitted -->                          
287         <!-- [4.2] First and second wire plane    
288         <volume name="volTPCPlane">               
289             <materialref ref="G4_lAr"/>           
290             <solidref ref="TPCPlane"/>            
291             <auxiliary auxtype="SensDet" auxva    
292             <colorref ref="magenta"/>             
293             <!-- comment out for no wires         
294             <loop for="ii" from="0" to="numwir    
295                 <physvol name="volTPCWireVolum    
296                     <volumeref ref="volTPCWire    
297                     <position name="posijk"  u    
298                 </physvol>                        
299                 </loop>                           
300             -->                                   
301         </volume> <!-- "volTPCPlane" -->          
302         <!-- [4.3] Third wire plane definition    
303         <!-- omitted -->                          
304         <!-- [4.4] Third wire plane definition    
305         <!-- [4.4.1] Wire placement inside the    
306         <volume name="volTPCPlaneVert">           
307             <materialref ref="G4_lAr"/>           
308             <solidref ref="TPCPlane"/>            
309             <auxiliary auxtype="SensDet" auxva    
310             <colorref ref="magenta"/>             
311             <!-- comment out for no wires         
312                  <loop for="jj" from="0" to="n    
313                  <physvol name="volTPCWireVolu    
314                  <volumeref ref="volTPCWireper    
315                  <position name="posijk"  unit    
316                  <rotationref ref="rPlus90Abou    
317                  </physvol>                       
318                  </loop>                          
319             -->                                   
320         </volume>                                 
321         <!-- "volTPCPlaneVert" -->                
322         <volume name="volOpDetSensitive">         
323             <materialref ref="G4_Si"/>            
324             <solidref ref="PMTVolume"/>           
325             <auxiliary auxtype="Solid" auxvalu    
326             <colorref ref="red"/>                 
327             <opticalsurface finish="0" model="    
328                 <property name="REFLECTIVITY"     
329                 <property name="EFFICIENCY" re    
330             </opticalsurface>                     
331         </volume>                                 
332         <volume name="volPMT">                    
333             <materialref ref="G4_POLYSTYRENE"/    
334             <solidref ref="PMT_AcrylicPlate"/>    
335             <auxiliary auxtype="Solid" auxvalu    
336             <colorref ref="blue"/>                
337             <physvol>                             
338                 <volumeref ref="volOpDetSensit    
339                 <position name="posOpDetSensit    
340             </physvol>                            
341         </volume> <!-- "volPMT" -->               
342         <!-- [4.5] Active TPC volume definitio    
343         <volume name="volTPC">                    
344             <materialref ref="G4_lAr"/>           
345             <solidref ref="TPC"/>                 
346             <auxiliary auxtype="SensDet" auxva    
347             <colorref ref="red"/>                 
348             <!-- [4.6] TPC volume definition      
349             <physvol>                             
350                 <volumeref ref="volTPCActive"/    
351                 <position name="posTPCActive"     
352             </physvol>                            
353             <!-- [4.6.2] wire planes inside th    
354             <physvol>                             
355                 <volumeref ref="volTPCPlaneVer    
356                 <position name="posTPCPlaneVer    
357             </physvol>                            
358             <physvol>                             
359                 <volumeref ref="volTPCPlane"/>    
360                 <position name="posTPCPlane" u    
361             </physvol>                            
362             <!-- [4.8.2] Optical detector elem    
363             <loop for="ilong" from="0" to="4"     
364                 <physvol name="pvolPMT" copynu    
365                     <volumeref ref="volPMT"/>     
366                     <position name="pospmt" un    
367                     <rotationref ref="rPMTRota    
368                 </physvol>                        
369                 <physvol name="pvolPMT" copynu    
370                     <volumeref ref="volPMT"/>     
371                     <position name="pospmt" un    
372                     <rotationref ref="rPMTRota    
373                 </physvol>                        
374             </loop>                               
375             <loop for="ilong" from="0" to="4"     
376                 <physvol name="pvolPMT" copynu    
377                     <volumeref ref="volPMT"/>     
378                     <position name="pospmt" un    
379                     <rotationref ref="rPMTRota    
380                 </physvol>                        
381                 <physvol name="pvolPMT" copynu    
382                     <volumeref ref="volPMT"/>     
383                     <position name="pospmt" un    
384                     <rotationref ref="rPMTRota    
385                 </physvol>                        
386                 <physvol name="pvolPMT" copynu    
387                     <volumeref ref="volPMT"/>     
388                     <position name="pospmt" un    
389                     <rotationref ref="rPMTRota    
390                 </physvol>                        
391                 <physvol name="pvolPMT" copynu    
392                     <volumeref ref="volPMT"/>     
393                     <position name="pospmt" un    
394                     <rotationref ref="rPMTRota    
395                 </physvol>                        
396             </loop>                               
397         </volume> <!-- "volTPC" -->               
398         <!-- [4.8] Cryostat volume definition     
399         <volume name="volCryostat">               
400             <materialref ref="G4_STAINLESS-STE    
401             <solidref ref="Cryostat"/>            
402             <colorref ref="yellow"/>              
403             <!-- [4.8.1] TPC definition inside    
404             <physvol>                             
405                 <volumeref ref="volTPC"/>         
406                 <position name="posTPC" unit="    
407             </physvol>                            
408         </volume> <!-- "volCryostat" -->          
409         <!-- [4.9] Auxiliary detector volume d    
410         <volume name="volAuxDet">                 
411             <materialref ref="G4_POLYSTYRENE"/    
412             <solidref ref="AuxDetBox"/>           
413             <auxiliary auxtype="SensDet" auxva    
414             <auxiliary auxtype="Solid" auxvalu    
415             <colorref ref="blue"/>                
416         </volume>                                 
417         <!-- [4.10] Detector enclosure volume     
418         <volume name="volDetEnclosure">           
419             <materialref ref="G4_AIR"/>           
420             <solidref ref="DetEnclosure"/>        
421             <!-- [4.10.1] Cryostat volumes ins    
422             <physvol>                             
423                 <volumeref ref="volCryostat"/>    
424                 <position name="posCryostat" u    
425             </physvol>                            
426             <!-- [4.10.2] Auxiliary detector v    
427             <loop for="irow" from="0" to="numr    
428                 <loop for="icol" from="0" to="    
429                     <physvol name="AuxDetpaddl    
430                         <volumeref ref="volAux    
431                         <position name="posijk    
432                     </physvol>                    
433                 </loop>                           
434             </loop>                               
435             <loop for="irow" from="0" to="numr    
436                 <loop for="icol" from="0" to="    
437                     <physvol name="AuxDetpaddl    
438                         <volumeref ref="volAux    
439                         <position name="posijk    
440                     </physvol>                    
441                 </loop>                           
442             </loop>                               
443             <loop for="irow" from="0" to="numr    
444                 <loop for="icol" from="0" to="    
445                     <physvol name="AuxDetpaddl    
446                         <volumeref ref="volAux    
447                         <position name="posijk    
448                     </physvol>                    
449                 </loop>                           
450             </loop>                               
451         </volume> <!-- "volDetEnclosure" -->      
452         <!-- [4.11] World volume definition  -    
453         <volume name="volWorld" >                 
454             <materialref ref="G4_AIR"/>           
455             <solidref ref="World"/>               
456             <physvol>                             
457                 <volumeref ref="volDetEnclosur    
458                 <position name="posDetEnclosur    
459             </physvol>                            
460         </volume> <!-- "volWorld" -->             
461     </structure>                                  
462     <!-- [5] Selection of the default starting    
463     <setup name="Default" version="1.0">          
464         <world ref="volWorld" />                  
465     </setup>                                      
466 </gdml_simple_extension>