Geant4 Cross Reference

Cross-Referencing   Geant4

Version: [ ReleaseNotes ] [ 1.0 ] [ 1.1 ] [ 2.0 ] [ 3.0 ] [ 3.1 ] [ 3.2 ] [ 4.0 ] [ 4.0.p1 ] [ 4.0.p2 ] [ 4.1 ] [ 4.1.p1 ] [ 5.0 ] [ 5.0.p1 ] [ 5.1 ] [ 5.1.p1 ] [ 5.2 ] [ 5.2.p1 ] [ 5.2.p2 ] [ 6.0 ] [ 6.0.p1 ] [ 6.1 ] [ 6.2 ] [ 6.2.p1 ] [ 6.2.p2 ] [ 7.0 ] [ 7.0.p1 ] [ 7.1 ] [ 7.1.p1 ] [ 8.0 ] [ 8.0.p1 ] [ 8.1 ] [ 8.1.p1 ] [ 8.1.p2 ] [ 8.2 ] [ 8.2.p1 ] [ 8.3 ] [ 8.3.p1 ] [ 8.3.p2 ] [ 9.0 ] [ 9.0.p1 ] [ 9.0.p2 ] [ 9.1 ] [ 9.1.p1 ] [ 9.1.p2 ] [ 9.1.p3 ] [ 9.2 ] [ 9.2.p1 ] [ 9.2.p2 ] [ 9.2.p3 ] [ 9.2.p4 ] [ 9.3 ] [ 9.3.p1 ] [ 9.3.p2 ] [ 9.4 ] [ 9.4.p1 ] [ 9.4.p2 ] [ 9.4.p3 ] [ 9.4.p4 ] [ 9.5 ] [ 9.5.p1 ] [ 9.5.p2 ] [ 9.6 ] [ 9.6.p1 ] [ 9.6.p2 ] [ 9.6.p3 ] [ 9.6.p4 ] [ 10.0 ] [ 10.0.p1 ] [ 10.0.p2 ] [ 10.0.p3 ] [ 10.0.p4 ] [ 10.1 ] [ 10.1.p1 ] [ 10.1.p2 ] [ 10.1.p3 ] [ 10.2 ] [ 10.2.p1 ] [ 10.2.p2 ] [ 10.2.p3 ] [ 10.3 ] [ 10.3.p1 ] [ 10.3.p2 ] [ 10.3.p3 ] [ 10.4 ] [ 10.4.p1 ] [ 10.4.p2 ] [ 10.4.p3 ] [ 10.5 ] [ 10.5.p1 ] [ 10.6 ] [ 10.6.p1 ] [ 10.6.p2 ] [ 10.6.p3 ] [ 10.7 ] [ 10.7.p1 ] [ 10.7.p2 ] [ 10.7.p3 ] [ 10.7.p4 ] [ 11.0 ] [ 11.0.p1 ] [ 11.0.p2 ] [ 11.0.p3, ] [ 11.0.p4 ] [ 11.1 ] [ 11.1.1 ] [ 11.1.2 ] [ 11.1.3 ] [ 11.2 ] [ 11.2.1 ] [ 11.2.2 ] [ 11.3.0 ]

Diff markup

Differences between /cmake/History (Version 11.3.0) and /cmake/History (Version 10.2.p3)

  1 # Category cmake History                       <<   1 cvs log $Id: History,v 1.3 2010-12-03 17:58:51 gcosmo Exp $
                                                   >>   2 -------------------------------------------------------------------
  2                                                     3 
  3 See `CONTRIBUTING.rst` for details of **requir <<   4      =========================================================
  4 which **must** added in reverse chronological  <<   5      Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP
  5 It must **not** be used as a substitute for wr <<   6      =========================================================
  6                                                     7 
  7 ---------------------------------------------- <<   8                       Category History file
                                                   >>   9                       ---------------------
  8                                                    10 
  9 ## 2024-11-25 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-02-30)     <<  11 History file for Geant4 CMake build scripts.
 10 - Bump RadioactiveDecay dataset version to 6.1 <<  12 It DOES NOT substitute the SVN log-message one should put at every
 11   - Fixes Issue #237                           <<  13 committal in the SVN repository !
 12                                                    14 
 13 ## 2024-11-19 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-02-29)     <<  15 Entries MUST use the following format:
 14 - Bump RadioactiveDecay dataset version to 6.1 << 
 15                                                    16 
 16 ## 2024-11-08 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-02-28)     << 
 17 - Bump dataset versions:                       << 
 18   - PhotonEvaporation 6.1                      << 
 19   - RadioactiveDecay 6.1                       << 
 20   - Fixes Issue 234                            << 
 21                                                    17 
 22 ## 2024-10-30 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-02-27)     <<  18 MONTH DAY YEAR - INITIAL.SURNAME (TAG)
 23 - Ensure sanitizer flags are forwarded to the  <<  19 - FILECHANGED : Document changes made.
 24   linker flags are forwarded to builds of test << 
 25   - Fixes Issue #227                           << 
 26                                                    20 
 27 ## 2024-10-02 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-02-26)     <<  21 - OTHERFILECHANGED : Document changes made.
 28 - Bump URRPT dataset version to 1.1            << 
 29   - Fixes Issue #228                           << 
 30                                                    22 
 31 ## 2024-09-25 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-02-25)     << 
 33   - This file is highly unstable on macOS and  << 
 34     for most users than it solves.             << 
 35                                                    23 
 36 ## 2024-09-24 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-02-24)     <<  24 You should keep two lines between each date.
 37 - Support running example build-and-run tests  <<  25 TAG is optional. If your changes fix a bug listed in the Geant4 Bugzilla,
 38   - Part of Issue #227                         <<  26 add this in the documentation for the changed file as [BUGFIX #BUGNUMBER].
 39                                                    27 
 40 ## 2024-09-23 Gunter Folger (cmake-V11-02-23)  << 
 41 - Bump dataset version:                        << 
 42   - RadioactiveDecay 6.0.1                     << 
 43   - Fixes Issue #226                           << 
 44                                                    28 
 45 ## 2024-09-19 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-02-22)     <<  29      ----------------------------------------------------------
 46 - Bump dataset versions:                       <<  30      * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please *
 47   - G4ENSDFSTATE 3.0                           << 
 48   - PhotonEvaporation 6.0                      << 
 49   - RadioactiveDecay 6.0                       << 
 50   - Fixes Issue #224                           << 
 51                                                    31 
 52 ## 2024-08-28 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-02-21)     <<  32      ----------------------------------------------------------
 53 - Bump G4EMLOW dataset version to 8.6.1        << 
 54                                                    33 
 55 ## 2024-08-27 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-02-20)     <<  34 15th November 2016 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-47)
 56 - Add new G4CHANNELING dataset to support chan << 
 57                                                << 
 58 ## 2024-06-24 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-02-19)     << 
 59 - Simplify CMake/CTest functions and settings  << 
 60   - Move geant4_add_test function to dedicated << 
 61     file                                       << 
 62   - Reduce oversetting of Geant4_DIR variable  << 
 63                                                << 
 64 ## 2024-06-07 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-02-18)     << 
 65 - Add optional install of new URRPT data model << 
 66   - Fixes Issue #217                           << 
 67                                                << 
 68 ## 2024-06-04 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-02-17)     << 
 69 - Do not export HDF5 version to Geant4Config   << 
 70   - Fixes Issue #214                           << 
 71                                                << 
 72 ## 2024-05-17 Gunter Folger (cmake-V11-02-16)  << 
 73 - Use patched G4NDL 4.7.1 dataset.             << 
 74                                                << 
 75 ## 2024-05-17 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-02-15)     << 
 76 - Add optional install of new NuDEXLib data mo << 
 77                                                << 
 78 ## 2024-05-09 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-02-14)     << 
 79 - Provide CMake function to assist in linking  << 
 80   given required source code modules.          << 
 81                                                << 
 82 ## 2024-05-08 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-02-13)     << 
 83 - Remove configuration/setup of TiMemory in Ge << 
 84                                                << 
 85 ## 2024-05-03 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-02-12)     << 
 86 - Introduce new `FullRelWithDebInfo` build mod << 
 87   - Essentially `-O3 -g`, so maximum optimizat << 
 88   - Intended to help diagnose FPE exceptions o << 
 89     proof against similar                      << 
 90 - Remove obsolete `Maintainer` build mode that << 
 91                                                << 
 92 ## 2024-04-30 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-02-11)     << 
 93 - Simplifications to Geant4Config.cmake        << 
 94   - Remove obsolete and never run "whole archi << 
 95   - Replace TOOLSSG vis driver variables that  << 
 96     fundamental config options (e.g. GEANT4_US << 
 97     variable.                                  << 
 98                                                << 
 99 ## 2024-03-26 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-02-10)     << 
100 - Disable use of FindPythia6 outside of intern << 
101                                                << 
102 ## 2024-04-17 Stephan Hageboeck (cmake-V11-02- << 
103 - Mention the possibility of using cvmfs datas << 
104                                                << 
105 ## 2024-04-17 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-02-08)     << 
106 - Bump G4EMLOW dataset to v8.6                 << 
107                                                << 
108 ## 2024-04-08 Guilherme Amadio (cmake-V11-02-0 << 
109 - Fix also find_package(SoXt) and find_package << 
110                                                << 
111 ## 2024-04-20 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-02-06)     << 
112 - Update FindPythia8 module to:                << 
113   - Apply [GitHub PR 68]( << 
114   - Reduce capability to only that required by << 
115   - Emit error if used in project outside Gean << 
116                                                << 
117 ## 2024-03-12 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-02-05)     << 
118 - Update FindPythia6 module to account for lib << 
119   - Applies [GitHub PR 63]( << 
120                                                << 
121 ## 2024-03-11 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-02-04)     << 
122 - Fix escaping of regex in geant4_module_check << 
123                                                << 
124 ## 2024-03-06 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-02-03)     << 
125 - Bump G4PARTICLEXS dataset to v4.1            << 
126                                                << 
127 ## 2024-01-29 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-02-02)     << 
128 - Manually check versions of found SoXX packag << 
129   the `ExactVersionOnly` version checking stra << 
130   only requires a minimum version.             << 
131                                                << 
132 ## 2024-01-26 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-02-01)     << 
133 - Add -F flag for Qt when on macOS and with a  << 
134   - Addresses [Bugzilla 2589](https://bugzilla << 
135                                                << 
136 ## 2024-01-19 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-02-00)     << 
137 - Add compiler flags for GCC only to help dete << 
139                                                << 
140 ## 2023-11-28 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-01-30)     << 
141 - Bump minimum VecGeom version to 1.2.6        << 
142                                                << 
143 ## 2023-11-14 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-01-29)     << 
144 - Export QT_VERSION value to GNUmake setup scr << 
145                                                << 
146 ## 2023-11-03 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-01-28)     << 
147 - Prefix ZLIB/EXPAT variables with "G4" to pre << 
148   find of these packages.                      << 
149                                                << 
150 ## 2023-10-09 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-01-27)     << 
151 - Use FindPython in place of deprecated FindPy << 
152                                                << 
153 ## 2023-10-06 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-01-26)     << 
154 - Update G4INCL to v1.2                        << 
155 - Update G4EMLOW to v8.5                       << 
156                                                << 
157 ## 2023-09-06 Stewart Boogert (cmake-V11-01-25 << 
158 - Update VTK module deps for geometry IO       << 
159 - Updated module init for VTK                  << 
160                                                << 
161 ## 2023-09-05 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-01-24)     << 
162 - Allow source code modules to have an AUTOMOC << 
163   consuming target to remove hardcoding of Qt- << 
164                                                << 
165 ## 2023-08-02 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-01-23)     << 
166 - Export non-cache variables to Geant4PackageC << 
167   - Fixes Bugzilla 2556                        << 
168                                                << 
169 ## 2023-07-05 Igor Semeniouk (cmake-V11-01-22) << 
170 - print md5sum in coreutils format for compati << 
171                                                << 
172 ## 2023-06-21 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-01-21)     << 
173 - Remobe obsolete and confusing GEANT4_BUILD_T << 
174                                                << 
175 ## 2023-06-14 Gunter Folger (cmake-V11-01-20)  << 
176 - Update to use G4EMLOW 8.4, as provoded by Vl << 
177                                                << 
178 ## 2023-05-31 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-01-19)     << 
179 - Require Qt5 >= 5.9 if Qt5 support is selecte << 
180   - Version chosen as current system version o << 
181                                                << 
182 ## 2023-05-29 Guy Barrand (cmake-V11-01-18)    << 
183 - Templates/Geant4Config.cmake.inm Modules/G4I << 
184                                                << 
185 ## 2023-05-23 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-01-17)     << 
186 - Add capabilities to  << 
187   - Given a module, print list of modules that << 
188   - Print all modules sorted in descending ord << 
189   - Show which headers from linked modules are << 
190     usage requirements output                  << 
191                                                << 
192 ## 2023-05-12 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-01-16)     << 
193 - Make linking a source code module to a final << 
194   - Fixes #161                                 << 
195                                                << 
196 ## 2023-05-10 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-01-15)     << 
197 - Update config scripts for split of G4persist << 
198                                                << 
199 ## 2023-05-10 Gunter Folger (cmake-V11-01-14)  << 
200 - Update to use G4INCL 1.1                     << 
201                                                << 
202 ## 2023-04-28 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-01-13)     << 
203 - Export VTK_DIR and QtX_DIR to package cache  << 
204                                                << 
205 ## 2023-04-27 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-01-12)     << 
206 - Find and refind Qt6OpenGLWidgets module in Q << 
207                                                << 
208 ## 2023-04-26 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-01-11)     << 
209 - Support finding and use of Qt6 on request fo << 
210                                                << 
211 ## 2023-04-02 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-01-10)     << 
212 - No longer link to QtPrintSupport, which is n << 
213                                                << 
214 ## 2023-03-28 Gunter Folger (cmake-V11-01-09)  << 
215 - Update to use G4ABLA 3.3                     << 
216                                                << 
217 ## 2023-03-22 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-01-08)     << 
218 - Remove setting of -D flags in Geant4Config t << 
219   now export compile definitions for what they << 
220   model.                                       << 
221                                                << 
222 ## 2023-02-16 Gunter Folger (cmake-V11-01-07)  << 
223 - Update to use G4EMLOW 8.3                    << 
224                                                << 
225 ## 2023-02-13 Stewart Boogert (cmake-V11-01-06 << 
226 - streamlined VTK cmake components.            << 
227                                                << 
228 ## 2023-02-06 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-01-05)     << 
229 - Remove no longer required G4VecGeomShim modu << 
230   - VecGeom supports/supplies full imported ta << 
231   - Use of VECGEOM_LIBRARIES variable required << 
232                                                << 
233 ## 2023-01-30 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-01-04)     << 
234 - Update Qt MOC application for G4UIimplementa << 
235                                                << 
236 ## 2023-01-25 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-01-03)     << 
237 - Initial support for declaring headers of a s << 
238   - Headers declared private are not installed << 
239   - geant4_module_check reports an inconsisten << 
240     non-privately                              << 
241                                                << 
242 ## 2023-01-18 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-01-02)     << 
243 - Fix configuration/use of G4ToolsSG in geant4 << 
244   - Addresses issue reported on [Geant4 Forum] << 
245                                                << 
246 ## 2023-01-09 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-01-01)     << 
247 - Use PROJECT_ or Geant4_ scoped _SOURCE/BINAR << 
248   scope version to ease use of Geant4 as a CMa << 
249   - Fixes [GitHub PR #52]( << 
250                                                << 
251 ## 2022-12-20 Gunter Folger (cmake-V11-01-00)  << 
252 - Use new dataset G4ABLA 3.2                   << 
253                                                << 
254 ## 2022-12-05 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-00-50)     << 
255 - Revert VecGeom minimum version to 1.2.0 due  << 
256   CMS but not yet triaged in VecGeom itself.   << 
257                                                << 
258 ## 2022-11-29 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-00-49)     << 
259 - Stamp minimum versions of CLHEP and VecGeom  << 
260                                                << 
261 ## 2022-11-21 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-00-48)     << 
262 - Only support Qt5. Code updates to support Qt << 
263   remove find of Qt6, retaining other support  << 
264   later.                                       << 
265                                                << 
266 ## 2022-11-15 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-00-47)     << 
267 - Remove Geant4Py from toolkit build, pointing << 
268   set GEANT4_USE_PYTHON in the CMake arguments << 
269                                                << 
270 ## 2022-11-07 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-00-46)     << 
271 - Keep file timestamps from unpacked data libr << 
272                                                << 
273 ## 2022-10-27 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-00-45)     << 
274 - Fix bug in Qt3D activation as [reported on t << 
275                                                << 
276 ## 2022-10-20 Guy Barrand (cmake-V11-00-44)    << 
277 - Modules/G4InterfaceOptions.cmake: remove usa << 
278   is now "always on" on all platforms.         << 
279 - Templates/ remove usag << 
280   setup of -DG4VIS_USE_TOOLSSG for compilation << 
281                                                << 
282 ## 2022-10-13 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-00-43)     << 
283 - Find, use and re-find Qt OpenGLWidgets compo << 
284                                                << 
285 ## 2022-10-12 Gunter Folger (cmake-V11-00-42)  << 
286 - add new dataset G4EMLOW 8.2 as provided by V << 
287     This modification include additions for at << 
288     and N2 DNA data. No change for existing te << 
289                                                << 
290 ## 2022-10-07 Gabriele Cosmo (cmake-V11-00-41) << 
291 - Added "-diag-disable=10441" CXX option to In << 
292   icc compiler deprecation message.            << 
293                                                << 
294 ## 2022-09-27 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-00-40)     << 
295 - Promote INTERFACE module properties to PUBLI << 
296   final target.                                << 
297                                                << 
298 ## 2022-09-25 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-00-39)     << 
299 - Fix bug causing failure in `do_provides` fun << 
300                                                << 
301 ## 2022-09-10 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-00-38)     << 
302 - Implement mechanism to filter out headers in << 
303                                                << 
304 ## 2022-09-09 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-00-37)     << 
305 - Fix geant4_module_check returning 1 on succe << 
306 - Filter out C++ filesystem library from check << 
307                                                << 
308 ## 2022-09-03 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-00-36)     << 
309 - Filter out Vis driver modules from consisten << 
310   - G4VisExecutive is a user level compile tim << 
311   - Driver headers need filtering out as they  << 
312     to avoid circular dependencies.            << 
313                                                << 
314 ## 2022-08-31 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-00-35)     << 
315 - New script to provide << 
316   and testing to check module/library cycles a << 
317                                                << 
318 ## 2022-07-14 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-00-34)     << 
319 - Remove obsolete and now longer built G4gl2ps << 
320                                                << 
321 ## 2022-07-14 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-00-33)     << 
322 - Address [Bugzilla 2485](https://bugzilla-gea << 
323   - Update extraction of include paths from Ve << 
324     property.                                  << 
325                                                << 
326 ## 2022-06-09 Igor Semeniouk (cmake-V11-00-32) << 
327 - G4ConfigureGNUMakeHelpers.cmake (geant4.[c]s << 
328    - use the environment variable GEANT4_DATA_ << 
329    - the environment variables for individual  << 
330                                                << 
331 ## 2022-06-07 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-00-31)     << 
332 - Rationalize interlinked PTL/TBB build option << 
333                                                << 
334 ## 2022-05-30 Guilherme Amadio (cmake-V11-00-3 << 
335 - Add options --sh and --csh to geant4-config  << 
336                                                << 
337 ## 2022-05-18 Guilherme Amadio (cmake-V11-00-2 << 
338 - Use more standard install location for CMake << 
339 - Remove version from default installation dir << 
340 - Add required configuration to be able to gen << 
341                                                << 
342 ## 2022-05-16 Guilherme Amadio (cmake-V11-00-2 << 
343 - Add source validation exception for G4FindDa << 
344                                                << 
345 ## 2022-05-03 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-00-27)     << 
346 - Preliminary configuration support for Qt5 an << 
347                                                << 
348 ## 2022-04-27 Gunter Folger (cmake-V11-00-26)  << 
349 - add new dataset G4NDL 4.7 with new TermalSca << 
350                                                << 
351 ## 2022-04-11 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-00-25)     << 
352 - Allow library composition to be overriden in << 
353                                                << 
354 ## 2022-04-11 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-00-24)     << 
355 - Do not use "readlink -f" to support pre-Mont << 
356                                                << 
357 ## 2022-04-08 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-00-23)     << 
358 - Add -Og to GNU/Clang default debug flags     << 
359                                                << 
360 ## 2022-04-06 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-00-22)     << 
361 - Don't add CLHEP_INCLUDE_DIRS directly throug << 
362   issues with it holding relative paths (repor << 
363                                                << 
364 ## 2022-04-05 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-00-21)     << 
365 - Copy .clang-tidy file to build directory to  << 
366                                                << 
367 ## 2022-04-04 Igor Semeniouk (cmake-V11-00-20) << 
368 - In G4ConfigurePkgConfigHelpers.cmake, geant4 << 
369   - new flag "--features", add vtk and qt3d fe << 
370   - allow use md5sun if openssl missing        << 
371   - canonicalize prefix path                   << 
372 - In G4ConfigureGNUMakeHelpers.cmake (geant4.[ << 
373    - allow full path source in zsh, sh         << 
374    - unset local variables at the end          << 
375    - introduced GEANT4_DATA_DIR, all DS path r << 
376                                                << 
377 ## 2022-03-25 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-00-19)     << 
378 - Add commands for working with categories ana << 
379                                                << 
380 ## 2022-03-28 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-00-18)     << 
381 - Remove retired G4tasking library from config << 
382                                                << 
383 ## 2022-03-28 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-00-17)     << 
384 - Fix typo in G4DeveloperAPI that prevented in << 
385                                                << 
386 ## 2022-03-25 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-00-16)     << 
387 - Do not use CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE when build << 
388                                                << 
389 ## 2022-03-22 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-00-15)     << 
390 - Add geant4_module_sources command to enable  << 
391   to a module after creation                   << 
392                                                << 
393 ## 2022-03-18 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-00-14)     << 
394 - Change default value of GEANT4_BUILD_BUILTIN << 
395                                                << 
396 ## 2022-03-15 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-00-13)     << 
397 - Rationalize declaration and use of internal  << 
398   zlib, expat, PTL and tools libraries.        << 
399                                                << 
400 ## 2022-03-10 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-00-12)     << 
401 - Remove deprecated functions in G4DeveloperAP << 
402 - Support declaration and composition of heade << 
403                                                << 
404 ## 2022-03-03 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-00-11)     << 
405 - Provide GEANT4_BUILD_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS optio << 
406   release build modes (Release, RelWithDebInfo << 
407   - Addresses GitLab Issue #104                << 
408 - Forward `CMAKE_<LANG>_FLAGS[_<MODE>]` flags  << 
409   a consistent set is used through the project << 
410                                                << 
411 ## 2022-03-07 Gunter Folger (cmake-V11-00-10)  << 
412 - fix in to avoid P << 
413                                                << 
414 ## 2022-02-11 Gunter Folger (cmake-V11-00-09)  << 
415 - add new dataset G4EMLOW 8.1                  << 
416                                                << 
417 ## 2022-02-11 Igor Semeniouk (cmake-V11-00-08) << 
418 - Bug fix introduced in cmake-V11-00-06        << 
419   - G4ConfigureGNUMakeHelpers.cmake - Fix for  << 
420   - History - fix comment syntax               << 
421                                                << 
422 ## 2022-02-11 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-00-07)     << 
423 - Apply [GitHub PR 37]( << 
424   - Add G4ptl and G4tasking libraries to link  << 
425 - Fixup: place G4tasking in correct location i << 
426                                                << 
427 ## 2022-02-11 Igor Semeniouk (cmake-V11-00-06) << 
428 - Bug fix in functions _g4tc_prepend_path, _g4 << 
429                                                << 
430 ## 2022-02-10 Igor Semeniouk (cmake-V11-00-05) << 
431 - In G4ConfigureGNUMakeHelpers.cmake           << 
432   - not set LD_LIBRARY_PATH configuration on M << 
433   - add paths to DLL into PATH on Windows      << 
434                                                << 
435 ## 2022-02-08 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-00-04)     << 
436 - Enable ToolsSG and backends based on use of  << 
437   - Backends made non-mutally exclusive        << 
438   - Remove GEANT4_USE_TOOLSSG public CMake opt << 
439   - Addresses #117                             << 
440                                                << 
441 ## 2022-02-06 Gabriele Cosmo (cmake-V11-00-03) << 
442 - Updated compilation flags for Intel icc/icx  << 
443                                                << 
444 ## 2022-02-05 Gunter Folger (cmake-V11-00-02)  << 
445 - Add icpx/icx compiler to G4ConfigureGNUMakeH << 
446                                                << 
447 ## 2022-01-28 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-00-01)     << 
448 - Correct logic error in checking whether modu << 
449 - **DEPRECATIONS**                             << 
450   - `geant4_define_module`                     << 
451   - `geant4_global_library_target`             << 
452   - Implementation reduced to emitting a CMake << 
453                                                << 
454 ## 2021-12-10 Ben Morgan (cmake-V11-00-00)     << 
455 - Change to new Markdown History format        << 
456                                                << 
457 ---                                            << 
458                                                << 
459 # History entries prior to 11.0                << 
460                                                << 
461 09 November 2021 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-07-53 << 
462 - Only configure public release contribution g << 
463                                                << 
464 30 November 2021 - Ivana Hrivnacova (cmake-V10 << 
465 - Removed FindAIDA.cmake from Modules          << 
466                                                << 
467 29 November 2021 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-07-51 << 
468 - Require VecGeom 1.1.18 or newer              << 
469 - Configure/find Vtk alongside other UI/Vis op << 
470                                                << 
471 26 November 2021 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-07-50 << 
472 - Strip .git{ignore,lab,hub} files/dirs from s << 
473 - Use XZ compression instead of BZIP for sourc << 
474                                                << 
475 22 November 2021 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-07-49 << 
476 - Improve/modernize CPack source packaging     << 
477                                                << 
478 12 November 2021 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-07-48 << 
479 - Retire G4VIS_... preprocessor symbols in too << 
480   by obsolete GNUmake system                   << 
481                                                << 
482 8 November 2021 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-07-47) << 
483 - Retire G4UI/G4INTY_... preprocessor symbols  << 
484   by obsolete GNUmake system                   << 
485                                                << 
486 2 November 2021 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-07- << 
487 - switch to new dataset G4EMLOW8.0, given by V << 
488                                                << 
489 27 October 2021 - Guy Barrand (cmake-V10-07-45 << 
490 - Modules/G4DeveloperAPI.cmake: ToolsSG => G4T << 
491                                                << 
492 25/27/28 October 2021 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V << 
493 - switch to new dataset G4TENDL1.4 provided by << 
494                                                << 
495 22 October 2021 - Guy Barrand (cmake-V10-07-43 << 
496 - Modules/G4DeveloperAPI.cmake: have ToolsSG a << 
497                                                << 
498 13 October 2021 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-07-42) << 
499 - Add XercesC library directory to Linux LD_LI << 
500   Workaround for incorrect setup on LCG stacks << 
501                                                << 
502 12 October 2021 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-07-41) << 
503 - Make ToolsSG options mutually exclusive      << 
504                                                << 
505 04 October 2021 - Stewart Boogert / Laurie Nev << 
506 - Add options and find module for VTK visualis << 
507                                                << 
508 27 September 2021 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-07-3 << 
509 - Change default value of GEANT4_BUILD_MULTITH << 
510                                                << 
511 22 September 2021 - Guilherme Amadio (cmake-V1 << 
512 - geant4_add_test:                             << 
513   - Ensure that Geant4 being built is picked u << 
514   - Ensure that the same compiler is used to b << 
515                                                << 
516 13 September 2021 - Gabriele Cosmo (cmake-V10- << 
517 - Set CLHEP- as the required minimum ve << 
518                                                << 
519 3 September 2021 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-04-36 << 
520 - geant4_add_test creates separate build/run t << 
521   - Required to support valgrind/memcheck runs << 
522     the build part of the test.                << 
523                                                << 
524 1 September 2021 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-04-35 << 
525 - Remove obsolete geant4_{executable,link_libr << 
526                                                << 
527 26 August 2021 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-07-34)  << 
528 - Remove obsolete network VRML driver option   << 
529 - Remove obsolete network FukuiRenderer driver << 
530                                                << 
531 23 August 2021 - Guilherme Amadio (cmake-V10-0 << 
532 - Rename Geant4::HDF5 to hdf5::hdf5 to be comp << 
533   imported target provided since CMake 3.20.   << 
534                                                << 
535 20 August 2021    - Gunter Folger  (cmake-V10- << 
536 - Switch to G4ParticleXS 4.0                   << 
537                                                << 
538 22 July 2021 - Ivana Hrivnacova (cmake-V10-07- << 
539 - Fixed path to g4tools/fonts, now in source/e << 
540                                                << 
541 30 June 2021 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-07-30)    << 
542 - Remove obsolete GEANT4_USE_SYSTEM_CLHEP_GRAN << 
543                                                << 
544 29 June 2021 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-07-29)    << 
545 - Disable creation of clang-formatting targets << 
546                                                << 
547 21 June 2021   - Julia Yarba    (cmake-V10-07- << 
548 - Clean cmake/Modules/FindPythia8.cmake        << 
549   (remove trailing whitespaces)                << 
550                                                << 
551 18 June 2021   - Julia Yarba    (cmake-V10-07- << 
552 - Add cmake/Modules/FindPythia8.cmake          << 
553 - Update cmake/Modules/G4ConfigureCMakeHelpers << 
554                                                << 
555 8 June 2021    - Gunter Folger  (cmake-V10-07- << 
556 - Switch to G4EMLOW 7.17                       << 
557                                                << 
558 03 June 2021 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-07-25)    << 
559 - Remove explicit setting of PTL_ cmake option << 
560 - Add GEANT4_USE_PTL_LOCKS option to forward t << 
561   as PTL_USE_LOCKS.                            << 
562                                                << 
563 27 May 2021 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-07-24)     << 
564 - Implement build/test script in Python to che << 
565   declared source module dependency graph.     << 
566                                                << 
567 25 May 2021 - Jonathan Madsen (cmake-V10-07-23 << 
568 - External PTL requires v2.0.0                 << 
569                                                << 
570 25 May 2021 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-07-22)     << 
571 - Clarify use of Freetype for both analysis an << 
572   - Remove use of no longer required imported  << 
573                                                << 
574 24 May 2021 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-07-21)     << 
575 - Bump minimum CMake version to 3.12           << 
576                                                << 
577 22 May 2021 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-07-20)     << 
578 - Qualify geant4_add_feature descriptions with << 
579   CMake property descriptions.                 << 
580                                                << 
581 18 May 2021 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-07-19)     << 
582 - Require C++17 as minimum standard to compile << 
583   - Allow compilation against C++23 with CMake << 
584   - Check for filesystem support in native or  << 
585                                                << 
586 15 May 2021 - Jonathan Madsen (cmake-V10-07-18 << 
588   and intermediate users can, by default, get  << 
589   on segmentation faults. Projects with their  << 
590   can configure with this option off, set G4BA << 
591   the environment, create their signal handler << 
592   gets created, or add `G4BackTrace::DefaultSi << 
593   before G4RunManager gets created.            << 
594                                                << 
595 10 May 2021    - John Allison  (cmake-V10-07-1 << 
596 - With vis-V10-07-03, incorporating visman-V10 << 
597   Introduce a new vis driver, TOOLSSG (Guy Bar << 
598   o Four (mutually exclusive) options:         << 
599     . TOOLSSG_X11_GLES                         << 
600     . TOOLSSG_WINDOWS_GLES                     << 
601     . TOOLSSG_XT_GLES                          << 
602     . TOOLSSG_QT_GLES                          << 
603                                                << 
604 7 May 2021    - Gunter Folger  (cmake-V10-07-1 << 
605 - Switch to G4EMLOW 7.16                       << 
606                                                << 
607 4th May 2021 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-07-15)    << 
608 - Remove obsolete -stdlib flag for AppleClang  << 
609                                                << 
610 3 May 2021    - Gunter Folger  (cmake-V10-07-1 << 
611 - Switch to G4EMLOW 7.15                       << 
612                                                << 
613 28 April 2021 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-07-13)   << 
614 - Preliminary support for sanitizers           << 
615                                                << 
616 22 March 2021 - Alberto Ribon (cmake-V10-07-12 << 
617 - Modules/G4BuildSettings.cmake : removed depr << 
618   environmental variable.                      << 
619                                                << 
620 19th March 2021 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-07- << 
621 - Update to older G4TENDL 1.3.2, 1.4 has probl << 
622                                                << 
623 18 March 2021 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-07-10)   << 
624 - Check for unparsed arguments in G4DeveloperA << 
625   provide better validation against typos/etc  << 
626                                                << 
627 09 March 2021 - John Allison (cmake-V10-07-09) << 
628 - Remove all references to Wt.                 << 
629                                                << 
630 23 February 2021 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-07-08 << 
631 - Store PUBLIC/PRIVATE/INTERFACE module usage  << 
632                                                << 
633 18th February 2021 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-07- << 
634 - Add G4tools target to CMake/GNUmake configur << 
635   migration from analysis to externals categor << 
636                                                << 
637 4th February 2021 -  Igor Semeniouk (cmake-V10 << 
638 - geant4.bat prototype                         << 
639 - hint to run geant4-config on windows         << 
640                                                << 
641 30th January 2021 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-0 << 
642 - Update to patched dataset G4PARTICLEXS 3.1.1 << 
643                                                << 
644 22nd January 2021 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-07-0 << 
645 - Update for GitHub PR #17: Provide same fix f << 
646 - Address Bugzilla #2303: Fail configuration i << 
647                                                << 
648 15th January 2021 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-07-0 << 
649 - Apply GitHub PR #17 from Florian Uhlig: Fix  << 
650   error with Homebrew X11/GL.                  << 
651                                                << 
652 11th January 2021 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-07-0 << 
653 - Apply GitHub PR #16 from andriish: Fix confi << 
654   system PTL 1.0.0.                            << 
655                                                << 
656 5th January 2010 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-07 << 
657 - Update to dataset G4EMLOW 7.14 as provided b << 
658                                                << 
659 8th November 2020 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-07-0 << 
660 - Install/Use builtin PTL CMake scripts from P << 
661   alongside Geant4Config.cmake                 << 
662                                                << 
663 20th November 2020 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-06- << 
664 - Make GEANT4_USE_SYSTEM_PTL option advanced   << 
665                                                << 
666 12th November 2020 - Jonathan Madsen (cmake-V1 << 
667 - Updated find package routines for timemory   << 
668                                                << 
669 19th November 2020 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-06- << 
670 - Require VecGeom 1.1.8 or newer               << 
671                                                << 
672 18th November 2020 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-06- << 
673 - Add GEANT4_BUILD_BUILTIN_BACKTRACE option to << 
674   use of G4BackTrace signal handling in G4RunM << 
675                                                << 
676 17th November 2020 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10- << 
677 - Bump CLHEP minimum required version to 2.4.4 << 
678                                                << 
679 4th November 2020 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-06-4 << 
680 - Make Qt53D driver optional based on find of  << 
681                                                << 
682 2nd/3rd November 2020 - Gunter Folger   (cmake << 
683 - Update to dataset RadioactiveDecay5.6 and Ph << 
684     provided by Laurent                        << 
685                                                << 
686 30th October 2020 - Gunter Folger   (cmake-V10 << 
687 - Update datasets as provided by Laurent:      << 
688   - G4ENSDFSTATE2.3                            << 
689   - PhotonEvaporation5.6                       << 
690   - RadioactiveDecay5.5                        << 
691                                                << 
692 29th October 2020 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-06-3 << 
693 - Remove obsolete Geant4MacroDefineModule and  << 
694 - Make Geant4MacroLibraryTargets module a no-o << 
695   2021                                         << 
696 - Remove GEANT4_USE_NEW_CMAKE option to comple << 
697 - Use STRINGS cache property for enum options  << 
698   give easier interface in (G)UIs              << 
699 - Remove pre CMake3 functionality from G4Insta << 
700                                                << 
701 27th October 2020 - Gunter Folger   (cmake-V10 << 
702 - Add optional TENDL dataset                   << 
703                                                << 
704 26th October 2020 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-06-3 << 
705 - Explicitly initialize GEANT4_USE_QT3D to OFF << 
706   user override.                               << 
707                                                << 
708 26th October 2020 - Gunter Folger   (cmake-V10 << 
709 - Switch to G4PARTICLEXS 3.1                   << 
710                                                << 
711 23rd October 2020 - John Allison (cmake-V10-06 << 
712 - Introduce changes for Qt3D vis driver.       << 
713                                                << 
714 20th October 2020 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-06-3 << 
715 - Update functions to use G4expat{-static} as  << 
716   Fixes GitLab Issue #44.                      << 
717                                                << 
718 19th October 2020 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-06-3 << 
719 - Support CMake 3.8 through 3.18               << 
720 - Allow specification of C++20 for CMake 3.12  << 
721                                                << 
722 12th October 2020 - Daren Sawkey (cmake-V10-06 << 
723 - Switch to new data set G4RealSurface 2.2     << 
724                                                << 
725 12th October 2020 - Gunter Folger   (cmake-V10 << 
726 - Switch to G4PARTICLEXS 3.0                   << 
727                                                << 
728 24th September 2020 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10 << 
729 - Switch to G4EMLOW 7.13                       << 
730                                                << 
731 15 September 2020 - Jonathan Madsen (cmake-V10 << 
732 - Updated GEANT4_TEST_ENVIRONMENT to set G4RUN << 
733   GEANT4_USE_TBB=ON                            << 
734                                                << 
735 28 August - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-06-27)       << 
736 - Improve support for Inventor (Coin)          << 
737   - Simplify configuration options, handling c << 
738     at configure time and by client applicatio << 
739   - Separate out dependency finding to keep th << 
740   - Improve consistency of using XQuartz vs Sy << 
741     macOS.                                     << 
742   - Remove obsolete FindInventor module        << 
743                                                << 
744 21 July 2020 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-06-26)    << 
745 - Provide new GEANT4_BUILD_PHP_AS_HP option to << 
746   HP in G4processes. Replaces PHP_AS_HP enviro << 
747 - Add PHP_AS_HP "feature" in Geant4Config.cmak << 
748   clients to check availability.               << 
749                                                << 
750 17th June 2020 - Jonathan Madsen (cmake-V10-06 << 
751 - Moved TBB before PTL                         << 
752 - Forced PTL_USE_TBB to be set to GEANT4_USE_T << 
753   using system PTL                             << 
754 - Added Geant4::G4ptl ALIAS targets for build  << 
755 - Added support for building G4ptl, GEANT4_USE << 
756 - Updated FindTBB.cmake to be more robust      << 
757 - Updates to PTL internal/external handling    << 
758 - fixed PTL find_dependency                    << 
759                                                << 
760 15th June 2020 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-06-2 << 
761 - Switch to G4EMLOW 7.12                       << 
762                                                << 
763 8th June 2020 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-06-23)   << 
764 - Default GEANT4_USE_NEW_CMAKE to ON to use ne << 
765   as the primary system.                       << 
766 - Fix bug in setting of AUTOMOC                << 
767 - Handle install of G4clhep{-static} independe << 
768   due it being built outside the category syst << 
769 - Retain GEANT4_BUILDTREE_INCLUDE_DIRS in new  << 
770   clients that may not yet support CMake targe << 
771 - Protect recursion into tests module on exist << 
772                                                << 
773 2nd June 2020 - Guilherme Amadio (cmake-V10-06 << 
774 - Avoid warnings from propagating CMAKE_DISABL << 
775   down to tests.                               << 
776                                                << 
777 30th May 2020 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-06-21)   << 
778 - Modules/Geant4DeveloperAPI.cmake: Import new << 
779   declaring and composing libraries from modul << 
780   Provide GEANT4_USE_NEW_CMAKE option, OFF by  << 
781   systems.                                     << 
782                                                << 
783 28th May 2020 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-06-20 << 
784 - Switch to G4EMLOW 7.11                       << 
785                                                << 
786 26th May 2020 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-06-19)   << 
787 - Use "VecGeom::vecgeom" as imported target na << 
788   to bring in line with upstream master of Vec << 
789   if it is set to package cache file, as new V << 
790   VecCore.                                     << 
791                                                << 
792 20 May 2020 - Frederick Jones (cmake-V10-06-18 << 
793 - Modules/G4InterfaceOptions.cmake: added GEAN << 
794   Inventor X driver code block to correct Xm a << 
795                                                << 
796 19th May 2020 - Guilherme Amadio (cmake-V10-06 << 
797 - Propagate value of CMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAG << 
798   that optionally support ROOT to allow testin << 
799   disabled. This is necessary when testing Gea << 
800   standard than ROOT when it's installed.      << 
801                                                << 
802 29th April 2020 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-06-16) << 
803 - Add GEANT4_USE_NEW_CMAKE option in preparati << 
804   build updates. Added now to suppress Continu << 
805                                                << 
806 22 April 2020 - Frederick Jones (cmake-V10-06- << 
807 - Modules/G4InterfaceOptions.cmake, Templates/ << 
808   Added support for Open Inventor Qt Vis drive << 
809   and used in applications.  The library can b << 
810   OIQT driver, or with the OIX/OIXE drivers, b << 
811                                                << 
812 6th April 2020 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-06-14)  << 
813 - Activate build of geant4py when GEANT4_USE_P << 
814   Check that MT builds use global-dynamic TLS  << 
815   module loading of the Geant4 dynamic librari << 
816                                                << 
817 21st April 2020 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-06-13) << 
818 - BUGFIX: Only store variables in Geant4Packag << 
819   a value.                                     << 
820                                                << 
821 20th April 2020 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-06-12) << 
822 - Remove Qt4 support                           << 
823                                                << 
824 17th April 2020 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-06-11) << 
825 - Add GEANT4_USE_PYTHON option to suppress Con << 
826                                                << 
827 3rd April 2020 - Guilherme Amadio (cmake-V10-0 << 
828 - Use full path to datasets if GEANT4_INSTALL_ << 
829                                                << 
830 2nd April 2020 - Guilherme Amadio (cmake-V10-0 << 
831 - Customize CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR in a single  << 
832                                                << 
833 18th March 2020 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-06- << 
834 - In Modules/G4CPack.cmake suppress warnings a << 
835   for Intel icc version 19.                    << 
836                                                << 
837 16th March 2020 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-06- << 
838 - Switch to G4EMLOW 7.10                       << 
839                                                << 
840 14th February 2020 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-06- << 
841 - No longer create gnumake symlinks on Windows << 
842   Windows permissions may prevent creation of  << 
843   errors at install time. As gnumake is no lon << 
844   Windows, protect symlink creation with test  << 
845                                                << 
846 4th February 2020 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-06-0 << 
847 - BUGFIX 2221                                  << 
848   Use "${FOO:-}" variable expansion and "-z" t << 
849   undefined variables in Bourne Shell scripts. << 
850   shell is in "set -u" mode. Report and patch  << 
851                                                << 
852 27th January 2020 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-0 << 
853 - Switch to G4EMLOW 7.9.1                      << 
854                                                << 
855 15th January 2020 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-06-0 << 
856 - Quote VECGEOM_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS to avoid i << 
857                                                << 
858 6th January 2020 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-06-02 << 
859 - Apply patch from TXCorp to allow compilation << 
860                                                << 
861 12th December 2019 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-06- << 
862 - Remove requirement on presence of XQuartz GL << 
863 - No longer save glu related variables in the  << 
864                                                << 
865 6th December 2019 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-06-0 << 
866 - Remove obsolete Geant4Wrapping module in pre << 
867   build support                                << 
868 - Rename remaining internal "Geant4..." module << 
869   Retain Geant4DefineModule and Geant4LibraryT << 
870   scheme in place.                             << 
871 - Format G4ClangFormat                         << 
872                                                << 
873 25th November 2019 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-05- << 
874 - Disable configuration of Wt UI/Vis driver du << 
875   compiling with recent Wt versions            << 
876                                                << 
877 22nd November 2019 - Jonathan Madsen (cmake-V1 << 
878 - Updated Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake and G << 
879   the timemory find_package COMPONENTS and the << 
880 - Updated "TiMemory" package name to simple "t << 
881                                                << 
882 20th November 2019 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-05- << 
883 - Require MSVC 19.20 (Visual Studio 2019) or n << 
884   std::filesystem on Windows platforms         << 
885                                                << 
886 18th November 2019 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10- << 
887 - Switch to PhotonEvaporation 5.5              << 
888                                                << 
889 16th November 2019 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-05- << 
890 - BUGFIX: Ensure visibility of custom modules  << 
891   Custom modules must be visible during scope  << 
892   such as XQuartzGL can be refound.            << 
893                                                << 
894 14th November 2019 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-05- << 
895 - BUGFIX: Ensure installation of all *Shim.cma << 
896                                                << 
897 13th November 2019 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-05- << 
898 - BUGFIX: Fix typo in setup of Qt4 libraries t << 
899   Qt5 imported target                          << 
900 - BUGFIX #1663: Prepend Geant4_CXX_FLAGS[_<MOD << 
901   instead of overwriting                       << 
902                                                << 
903 12th November 2019 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-05- << 
905   the VecGeom::VecGeom imported targets. This  << 
906   externals such as VecCore and similar.       << 
907                                                << 
908 7th November 2019 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-05-2 << 
909 - Use target_XXX usage requirements to transpo << 
910   links. Remove requirement to use complete in << 
911   in Module sources.cmake files                << 
912 - Retain exported "Geant4_INCLUDE_DIR{S}" vari << 
913   ROOT dictionary generation (which does not u << 
914   of targets until latest versions).           << 
915 - Namespace exported targets with "Geant4::" t << 
916   prevent accidental linkage via "-lG4name" ex << 
917 - Migrate use of all external packages to use  << 
918   with shim scripts to support CMake versions  << 
919 - Store build-time locations of used external  << 
920   installable CMake script for reuse, if prese << 
921   in refinding packages.                       << 
922 - Remove remaining -D flags set via add_defini << 
923   target_compile_definitions                   << 
924                                                << 
925 6th November 2019 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-05-2 << 
926 - Remove GEANT4_FORCE_QT4 option, deprecating  << 
927 - Retain fallback to finding Qt4, emitting a C << 
928   of Qt4 is deprecated.                        << 
929 - Fixes GitLab Issue #23                       << 
930                                                << 
931 5th November 2019 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-0 << 
932 - Switch to PhotonEvaporation 5.4 and to Radio << 
933                                                << 
934 31st October 2019 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-05-1 << 
935 - Require MSVC 19.11.25505 (Visual Studio 2017 << 
936   minimum required version to build Geant4 on  << 
937   to support use of C++17 filesystem in visual << 
938   selection.                                   << 
939 - Support compile features for this MSVC when  << 
940 - Default C++ Standard with MSVC is now C++17  << 
941 - Remove old genwindef method of generating DL << 
942   min cmake version of 3.8 fully supports dire << 
943   properties.                                  << 
944                                                << 
945 25th October - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-05-17)    << 
946 - Bump minimum CMake version for build/use of  << 
947 - Update IntelCompileFeatures to support C++17 << 
948   using CMake 3.8-3.10                         << 
949                                                << 
950 23rd October 2019 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-0 << 
951 - Switch to G4NDL 4.6                          << 
952                                                << 
953 14th October 2019 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-0 << 
954 - Switch to G4EMLOW 7.9                        << 
955                                                << 
956 2nd October 2019 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-05 << 
957 - Switch to G4EMLOW 7.8                        << 
958                                                << 
959 6th September 2019 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-05- << 
960 - Templates/UseGeant4_internal.cmake: Only sco << 
961   when using a generator that supports multico << 
962   Allows tests to be run with Ninja Generator  << 
963                                                << 
964 21st August 2019 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-05-11 << 
965 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake: set Op << 
966   Prevents warning on CMake >= 3.10, and keeps << 
967                                                << 
968 20th August 2019 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-05 << 
969 - Switch to G4PARTICLEXS 2.1                   << 
970                                                << 
971 13th August 2019 - Gabriele Cosmo (cmake-V10-0 << 
972 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake: adde << 
973   ELLIPTICALTUBE flags to enable wrapping of G << 
974   G4EllipticalTube in GEANT4_USOLIDS_SHAPES.   << 
975   Coworks with tag geom-specific-V10-04-13.    << 
976                                                << 
977 11th July 2019 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-05-08)  << 
978 - Fix path-with-spaces bug reported by Eleanor << 
979   - << 
980   - Triaged as the include paths not being quo << 
981     spaces in them, the several expansions inv << 
982     the space as a list seperator (;). This ca << 
983     in compiler commands                       << 
984   - Explicitly quote Geant4 header paths from  << 
985                                                << 
986 4th July 2019 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-05-07)   << 
987 - Fix logic of setting up components in Geant4 << 
988   - Set up component when:                     << 
989     - Is found (Geant4_comp_FOUND is TRUE)     << 
990     - comp exists in Geant4_FIND_COMPONENTS    << 
991   - Don't remove found components from Geant4_ << 
992   - Check if component is FOUND and REQUIRED a << 
993     setting Geant4_FOUND to FALSE if a missing << 
994     is detected.                               << 
995 - Fixes Bugzilla #2139                         << 
996                                                << 
997 3rd July 2019 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-05-06)   << 
998 - Do not switch off CMAKE_CXX_EXTENSIONS in Ge << 
999   Not required for client applications.        << 
1000 - Fixes Bugzilla #2002                        << 
1001                                               << 
1002 6th June 2019 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-05-05)  << 
1003 - Remove G4FPE_DEBUG from Debug build mode    << 
1004   - Not appropriate for basic debug and incom << 
1005 - Provide new "Debug_FPE" build mode which co << 
1006   appends -DG4FPE_DEBUG to allow continued us << 
1007   with common primary modes.                  << 
1008                                               << 
1009 24th May 2019 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-05-0 << 
1010 - Switch to G4PARTICLEXS 2.0                  << 
1011                                               << 
1012 14th May 2019 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-05-03)  << 
1013 - Promote always required -D flags for VecGeo << 
1014   #define/undef flags in a header             << 
1015   - See geommng-V10-05-05, G4GeomTypes/G4Geom << 
1016 - Set CMake variables for G4GEOM_USE_... para << 
1017 - Retain add_definitions for VecGeom until it << 
1018 - Update XXHelpers scripts for generating GNU << 
1019                                               << 
1020 8th February 2019 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-05- << 
1021 - DEV-250: Promote global, always required, - << 
1022   in new G4GlobalConfig.hh header:            << 
1023   - G4USE_STD11                               << 
1024   - G4MULTITHREADED                           << 
1025   - G4_STORE_TRAJECTORY                       << 
1026   - G4VERBOSE                                 << 
1027   - GEANT4_USE_TIMEMORY                       << 
1028 - Remove use of add_definitions of CMAKE_CXX_ << 
1029   and client scripts                          << 
1030 - Used by global-V10-05-02                    << 
1031                                               << 
1032 7th February 2019 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-05- << 
1033 - Remove obsolete GEANT4_BUILD_MUONIC_ATOMS_I << 
1034   and associated configuration/compiler flags << 
1035                                               << 
1036 21st December 2018 - Makoto Asai (cmake-V10-0 << 
1037 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake:     << 
1038 - Template/             << 
1039    Add GEANT4_USE_SMARTSTACK                  << 
1040                                               << 
1041 5th November 2018 - Gunter Folger  (cmake-V10 << 
1042 - Switch to G4PARTICLEXS 1.1                  << 
1043                                               << 
1044 5th November 2018 - Gunter Folger  (cmake-V10 << 
1045 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake:     << 
1046    remove entry for G4NEUTRONXS               << 
1047                                               << 
1048 2nd November 2018 - Gunter Folger  (cmake-V10 << 
1049 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake:     << 
1050    Add new  G4PARTICLEXS data set; this repla << 
1051 - fix dates of two entries below; was wrong,  << 
1052                                               << 
1053 29th October 2018 - Gunter Folger  (cmake-V10 << 
1054 - Switch to new dataset RadioactiveDecay5.3   << 
1055                                               << 
1056 29th October 2018 - Gunter Folger  (cmake-V10 << 
1057 - Switch to new dataset PhotonEvaporation5.3  << 
1058                                               << 
1059 18th October 2018 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-04- << 
1060 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake: Use https  << 
1061 - Templates/ Add -L flag to  << 
1062   when accessing dataset url                  << 
1063                                               << 
1064 28th September 2018  - Gabriele Cosmo (cmake- << 
1065 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake: added -D << 
1066   to CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_INIT for clang to silenc << 
1067   warnings on MacOS 10.14 Mojave.             << 
1068                                               << 
1069 19th September 2018  - Gunter Folger (cmake-V << 
1070 - Switch to G4SAIDDATA2.0                     << 
1071                                               << 
1072 17th September 2018  - Gunter Folger (cmake-V << 
1073 - Switch to G4EMLOW7.7                        << 
1074                                               << 
1075 22nd August 2018 - Gabriele Cosmo (cmake-V10- << 
1076 - Updated FindInventor.cmake to properly setu << 
1077 - Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake: added check f << 
1078                                               << 
1079 9th August 2018  - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-0 << 
1080 - Switch to G4EMLOW7.6                        << 
1081                                               << 
1082 3rd August 2018  - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-0 << 
1083 - Add new dataset for INCL, G4INCL1.0         << 
1084                                               << 
1085 4th July 2018  - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-04- << 
1086 - Switch to G4EMLOW7.5                        << 
1087                                               << 
1088 19th June 2018 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-04- << 
1089 - Templates/, << 
1090   Skip checking sources for zlib              << 
1091     (.c and .h match far too many other files << 
1092 - Switch to G4EMLOW7.4                        << 
1093                                               << 
1094 14th June 2018 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-04- << 
1095 -  Templates/ << 
1096                                               << 
1097 8th June 2018 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-04-12)  << 
1098 - Add "auto" dummy Thread Local Storage model << 
1099   Per request from CERN, when "auto" is used, << 
1100   no explicit compiler flag to select the TLS << 
1101   set. Record this in Geant4Config.cmake and  << 
1102   as unset/empty variables.                   << 
1103                                               << 
1104 6th Jun 2018 - Jonathan Madsen (cmake-V10-04- << 
1105 - Addition of TiMemory as an optional package << 
1106                                               << 
1107 23rd May 2018 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-04-10)  << 
1108 - Remove CMake warning about building MT DLLs << 
1109   these are now supported.                    << 
1110                                               << 
1111 23rd May 2018 - Gunter Folger  (cmake-V10-04- << 
1112 - Update Geant4DatasetDefinitions to use G4Re << 
1113    patched version bringing back data lost in << 
1114                                               << 
1115 14st May 2018 - Gunter Folger  (cmake-V10-04- << 
1116 - Update Geant4DatasetDefinitions to use G4NE << 
1117                                               << 
1118 21st March 2018 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-04-07 << 
1119 - G4BuildSettings.cmake: Allow Windows MT bui << 
1120                                               << 
1121 26th February 2018 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-04 << 
1122 - Geant4InstallData.cmake, Geant4CTest.cmake: << 
1123   to "" as the correct ali << 
1124   from main website.                          << 
1125                                               << 
1126 26th February 2018 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-04 << 
1127 - Geant4InstallData.cmake, Geant4CTest.cmake: << 
1128   to "" as the correct alias.   << 
1129                                               << 
1130 26th February 2018 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-04 << 
1131 - G4BuildSettings.cmake: Add 17/c++17 to C++  << 
1132   Geant4 can be compiled. Will require a mini << 
1133   3.8 to enable, but this is not checked.     << 
1134                                               << 
1135 20th February 2018 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-04 << 
1136 - Initial configuration support for MT on Win << 
1137 - Modules/G4BuildSettings.cmake: Remove restr << 
1138   MT on Windows. Add restriction on building  << 
1139   if this combination is selcted, and report  << 
1140   static MT libraries.                        << 
1141                                               << 
1142 18th January 2018 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-04- << 
1143 - Support use of WINDOWS_EXPORT_ALL_SYMBOLS f << 
1144   retaining old capability for CMake 3.3.     << 
1145 - Modules/G4WindowsDLLSupport.cmake: New modu << 
1146   Create old `genwindef` support program, mov << 
1147   Implement `__geant4_add_dll_old` macro whic << 
1148   use of `genwindef` to export symbols and cr << 
1149 - Modules/G4DeveloperAPI_OLD.cmake: Include G << 
1150   use functionality to create DLL when CMake  << 
1151   new WINDOWS_EXPORT_ALL_SYMBOLS property whe << 
1152                                               << 
1153 11th January 2018 - Gabriele Cosmo (cmake-V10 << 
1154 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake: add << 
1155   wrapping of G4TessellatedSolid in GEANT4_US << 
1156   Coworks with tag geom-specific-V10-04-03.   << 
1157                                               << 
1158 8th December 2017 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-04- << 
1159 - Templates/UseGeant4_internal.cmake: When ru << 
1160   make it run in WORKING_DIRECTORY if this is << 
1161                                               << 
1162 30th November 2017 - Gabriele Cosmo (cmake-V1 << 
1163 - Replaced USolids specific flags with VecGeo << 
1164   From now on VecGeomConfig.cmake will be req << 
1165   USolidsConfig.cmake, as well as VecGeom_DIR << 
1166                                               << 
1167 29th November 2017 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-03 << 
1168 - Bugfix: Restore reporting of GEANT4_BUILD_C << 
1169                                               << 
1170 27th November 2017 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-03 << 
1171 - Remove obsolete FindROOT module             << 
1172                                               << 
1173 10th November 2017 - Gunter Folger  (cmake-V1 << 
1174 - Switch to new dataset G4PhotonEvaporation5. << 
1175                                               << 
1176 10th November 2017 - Gabriele Cosmo (cmake-V1 << 
1177 - G4ConfigureGNUMakeHelpers.cmake: corrected  << 
1178   path for GNUmake.                           << 
1179                                               << 
1180 7th November 2017 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-03- << 
1181 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake:     << 
1182   When using HDF5 with Multithreaded Geant4,  << 
1183   that found install of HDF5 was built with t << 
1184   safety. Require HDF5 >= 1.8.                << 
1185                                               << 
1186 3rd November 2017 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-03- << 
1187 - BUGFIX: Make HDF5 component checkable by cl << 
1188 - Templates/ : Add "hdf5 << 
1189   with associated boolean Geant4_hdf5_FOUND.  << 
1190 - Templates/ add "hdf5" feat << 
1191                                               << 
1192 27th October 2017 - Gunter Folger  (cmake-V10 << 
1193 - Switch to new dataset G4EMLOW 7.3           << 
1194                                               << 
1195 25th October 2017 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-03- << 
1196 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake:    << 
1197   Add new advanced build option GEANT4_BUILD_ << 
1198   requested by Krzysztof Genser and Makoto As << 
1199   when ON, adds G4MUTOMS_INUSE to compile def << 
1200   code protected by the symbol only appears i << 
1201   not export this definition to clinet side b << 
1202 - Templates/, Templates/Geant << 
1203   Record use of GEANT4_BUILD_MUONIC_ATOMS_IN_ << 
1204   and component respectively. Neither affects << 
1205   it's simply a report on whether the option  << 
1206                                               << 
1207 19th October 2017 - Gunter Folger  (cmake-V10 << 
1208 - Switch to new dataset G4EMLOW 7.2           << 
1209                                               << 
1210 19th October 2017 - Gunter Folger  (cmake-V10 << 
1211 - Switch to new dataset G4ABLA 3.1            << 
1212                                               << 
1213 16th October 2017 - Gabriele Cosmo (cmake-V10 << 
1214 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake: add << 
1215   wrapping of G4Hype in GEANT4_USOLIDS_SHAPES << 
1216   Coworks with tag geom-specific-V10-03-21.   << 
1217                                               << 
1218 26th September 2017 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V1 << 
1219 - Switch to new datasets:                     << 
1220   - G4ENSDFSTATE2.2                           << 
1221   - G4PhotonEvaporation5.1                    << 
1222   - G4RadioactiveDecay5.2                     << 
1223                                               << 
1224 13th September 2017 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-0 << 
1225 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake: Req << 
1226   >= 2.0.1. Identified in Bugzilla #2003. g4t << 
1227   only present in 2.0.1 or higher. Though Gea << 
1228   meet this requirement, check expat version  << 
1229   is < 2.0.1. On error, report information on << 
1230                                               << 
1231 11th September 2017 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-0 << 
1232 - Modules/G4CMakeMain.cmake: Remove GEANT4_BU << 
1233   Add GEANT4_INSTALL_EXAMPLES option. Advance << 
1234   thia is for use by developers who wish to s << 
1235   installing all the example code.            << 
1236                                               << 
1237 7th September 2017 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-03 << 
1238 - Modules/G4DeveloperAPI_OLD.cmake: Set INSTA << 
1239   Requested by Fons Rademackers. Loading Gean << 
1240   can lead to resolution errors as they canno << 
1241   Append "@loader_path" to the INSTALL_RPATH  << 
1242   This will expand to the directory of the li << 
1243   will contain the other Geant4 libraries. Ap << 
1244   users may still supply CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH  << 
1245   and this will be preferred.                 << 
1246                                               << 
1247 5th September 2017 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10 << 
1248 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: swi << 
1249                                               << 
1250 23rd August 2017 - Gunter Folger   (cmake-V10 << 
1251 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: swi << 
1252                                               << 
1253 3rd August 2017 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-03-31 << 
1254 - Create a G4HDF INTERFACE target for uniform << 
1255   and libraries at build, test and install ti << 
1256   relocatable as the target hardcodes header/ << 
1257   it creates a single point of access so that << 
1258   will require minimal changes, limited to th << 
1259                                               << 
1260 27th July 2017 - Ivana Hrivnacova (cmake-V10- << 
1261 - Removed FindHdf5.cmake as the find module i << 
1262                                               << 
1263 27th July 2017 - Ivana Hrivnacova (cmake-V10- << 
1264 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Ad << 
1265   option, OFF by defaults, to allow user to e << 
1266   in analysis library.                        << 
1267                                               << 
1268 18th July 2017 - Andrea Dotti (cmake-V10-03-2 << 
1269 - Modules/FindStatTest.cmake fix logic to set << 
1271                                               << 
1272 17th July 2017 - Gabriele Cosmo (cmake-V10-03 << 
1273 - Modules/G4ConfigureGNUMakeHelpers, Modules/ << 
1274   corrected Qt setup for GNUmake builds, avoi << 
1275   as already handled by the GNUmake system fo << 
1276                                               << 
1277 11th July 2017 - Gabriele Cosmo (cmake-V10-03 << 
1278 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake: add << 
1279   wrapping of G4Para in GEANT4_USOLIDS_SHAPES << 
1280   Coworks with tag geom-csg-V10-03-29.        << 
1281                                               << 
1282 10th July 2017 - Gabriele Cosmo (cmake-V10-03 << 
1283 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake: add << 
1284   wrapping of G4CutTubs in GEANT4_USOLIDS_SHA << 
1285   Coworks with tag geom-csg-V10-03-28.        << 
1286                                               << 
1287 12th June 2017 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-03-23) << 
1288 - Remove support for modulefile generation, a << 
1289   generated files not compatible with relocat << 
1290   expected that software stack managers will  << 
1291   modulefile file according to their requirem << 
1292                                               << 
1293 9th June 2017 - Gabriele Cosmo  (cmake-V10-03 << 
1294 - Corrected exporting of external packages pa << 
1295                                               << 
1296 8th June 2017 - Gunter Folger   (cmake-V10-03 << 
1297 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: swi << 
1298                                               << 
1299 31st May 2017 - Gunter Folger   (cmake-V10-03 << 
1300 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: swi << 
1301                                               << 
1302 30th May 2017 - Gabriele Cosmo  (cmake-V10-03 << 
1303 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake: add << 
1304   to include directories for USolids/VecGeom  << 
1305   allow for detection of external packages pa << 
1306   Vetor backend is chosen at installation of  << 
1307                                               << 
1308 24th May 2017 - Gabriele Cosmo  (cmake-V10-03 << 
1309 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake: app << 
1311   dependency on VecGeom in G4U* wrappers, and << 
1312                                               << 
1313 16th May 2017 - Ben Morgan      (cmake-V10-03 << 
1314 - BUGFIX #1960: Do not set or modify DYLD_LIB << 
1315   geant4make setup scripts on macOS.          << 
1316                                               << 
1317 2nd May 2017 - Gunter Folger    (cmake-V10-03 << 
1318 - Update G4EMLOW data to 6.53                 << 
1319                                               << 
1320 4th April 2017 - Gunter Folger  (cmake-V10-03 << 
1321 - Update PhotonEvaporation data to 5.0        << 
1322                                               << 
1323 27th March 2017 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-03 << 
1324 - fix previous tag: the download file for Rea << 
1325    from RealSurface to G4RealSurface, making  << 
1326    with other datafiles.                      << 
1327                                               << 
1328 23rd March 2017 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-03 << 
1329 - Update RealSurface data to 2.0              << 
1330                                               << 
1331 9th March 2017 - Gunter Folger  (cmake-V10-03 << 
1332 - Modules/G4CMakeMain.cmake: add directory ve << 
1333                                               << 
1334 23rd February 2017 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-03 << 
1335 - Bugfix-1934                                 << 
1336 - Templates/ Re-include << 
1337   include directories when using external CLH << 
1338   to allow examples using ROOT to generate di << 
1339   as ROOT's CMake functions do not support us << 
1340   or generator expressions yet.               << 
1341                                               << 
1342 21st February 2017 - Gunter Folger  (cmake-V1 << 
1343  base on tag cmake-V10-03-06, and only update << 
1344  and Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake t << 
1345  Changes to above two files committed first i << 
1346  Then create branch cmake-V10-03-06_branch fo << 
1347 - switch to PhotonEvaporation 4.3.2           << 
1348                                               << 
1349                                               << 
1350 21st February 2017 - Gunter Folger  (cmake-V1 << 
1351  rejected: as based on previous rejected tags << 
1352 - switch to PhotonEvaporation 4.3.2           << 
1353                                               << 
1354 10th February 2017 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-03 << 
1355 - Bugfix: Continuous identified issue on Wind << 
1356   Way that DLLs are built means that target_i << 
1357   not propagated to intermediate archive libr << 
1358   to fail due to missing CLHEP headers.       << 
1359 - Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Set CLHEP_ << 
1360   path for CLHEP headers with using builtin C << 
1361 - TODO: look at resolution via better DLL bui << 
1362                                               << 
1363 9th February 2017 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-03- << 
1364 - BUGFIX-1934                                 << 
1365 - Incorporates all changes from branch cmake- << 
1366                                               << 
1367 8th February 2017 - Ben Morgan (branch cmake- << 
1368 - BUGFIX 1934                                 << 
1369 - Note that this patch should not be applied  << 
1370   changes to support CLHEP's imported targets << 
1371 - See the comments in Geant4OptionalComponent << 
1372 - Remove obsolete FindCLHEP.cmake module      << 
1373 - Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake: Update Inte << 
1374   - Prepend CLHEP_ROOT_DIR to CMAKE_PREFIX_PA << 
1375     Config mode finds CLHEP as FindCLHEP did. << 
1377   - Simplify System/Granular CLHEP selection  << 
1378   - Simplify location/setup of system CLHEP a << 
1379     CLHEP_LIBRARIES set with appropriate sing << 
1380     full usage requirements.                  << 
1381   - Remove setting of GEANT4_USE_BUILTIN_CLHE << 
1382 - G4ConfigureCMakeHelpers.cmake: Remove insta << 
1383 - Update re-find of CL << 
1384   - Set CLHEP_DIR rather than CLHEP_ROOT_DIR. << 
1385   - Add new variable Geant4_system_clhep_FOUN << 
1386     buildtime GEANT4_USE_SYSTEM_CLHEP option. << 
1387   - Set value of Geant4_builtin_clhep_FOUND a << 
1388                                               << 
1389 7th February 2017 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-03- << 
1390 - Restructure developer API scripts for clari << 
1391 - Merge Geant4MacroDefineModule.cmake and Gea << 
1392   into single G4DeveloperAPI_OLD.cmake module << 
1393 - Create new G4DeveloperAPI.cmake module. Thi << 
1394   for the new developer API, but for now it s << 
1395   G4DeveloperAPI_OLD.cmake.                   << 
1396 - Leave Geant4MacroDefineModule and Geant4Mac << 
1397   as stubs which simply forward to G4Develope << 
1398   are included in several places, so maintain << 
1399 - Include G4DeveloperAPI in top levl G4CMakeM << 
1400                                               << 
1401 3rd February 2017 - Gunter Folger  (cmake-V10 << 
1402 - switch to                                   << 
1403   - PhotonEvaporation 4.3.1                   << 
1404   - RadioactiveDecay 5.1.1                    << 
1405                                               << 
1406 27th January 2017 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-03- << 
1407 - Refactor core Configure/Build and Client Sc << 
1408   clarity and cohesion.                       << 
1409 - Module renames and changes:                 << 
1410   - Modules/G4CMakeSettings.cmake (NEW)       << 
1411     - Handles all core CMake behaviour and ex << 
1412   - Modules/Geant4MacroUtilities.cmake -> Mod << 
1413     - Rename to better reflect purpose        << 
1414   - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake - << 
1415     - Handles all core build/link options not << 
1416     - All functionality in Modules/Geant4Buil << 
1417   - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibil << 
1418     - Rename to clearly identify task         << 
1419     - Move all GMake related setup to this mo << 
1420   - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake << 
1421     - Rename to clearly identify task         << 
1422   - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake -> << 
1423     - Rename to clearly identify task         << 
1424 - Modules/Geant4CTest.cmake                   << 
1425   - All test-related options moved into file. << 
1426                                               << 
1427 16th January 2017 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-03- << 
1428 - Remove/refactor obsolete CMake modules      << 
1429 - Modules/CMakeMacroParseArguments.cmake: Rem << 
1430   provided by CMake builtin CMakeParseArgumen << 
1431   interface in modules:                       << 
1432   - FindROOT.cmake                            << 
1433   - Geant4MacroDefineModule.cmake             << 
1434   - Geant4MacroLibraryTargets.cmake           << 
1435   - Geant4MacroUtilities.cmake                << 
1436   - UseGeant4_internal.cmake                  << 
1437 - Modules/Geant4InstallDirs.cmake: Remove as  << 
1438   provided by CMake builtin GNUInstallDirs, i << 
1439   G4CMakeMain.cmake                           << 
1440 - Modules/MacroEnsureVersion.cmake: Remove as << 
1441   comparison now supplied in CMake if()       << 
1442 - Modules/ResolveCompilerPaths.cmake: Remove  << 
1443 - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake: Rem << 
1444   of obsolete modules.                        << 
1445                                               << 
1446 5th January 2017 - Gunter Folger    (cmake-V1 << 
1447 - switch to EMLOW6.52                         << 
1448                                               << 
1449 19th December 2016 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10 << 
1450 - switch to EMLOW6.51                         << 
1451                                               << 
1452 12th December 2016 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-03 << 
1453 - Modules/G4CMakeMain.cmake : New Module      << 
1454   Refactor core implementation from top level << 
1455   under the CMake category. This assists with << 
1456   modularization work, as changes will be tag << 
1457   can be made without requiring changes and c << 
1458   top level script.                           << 
1459                                               << 
1460 24th November 2016 - Gunter Folger  (cmake-V1 << 
1461 - Switch to PhotonEvaporation 4.3             << 
1462                                               << 
1463 22nd November 2016 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-02 << 
1464 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Change  << 
1465   Release mode to -Ox for consistentcy with G << 
1466                                               << 
1467 18th November 2016 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-02 << 
1468 - Modules/Geant4BuildModes.cmake : Change def << 
1469   when using single mode tools like Make/Ninj << 
1470 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : Always co << 
1471   native CMake paths. Prevents parse errors o << 
1472   paths are exported (reported by Brian Smith << 
1473                                               << 
1474 17th November 2016 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-02 << 
1475 - Fix bug in Qt4/5 handling on Windows        << 
1476 - Templates/ : Move re-f << 
1477   Qt4/5 setup section.                        << 
1478 - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake : Re << 
1479   variable, and replace with dedicated GEANT4 << 
1480 - Export Qt library path to dynamic loader pa << 
1481 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibilit << 
1482   Prepend Qt library path to dynamic loader p << 
1483   macOS.                                      << 
1484 - Templates/ : Add expa << 
1485   loader setup.                               << 
1486                                               << 
1487 15th November 2016 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-02 << 
1488 - Export USolids/VecGeom compile defs to Gean     35 - Export USolids/VecGeom compile defs to Geant4GNUmake environment setup scripts
1489 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibilit     36 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake :
1490   Configure export variables based on choice      37   Configure export variables based on choice of USolids full/partial
1491   replacement                                     38   replacement
1492 - Templates/ : Add entr     39 - Templates/ : Add entries for required env vars
1493                                                   40 
1494 9th November 2016 - Ivana Hrivnacova  (cmake- <<  41 31st October 2016 - Ben Morgan
1495 - Added FindDCMTK.cmake needed for extended/m << 
1496                                               << 
1497 8th November 2016 - Gunter Folger  (cmake-V10 << 
1498 - switch to RadioactiveDecay5.1, PhotonEvapor << 
1499                                               << 
1500 3rd November 2016 - Gunter Folger  (cmake-V10 << 
1501 - switch to PhotonEvaporation 4.1             << 
1502                                               << 
1503 31st October 2016 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-02- << 
1504 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : fix bug << 
1505   CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_INIT variable to add -pipe  << 
1506                                               << 
1507 31st October 2016 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-02- << 
1508 - Bugfix #1877                                    42 - Bugfix #1877
1509 - Templates/ : Provide      43 - Templates/ : Provide placeholder
1510   variable for adding setting of XercesC libp     44   variable for adding setting of XercesC libpath
1511 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibilit     45 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake
1512   Extract and export XercesC library director     46   Extract and export XercesC library directory to geant4.(c)sh
1513   scripts. Add new _g4tc_append_path function     47   scripts. Add new _g4tc_append_path function to allow appending
1514   of entries to a path-like variable. This en     48   of entries to a path-like variable. This ensures paths to third
1515   party libraries appear after the core Geant     49   party libraries appear after the core Geant4 library path which
1516   should prevent clashes.                         50   should prevent clashes.
1517                                                   51 
1518 27th October 2016 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10- <<  52 3rd June 2016 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-01-46)
1519 - switch to G4EMLOW 6.50                      <<  53 - Switch to corrected datasets to correct bad packing in patch01:
1520                                               <<  54    - G4ENSDFSTATE.1.2.3
1521 6th October 2016 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-02-2 <<  55   - G4RadioactiveDecay.4.3.2
1522 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Move al << 
1523 to Release mode only. Add -fno-math-errno and << 
1524                                               << 
1525                                               << 
1526 6th October 2016 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-02-2 << 
1527 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Add -fn << 
1528 flags of GCC/Clang compielrs to assist in aut << 
1529 by CMS/GCC). Bump optimization level in Relea << 
1530 compilers.                                    << 
1531                                               << 
1532 3rd October 2016- Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-02 << 
1533 - switch to use G4ENSDFSTATE 2.0              << 
1534   (requires tag particles-V10-02-28)          << 
1535                                               << 
1536 29th September 2016 - Robert Hatcher (cmake-V << 
1537 - Templates/ : No longer << 
1538 G4physicslists on static builds; this was nev << 
1539 physics list factory work makes this untenabl << 
1540                                               << 
1541 28th September 2016 - Andrea Dotti  (cmake-V1 << 
1542 - add option for TEXT output file in FindStat << 
1543                                               << 
1544 19th September 2016 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V1 << 
1545 - switch to PhotonEvaporation 4.0             << 
1546                                               << 
1547 7th September 2016 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10 << 
1548 - switch to G4RadioactiveDecay.5.0            << 
1549                                               << 
1550 22nd August 2016 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-02-1 << 
1551 - Templates/UseGeant4.cmake : Force core and  << 
1552   build Geant4. When Geant4 is built with a s << 
1553   CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE for the client to that use << 
1554   guarantees matching of librayr/application  << 
1555   NB: No default mode can be provided if Gean << 
1556   multimode tool like Xcode/VS. This is becau << 
1557   at once so a sensible default cannot be set << 
1558 - Templates/ : Add new G << 
1559   build type of install when Geant4 is instal << 
1560 - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake : Se << 
1561   when building with a single mode tool.      << 
1562                                               << 
1563 15th August 2016 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-0 << 
1564 - switch to G4EMLOW.6.49                      << 
1565                                               << 
1566 17th June 2016 - Gabriele Cosmo (cmake-V10-02 << 
1567 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake: set << 
1568   version for external CLHEP library.         << 
1569                                               << 
1570 9th June 2016 - Gunter Folger  (cmake-V10-02- << 
1571 - revert change in Templates/Geant4Config.cma << 
1572     revision 97140; the coworking tags have b << 
1573                                               << 
1574 3rd June 2016 - Gunter Folger  (cmake-V10-02- << 
1575 - switch to RadioActiveDecay 4.4.1 and  G4ENS << 
1576    Laurent.                                   << 
1577                                               << 
1578 25th May 2016 - Robert Hatcher (cmake-V10-02- << 
1579 - Templates/ : No longer << 
1580 G4physicslists on static builds; this was nev << 
1581 physics list factory work makes this untenabl << 
1582                                                   56 
1583 25th May 2016 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-02-13)  <<  57 25th May 2016 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-45)
1584 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Alwa     58 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Always add Xmu to X11_LIBRARIES when
1585 using Motif/OpenInventor to avoid missing sym <<  59   using Motif/OpenInventor to avoid missing symbol errors on OS X.
1586                                                   60 
1587 24th May 2016 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-02-12)  <<  61 24th May 2016 - Ben Morgan
1588 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Fi     62 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Fix regex to avoid matching to "CONS"
1589   shape is check for all shapes.                  63   shape is check for all shapes.
1590                                                   64 
1591 24th May 2016 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-02-11)  <<  65 24th May 2016 - Ben Morgan
1592 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : In     66 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Initial implementation of a list
1593   based interface to GEANT4_USE_USOLIDS. Rath     67   based interface to GEANT4_USE_USOLIDS. Rather than booleans, unify USolids
1594   replacement into single string/list variabl     68   replacement into single string/list variable with following behaviour:
1595   1) Setting to "all", any CMake boolean true     69   1) Setting to "all", any CMake boolean true value, or a list containing either
1596      results in complete usolids replacement      70      results in complete usolids replacement
1597   2) A list, i.e. "a;b;c", or shapes to repla     71   2) A list, i.e. "a;b;c", or shapes to replace with Usolids equivalents may be supplied.
1598   Validate arguments to prevent unknown shape     72   Validate arguments to prevent unknown shapes being set, and otherwise retain previous
1599   behaviour                                       73   behaviour
1600   List allowed values in option docstring.        74   List allowed values in option docstring.
1601 - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake : En     75 - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake : Ensure setting of Usolids use marker to a
1602   proper boolean value.                           76   proper boolean value.
1603 - Templates/ : Use new f     77 - Templates/ : Use new full boolean variable as expansion variable
1604   to indicate usolids support.                    78   to indicate usolids support.
1605                                                   79 
1606 23rd May 2016 - Ben Morgan                        80 23rd May 2016 - Ben Morgan
1607 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Al     81 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Allow developers to select
1608   subsets of solids to replace with USolids e <<  82   subsets of solids to replace with USolids equivalents. Request from developers 
1609   and CMS to assist in performance evaluation     83   and CMS to assist in performance evaluation. NOT INTENDED FOR USERS!
1610   If GEANT4_USE_SOLIDS is set, use existing c     84   If GEANT4_USE_SOLIDS is set, use existing configuration/setup. If it is OFF,
1611   allow setting of additional CMake options,      85   allow setting of additional CMake options, one per shape, to enable replacement
1612   of that shape with USolids equivalent. When     86   of that shape with USolids equivalent. When any of these variables are set, set
1613   additional internal variable GEANT4_USE_PAR     87   additional internal variable GEANT4_USE_PARTIAL_USOLIDS. Convert variables to
1614   internal preprocessor flags for shape/usoli     88   internal preprocessor flags for shape/usolid activation.
1615 - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake : Ex     89 - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake : Export needed USOLIDS/shape activation
1616   preprocessor flags for selected configurati     90   preprocessor flags for selected configuration.
1617 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake :     91 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake : Export needed USOLIDS/shape activation
1618   preprocessor flags for selected configurati     92   preprocessor flags for selected configuration.
1619                                                   93 
1620 28th April 2016 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-02-10 <<  94 28th April 2016 - Ben Morgan
1621 - Templates/ BUGFIX #18     95 - Templates/ BUGFIX #1855. When using an external
1622   CLHEP, the provided FindCLHEP module is not     96   CLHEP, the provided FindCLHEP module is not used. Wrap call to
1623   find_package(CLHEP) with push/pop of CMAKE_     97   find_package(CLHEP) with push/pop of CMAKE_MODULE_PATH to ensure
1624   Geant4's builtin module is used and not int     98   Geant4's builtin module is used and not interfere with any user
1625   settings of CMAKE_MODULE_PATH.                  99   settings of CMAKE_MODULE_PATH.
1626                                                  100 
1627 19th April 2016 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-02 << 101 19th April 2016
1628 -  correct Modules/genwindef/LibSymbolInfo.cp << 102 - Correct Modules/genwindef/LibSymbolInfo.cpp for use with VC 64 bit compilation 
1629                                               << 103      
1630 29th March 2016 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-02 << 104 16th March 2016 - Ben Morgan
1631 -  switch to RadioActiveDecay 4.4; dataset id << 
1632     corrected to be a compressed tar file, 4. << 
1633                                               << 
1634 16th March 2016 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-02-07 << 
1635 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Fix     105 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Fix Bug #1828
1636   Apply patch from Vladimir Belov to add libX    106   Apply patch from Vladimir Belov to add libXt to X11_LIBRARIES on all
1637   Unix platforms when using Motif/Inventor.      107   Unix platforms when using Motif/Inventor.
1638                                                  108 
1639 23rd February 2016 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10 << 109 23rd February 2016 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-01-44)
1640 -  Correct md5sum for RadioactiveDecay.4.3.1  << 110 -  Correct md5sum for RadioactiveDecay-4.3.1 after removal of MAC Safari files.
1641                                                  111 
1642 23rd February 2016 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10 << 112 23rd February 2016 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-01-43)
1643 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake:        113 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake:
1644     - revert back to G4ENSDFSTATE.1.3         << 114    use patched data-sets G4ENSDFSTATE-1.2.1 and G4RadioactiveDecay-4.3.1
1645    - use patched RadioactiveDecay data 4.3.1  << 115   
1646                                               << 116 22nd January 2016 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-42)
1647 23rd February 2016 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10 << 
1648 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: Use << 
1649    Note 1.2.1 is identical to 1.3, it is a pa << 
1650                                               << 
1651 5th February 2016 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10- << 
1652 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: Use << 
1653                                               << 
1654 22nd January 2016 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-02- << 
1655 - Modules/FindCLHEP.cmake : Restore from last    117 - Modules/FindCLHEP.cmake : Restore from last version. Update regexing
1656   of defs.h file for CLHEP changes, r    118   of defs.h file for CLHEP changes, retaining compatibility with
1657   earlier versions. Create imported targets C    119   earlier versions. Create imported targets CLHEP and CLHEP::<COMPONENT>
1658   to ease transition to full Config mode supp    120   to ease transition to full Config mode support once we can support it.
1659 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Ro    121 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Rollback to using package-mode
1660   to locate CLHEP. Modify CLHEP_LIBRARIES aft    122   to locate CLHEP. Modify CLHEP_LIBRARIES after finding to fill this with
1661   the imported targets instead of absolute pa    123   the imported targets instead of absolute paths.
1662 - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake : Ad    124 - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake : Add FindCLHEP.cmake to installed
1663   modules so that Geant4Config.cmake can refi << 125   modules so that Geant4Config.cmake can refind CLHEP and hence the imported 
1664   targets.                                       126   targets.
1665 - Templates/ : Refind CL    127 - Templates/ : Refind CLHEP using package-mode,
1666   using hardcoded CLHEP_ROOT_DIR if set as a     128   using hardcoded CLHEP_ROOT_DIR if set as a hint.
1667                                                  129 
1668 15th December 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-02 << 130 15th December 2015 - Ben Morgan
1669 - Templates/ : Use PATHS    131 - Templates/ : Use PATHS option in find_package
1670   for CLHEP, setting it to discovered CLHEP_D    132   for CLHEP, setting it to discovered CLHEP_DIR. Required at present
1671   to provide a hint to builds of tests, which << 133   to provide a hint to builds of tests, which do not have 
1672   CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH set appropriately.           134   CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH set appropriately.
1673                                                  135 
1674 15th December 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-02 << 136 15th December 2015 - Ben Morgan
1675 - [BUGFIX #1805] : Preliminary fix for CLHEP     137 - [BUGFIX #1805] : Preliminary fix for CLHEP config error
1676 - Modules/FindCLHEP.cmake : REMOVED as obsole    138 - Modules/FindCLHEP.cmake : REMOVED as obsolete
1677 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Us    139 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Use NO_MODULE in
1678   find_package(CLHEP) so that CLHEPConfig.cma    140   find_package(CLHEP) so that CLHEPConfig.cmake is preferred.
1679   Retain use of CLHEP_ROOT_DIR temporarily fo    141   Retain use of CLHEP_ROOT_DIR temporarily for transition in
1680   testing system                                 142   testing system
1681 - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake : Re    143 - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake : Remove setting of explicit CLHEP
1682   directory, defering this to find_package ca    144   directory, defering this to find_package call in Geant4Config.cmake
1683 - Templates/ : Use names    145 - Templates/ : Use namespaced name for Geant4 cmake
1684   directory to avoid upstream clashes.           146   directory to avoid upstream clashes.
1685   Add explicit call to find_package(CLHEP) so    147   Add explicit call to find_package(CLHEP) so that imported targets are refound.
1686   Move inclusion of targets file to after set    148   Move inclusion of targets file to after setup steps to ensure all external
1687   targets exist before this is included. This    149   targets exist before this is included. This is also to help further work
1688   on use of imported targets.                    150   on use of imported targets.
1689 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake :    151 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake : Extract LOCATION property from
1690   CLHEP targets to provide setting of lib pat    152   CLHEP targets to provide setting of lib paths in geant4-config
1691 - Templates/ : Remove e    153 - Templates/ : Remove explicit calls to clhep-config
1692 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibilit    154 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake : Extract LOCATION
1693   properties from CLHEP imported targets.        155   properties from CLHEP imported targets.
1694                                                  156 
1695                                                  157 
1696 25th November 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01    158 25th November 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-41)
1697 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Move    159 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Move force Qt4 option
1698   alongside use Qt option so that it can be s    160   alongside use Qt option so that it can be set in Curses/GUI before
1699   first-pass search for Qt.                      161   first-pass search for Qt.
1700 - Modules/Geant4BuildModes.cmake : Change def    162 - Modules/Geant4BuildModes.cmake : Change default build mode for
1701   single config generators to RelWithDebInfo     163   single config generators to RelWithDebInfo to match testing
1702   system and UNIX conventions.                   164   system and UNIX conventions.
1703 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : A    165 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : Add new MSVC only option
1704   GEANT4_BUILD_MSVC_MP, defaulting to OFF. Wh    166   GEANT4_BUILD_MSVC_MP, defaulting to OFF. When ON, it prepends /MP
1705   to CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS to enable file level par    167   to CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS to enable file level parallel compilation when
1706   using MSBuild.                                 168   using MSBuild.
1707                                                  169 
1708 23rd November 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01    170 23rd November 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-40)
1709 - Modules/FindROOT.cmake : Apply patch from I    171 - Modules/FindROOT.cmake : Apply patch from Ivana Hrivnacova to provide
1710   compatibility with ROOT6 and allow usage of    172   compatibility with ROOT6 and allow usage of ROOTConfig.cmake, if
1711   available.                                     173   available.
1712 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Correct    174 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Correct checking of Intel compiler
1713   to use better CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID variabl    175   to use better CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID variable.
1714 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Allo    176 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Allow user to force search for
1715   Qt4 only when GEANT4_USE_QT is selected. Re    177   Qt4 only when GEANT4_USE_QT is selected. Requested on User Forum by
1716   Jan Pipek (http://hypernews.slac.stanford.e    178   Jan Pipek (
1717                                                  179 
1718 18th November 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01    180 18th November 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-39)
1719 - Modules/IntelCompileFeatures.cmake : Fix lo    181 - Modules/IntelCompileFeatures.cmake : Fix logic error in conditionals
1720   that resulted in only one branch being foll    182   that resulted in only one branch being followed and a non-complete
1721   set of compile features being set.             183   set of compile features being set.
1722                                                  184 
1723 17th November 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01    185 17th November 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-38)
1724 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : T << 186 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : To provide backward 
1725   compatibility, allow GEANT4_BUILD_CXXSTD to    187   compatibility, allow GEANT4_BUILD_CXXSTD to be supplied as either
1726   an epoch like '11' or as 'c++<epoch>'. If t    188   an epoch like '11' or as 'c++<epoch>'. If the latter form is supplied
1727   postprocess to remove the 'c++' so that sta    189   postprocess to remove the 'c++' so that standards can be dealt with in
1728   a uniform numeric manner.                      190   a uniform numeric manner.
1729                                                  191 
1730 17th November 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01    192 17th November 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-37)
1731 - Use CMake Compile Features to setup C++ Sta    193 - Use CMake Compile Features to setup C++ Standard
1732 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Remove     194 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Remove setup of standard selection
1733   via compiler version checking.                 195   via compiler version checking.
1734 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : C    196 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : Create list of compile
1735   features required by Geant4, per C++ Taskfo    197   features required by Geant4, per C++ Taskforce report. For 10.2, do
1736   not include                                    198   not include
1737   - cxx_deleted_functions                        199   - cxx_deleted_functions
1738   - cxx_generalized_initializers                 200   - cxx_generalized_initializers
1739   - cxx_constexpr                                201   - cxx_constexpr
1740   - cxx_inheriting_constructors                  202   - cxx_inheriting_constructors
1741   to provide backward compatibility with Visu    203   to provide backward compatibility with Visual Studio 2013 (MSVC 18).
1742   Maintain GEANT4_BUILD_CXXSTD option to allo    204   Maintain GEANT4_BUILD_CXXSTD option to allow user to choose between
1743   C++11 and C++14 standards. When newer stand    205   C++11 and C++14 standards. When newer standard is chosen, require that
1744   compiler supports at least one feature from    206   compiler supports at least one feature from that standard, and add all
1745   supported features of that standard to the     207   supported features of that standard to the required list.
1746 - Modules/IntelCompileFeatures.cmake : CMake     208 - Modules/IntelCompileFeatures.cmake : CMake does not currently provide
1747   builtin compile features for ICC. Use info     209   builtin compile features for ICC. Use info provide by Intel to support
1748   compile features for this compiler.            210   compile features for this compiler.
1749 - Modules/Geant4MacroLibraryTargets.cmake : U    211 - Modules/Geant4MacroLibraryTargets.cmake : Use target_compile_features
1750   to set the required features on all Geant4     212   to set the required features on all Geant4 targets.
1751 - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake,     << 213 - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake, 
1752   Templates/, Templates/ << 214   Templates/, Templates/ Update 
1753   setting of flags and standard used to obtai    215   setting of flags and standard used to obtain information from
1754   compile features.                              216   compile features.
1755                                                  217 
1756 10th November 2015 - Gabriele Cosmo (cmake-V1    218 10th November 2015 - Gabriele Cosmo (cmake-V10-01-36)
1757 - Put CLHEP version as the minimum re    219 - Put CLHEP version as the minimum required in script
1758   Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake.        220   Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake.
1759                                                  221 
1760 9th November 2015 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-    222 9th November 2015 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-01-35)
1761 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: Use << 223 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: Use new data sets 
1762   PhotonEvaporation3.2 and RadioactiveDecay4.    224   PhotonEvaporation3.2 and RadioactiveDecay4.3.
1763                                                  225 
1764 2nd November 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-    226 2nd November 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-34)
1765 - Modules/Geant4CTest.cmake : Add TOOLS_FONT_    227 - Modules/Geant4CTest.cmake : Add TOOLS_FONT_PATH to test environment
1766   when Freetype support enabled.                 228   when Freetype support enabled.
1767                                                  229 
1768 28th October 2015 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-    230 28th October 2015 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-01-33)
1769 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: Use    231 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: Use new data set G4EMLOW6.48
1770                                                  232 
1771 23th October 2015 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-    233 23th October 2015 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-01-32)
1772 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: Use << 234 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: Use new data set G4ENSDFSTATE.1.2 
1773                                               << 
1774 22nd October 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-    235 22nd October 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-31)
1775 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibilit    236 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake : Add export
1776   of TOOLS_FONT_PATH to environment when Free    237   of TOOLS_FONT_PATH to environment when Freetype support is enabled,
1777   pointing to the fonts/ subdirectory of Gean    238   pointing to the fonts/ subdirectory of Geant4's share directory.
1778   For the buildtree, point it to PROJECT_SOUR    239   For the buildtree, point it to PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR/source/analysis/fonts
1779   Treat TOOLS_FONT_PATH as a UNIX style PATH     240   Treat TOOLS_FONT_PATH as a UNIX style PATH variable with normal
1780   separators.                                    241   separators.
1781 - Templates/, Templates << 242 - Templates/, Templates/ : 
1782   Add export variables for configuring TOOLS_    243   Add export variables for configuring TOOLS_FONT_PATH variable.
1783                                                  244 
1784 21st October 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-    245 21st October 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-30)
1785 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake : << 246 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake : Export value of 
1786   GEANT4_USE_FREETYPE to geant4-config to all << 247   GEANT4_USE_FREETYPE to geant4-config to allow this to report support 
1787   status of freetype in G4analysis               248   status of freetype in G4analysis
1788 - Templates/ : Add freetype f    249 - Templates/ : Add freetype feature to report status of
1789   freetype support in G4analysis                 250   freetype support in G4analysis
1790 - Templates/ : Add freet    251 - Templates/ : Add freetype component to require
1791   freetype support in G4analysis.                252   freetype support in G4analysis.
1792                                                  253 
1793 19th October 2015 - Ben Morgan                   254 19th October 2015 - Ben Morgan
1794 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Ad    255 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Add new GEANT4_USE_FREETYPE
1795   option, OFF by defaults, to allow user to e    256   option, OFF by defaults, to allow user to enable Freetype support
1796   in analysis library.                           257   in analysis library.
1797                                                  258 
1798 12th October 2015 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-    259 12th October 2015 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-01-29)
1799 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: Use    260 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: Use new data set G4EMLOW.6.47
1800                                                  261 
1801 8th October 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-2    262 8th October 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-28)
1802 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake: Onl    263 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake: Only allow use of system
1803   USolids. Remove old "USE_SYSTEM_USOLIDS" op    264   USolids. Remove old "USE_SYSTEM_USOLIDS" option, and always call
1804   find_package for USolids.                      265   find_package for USolids.
1805 - Modules/GeantBuildProjectConfig.cmake, Temp    266 - Modules/GeantBuildProjectConfig.cmake, Templates/
1806   Remove old system usolids settings as USoli    267   Remove old system usolids settings as USolids is always system now
1807 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake,     268 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake, Templates/
1808   Remove old system Usolids settings as Usoli    269   Remove old system Usolids settings as Usolids is alsways system now.
1809   Ensure include paths exported.                 270   Ensure include paths exported.
1810                                                  271 
1811 6th October 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-2    272 6th October 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-27)
1812 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake: Update A    273 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake: Update AppleClang detection to
1813   for Xcode 7 and match to CMake 3's AppleCla    274   for Xcode 7 and match to CMake 3's AppleClang rules. Provide
1814   CXXSTD_IS_AVAILABLE for MSVC 19 so that app    275   CXXSTD_IS_AVAILABLE for MSVC 19 so that appropriate standard selection
1815   preprocessor symbols are defined.              276   preprocessor symbols are defined.
1816                                                  277 
1817 1st October 2015 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-0    278 1st October 2015 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-01-26)
1818 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: Use    279 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: Use new data set G4EMLOW.6.46
1819                                                  280 
1820 18th September 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-0    281 18th September 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-25)
1821 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake, Mo    282 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake, Modules/Geant4MacroLibraryTargets, Modules/GeantBuildProjectConfig.cmake: Allow both static and shared libs
1822   to be built on Windows. Remove G4LIB_BUILD_    283   to be built on Windows. Remove G4LIB_BUILD_DLL preprocessor def from
1823   global settings, only adding it to the publ    284   global settings, only adding it to the public compile defs of the
1824   resulting DLL. To create DLL, always compil    285   resulting DLL. To create DLL, always compile dedicated archive library
1825   separate from installed version. Compile th    286   separate from installed version. Compile the sources of this dedicated
1826   archive library with G4LIB_BUILD_DLL set so    287   archive library with G4LIB_BUILD_DLL set so that DLL relevant symbols
1827   are used.                                      288   are used.
1828                                                  289 
1829 16th September 2015 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V1    290 16th September 2015 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-01-24)
1830 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: Use    291 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: Use new data set G4ENSDFSTATE.1.1
1831                                                  292 
1832 14th September 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-0    293 14th September 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-23)
1833 - Modules/Geant4CTest.cmake, Modules/Geant4In    294 - Modules/Geant4CTest.cmake, Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake, Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake: Export and use G4ENSDFDATA dataset
1834   and environment variable. It will become th    295   and environment variable. It will become the default to use this dataset
1835   so requires export.                            296   so requires export.
1836                                                  297 
1837 1st September 2015 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10    298 1st September 2015 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-01-22)
1838 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: Use    299 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: Use new data set G4EMLOW.6.45
1839                                                  300 
1840 31st August 2015 - Gabriele Cosmo (cmake-V10-    301 31st August 2015 - Gabriele Cosmo (cmake-V10-01-21)
1841 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake, Gea    302 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake, GeantBuilsProjectConfig.cmake and
1842   Templates/ added specific     303   Templates/ added specific compilation flag
1843   "-DG4GEOM_USE_SYS_USOLIDS" to distinguish b    304   "-DG4GEOM_USE_SYS_USOLIDS" to distinguish build with sys-installed
1844   USolids/VecGeom module (temporary, until in    305   USolids/VecGeom module (temporary, until internal USolids module will be
1845   removed).                                      306   removed).
1846                                                  307 
1847 12th August 2015 - Gabriele Cosmo (cmake-V10-    308 12th August 2015 - Gabriele Cosmo (cmake-V10-01-20)
1848 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake: removed     309 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake: removed -gcc-sys in CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS
1849   for the Intel compiler, as no longer necess    310   for the Intel compiler, as no longer necessary.
1850 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake: re    311 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake: removed try-compile block for
1851   atomics on Intel compiler, as no longer nec    312   atomics on Intel compiler, as no longer necessary.
1852                                                  313 
1853 7th August 2015 - Gabriele Cosmo (cmake-V10-0    314 7th August 2015 - Gabriele Cosmo (cmake-V10-01-19)
1854 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake: replaced    315 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake: replaced -no-gcc with -gcc-sys
1855   in CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS when using Intel compile    316   in CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS when using Intel compiler, to allow for GNU macros
1856   to be defined when compiling system headers    317   to be defined when compiling system headers.
1857                                                  318 
1858 31st July 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-18)    319 31st July 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-18)
1859 - Modules/Geant4MacroLibraryTargets.cmake : U    320 - Modules/Geant4MacroLibraryTargets.cmake : Updates for migration to
1860   CMake >= 2.8.12. Use generator expressions     321   CMake >= 2.8.12. Use generator expressions in setting of per-mode
1861   compile definitions for Geant4 libs. Use IN    322   compile definitions for Geant4 libs. Use INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES
1862   instead of LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES on Wind    323   instead of LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES on Windows. Replace use of
1863   INSTALL_NAME_DIR with MACOSX_RPATH property    324   INSTALL_NAME_DIR with MACOSX_RPATH property for OS X libraries.
1864                                                  325 
1865 29th July 2015 - Ben Morgan                      326 29th July 2015 - Ben Morgan
1866 - Module/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : Ad    327 - Module/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : Add try-compile for
1867   atomics with Intel in C++1X mode and use In    328   atomics with Intel in C++1X mode and use Intel atomic if system
1868   cannot support them. Reported by Andrea Dot    329   cannot support them. Reported by Andrea Dotti,
1869   because Geant4 uses Intel's no-gcc flag to     330   because Geant4 uses Intel's no-gcc flag to prevent thread local
1870   issues, system atomic header will be used b    331   issues, system atomic header will be used by default. If system
1871   compiler does not support atomic, builds wi    332   compiler does not support atomic, builds will fail.
1872                                                  333 
1873 27th July 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-17)    334 27th July 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-17)
1874 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Always     335 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Always use libc++ with Apple
1875   Clang so that std-supporting library is use    336   Clang so that std-supporting library is used for C++11 mode on
1876   older Mac systems where libstdc++ is the de    337   older Mac systems where libstdc++ is the default.
1877                                                  338 
1878 23rd July 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-16)    339 23rd July 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-16)
1879 - Modules/Geant4MacroLibraryTargets.cmake : U    340 - Modules/Geant4MacroLibraryTargets.cmake : Update rules for .def
1880   file generation to use new output dirs and     341   file generation to use new output dirs and to separate .def files
1881   for each build mode.                           342   for each build mode.
1882 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : To perm    343 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : To permit transition to C++11
1883   update std-flag setting rules to only allow    344   update std-flag setting rules to only allow C++11 builds with compiler
1884   versions that are know to support the featu    345   versions that are know to support the features in current use.
1885                                                  346 
1886 22nd July 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-15)    347 22nd July 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-15)
1887 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : When co    348 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : When compiler allows selection
1888   of C++ standard and allows C++0x/11, defaul    349   of C++ standard and allows C++0x/11, default to using this standard.
1889                                                  350 
1890 13th July 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-14)    351 13th July 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-14)
1891 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : M    352 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : Migrate output directories
1892   for build products to use same layout as in    353   for build products to use same layout as install tree. For single
1893   mode generators (Makefiles/Ninja), products << 354   mode generators (Makefiles/Ninja), products are output to a 
1894   'BuildProducts' subdir of the main binary d    355   'BuildProducts' subdir of the main binary dir which holds bin/lib
1895   directories as derived from requested insta    356   directories as derived from requested install dirs. With multimode
1896   generators (Xcode/VS), 'BuildProducts' hold    357   generators (Xcode/VS), 'BuildProducts' holds an extra directory layer,
1897   one per build mode, under which the same bi    358   one per build mode, under which the same bin/lib structure is used.
1898 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibilit    359 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake : Update to use
1899   correct output dirs.                           360   correct output dirs.
1900 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake :    361 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake : Note that this will not
1901   work for multimode builds.                     362   work for multimode builds.
1902                                                  363 
1903 8th June 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-13)     364 8th June 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-13)
1904 - Templates/ : Always re    365 - Templates/ : Always re-find Qt5 via find_package
1905   if Geant4 was configured with Qt5 support.     366   if Geant4 was configured with Qt5 support. Qt5 libraries are in
1906   public link interface of G4interfaces and G    367   public link interface of G4interfaces and G4OpenGL whether or not it
1907   is activated for an application, so must al    368   is activated for an application, so must always be linked. Without
1908   refinding, dangling imported targets are le << 369   refinding, dangling imported targets are left in the link interfaces 
1909   of G4interfaces and G4OpenGL.                  370   of G4interfaces and G4OpenGL.
1910                                                  371 
1911 26th May 2015 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-01-1    372 26th May 2015 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-01-12)
1912 -  Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: Us    373 -  Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: Use new data set G4EMLOW.6.44
1913                                                  374 
1914 19th May 2015 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-01-1    375 19th May 2015 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-01-11)
1915 -  Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: Us    376 -  Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: Use new data set G4EMLOW.6.43
1916                                                  377 
1917 5th May 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-10)      378 5th May 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-10)
1918 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureModulefile.cmake : G    379 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureModulefile.cmake : Genarate a modulefile
1919   for the build tree. Requested by developers    380   for the build tree. Requested by developers, but otherwise unsupported.
1920 - Templates/ : Update exp    381 - Templates/ : Update export variables to allow
1921   transparent configuration of build/install     382   transparent configuration of build/install tree versions.
1922                                                  383 
1923 29th April 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-09    384 29th April 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-09)
1924 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake: Add `-no    385 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake: Add `-no-gcc` to CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS
1925   when using Intel compiler. This is temporar    386   when using Intel compiler. This is temporary fix to give
1926   matching flags against old GNUmake build. I    387   matching flags against old GNUmake build. It requires further checks
1927   to understand full behaviour of this flag t    388   to understand full behaviour of this flag to tune code versus
1928   Intel's `-gcc-sys` flag and `__INTEL_COMPIL    389   Intel's `-gcc-sys` flag and `__INTEL_COMPILER` macro.
1929                                                  390 
1930 22nd April 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-08    391 22nd April 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-08)
1931 - Modules/FindCLHEP.cmake: Add CLHEP_ROOT_DIR    392 - Modules/FindCLHEP.cmake: Add CLHEP_ROOT_DIR to CMake cache, allowing
1932   it to be editted in the CMake curses/GUI. U    393   it to be editted in the CMake curses/GUI. Use unset command to remove
1933   LIBRARY and INCLUDE_DIR variables for CLHEP    394   LIBRARY and INCLUDE_DIR variables for CLHEP from the cache when
1934   CLHEP_ROOT_DIR is changed.                     395   CLHEP_ROOT_DIR is changed.
1935 - Templates/ Add expan    396 - Templates/ Add expansion entry for CLHEP library
1936   path                                           397   path
1937 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibilit    398 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake: Export setting
1938   of dynamic library path to prepend system C    399   of dynamic library path to prepend system CLHEP's library path in
1939   geant4.(c)sh                                   400   geant4.(c)sh
1940                                                  401 
1941 17th April 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-07    402 17th April 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-07)
1942 - Fixes for JIRA DEV-185 (Allow use of system    403 - Fixes for JIRA DEV-185 (Allow use of system CLHEP granular libraries)
1943 - Modules/FindCLHEP.cmake: Allow component ar    404 - Modules/FindCLHEP.cmake: Allow component arguments to be supplied to
1944   find_package, each component being a CLHEP     405   find_package, each component being a CLHEP granular library. Support
1945   dependencies between components, and fail o    406   dependencies between components, and fail on REQUIRED if any requested
1946   component or dependency is not found. Set c    407   component or dependency is not found. Set cache variables for each requested
1947   component library, and fill CLHEP_LIBRARIES    408   component library, and fill CLHEP_LIBRARIES with the requested libraries
1948 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake: Pro << 409 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake: Provide new advanced option 
1949   GEANT4_USE_SYSTEM_CLHEP_GRANULAR, which can    410   GEANT4_USE_SYSTEM_CLHEP_GRANULAR, which can be set to enable use of CLHEP
1950   granular libraries from the system. When ac << 411   granular libraries from the system. When activated, use new FindCLHEP 
1951   interface to search for Geant4's required c << 412   interface to search for Geant4's required components. 
1952 - Templates/ Export and << 413 - Templates/ Export and document a new variable, 
1953   Geant4_system_clhep_ISGRANULAR that clients    414   Geant4_system_clhep_ISGRANULAR that clients can query to check whether
1954   the system CLHEP was linked in granular mod    415   the system CLHEP was linked in granular mode.
1955 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake:     416 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake: Process and export system CLHEP
1956   library list to support either singular or     417   library list to support either singular or granular CLHEP libraries.
1957 - Templates/ Support CLHEP g    418 - Templates/ Support CLHEP granular library listing in
1958   '--libs' argument.                             419   '--libs' argument.
1959 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibilit    420 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake: Export CLHEP_LIB env var
1960   to support use of system CLHEP libraries in    421   to support use of system CLHEP libraries in granular mode.
1961 - Templates/ Export CL    422 - Templates/ Export CLHEP_LIB env var to support
1962   system CLHEP libs in granular mode.            423   system CLHEP libs in granular mode.
1963                                                  424 
1964 15th April 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-06    425 15th April 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-06)
1965 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake: Update A    426 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake: Update AppleClang version regex for
1966   Xcode 6.1. This version adds the patch numb    427   Xcode 6.1. This version adds the patch number to the "based on LLVM"
1967   id. The full version number is now derived.    428   id. The full version number is now derived.
1968                                                  429 
1969 20th March 2015 - Gabriele Cosmo (cmake-V10-0    430 20th March 2015 - Gabriele Cosmo (cmake-V10-01-05)
1970 - Modules/Geant4MacroLibraryTargets.cmake: Ad    431 - Modules/Geant4MacroLibraryTargets.cmake: Added external G4geomUSolids
1971   library to static linkage list. Addressing     432   library to static linkage list. Addressing problem report #1725.
1972                                                  433 
1973 2nd February 2015 - Ben Morgan                   434 2nd February 2015 - Ben Morgan
1974 - Modules/Geant4CPackBase.cmake: Exclude dire    435 - Modules/Geant4CPackBase.cmake: Exclude directories named "test"
1975   and "tests" from source package. Provide fu    436   and "tests" from source package. Provide function to pad version
1976   triplet entries to two digits (with zeros),    437   triplet entries to two digits (with zeros), and name source package
1977   following convention of standatd release pr    438   following convention of standatd release proceedure. CAVEATS: Patch
1978   version still included with initial release    439   version still included with initial release, no use of beta/patch/rc
1979   tags in patch numbering.                       440   tags in patch numbering.
1980                                                  441 
1981 29th January 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-    442 29th January 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-04)
1982 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake: Minor up    443 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake: Minor update to only use c++11
1983   on Intel 15 compiler and better. Though thi    444   on Intel 15 compiler and better. Though this standard can be used
1984   on slightly earlier versions, only 15 has f    445   on slightly earlier versions, only 15 has full features (for Geant4's
1985   needs). We would like to be consistent in s    446   needs). We would like to be consistent in standard use so that 'c++0x'
1986   is always used for compilers with partial s    447   is always used for compilers with partial support (even if 'c++11' is
1987   allowed), reserving 'c++11' for fully suppo    448   allowed), reserving 'c++11' for fully supported cases. This still
1988   needs review for GNU and Clang.                449   needs review for GNU and Clang.
1989                                                  450 
1990 29th January 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-    451 29th January 2015 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-03)
1991 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake: Add supp    452 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake: Add support for compiling against
1992   c++1y standard for GNU and Clang compilers.    453   c++1y standard for GNU and Clang compilers. Add support for compiling
1993   against c++11 standard for Intel compiler.     454   against c++11 standard for Intel compiler.
1994                                               << 455   
1995 17th December - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-02)     456 17th December - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-02)
1996 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake: BUGFI    457 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake: BUGFIX #1683. Correct search
1997   path for X11 libraries to ensure location o    458   path for X11 libraries to ensure location of Xquartz libs on OS X.
1998                                                  459 
1999 15th December 2014 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10    460 15th December 2014 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-01-01)
2000 -  Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: Us    461 -  Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: Use new data set G4EMLOW.6.42
2001                                                  462 
2002 05th December 2014 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01    463 05th December 2014 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-01-00)
2003 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake: Wh    464 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake: When on OS X, check
2004   whether compiler IDed as Clang is actually     465   whether compiler IDed as Clang is actually g++ via command
2005   path. Ensures that "GEANT4_COMPILER" is cor    466   path. Ensures that "GEANT4_COMPILER" is correctly set for
2006   GNUmake compatibility.                         467   GNUmake compatibility.
2007                                                  468 
2008 01st December 2014 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-00    469 01st December 2014 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-00-37)
2009 - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake: Cor    470 - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake: Correct export of USolids
2010   system headers so that these are exported w    471   system headers so that these are exported whether or not USolids
2011   are used to replace G4 solids.                 472   are used to replace G4 solids.
2012                                                  473 
2013 18th November 2014 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-00    474 18th November 2014 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-00-36)
2014 - Templates/UseGeant4.cmake : Include Geant4     475 - Templates/UseGeant4.cmake : Include Geant4 headers as SYSTEM and after
2015   other headers. This is to help to suppress     476   other headers. This is to help to suppress warnings when user has
2016   more stringent compiler settings than us.      477   more stringent compiler settings than us.
2017                                                  478 
2018 12th November 2014 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-00    479 12th November 2014 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-00-35)
2019 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake: Re    480 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake: Remove GEANT4_BUILD_TPMALLOC
2020   as this is no longer required                  481   as this is no longer required
2021                                                  482 
2022 11th November 2014 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10    483 11th November 2014 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-00-34)
2023 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: upd << 484 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: update md5sum 
2024    for G4EMLOW6.21 after correction of files  << 485    for G4EMLOW6.21 after correction of files access permissions. 
2025                                                  486 
2026 10th November 2014 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10    487 10th November 2014 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-00-33)
2027 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: Rad    488 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: RadioactiveDecay4.2
2028    and update md5sum for G4EMLOW6.21 after co << 489    and update md5sum for G4EMLOW6.21 after correction of files 
2029   access permissions.                         << 490   access permissions. 
2030                                                  491 
2031 07th November 2014 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-00    492 07th November 2014 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-00-32)
2032 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : BU << 493 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : BUGFIX: Failures of static 
2033   builds traced to typo in USolids settings i    494   builds traced to typo in USolids settings in static mode where
2034   EXPAT_LIBRARIES was overwritten. Correct ty    495   EXPAT_LIBRARIES was overwritten. Correct typo.
2035                                                  496 
2036 30th October 2014 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-00-    497 30th October 2014 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-00-31)(INTERNAL)
2037 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Up    498 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Update USolids configuration
2038   to decouple GEANT4_USE_USOLIDS and GEANT4_U    499   to decouple GEANT4_USE_USOLIDS and GEANT4_USE_SYSTEM_USOLIDS
2039   options.                                       500   options.
2040   - GEANT4_USE_USOLIDS ON means that Geant4 s    501   - GEANT4_USE_USOLIDS ON means that Geant4 solids are replaced with
2041     USolids equivalents, OFF means Geant4 sol    502     USolids equivalents, OFF means Geant4 solids and USolids are available
2042   - A USolids lib must ALWAYS be availble, so    503   - A USolids lib must ALWAYS be availble, so GEANT4_USE_SYSTEM_USOLIDS
2043     simply switches between these.               504     simply switches between these.
2044 - Templates/ : decouple  << 505 - Templates/ : decouple GEANT4_USE_USOLIDS and 
2045   GEANT4_USE_SYSTEM_USOLIDS                      506   GEANT4_USE_SYSTEM_USOLIDS
2046 - Templates/ : decouple GEANT << 507 - Templates/ : decouple GEANT4_USE_USOLIDS and 
2047   GEANT4_USE_SYSTEM_USOLIDS                      508   GEANT4_USE_SYSTEM_USOLIDS
2048                                                  509 
2049 30th October 2014 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-00-    510 30th October 2014 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-00-30)(INTERNAL)
2050 - Support builtin/system USolids library         511 - Support builtin/system USolids library
2051 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Up    512 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Update USolids configuration
2052   use internal G4geomUSolids by default if US    513   use internal G4geomUSolids by default if USolids support requested.
2053   Add dependent option to allow system USolid    514   Add dependent option to allow system USolids to be searched for.
2054   This assumes that USolids will supply a "US    515   This assumes that USolids will supply a "USolidsConfig.cmake" file
2055 - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake : Up    516 - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake : Update to export USolids
2056   settings as required.                          517   settings as required.
2057 - Templates/ : Update to    518 - Templates/ : Update to provide new USolids
2058   component and relevant variables and settin    519   component and relevant variables and settings
2059 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake :    520 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake : Update to export
2060   USolids settings as required                   521   USolids settings as required
2061 - Templates/ : Update to supp    522 - Templates/ : Update to support USolids builtin/system
2062   switch.                                        523   switch.
2063                                                  524 
2064 23rd October 2014 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-00-    525 23rd October 2014 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-00-29)
2065 - Templates/ : Add command li    526 - Templates/ : Add command line arguments to report
2066   C++ standard compiled against and TLS model    527   C++ standard compiled against and TLS model used if multithreading
2067   support available.                             528   support available.
2068   Add presence of static libs as a feature ar    529   Add presence of static libs as a feature argument that can be checked.
2069 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake :    530 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake : Export yes/no value
2070   indicating presence of static libraries to     531   indicating presence of static libraries to config script.
2071 - Templates/ : Add varia    532 - Templates/ : Add variables to indicate C++
2072   standard compiled against and TLS model use    533   standard compiled against and TLS model used. Latter is only set
2073   if multithreading support is available.        534   if multithreading support is available.
2074 - Modules/                                       535 - Modules/
2075                                                  536 
2076 22nd October 2014 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-    537 22nd October 2014 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-00-28)
2077 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: G4E    538 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: G4EMLOW.6.41
2078                                                  539 
2079 21st October 2014 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-00-    540 21st October 2014 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-00-27)
2080 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureModulefile.cmake : N    541 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureModulefile.cmake : New file to configure
2081   and install a basic Environment Modules mod    542   and install a basic Environment Modules modulefile for Geant4.
2082   Provides basic Path/Datapath settings only,    543   Provides basic Path/Datapath settings only, in line with geant4.(c)sh
2083   scripts. Because the location of modulefile    544   scripts. Because the location of modulefiles can be highly system
2084   dependent, install file in datarootdir with    545   dependent, install file in datarootdir with absolute paths coded in.
2085   Allows file to be moved later on as require    546   Allows file to be moved later on as required on the system and
2086   patched accordingly.                           547   patched accordingly.
2087 - Templates/ : basic temp    548 - Templates/ : basic template for a modulefile
2088 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibilit    549 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake : include and
2089   call functionality in Geant4ConfigureModule    550   call functionality in Geant4ConfigureModulefile.
2090                                                  551 
2091 20th October 2014 - Ben Morgan                   552 20th October 2014 - Ben Morgan
2092 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibilit    553 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake,
2093   Templates/ Revert ch << 554   Templates/ Revert changes introduced to 
2094   support modulefiles due to uneeded variable    555   support modulefiles due to uneeded variables being exported.
2095                                                  556 
2096 10th October 2014 - Andrea Dotti (cmake-V10-0    557 10th October 2014 - Andrea Dotti (cmake-V10-00-26)
2097 - Modules/FindROOT.cmake add ROOT_BIN_DIR var    558 - Modules/FindROOT.cmake add ROOT_BIN_DIR variable to point to the
2098   path of root executables. Needed to use had    559   path of root executables. Needed to use hadd application for
2099   physics testings (merging of output files f << 560   physics testings (merging of output files for MT) 
2100                                                  561 
2101 08th October 2014 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-00-    562 08th October 2014 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-00-25)
2102 - Templates/UseGeant4.cmake : BUGFIX #1663, A << 563 - Templates/UseGeant4.cmake : BUGFIX #1663, Append existing CMake 
2103   CXX/EXE_LINKER flags to Geant4 flags when s    564   CXX/EXE_LINKER flags to Geant4 flags when setting overall CMake flags.
2104   This allows users to override the base set     565   This allows users to override the base set if needed, at their own
2105   risk.                                          566   risk.
2106                                                  567 
2107 26th September 2014 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-0    568 26th September 2014 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-00-24)
2108 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibilit    569 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake,
2109   Templates/ Revert ch << 570   Templates/ Revert changes introduced to 
2110   support modulefiles due to incorrect instal    571   support modulefiles due to incorrect installation names of scripts.
2111                                                  572 
2112 26th August 2014 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-0    573 26th August 2014 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-00-23)
2113 -  Modules/Geant4CTest.cmake: Add variable fo    574 -  Modules/Geant4CTest.cmake: Add variable for reference files for testing
2114                                                  575 
2115 26th August 2014 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-00-2    576 26th August 2014 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-00-22)
2116 - Modules/Geant4MacroLibraryTargets.cmake : R    577 - Modules/Geant4MacroLibraryTargets.cmake : Remove any self-links
2117   from internal library link list when buildi    578   from internal library link list when building global libraries.
2118                                                  579 
2119 26th August 2014 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-0    580 26th August 2014 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-00-21)
2120 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: G4E    581 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: G4EMLOW.6.40
2121                                                  582 
2122 19th August 2014 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-0    583 19th August 2014 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-00-20)
2123 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: G4N    584 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: G4NDL.4.5
2124                                                  585 
2125 08th July 2014 - Andrea Dotti (cmake-V10-00-1    586 08th July 2014 - Andrea Dotti (cmake-V10-00-19)
2126 - Templates/UseGeant4_internal.cmake in geant    587 - Templates/UseGeant4_internal.cmake in geant4_add_test function convert
2127   character '=' present in command line to be    588   character '=' present in command line to be executed to '@'
2128 - Modules/Geant4TestDriver.cmake convert back    589 - Modules/Geant4TestDriver.cmake convert back character '@' to '=' for
2129   command line to be executed in test            590   command line to be executed in test
2130 Both changes are needed to support "offloadin    591 Both changes are needed to support "offloading" of tests (e.g. will be
2131 used by testing on Xeon Phi co-processors tha    592 used by testing on Xeon Phi co-processors that require complex command
2132 lines containing '=' character).                 593 lines containing '=' character).
2133                                                  594 
2134 06th June 2014 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-00-18)    595 06th June 2014 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-00-18)
2135 - Templates/ : Add zlib and g    596 - Templates/ : Add zlib and g3tog4 to list of features
2136   that --has-feature recognizes and can query    597   that --has-feature recognizes and can query (Patch from Ivana
2137   Hrivnacova)                                    598   Hrivnacova)
2138                                                  599 
2139 05th June 2014 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-00-    600 05th June 2014 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-00-17)
2140 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: G4E    601 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: G4EMLOW6.39
2141                                                  602 
2142 27th May 2014 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-00-16)     603 27th May 2014 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-00-16)
2143 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Factor     604 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Factor -ftls-model flag
2144   out of GEANT4_MULTITHREADED_CXX_FLAGS and p    605   out of GEANT4_MULTITHREADED_CXX_FLAGS and provide function
2145   supplying available thread local storage mo    606   supplying available thread local storage model flag arguments.
2146   Addresses JIRA DEV-142                         607   Addresses JIRA DEV-142
2147 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : P    608 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : Provide advanced option
2148   to select thread local storage model when b    609   to select thread local storage model when building multithreaded.
2149   Default to supported initial-exec model. Ad    610   Default to supported initial-exec model. Addresses JIRA DEV-142.
2150                                               << 611  
2151 26th May 2014 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-00-15)     612 26th May 2014 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-00-15)
2152 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Add -DG    613 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Add -DG4FPE_DEBUG to GNU/Clang
2153 flags for Debug build mode. Added following d    614 flags for Debug build mode. Added following discussion with Gunter
2154 Folger to help developers diagnose FPE proble    615 Folger to help developers diagnose FPE problems.
2155                                                  616 
2156 09th May 2014 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-00-1    617 09th May 2014 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-00-14)
2157 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: G4E    618 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: G4EMLOW6.38
2158                                                  619 
2159 10th April - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-00-13)        620 10th April - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-00-13)
2160 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake: Wh    621 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake: When building against the C++11
2161   standard, append -DG4USE_STD11 to CMAKE_CXX    622   standard, append -DG4USE_STD11 to CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS. Requested by Gabriele
2162   Cosmo (DEV-138). Known issues: Provides no     623   Cosmo (DEV-138). Known issues: Provides no guarantee that required
2163   C++11 features are present. Does not work o    624   C++11 features are present. Does not work on MSVC yet, but neither
2164   will the parts of the code making use of C+    625   will the parts of the code making use of C++11 features.
2165                                                  626 
2166 18th March 2014 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-00    627 18th March 2014 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-00-12)
2167 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: G4E    628 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: G4EMLOW6.37
2168                                                  629 
2169 20th March 2014 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-00-11    630 20th March 2014 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-00-11)
2170 - Templates/ : Fixes by     631 - Templates/ : Fixes by Witold Pokorski for correct
2171   static archive flags on Clang and syntax fi    632   static archive flags on Clang and syntax fixes for GNU.
2172                                                  633 
2173 18th March 2014 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-00    634 18th March 2014 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-00-10)
2174 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: G4E    635 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: G4EMLOW6.36
2175                                                  636 
2176 6th March 2014 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-00-09)    637 6th March 2014 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-00-09)
2177 - Modules/ : When static    638 - Modules/ : When static libraries are used,
2178   wrap G4physicslists library with flags suit    639   wrap G4physicslists library with flags suitable to import whole
2179   archive. Implemented for GNU/Clang/Intel co    640   archive. Implemented for GNU/Clang/Intel compilers. Other compilers
2180   require further checks on flags and how to     641   require further checks on flags and how to apply to single library.
2181   This functionality is needed to support glo    642   This functionality is needed to support global registration of
2182   factories.                                     643   factories.
2183                                                  644 
2184 5th March 2014 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-00-08)    645 5th March 2014 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-00-08)
2185 - Modules/Geant4MacroLibraryTargets.cmake : F    646 - Modules/Geant4MacroLibraryTargets.cmake : Fixup usage of shared/static
2186   builtin libraries. Ensure that shared built    647   builtin libraries. Ensure that shared builtins do not get linked to
2187   static.                                        648   static.
2188 - Templates/ : Add new c    649 - Templates/ : Add new component 'static' allowing
2189   user to select static Geant4 libraries if t    650   user to select static Geant4 libraries if they are available.
2190                                                  651 
2191 26th February 2014 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10    652 26th February 2014 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-00-07)
2192 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: Pho    653 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: PhotonEvaporation3.1
2193                                                  654 
2194 26th February 2014 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10    655 26th February 2014 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-00-06)
2195 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: Rad    656 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: RadioactiveDecay4.1
2196                                                  657 
2197 18th February 2014 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-00    658 18th February 2014 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-00-05)
2198 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake :    659 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake : Export use of builtin
2199   zlib or otherwise to geant4-config (Bugfix     660   zlib or otherwise to geant4-config (Bugfix #1572).
2200 - Template/ : Add builtin zli << 661 - Template/ : Add builtin zlib to list of features, 
2201   adding G4zlib to list of libraries when use    662   adding G4zlib to list of libraries when used (Bugfix #1572).
2202 - Template/ : Replace use of     663 - Template/ : Replace use of GNU awk extension 'length'
2203   for determining number of datasets. Use ret    664   for determining number of datasets. Use return value of split function
2204   to get length of array. Problem reported on    665   to get length of array. Problem reported on Hypernews:
2205    666
2206                                                  667 
2207 17th February 2014 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-00    668 17th February 2014 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V10-00-04)
2208 - Templates/ : Add vari << 669 - Templates/ : Add variables for 
2209   G4LIB_{BUILD,USE}_EXPAT as for ZLIB. Fixes     670   G4LIB_{BUILD,USE}_EXPAT as for ZLIB. Fixes Bug #1567
2210 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibilit << 671 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake : Export 
2211   G4LIB_{BUILD,USE}_EXPAT based on value of G    672   G4LIB_{BUILD,USE}_EXPAT based on value of GEANT4_USE_SYSTEM_EXPAT.
2212   Fixes Bug #1567.                               673   Fixes Bug #1567.
2213                                                  674 
2214 21st January 2014 - Jonathan Madsen (cmake-V1    675 21st January 2014 - Jonathan Madsen (cmake-V10-00-03)
2215 - Updated Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmak    676 - Updated Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake to include /opt/X11
2216    paths that are now the standard places for    677    paths that are now the standard places for X11 and OpenGL on Mac OSX
2217    as of Mavericks (OS X 10.9). Without these << 678    as of Mavericks (OS X 10.9). Without these paths configuring CMake with 
2218    GEANT4_USE_OPENGL_X11=ON fails                679    GEANT4_USE_OPENGL_X11=ON fails
2219                                                  680 
2220 18th December 2013 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10    681 18th December 2013 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-00-02)
2221 - Modules/Geant4TestDriver.cmake: CTEST_TEST_ << 682 - Modules/Geant4TestDriver.cmake: CTEST_TEST_TIMEOUT is empty, or 
2222    its setting is not visible.                << 683    its setting is not visible. 
2223   Directly using environment variable CTEST_T << 684   Directly using environment variable CTEST_TIMEOUT finally works. 
2224                                                  685 
2225 16th December 2013 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10    686 16th December 2013 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-00-01)
2226 - Modules/Geant4TestDriver.cmake: fix typo in    687 - Modules/Geant4TestDriver.cmake: fix typo introduced in previous tag
2227                                                  688 
2228 16th December 2013 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10    689 16th December 2013 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V10-00-00)
2229 - Modules/Geant4TestDriver.cmake: use CTEST_T    690 - Modules/Geant4TestDriver.cmake: use CTEST_TEST_TIMEOUT if set to set
2230   default timeout                                691   default timeout
2231                                                  692 
2232 28th November 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06    693 28th November 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-45)
2233 - Modules/Geant4CTest.cmake : Remove G4ENSDFS    694 - Modules/Geant4CTest.cmake : Remove G4ENSDFSTATE dataset from list
2234   exported to the testing environment, as it     695   exported to the testing environment, as it should not be used by
2235   default.                                       696   default.
2236 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibilit    697 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake : Remove G4ENSDFSTATE
2237   from datasets exported to the environment.     698   from datasets exported to the environment. This is because this dataset
2238   should not be set in the environment by def    699   should not be set in the environment by default.
2239 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : Remove G4    700 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : Remove G4ENSDFSTATE dataset from
2240   export definitions. The ENSDF data is not i << 701   export definitions. The ENSDF data is not intended to be used by 
2241   default, and any setting of its environment    702   default, and any setting of its environment variable changes the
2242   behaviour of Geant4 (i.e. it's an active ra    703   behaviour of Geant4 (i.e. it's an active rather than passive variable).
2243                                                  704 
2244 27th November 2013 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09    705 27th November 2013 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09-06-44)
2245 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: Add    706 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: Add ENSDFSTATE data
2246                                                  707 
2247 27th November 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06    708 27th November 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-43)
2248 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Set GEA    709 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Set GEANT4_MULTITHREADED_CXX_FLAGS
2249   for Intel compiler to "-ftls-model=initial-    710   for Intel compiler to "-ftls-model=initial-exec -pthread" as for GNU and
2250   Clang.                                         711   Clang.
2251                                                  712 
2252 26th November 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06    713 26th November 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-42)
2253 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : M    714 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : Mark GEANT4_BUILD_MULTITHREADED
2254   as advanced on Win32, and emit a warning on    715   as advanced on Win32, and emit a warning on Win32 if it is activated.
2255   This allows developers to keep working whil    716   This allows developers to keep working whilst warning users about the
2256   non-support.                                   717   non-support.
2257                                                  718 
2258 21st November 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06    719 21st November 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-41)
2259 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Fix     720 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Fix bug in checking of status
2260   of Xmu include path and library variables t    721   of Xmu include path and library variables that resulted in no error
2261   being emitted if these were not found.         722   being emitted if these were not found.
2262                                                  723 
2263 19th November 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06    724 19th November 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-40)
2264 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake :    725 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake : Fix bug in list manipulation
2265   of non-existant list backported in by accid    726   of non-existant list backported in by accident by previous tag. This
2266   caused an error report when using Qt5.         727   caused an error report when using Qt5.
2267                                                  728 
2268 14th November 2013 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09    729 14th November 2013 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09-06-39)
2269 - use G4RadioactiveDecay.4.0                     730 - use G4RadioactiveDecay.4.0
2270 - use G4PhotonEvaporation.3.0                    731 - use G4PhotonEvaporation.3.0
2271                                                  732 
2272 13th November 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06    733 13th November 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-38)
2273 - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake : Ad    734 - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake : Add FindTBB to exported modules.
2274 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Co    735 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Correct usolids include path.
2275   Document option and feature report as "EXPE    736   Document option and feature report as "EXPERIMENTAL".
2276                                                  737 
2277 12th November 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06    738 12th November 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-37)
2278 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibilit    739 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake : Fix mistake in
2279   configuration of binary directory PATH whic    740   configuration of binary directory PATH which resulted in G4INCLUDE
2280   being overwritten.                             741   being overwritten.
2281                                                  742 
2282 8th November 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-    743 8th November 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-36)
2283 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake :    744 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake : Add support for export
2284   of existence of USolids support to geant4-c    745   of existence of USolids support to geant4-config.
2285 - Templates/ : Add usolids as    746 - Templates/ : Add usolids as a new feature. If present,
2286   ensure G4GEOM_USE_USOLIDS compile definitio    747   ensure G4GEOM_USE_USOLIDS compile definition is prepended to the cflags.
2287 - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake : Ex << 748 - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake : Export required 
2288   G4GEOM_USE_USOLIDS to core definitions if U    749   G4GEOM_USE_USOLIDS to core definitions if USolids support enabled.
2289 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Ad    750 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Add option to enable support
2290   for USolids classes. Marked as advanced.       751   for USolids classes. Marked as advanced.
2291                                                  752 
2292 6th November 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-    753 6th November 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-35 internal)
2293 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibilit    754 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake : Add support
2294   for export of multithreading and applicatio    755   for export of multithreading and application PATH variables.
2295 - Templates/ : Export G    756 - Templates/ : Export G4MULTITHREADED variable,
2296   and prepend binary directory to PATH to pro    757   and prepend binary directory to PATH to provide direct access to
2297   geant4-config.                                 758   geant4-config.
2298 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake :    759 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake : Add support for export
2299   of multithreading variables.                   760   of multithreading variables.
2300 - Templates/ :                   761 - Templates/ :
2301    Bug fixes : add core compiler flags to cfl    762    Bug fixes : add core compiler flags to cflags
2302              : add support for multithreading    763              : add support for multithreading (NB default is to supply
2303                cflags for multithreading if G    764                cflags for multithreading if Geant4 built in MT)
2304    New feature : Implement post install of da    765    New feature : Implement post install of datasets. Supplying the
2305                  --install-data flag will per    766                  --install-data flag will perform a download and
2306                  install of all datasets to t    767                  install of all datasets to the configured data directory
2307                  of Geant4.                      768                  of Geant4.
2308 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : Append fi    769 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : Append filename and md5 to tuples
2309   exported by geant4_export_datasets. This is    770   exported by geant4_export_datasets. This is used by geant4-config to
2310   set up the post-install of datasets.           771   set up the post-install of datasets.
2311                                                  772 
2312 6th November 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-    773 6th November 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-34 internal)
2313 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake : Ad    774 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake : Add definition for ABLA
2314 dataset.                                         775 dataset.
2315                                                  776 
2316 28th October 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-    777 28th October 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-33)
2317 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : BUGF    778 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : BUGFIX : add Wt_HTTP_LIBRARY to
2318 list of libraries required by Wt interface.      779 list of libraries required by Wt interface.
2319                                                  780 
2320 26th October 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-    781 26th October 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-32)
2321 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake : Re    782 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake : Remove ENSDFSTATE data definition
2322                                                  783 
2323 25th October 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-    784 25th October 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-31)
2324 Templates/ : Re-find Qt5    785 Templates/ : Re-find Qt5 when Geant4 uses it to ensu     re imported targets are recreated
2325 Templates/ : Support ex    786 Templates/ : Support export of QT4/5 variables to G     eant4Make
2326 Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.    787 Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake : Support export of QT     4/5 variables to Geant4Make
2327 Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Suppor    788 Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Support export of QT4/5 variables      to Geant4Make
2328                                                  789 
2329 25st October 2013 - Gunter Folger             << 790 25st October 2013 - Gunter Folger 
2330 - switch to G4ELOW6.35                           791 - switch to G4ELOW6.35
2331 - add new NuclideTable with datafile ENSDFSTA    792 - add new NuclideTable with datafile ENSDFSTATE
2332                                                  793 
2333 24th October 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-    794 24th October 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-30)
2334 - Modules/FindWt.cmake : add use of FindPacka    795 - Modules/FindWt.cmake : add use of FindPackageHandleStandardArgs to
2335   ensure correct behaviour when supplying REQ    796   ensure correct behaviour when supplying REQUIRED/QUIET keywords
2336                                                  797 
2337 24rd October 2013 - Laurent Garnier              798 24rd October 2013 - Laurent Garnier
2338 - Template/                 799 - Template/
2339   Template/                800   Template/
2340   Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake      801   Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake
2341   Add Wt support                                 802   Add Wt support
2342                                                  803 
2343 24th October 2013 - Ben Morgan                   804 24th October 2013 - Ben Morgan
2344 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Simp    805 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Simplify configuration of
2345   Wt and Boost location.                         806   Wt and Boost location.
2346                                                  807 
2347 24rd October 2013 - Laurent Garnier              808 24rd October 2013 - Laurent Garnier
2348 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Add     809 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Add section for locating Wt
2349 - Modules/FindWt.cmake : New file taken form  << 810 - Modules/FindWt.cmake : New file taken form Wt sources 
2350           811
2351                                                  812 
2352 23rd October 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-    813 23rd October 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-29)
2353 - Templates/ : New file     814 - Templates/ : New file providing forward
2354   compatibility of compilation against Qt5 wi    815   compatibility of compilation against Qt5 with no changes required
2355   to CMake scripts in interfaces and OpenGL.     816   to CMake scripts in interfaces and OpenGL.
2356 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Sear    817 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Search for Qt5 first, then Qt4.
2357   When Qt5 is found, configure forward compat    818   When Qt5 is found, configure forward compatibility use file using
2358 template. If Qt5 is n    819 template. If Qt5 is not found, unset its usage
2359   and require loacation of Qt4.                  820   and require loacation of Qt4.
2360                                                  821 
2361 21st October 2013 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09-    822 21st October 2013 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09-06-28)
2362 - switch to G4NEUTRONXS 1.4                      823 - switch to G4NEUTRONXS 1.4
2363                                                  824 
2364 14th October 2013 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09-    825 14th October 2013 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09-06-27)
2365 - switch to G4EMLOW 6.34                         826 - switch to G4EMLOW 6.34
2366                                                  827 
2367 26th September 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-0    828 26th September 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-26)
2368 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : W    829 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : When building in
2369   multithreaded mode on a UNIX system, perfor    830   multithreaded mode on a UNIX system, perform a compile test to check
2370   that compiler supports thread local storage    831   that compiler supports thread local storage via availability of
2371   "__thread". Emit a FATAL_ERROR if the compi    832   "__thread". Emit a FATAL_ERROR if the compiler does not support TLS,
2372   reporting this and the compiler used.       << 833   reporting this and the compiler used. 
2373 - Templates/ : Implemen    834 - Templates/ : Implement new --check-datasets and
2374   --install-datasets tasks. The former checks    835   --install-datasets tasks. The former checks that the known datasets are
2375   installed in the configured location, repor    836   installed in the configured location, reporting status. The latter is a
2376   stub for implementing post-install download    837   stub for implementing post-install download and unpack of datasets
2377                                                  838 
2378 17th September 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-0    839 17th September 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-25)
2379 - Templates/ : Expand e    840 - Templates/ : Expand export variable holding
2380   list of dataset tuples. Process list from C    841   list of dataset tuples. Process list from CMake ';' separated to
2381   shell ' ' separated list. Implement new '--    842   shell ' ' separated list. Implement new '--datasets' argument to
2382   print out space separated dataset name, env    843   print out space separated dataset name, envvar name and path, with
2383   information for each dataset on a separate     844   information for each dataset on a separate line.
2384 - Templates/ : Expand ex    845 - Templates/ : Expand export variable holding
2385   list of dataset tuples. Process list to cre    846   list of dataset tuples. Process list to create variable holding a
2386   list of dataset names, plus variables, one     847   list of dataset names, plus variables, one per dataset, holding the
2387   dataset environment variable and configured << 848   dataset environment variable and configured path. 
2388 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake :    849 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake : Call geant4_export_datasets
2389   function before configuration of build/inst    850   function before configuration of build/install tree version(s) of
2390   geant4-config so dataset information can be    851   geant4-config so dataset information can be exported to it
2391 - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake : Ca    852 - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake : Call geant4_export_datasets
2392   function before configuration of build/inst    853   function before configuration of build/install tree version(s) of
2393   Geant4Config.cmake so dataset information c    854   Geant4Config.cmake so dataset information can be exported to the
2394   CMake config script.                           855   CMake config script.
2395 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : Implement << 856 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : Implement new geant4_export_datasets 
2396   function. Write list of dataset tuples to a    857   function. Write list of dataset tuples to an output variable, each
2397   tuple consisting of dataset name, envvar na    858   tuple consisting of dataset name, envvar name and path separated by "|"
2398   Use option argument BUILD|INSTALL to use bu    859   Use option argument BUILD|INSTALL to use build and install paths for
2399   datasets respectively.                         860   datasets respectively.
2400                                                  861 
2401 16th September 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-0    862 16th September 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-24)
2402 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : E    863 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : Emit fatal error if
2403   GEANT4_BUILD_GRANULAR_LIBS variable is set.    864   GEANT4_BUILD_GRANULAR_LIBS variable is set.
2404                                                  865 
2405 30th August 2013 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09-0    866 30th August 2013 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09-06-23)
2406 - add FindXvfb checking if fake X server Xvfb    867 - add FindXvfb checking if fake X server Xvfb is installed in system (/usr/bin)
2407     needed by test202.                           868     needed by test202.
2408                                               << 869   
2409 22nd August 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-2    870 22nd August 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-22)
2410 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Check f    871 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Check for "Apple LLVM" string
2411   in output of regex parse of "clang++ -v" co    872   in output of regex parse of "clang++ -v" command output. If string is
2412   found, re-parse string to extract LLVM vers    873   found, re-parse string to extract LLVM version on which Apple LLVM is
2413   based because this reflects the true LLVM,     874   based because this reflects the true LLVM, and hence C++ Standard
2414   support, of the compiler. Fixes problem wit    875   support, of the compiler. Fixes problem with being unable to change
2415   C++ Standard with latest Xcode reported by  << 876   C++ Standard with latest Xcode reported by Gabriele Cosmo. 
2416                                                  877 
2417 16th August 2013 - Ivana Hrivnacova (cmake-V0    878 16th August 2013 - Ivana Hrivnacova (cmake-V09-06-21)
2418 - Suppress error messages from FindAIDA modul    879 - Suppress error messages from FindAIDA module for informative options.
2419   This fixes problem report #1485.               880   This fixes problem report #1485.
2420                                                  881 
2421 23rd July 2013 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09-06-    882 23rd July 2013 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09-06-20)
2422 - Update datasets for NDL to NDL4.4              883 - Update datasets for NDL to NDL4.4
2423                                                  884 
2424 23rd July 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-19)    885 23rd July 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-19)
2425 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : Remove GE    886 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : Remove GEANT4_INSTALL_EXAMPLES option.
2426   Always install example/ directory, move ins << 887   Always install example/ directory, move installation scripting into 
2427   the top level CMakeLists.txt.                  888   the top level CMakeLists.txt.
2428                                                  889 
2429 25th June 2013 - John Apostolakis (cmake-V09-    890 25th June 2013 - John Apostolakis (cmake-V09-06-18)
2430 - Added FindTBB.cmake module for Intel Thread    891 - Added FindTBB.cmake module for Intel Threading-Building-Blocks library.
2431                                                  892 
2432 13th June 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-17)    893 13th June 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-17)
2433 - Templates/ : BUGFIX #1477 : << 894 - Templates/ : BUGFIX #1477 : Correct output of 
2434   --has-feature for clhep feature.               895   --has-feature for clhep feature.
2435                                                  896 
2436 11th June 2013 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09-06-    897 11th June 2013 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09-06-16)
2437 - Update md5sum for NDL after removal of data    898 - Update md5sum for NDL after removal of data for Z>92
2438                                                  899 
2439 11th June 2013 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09-06-    900 11th June 2013 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09-06-15)
2440 - Update datasets for NDL, EMLOW, and Radioac    901 - Update datasets for NDL, EMLOW, and RadioactiveDecay
2441                                                  902 
2442 11th June 2013 - Pere Mato (cmake-V09-06-14)     903 11th June 2013 - Pere Mato (cmake-V09-06-14)
2443 - Modules/FindROOT.cmake : Minor changes for  << 904 - Modules/FindROOT.cmake : Minor changes for gccxml dictionary generation. 
2444                                                  905 
2445 28th May 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-13)     906 28th May 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-13)
2446 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : A << 907 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : Add option 
2447   GEANT4_BUILD_TPMALLOC. It defaults to OFF,     908   GEANT4_BUILD_TPMALLOC. It defaults to OFF, and is set to OFF if
2448   GEANT4_BUILD_MULTITHREADED is OFF or the pl    909   GEANT4_BUILD_MULTITHREADED is OFF or the platform is WIN32.
2449   When set, this adds a global compiler defin    910   When set, this adds a global compiler definition G4TPMALLOC.
2450   Feature requested by Andrea Dotti.             911   Feature requested by Andrea Dotti.
2451                                                  912 
2452 22nd May 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-12)     913 22nd May 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-12)
2453 - Modules/FindROOT.cmake : Remove "/usr/inclu    914 - Modules/FindROOT.cmake : Remove "/usr/include" from list of
2454   include directories passed to rootcint in r    915   include directories passed to rootcint in root_generate_dictionary
2455   function. Needed to workaround bug in rootc    916   function. Needed to workaround bug in rootcint reported by Andrea
2456   Dotti.                                         917   Dotti.
2457                                                  918 
2458 7th May 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-11)      919 7th May 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-11)
2459 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Se << 920 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Set variables 
2460   GEANT4_USE_BUILTIN_{CLHEP,EXPAT,ZLIB} when     921   GEANT4_USE_BUILTIN_{CLHEP,EXPAT,ZLIB} when the builtin versions
2461   of these packages are used. This is to assi    922   of these packages are used. This is to assist the generation of
2462   Geant4Config.cmake using simple expansion v    923   Geant4Config.cmake using simple expansion variables
2463 - Templates/ : Add and d    924 - Templates/ : Add and document new variables
2464   Geant4_builtin_{clhep,expat,zlib}_FOUND whi    925   Geant4_builtin_{clhep,expat,zlib}_FOUND which are expanded to
2465   the value of GEANT4_USE_BUILTIN_{CLHEP,EXPA    926   the value of GEANT4_USE_BUILTIN_{CLHEP,EXPAT,ZLIB} respectively.
2466 - These fixes are applied to support an issue    927 - These fixes are applied to support an issue in the nanobeam example,
2467   which requires the full CLHEP, so must chec    928   which requires the full CLHEP, so must check that the builtin
2468   version is not used. Whilst the test build     929   version is not used. Whilst the test build is protected in
2469   tests/ctests/CMakeLists.txt, the nanobeam e    930   tests/ctests/CMakeLists.txt, the nanobeam example uses an
2470   internal Geant4 variable to check for an ex    931   internal Geant4 variable to check for an external CLHEP, and so
2471   always fails.                                  932   always fails.
2472                                                  933 
2473 6th May 2013 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09-06-10    934 6th May 2013 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09-06-10)
2474 - modification for internal zlib:                935 - modification for internal zlib:
2475    ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIRS: added ${PROJECT_BINARY_ << 936    ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIRS: added ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/source/externals/zlib to 
2476     make generated zconf.h available; as side << 937     make generated zconf.h available; as side effect this zconf.h will be 
2477     installed.                                   938     installed.
2478                                                  939 
2479 22nd April 2013 - Gabriele Cosmo (cmake-V09-0    940 22nd April 2013 - Gabriele Cosmo (cmake-V09-06-09)
2480 - Fixed comments in scripts Geant4MakeRules_c    941 - Fixed comments in scripts Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake and
2481   Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake...             942   Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake...
2482                                                  943 
2483 15th April 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-08    944 15th April 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-08)
2484 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Use -pt    945 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Use -pthread flag for clang and
2485   gcc compilers in preference to -lpthread. R << 946   gcc compilers in preference to -lpthread. Remove -lpthread from 
2486   exe linker flags as the compiler flag shoul    947   exe linker flags as the compiler flag should get passed to this.
2487 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : R    948 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : Remove addition of MT flags
2488   from exe linker flags, as main CXX flags sh    949   from exe linker flags, as main CXX flags should handle this.
2489                                                  950 
2490 9th April 2013 - Andrea Dotti                    951 9th April 2013 - Andrea Dotti
2491 - Adding -lpthread to GCC linker flags if GEA    952 - Adding -lpthread to GCC linker flags if GEANT4_BUILD_MULTITHREADED is on.
2492                                                  953 
2493 25th March 2013 - Ben Morgan                     954 25th March 2013 - Ben Morgan
2494 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibilit    955 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake : BUGFIX #1399
2495   Applied Mike's patch for selflocation to C-    956   Applied Mike's patch for selflocation to C-shell template
2496   generation.                                    957   generation.
2497                                                  958 
2498 25th March 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-07    959 25th March 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-07)
2499 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : BU    960 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : BUGFIX #1322 Noted that
2500   FindZLIB in CMake < 2.8 does not set the ZL    961   FindZLIB in CMake < 2.8 does not set the ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIRS variable,
2501   so set it manually to ensure uniform behavi << 962   so set it manually to ensure uniform behaviour in ZLIB clients. 
2502                                                  963 
2503 25th March 2013 - Ben Morgan                     964 25th March 2013 - Ben Morgan
2504 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : BU    965 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : BUGFIX #1322 Enable option
2505   GEANT4_USE_SYSTEM_ZLIB to locate system zli    966   GEANT4_USE_SYSTEM_ZLIB to locate system zlib if requested and otherwise
2506   use internal version. This will co-work wit    967   use internal version. This will co-work with externals-V09-06-00.
2507   It *breaks* the analysis module, and HepRep    968   It *breaks* the analysis module, and HepRep module requires adjustment
2508   as reported in above bug report to ensure z    969   as reported in above bug report to ensure zlib is enabled.
2509                                                  970 
2510 25th March 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-06    971 25th March 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-06)
2511 - Modules/Geant4MacroLibraryTargets.cmake : B    972 - Modules/Geant4MacroLibraryTargets.cmake : BUGFIX #1353 : Add a build
2512   mode dependent compiler definition to the b    973   mode dependent compiler definition to the build of each Geant4 target
2513   in the form GEANT4_DEVELOPER_<CONFIG> where    974   in the form GEANT4_DEVELOPER_<CONFIG> where <CONFIG> is the uppercased
2514   build mode as determined from CMAKE_CONFIGU << 975   build mode as determined from CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES or 
2515   CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE as appropriate for the gen    976   CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE as appropriate for the generator.
2516   Checked on Linux and Mac with Make/Xcode ge    977   Checked on Linux and Mac with Make/Xcode generators, tagging for testing
2517                                                  978 
2518 1st March 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-05)    979 1st March 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-05)
2519 - Templates/ : Add 'mult << 980 - Templates/ : Add 'multithreaded' component to 
2520   indicate if Geant4 was built with multithre    981   indicate if Geant4 was built with multithreading. If it is requested,
2521   and the build is multithreaded, append the     982   and the build is multithreaded, append the -DG4MULTITHREADED compile
2522   definition to GEANT4_DEFINITIONS. Note clea    983   definition to GEANT4_DEFINITIONS. Note clear this is the best option
2523   yet, but awaits testing and example builds.    984   yet, but awaits testing and example builds.
2524 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : A << 985 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : Add option 
2525   GEANT4_BUILD_MULTITHREADED which when ON, a    986   GEANT4_BUILD_MULTITHREADED which when ON, adds the compiler definition
2526   -DG4MULTITHREADED globally, and appends GEA    987   -DG4MULTITHREADED globally, and appends GEANT4_MULTITHREADED_CXX_FLAGS
2527   to CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS. Set to OFF by default a    988   to CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS. Set to OFF by default as requested for testing.
2528 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : For GNU    989 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : For GNU compiler only (which may also
2529   apply to clang compiler with CMake 2.8.2 an    990   apply to clang compiler with CMake 2.8.2 and earlier), set a new variable
2530   GEANT4_MULTITHREADED_CXX_FLAGS to hold any  << 991   GEANT4_MULTITHREADED_CXX_FLAGS to hold any extra flags needed by 
2531   multithreaded build, but would conflict wit    992   multithreaded build, but would conflict with sequential. Not clear
2532   this separation is needed yet, but this aim    993   this separation is needed yet, but this aims for safety to allow testing
2533   of MT builds without interfering with other    994   of MT builds without interfering with other work.
2534                                                  995 
2535 21st February 2013 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09    996 21st February 2013 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09-06-04)
2536 - Updated dataset G4NEUTRONXS 1.3 ( previous     997 - Updated dataset G4NEUTRONXS 1.3 ( previous was not yet released)
2537                                                  998 
2538 13th February 2013 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09    999 13th February 2013 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09-06-03)
2539 - Switch to G4NEUTRONXS 1.3                      1000 - Switch to G4NEUTRONXS 1.3
2540                                                  1001 
2541 12th February 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06    1002 12th February 2013 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-06-02)
2542 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Revert     1003 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Revert default CXX flags for GNU
2543   (and clang) compilers to non-MT versions. L    1004   (and clang) compilers to non-MT versions. Leave MT flag set as commented
2544   out line for future reference, although MT     1005   out line for future reference, although MT will be optional.
2545                                                  1006 
2546 11th February 2013 -  Pere Mato  (cmake-V09-0    1007 11th February 2013 -  Pere Mato  (cmake-V09-06-01)
2547 - Modules/Geant4TestDriver.cmake : increased  << 1008 - Modules/Geant4TestDriver.cmake : increased the timeout safety to 120 
2548   seconds. This is to avoid having a timeout  << 1009   seconds. This is to avoid having a timeout in a test without having 
2549   the time to write the output.                  1010   the time to write the output.
2550                                                  1011 
2551 18th December 2012 -  Ben Morgan       (cmake    1012 18th December 2012 -  Ben Morgan       (cmake-V09-06-00)
2552 - Templates/UseGeant4_internal.cmake : Tidy l    1013 - Templates/UseGeant4_internal.cmake : Tidy layout
2553 - Templates/UseGeant4.cmake : Tidy layout and << 1014 - Templates/UseGeant4.cmake : Tidy layout and remove obsolete 
2554   geant4_collate_application_sources macro.      1015   geant4_collate_application_sources macro.
2555 - Templates/ : Ti    1016 - Templates/ : Tidy layout
2556 - Templates/ : Tidy layo    1017 - Templates/ : Tidy layout
2557 - Modules/ResolveCompilerPaths.cmake : Tidy l    1018 - Modules/ResolveCompilerPaths.cmake : Tidy layout and convert macros to
2558   consistent use of lowercase naming.            1019   consistent use of lowercase naming.
2559 - Modules/MacroEnsureVersion.cmake : Tidy lay    1020 - Modules/MacroEnsureVersion.cmake : Tidy layout and convert macros to
2560   consistent use of lowercase naming.            1021   consistent use of lowercase naming.
2561 - Modules/Geant4ValidateSources.cmake : Tidy     1022 - Modules/Geant4ValidateSources.cmake : Tidy up layout/commenting
2562 - Modules/Geant4TestDriver.cmake : Tidy up la    1023 - Modules/Geant4TestDriver.cmake : Tidy up layout/commenting
2563 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Ti    1024 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Tidy up layout.
2564 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_fortran.cmake : Rem    1025 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_fortran.cmake : Remove obsolete file.
2565 - Modules/Geant4MacroDefineModule.cmake : Tid    1026 - Modules/Geant4MacroDefineModule.cmake : Tidy up layout and add basic
2566   documentation placeholders for main macros.    1027   documentation placeholders for main macros.
2567 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : T    1028 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : Tidy up layout
2568 - Modules/Geant4InstallDirs.cmake : Tidy up l    1029 - Modules/Geant4InstallDirs.cmake : Tidy up layout
2569 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake :    1030 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake : Tidy up layout
2570 - Modules/Geant4CTest.cmake : Tidy up layout     1031 - Modules/Geant4CTest.cmake : Tidy up layout
2571 - Modules/Geant4CPackBase.cmake : Tidy up lay    1032 - Modules/Geant4CPackBase.cmake : Tidy up layout
2572 - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake : Ti    1033 - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake : Tidy up layout
2573 - Modules/Geant4BuildModes.cmake : Tidy up co    1034 - Modules/Geant4BuildModes.cmake : Tidy up commenting and layout.
2574 - Modules/Geant4MacroUtilities.cmake : Functi    1035 - Modules/Geant4MacroUtilities.cmake : Functionize macros where possible,
2575   add include guard and standardize on lower     1036   add include guard and standardize on lower case for function and internal
2576   variable names.                                1037   variable names.
2577 - INSTALL.g4cmake : Remove this now obsolete     1038 - INSTALL.g4cmake : Remove this now obsolete file
2578                                                  1039 
2579 27th November 2012 -  Ben Morgan       (cmake    1040 27th November 2012 -  Ben Morgan       (cmake-V09-05-79)
2580 - Templates/ : Correct listin    1041 - Templates/ : Correct listing of G3toG4 library,
2581   replacing "-lG3ToG4" with "-lG3toG4"           1042   replacing "-lG3ToG4" with "-lG3toG4"
2582                                                  1043 
2583 27th November 2012 -  Gabriele Cosmo   (cmake    1044 27th November 2012 -  Gabriele Cosmo   (cmake-V09-05-78)
2584 - Added "-Wno-variadic-macros -Wshadow" compi    1045 - Added "-Wno-variadic-macros -Wshadow" compilation options g++ and clang.
2585 - Extended description in Geant4CPackBase.cma    1046 - Extended description in Geant4CPackBase.cmake script.
2586                                                  1047 
2587 26th November 2012 -  Gunter Folger    (cmake    1048 26th November 2012 -  Gunter Folger    (cmake-V09-05-77)
2588 - Switch to PhotonEvaporation 2.3                1049 - Switch to PhotonEvaporation 2.3
2589                                                  1050 
2590 23rd November 2012 -  Gunter Folger    (cmake    1051 23rd November 2012 -  Gunter Folger    (cmake-V09-05-76)
2591 - Switch to G4RadioactiveDecay 3.6               1052 - Switch to G4RadioactiveDecay 3.6
2592                                                  1053 
2593 21st November 2012 - Ben Morgan        (cmake    1054 21st November 2012 - Ben Morgan        (cmake-V09-05-75)
2594 - Templates/     1055 - Templates/ : Add ""
2595   and "" names to false positives    1056   and "" names to false positives. These names appear
2596   in processes/hadronic/models/cascade/cascad    1057   in processes/hadronic/models/cascade/cascade/sources.cmake as
2597   comments, but the current regex picks them     1058   comments, but the current regex picks them up. This is a temporary
2598   fix as longer term solution is to update re    1059   fix as longer term solution is to update regex to not match
2599   comments!                                      1060   comments!
2600                                                  1061 
2601 21st November 2012 - Ben Morgan        (cmake    1062 21st November 2012 - Ben Morgan        (cmake-V09-05-74)
2602 - Templates/ : Fix setti    1063 - Templates/ : Fix setting of Geant4 DEFINITIONS
2603   INCLUDE_DIRS and LIBRARIES so that multiple    1064   INCLUDE_DIRS and LIBRARIES so that multiple calls to find_package
2604   do not overwrite previosu settings. Multipl    1065   do not overwrite previosu settings. Multiple calls now copy,
2605   insert or append to these variables as need    1066   insert or append to these variables as needed. Duplicates
2606   are removed from the final list.               1067   are removed from the final list.
2607 - Templates/UseGeant4.cmake : Tidy up documen    1068 - Templates/UseGeant4.cmake : Tidy up documentation and mark
2608   macros as deprecated.                          1069   macros as deprecated.
2609                                                  1070 
2610 20th November 2012 - Ivana Hrivnacova  (cmake    1071 20th November 2012 - Ivana Hrivnacova  (cmake-V09-05-73)
2611 - Fixed FindHepMC.cmake (GenEvent.h file exte    1072 - Fixed FindHepMC.cmake (GenEvent.h file extension was missing)
2612                                               << 1073  
2613 16th November 2012 - Ben Morgan        (cmake    1074 16th November 2012 - Ben Morgan        (cmake-V09-05-72)
2614 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibilit    1075 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake : Improve
2615   description of workaround for sourcing Cshe    1076   description of workaround for sourcing Cshell scripts
2616   non-interactively, as reported in HyperNews    1077   non-interactively, as reported in HyperNews:
2617    1078
2618                                                  1079 
2619 15th November 2012 - Ben Morgan        (cmake    1080 15th November 2012 - Ben Morgan        (cmake-V09-05-71)
2620 [BUGFIX #1387]                                   1081 [BUGFIX #1387]
2621 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibilit    1082 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake : Correct shell
2622   variable name in export of commands to scri    1083   variable name in export of commands to scripts.
2623                                                  1084 
2624 14th November 2012 - Ben Morgan        (cmake    1085 14th November 2012 - Ben Morgan        (cmake-V09-05-70)
2625 - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake : Ad    1086 - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake : Add CMakeMacroParseArguments
2626   to list of modules installed as it is neede    1087   to list of modules installed as it is needed to support FindROOT
2627   on CMake < 2.8.                                1088   on CMake < 2.8.
2628                                                  1089 
2629                                                  1090 
2630 14th November 2012 -  Gunter Folger    (cmake    1091 14th November 2012 -  Gunter Folger    (cmake-V09-05-69)
2631 -  switch to G4NDL 4.2                        << 1092 -  switch to G4NDL 4.2 
2632    (excluding changes made past tag cmake-V09    1093    (excluding changes made past tag cmake-V09-05-68)
2633                                                  1094 
2634 13th November 2012 - Ben Morgan                  1095 13th November 2012 - Ben Morgan
2635 [BUGFIX #1290, #1328]                            1096 [BUGFIX #1290, #1328]
2636 - Templates/ : Add support fo    1097 - Templates/ : Add support for G3ToG4 library. Add
2637   CLHEP library to link line using output fro    1098   CLHEP library to link line using output from clhep-config.
2638   Replace explicit -I@VAR@ flags with pure @V    1099   Replace explicit -I@VAR@ flags with pure @VAR@ variables for
2639   each include path that may be filtered out  << 1100   each include path that may be filtered out if it is in the 
2640   compiler's default search path.                1101   compiler's default search path.
2641 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake :    1102 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake : Set export variable
2642   for existence of G3ToG4. Implement function    1103   for existence of G3ToG4. Implement function to return list of
2643   default search paths for GNU, Clang and Int    1104   default search paths for GNU, Clang and Intel compilers.
2644   Create list before configuring geant4-confi    1105   Create list before configuring geant4-config, and filter out
2645   any header paths that we need to export but << 1106   any header paths that we need to export but that appear in this list 
2646   before creating export variables.              1107   before creating export variables.
2647                                                  1108 
2648 13th November 2012 - Ben Morgan       (cmake-    1109 13th November 2012 - Ben Morgan       (cmake-V09-05-68)
2649 - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake : Co    1110 - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake : Copy FindXXX modules required
2650   by examples from source to build tree, and     1111   by examples from source to build tree, and install them into a
2651   Modules subdirectory of GEANT4_CMAKE_DIR.      1112   Modules subdirectory of GEANT4_CMAKE_DIR.
2652 - Templates/UseGeant4.cmake : Append path for    1113 - Templates/UseGeant4.cmake : Append path for FindXXX modules required
2653   by examples to CMAKE_MODULE_PATH. This is t    1114   by examples to CMAKE_MODULE_PATH. This is transparent across both
2654   the build and install trees.                   1115   the build and install trees.
2655                                                  1116 
2656                                                  1117 
2657 12th November 2012 - Ben Morgan       (cmake-    1118 12th November 2012 - Ben Morgan       (cmake-V09-05-67)
2658 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Add -Qu    1119 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Add -Qunused-arguments flag
2659   to compiler flags when running Clang. This     1120   to compiler flags when running Clang. This is to finally suppress
2660   warnings when building tests, which CTest c    1121   warnings when building tests, which CTest cannot filter out.
2661                                                  1122 
2662                                                  1123 
2663 9th November 2012 - Ben Morgan        (cmake-    1124 9th November 2012 - Ben Morgan        (cmake-V09-05-66)
2664 - Resubmission of cmake-V09-05-64+cmake-V09-0    1125 - Resubmission of cmake-V09-05-64+cmake-V09-05-65. Former was
2665   rejected after clang warnings, which are no    1126   rejected after clang warnings, which are now ignored by the
2666   CTest system. Latter passed Continuous buil    1127   CTest system. Latter passed Continuous builds without issue and
2667   only affects Windows systems.                  1128   only affects Windows systems.
2668                                                  1129 
2669                                                  1130 
2670 8th November 2012 - Ben Morgan        (cmake-    1131 8th November 2012 - Ben Morgan        (cmake-V09-05-65)
2671 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Remove     1132 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Remove MD flags from core flags.
2672   Add MD flag to Release style build modes (R    1133   Add MD flag to Release style build modes (RELEASE, MINSIZEREL and
2673   RELWITHDEBINFO). Add MDd flag to Debug styl    1134   RELWITHDEBINFO). Add MDd flag to Debug style build modes (DEBUG,
2674   TESTRELEASE, MAINTAINER).                      1135   TESTRELEASE, MAINTAINER).
2675   This follows discussions originated from Hy    1136   This follows discussions originated from HyperNews:
2676    1137
2677                                                  1138 
2678                                                  1139 
2679 7th November 2012 - Ben Morgan        (cmake-    1140 7th November 2012 - Ben Morgan        (cmake-V09-05-64)
2680 - [BUGFIX #1351]                                 1141 - [BUGFIX #1351]
2681 - Geant4MacroUtilities.cmake : Implement new     1142 - Geant4MacroUtilities.cmake : Implement new functions set_ifnot
2682   and enum_option                                1143   and enum_option
2683 - Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Implement C++ S    1144 - Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Implement C++ Standard detection and
2684   flag configuration for GNU, Clang and Intel    1145   flag configuration for GNU, Clang and Intel compilers.
2685 - Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : Add user     1146 - Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : Add user option to select C++
2686   Standard to build against, it the compiler     1147   Standard to build against, it the compiler supports this. The
2687   default is always c++98/'ansi' (C++98 plus     1148   default is always c++98/'ansi' (C++98 plus the '03 addenda).
2688                                                  1149 
2689                                                  1150 
2690 5th November 2012 - Ben Morgan        (cmake-    1151 5th November 2012 - Ben Morgan        (cmake-V09-05-63)
2691 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake: Remov    1152 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake: Remove requirement to co-work
2692   with internal tag openinventor-V09-05-16.      1153   with internal tag openinventor-V09-05-16.
2693                                                  1154 
2694                                                  1155 
2695 5th November 2012 - Ben Morgan        (cmake-    1156 5th November 2012 - Ben Morgan        (cmake-V09-05-62)
2696 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake: Check    1157 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake: Check that X11 Xpm library
2697   has been found when Inventor driver is acti    1158   has been found when Inventor driver is activated, and FATAL_ERROR
2698   is it is not located.                          1159   is it is not located.
2699                                                  1160 
2700                                                  1161 
2701 2nd November 2012 - Ben Morgan        (cmake-    1162 2nd November 2012 - Ben Morgan        (cmake-V09-05-61)
2702 - [BUGFIX #1285]                                 1163 - [BUGFIX #1285]
2703 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake: Implement     1164 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake: Implement new
2704   API for managing data to allow reuse of exi    1165   API for managing data to allow reuse of existing datasets and
2705   not install data at build time if required.    1166   not install data at build time if required.
2706 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: Mig    1167 - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: Migrate dataset definitions
2707   to separate file to ease update and patch c    1168   to separate file to ease update and patch cycle.
2708 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibilit    1169 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake: Migrate export
2709   of dataset environment variables/paths to u    1170   of dataset environment variables/paths to use new dataset API. Avoids
2710   hardcoding of dataset names, allowing for e    1171   hardcoding of dataset names, allowing for easy expansion/contraction
2711   in the future.                                 1172   in the future.
2712 - Modules/Geant4CTest.cmake: Migrate setting     1173 - Modules/Geant4CTest.cmake: Migrate setting of GEANT4_TEST_ENVIRONMENT
2713   to use new dataset API for export of enviro    1174   to use new dataset API for export of environment variable names and
2714   values.                                        1175   values.
2715 - Templates/ Migrate e    1176 - Templates/ Migrate expansion variables for
2716   datasets to single 'code block' variable.      1177   datasets to single 'code block' variable.
2717 - Templates/ Migrate e    1178 - Templates/ Migrate expansion variables for
2718   datasets to single 'code block' variable.      1179   datasets to single 'code block' variable.
2719 - [PERFORMANCE]: Tidy up module inclusions to    1180 - [PERFORMANCE]: Tidy up module inclusions to provide minor, but
2720   noticeable, speed up in CMake configuration    1181   noticeable, speed up in CMake configuration time.
2721 - Modules/Geant4MacroDefineModule.cmake: Use     1182 - Modules/Geant4MacroDefineModule.cmake: Use 'header guard' variable to
2722   prevent module being loaded multiple times.    1183   prevent module being loaded multiple times.
2723 - Modules/Geant4MacroLibraryTargets.cmake: Us    1184 - Modules/Geant4MacroLibraryTargets.cmake: Use 'header guard' variable to
2724   prevent module being loaded multiple times.    1185   prevent module being loaded multiple times.
2725 - Modules/Geant4MacroUtilities.cmake: Include    1186 - Modules/Geant4MacroUtilities.cmake: Include Geant4MacroDefineModule
2726   and Geant4MacroLibraryTargets so these are     1187   and Geant4MacroLibraryTargets so these are included at top level and
2727   hence are not re-parsed by CMake if they ar    1188   hence are not re-parsed by CMake if they are included in lower scopes.
2728 - [CLEANUP]                                      1189 - [CLEANUP]
2729 - Templates/ Remove obsolet    1190 - Templates/ Remove obsolete file.
2730 - Templates/ Remove obsolete    1191 - Templates/ Remove obsolete file.
2731                                                  1192 
2732                                                  1193 
2733 31st October 2012 - Ben Morgan        (cmake-    1194 31st October 2012 - Ben Morgan        (cmake-V09-05-60)
2734 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake: Remove obs    1195 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake: Remove obsolete ABLA dataset.
2735 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibilit    1196 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake: Remove
2736   setting of ABLA environment export variable    1197   setting of ABLA environment export variables to overcome error
2737   reported by Gunter Folger and Hisaya Kurash    1198   reported by Gunter Folger and Hisaya Kurashige.
2738 - Modules/Geant4CTest.cmake: Remove obsolete     1199 - Modules/Geant4CTest.cmake: Remove obsolete ABLA dataset.
2739 - Template/ Remove ABL    1200 - Template/ Remove ABLA export variables
2740 - Template/ Remove ABL    1201 - Template/ Remove ABLA export variables
2741                                                  1202 
2742                                                  1203 
2743 31th October 2012 -  Gunter Folger    (cmake-    1204 31th October 2012 -  Gunter Folger    (cmake-V09-05-59)
2744 -  bring settings for ABLA back in , used els << 1205 -  bring settings for ABLA back in , used elsewhere, and caused 
2745     configure to badly fail.                     1206     configure to badly fail.
2746                                               << 1207     
2747 30th October 2012 -  Gunter Folger    (cmake-    1208 30th October 2012 -  Gunter Folger    (cmake-V09-05-58)
2748 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake: Revert to     1209 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake: Revert to use G4EMLOW.6.32
2749     and delete settings for ABLA, not needed     1210     and delete settings for ABLA, not needed per Davide M.
2750                                                  1211 
2751 30th October 2012 - John Apostolakis  (cmake-    1212 30th October 2012 - John Apostolakis  (cmake-V09-05-57)
2752 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake: Revert to     1213 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake: Revert to use G4EMLOW.6.31
2753     to overcome problems in Continuous build     1214     to overcome problems in Continuous build of G4 in Cdash
2754                                                  1215 
2755 30th October 2012 - Gunter Folger     (cmake-    1216 30th October 2012 - Gunter Folger     (cmake-V09-05-56)
2756 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake: Use G4EMLO    1217 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake: Use G4EMLOW.6.32
2757                                                  1218 
2758 25th October 2012 - Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-5    1219 25th October 2012 - Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-55)
2759 - Templates/Geant4CTest.cmake: corrected mist    1220 - Templates/Geant4CTest.cmake: corrected mistake with GEANT4_DATA_DIR
2760                                                  1221 
2761 19th October 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-    1222 19th October 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-54)
2762 - Templates/ : Add g3tog    1223 - Templates/ : Add g3tog4 component to detect
2763   and configure G3toG4 library if required.      1224   and configure G3toG4 library if required.
2764 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Im    1225 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Improve documentation of
2765   GEANT4_USE_G3TOG4 option.                      1226   GEANT4_USE_G3TOG4 option.
2766 - Modules/Geant4CTest.cmake : Remove un-neede    1227 - Modules/Geant4CTest.cmake : Remove un-needed message() of dataset
2767   configuration.                                 1228   configuration.
2768                                                  1229 
2769 18th October 2012 - Gunter Folger     (cmake-    1230 18th October 2012 - Gunter Folger     (cmake-V09-05-53)
2770 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake: Use G4EMLO    1231 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake: Use G4EMLOW.6.31
2771                                                  1232 
2772 16th October 2012 Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-52    1233 16th October 2012 Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-52)
2773 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : Update ve    1234 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : Update version and MD5 of
2774   G4NEUTRONXS for 1.2 release, add new G4SAID    1235   G4NEUTRONXS for 1.2 release, add new G4SAIDDATA dataset,
2775   version 1.1                                    1236   version 1.1
2776 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibilit    1237 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake : Export
2777   new G4SAIDDATA dataset to scripts.             1238   new G4SAIDDATA dataset to scripts.
2778 - Modules/Geant4CTest.cmake : Add new G4SAIDD    1239 - Modules/Geant4CTest.cmake : Add new G4SAIDDATA dataset to
2779   CTest environment, and remove obsolete G4EL << 1240   CTest environment, and remove obsolete G4ELASTICDATA and 
2780   NeutronHPCrossSections environment variable    1241   NeutronHPCrossSections environment variables.
2781 - Templates/ : Add expa    1242 - Templates/ : Add expansion variable for
2782   export of new G4SAIDDATA dataset.              1243   export of new G4SAIDDATA dataset.
2783 - Templates/ : Add expa    1244 - Templates/ : Add expansion variable for
2784   export of new G4SAIDDATA dataset.              1245   export of new G4SAIDDATA dataset.
2785                                                  1246 
2786                                                  1247 
2787 12th October 2012 Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-51    1248 12th October 2012 Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-51)
2788 - Modules/FindInventor.cmake: BUGFIX #1320: R    1249 - Modules/FindInventor.cmake: BUGFIX #1320: Remove find of Inventor
2789   debug libraries and do not use the "optimiz    1250   debug libraries and do not use the "optimized;debug" technique.
2790   Add find for of SoXt headers.                  1251   Add find for of SoXt headers.
2791 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake: BUGFI    1252 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake: BUGFIX #1320: Add SoXt headers
2792   to INVENTOR_INCLUDE_DIR when on UNIX, and F    1253   to INVENTOR_INCLUDE_DIR when on UNIX, and FATAL_ERROR if SoXt not
2793   located. Add X11 Xt library when SoXt is us    1254   located. Add X11 Xt library when SoXt is used on Mac OS X
2794                                               << 1255  
2795 9th October 2012 Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-50)     1256 9th October 2012 Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-50)
2796 - Modules/Geant4CTest.cmake: minor changes to    1257 - Modules/Geant4CTest.cmake: minor changes to avoid user traps
2797                                                  1258 
2798 4th October 2012 - Gunter Folger     (cmake-V    1259 4th October 2012 - Gunter Folger     (cmake-V09-05-49)
2799 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake: Use G4EMLO    1260 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake: Use G4EMLOW.6.30
2800                                                  1261 
2801 26th September 2012 Ivana Hrivnacova (cmake-V    1262 26th September 2012 Ivana Hrivnacova (cmake-V09-05-48)
2802 - Adding FindPythia6 module.                     1263 - Adding FindPythia6 module.
2803 - Modules/FindHepMC.cmake: support also HEPMC    1264 - Modules/FindHepMC.cmake: support also HEPMC_DIR environment variable (which
2804   is used in GNUmake build); added HEPMC_FIO_    1265   is used in GNUmake build); added HEPMC_FIO_LIBRARIES
2805                                                  1266 
2806 25th September 2012 Ivana Hrivnacova (cmake-V    1267 25th September 2012 Ivana Hrivnacova (cmake-V09-05-47)
2807 - Adding FindAIDA module.                        1268 - Adding FindAIDA module.
2808                                                  1269 
2809 24th September - Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-46)     1270 24th September - Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-46)
2810 - Modules/Geant4TestDriver.cmake : Use the ar    1271 - Modules/Geant4TestDriver.cmake : Use the argument TIM=<timeout> to set a shorter timeout than CTest
2811 - Templates/UseGeant4_internal.cmake : Genera    1272 - Templates/UseGeant4_internal.cmake : Generate TIM argument from test TIMEOUT property
2812                                                  1273 
2813 24th September - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-45)    1274 24th September - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-45)
2814 - Modules/ResolveCompilerPaths.cmake : Remove    1275 - Modules/ResolveCompilerPaths.cmake : Remove extraneous quotes around
2815   resolved include paths (patch from Fabian K    1276   resolved include paths (patch from Fabian Kislat, BUGFIX #1357)
2816                                                  1277 
2817 19th September - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-44)    1278 19th September - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-44)
2818 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Remove     1279 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Remove optimization flags from
2819   TestRelease build mode flags on all platfor    1280   TestRelease build mode flags on all platforms (BUGFIX #1263).
2820 - Modules/Geant4BuildModes.cmake : Remove obs    1281 - Modules/Geant4BuildModes.cmake : Remove obsolete "TestReleaseDebug" build
2821   mode (BUGFIX #1263)                            1282   mode (BUGFIX #1263)
2822                                                  1283 
2823 17th September - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-43)    1284 17th September - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-43)
2824 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : Update G4    1285 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : Update G4EMLOW dataset to version 6.29
2825   and update MD5 sum.                            1286   and update MD5 sum.
2826                                                  1287 
2827 30th August 2012 Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-42)     1288 30th August 2012 Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-42)
2828 - Modules/Geant4CTest.cmake : Added Unit Test    1289 - Modules/Geant4CTest.cmake : Added Unit Tests and some re-organization of the module
2829 - Modules/Geant4MacroUtilities.cmake : Moved     1290 - Modules/Geant4MacroUtilities.cmake : Moved macro GEANT4_LATEST_VERSION to this module
2830                                                  1291 
2831 29th August 2012 Witek Pokorski (cmake-V09-05    1292 29th August 2012 Witek Pokorski (cmake-V09-05-41)
2832 - Adding FindHepMC module.                       1293 - Adding FindHepMC module.
2833                                                  1294 
2834 28th August 2012 - Pere Mato                  << 1295 28th August 2012 - Pere Mato 
2835 - Modules/Geant4MacroUtilities.cmake: Defined    1296 - Modules/Geant4MacroUtilities.cmake: Defined new macro GEANT4_ADD_UNIT_TESTS
2836 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake: Ad    1297 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake: Added new option GEANT4_BUILD_TESTS
2837                                                  1298 
2838 28th August 2012 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09-0    1299 28th August 2012 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09-05-39)
2839 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake: Use Radioa    1300 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake: Use RadioactiveDecay3.5
2840                                                  1301 
2841 16th July 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-38)    1302 16th July 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-38)
2842 - Use correct tag name. Update tag number to     1303 - Use correct tag name. Update tag number to ensure numerical sequence.
2843                                                  1304 
2844 16th July 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-37)    1305 16th July 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-37)
2845 - Templates/     1306 - Templates/ : Remove use of STATUS in
2846   error messages so all errors go to stderr.     1307   error messages so all errors go to stderr.
2847                                                  1308 
2848 10th July 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-36)    1309 10th July 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-36)
2849 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Add pre << 1310 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Add preliminary support for Clang 
2850   detection (CMake > 2.8.1)                      1311   detection (CMake > 2.8.1)
2851 - Modules/Geant4/LibraryBuildOptions.cmake :     1312 - Modules/Geant4/LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : Add preliminary support for
2852   Clang detection (CMake > 2.8.1)                1313   Clang detection (CMake > 2.8.1)
2853                                                  1314 
2854 10th July 2012 - Ben Morgan                      1315 10th July 2012 - Ben Morgan
2855 - Modules/FindStatTest.cmake : Minor formatti    1316 - Modules/FindStatTest.cmake : Minor formatting/layout updates.
2856                                                  1317 
2857 10th July 2012 - Andrea Dotti (cmake-V09-05-3    1318 10th July 2012 - Andrea Dotti (cmake-V09-05-35)
2858 - Modules/FindStatTest.cmake : First commit o    1319 - Modules/FindStatTest.cmake : First commit of module to find and setup
2859   utility program StatTest for automatic regr << 1320   utility program StatTest for automatic regression testing of Geant4 
2860   ctest outputs                                  1321   ctest outputs
2861                                                  1322 
2862 27th June 2012 - Pere Mato  (cmake-V09-05-34)    1323 27th June 2012 - Pere Mato  (cmake-V09-05-34)
2863 - Modules/Geant4TestDriver.cmake : Added TST     1324 - Modules/Geant4TestDriver.cmake : Added TST paramenter to obtain the test name to produce
2864                                    <test>.out    1325                                    <test>.out and <test>.err
2865 - Templates/UseGeant4_internal.cmake: mofdifi    1326 - Templates/UseGeant4_internal.cmake: mofdified to pass the test name
2866                                                  1327 
2867 22nd June 2012 - Pere Mato  (cmake-V09-05-33)    1328 22nd June 2012 - Pere Mato  (cmake-V09-05-33)
2868 - Modules/Geant4TestDriver.cmake : Fixed the     1329 - Modules/Geant4TestDriver.cmake : Fixed the problem that <test> should be only the
2869   file name and not the full path of the exec    1330   file name and not the full path of the executable.
2870                                                  1331 
2871 22nd June 2012 - Pere Mato  (cmake-V09-05-32)    1332 22nd June 2012 - Pere Mato  (cmake-V09-05-32)
2872 - Modules/Geant4TestDriver.cmake : adapted to << 1333 - Modules/Geant4TestDriver.cmake : adapted to create <test>.out and <test>.err files 
2873   with stdout and stderr each time a test is     1334   with stdout and stderr each time a test is run in the current directory.
2874                                                  1335 
2875 21th June 2012 - Gunter Folger  (cmake-V09-05    1336 21th June 2012 - Gunter Folger  (cmake-V09-05-31)
2876 - After update of G4EMLOW6.27, new tar needs     1337 - After update of G4EMLOW6.27, new tar needs updated md5sum.
2877                                                  1338 
2878 21th June 2012 - Gunter Folger  (cmake-V09-05    1339 21th June 2012 - Gunter Folger  (cmake-V09-05-30)
2879 - After recreating G4NDL4.1, update md5sum.      1340 - After recreating G4NDL4.1, update md5sum.
2880                                                  1341 
2881 20th June 2012 - Gunter Folger  (cmake-V09-05 << 1342 20th June 2012 - Gunter Folger  (cmake-V09-05-29) 
2882 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake: Use G4NDL     1343 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake: Use G4NDL 4.1
2883                                                  1344 
2884 15th June 2012 - Gabriele Cosmo (cmake-V09-05    1345 15th June 2012 - Gabriele Cosmo (cmake-V09-05-28)
2885 - Updated tags to 9.6.0 for 9.6-beta.            1346 - Updated tags to 9.6.0 for 9.6-beta.
2886                                                  1347 
2887 14th June 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-27)    1348 14th June 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-27)
2888 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Se    1349 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Search for system expat by
2889   default on non-Win32. We prefer the system     1350   default on non-Win32. We prefer the system library on these platforms
2890   due to compilation warnings in the current     1351   due to compilation warnings in the current internal version of expat.
2891                                                  1352 
2892 13th June 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-26)    1353 13th June 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-26)
2893 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Al    1354 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Allow choice between internal
2894   and system expat library on non-Win32 platf    1355   and system expat library on non-Win32 platforms, default to use
2895   internal. Choosing system expat requires it    1356   internal. Choosing system expat requires it to be found.
2896                                                  1357 
2897 12th June 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-25)    1358 12th June 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-25)
2898 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibilit    1359 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake: Quote paths used
2899   in execute_process calls run at install tim    1360   in execute_process calls run at install time. This fixes a problem
2900   reported by Joseph Perl on Windows, when a     1361   reported by Joseph Perl on Windows, when a space appears in the install
2901   prefix.                                        1362   prefix.
2902                                                  1363 
2903 8th June, 2012 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09-05-    1364 8th June, 2012 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09-05-24)
2904 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake: req    1365 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake: require CLHEP
2905                                                  1366 
2906 4th June, 2012 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09-05-    1367 4th June, 2012 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09-05-23)
2907 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake: use G4EMLO    1368 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake: use G4EMLOW.6.27
2908                                                  1369 
2909 1st June, 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-22)    1370 1st June, 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-22)
2910 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : Complete  << 1371 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : Complete rewrite of data installation 
2911   with support for CMake >= 2.6.4 and custom     1372   with support for CMake >= 2.6.4 and custom physics data install location.
2912   Downloaded data bundles are also verified u    1373   Downloaded data bundles are also verified using MD5 hashes.
2913 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibilit    1374 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake : Location of data
2914   updated to use new paths from Geant4Install    1375   updated to use new paths from Geant4InstallData.cmake.
2915                                                  1376 
2916 May 31st, 2012 - Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-21)     1377 May 31st, 2012 - Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-21)
2917 - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake : Tr    1378 - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake : Transmit CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS as Geant4_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS
2918 - Templates/UseGeant4.cmake : Set CMAKE_EXE_L    1379 - Templates/UseGeant4.cmake : Set CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS as Geant4_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS
2919   This is to ensure that the definition is of    1380   This is to ensure that the definition is of CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS is used by projects using Geant4
2920                                                  1381 
2921 May 30th, 2012 - Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-20)     1382 May 30th, 2012 - Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-20)
2922 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Added -    1383 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Added -limf library in CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS for icc compiler.
2923   This is to avoid warnings of the type "warn    1384   This is to avoid warnings of the type "warning: feupdateenv is not implemented and will always fail"
2924                                                  1385 
2925 May 30th, 2012 - Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-19)     1386 May 30th, 2012 - Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-19)
2926 - Templates/UseGeant4_internal.cmake : Added  << 1387 - Templates/UseGeant4_internal.cmake : Added new arguments WORKING_DIRECTORY and LABELS to GEANT4_ADD_TEST() 
2927   This allows to assign tests to specific tes    1388   This allows to assign tests to specific test slots (Nightly, Continuous, PhyscisChecks). If no label is specified it is
2928   given the Nightly label.                       1389   given the Nightly label.
2929                                                  1390 
2930 May 29th, 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-18)    1391 May 29th, 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-18)
2931 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibilit << 1392 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake : [BUGFIX #1268] Enable use of C-shell scripts inside other scripts. 
2932  This follows the pattern used in ROOT's cshe << 1393  This follows the pattern used in ROOT's cshell scripts, which works at 
2933  the cost of the user having to supply extra     1394  the cost of the user having to supply extra information to the source
2934  command/script.                                 1395  command/script.
2935 - Templates/ : [BUGFIX     1396 - Templates/ : [BUGFIX #1268] Protect changes to the environment if self location fails.
2936 - Templates/ : [BUGFIX     1397 - Templates/ : [BUGFIX #1268] Protect changes to the environment if self location fails.
2937                                                  1398 
2938                                                  1399 
2939 May 9th, 2012 - Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-17)      1400 May 9th, 2012 - Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-17)
2940 - Templates/UseGeant4_internal.cmake : By def << 1401 - Templates/UseGeant4_internal.cmake : By default tests building anything will fail in case of warnings. 
2941   This is wanted by G. Folger.                   1402   This is wanted by G. Folger.
2942                                                  1403 
2943 May 8th, 2012 - Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-16)      1404 May 8th, 2012 - Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-16)
2944 - Templates/UseGeant4_internal.cmake : Added     1405 - Templates/UseGeant4_internal.cmake : Added PASSREGEX and FAILREGEX arguments to GEANT4_ADD_TEST()
2945                                                  1406 
2946 April 30th, 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-1    1407 April 30th, 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-15)
2947 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : GEANT4_IN    1408 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : GEANT4_INSTALL_DATA set as an INTERNAL
2948   variable when deactivated on CMake < 2.8. E    1409   variable when deactivated on CMake < 2.8. Ensures it doesn't show in GUI.
2949 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : F    1410 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : Force deactivation of
2950   GEANT4_ENABLE_TESTING on CMake < 2.8 due to    1411   GEANT4_ENABLE_TESTING on CMake < 2.8 due to compatibility issues.
2951                                                  1412 
2952 April 24th, 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-1    1413 April 24th, 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-14)
2953 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : Force GEA    1414 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : Force GEANT4_INSTALL_DATA to OFF if
2954   CMake < 2.8.0 is used, and warn user if it     1415   CMake < 2.8.0 is used, and warn user if it has been set. This prevents the
2955   problem reported on HyperNews:                 1416   problem reported on HyperNews:
2956    1417
2957                                                  1418 
2958 April 20th, 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-1    1419 April 20th, 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-13)
2959 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibilit    1420 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake : Fixed Bug #1306, using
2960   BASH_VERSION instead of non-POSIX compliant    1421   BASH_VERSION instead of non-POSIX compliant check.
2961                                                  1422 
2962 April 12th, 2012 - Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-12    1423 April 12th, 2012 - Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-12)
2963 - Fixed bug in Modules/Geant4CTest.cmake to l    1424 - Fixed bug in Modules/Geant4CTest.cmake to locate newest data library version
2964                                                  1425 
2965 April 12th, 2012 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09-0    1426 April 12th, 2012 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09-05-11)
2966 - Switch to G4EMLOW6.26                          1427 - Switch to G4EMLOW6.26
2967                                                  1428 
2968 April 5th, 2012 - Gunter Folger  (cmake-V09-0    1429 April 5th, 2012 - Gunter Folger  (cmake-V09-05-10)
2969 - Switch to G4EMLOW6.25                          1430 - Switch to G4EMLOW6.25
2970                                                  1431 
2971 April 3rd, 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-09    1432 April 3rd, 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-09)
2972 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : Increased    1433 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : Increased default timeout to 1500s.
2973 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibilit    1434 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake : Redirect all cd commands
2974   to /dev/null as some cd implementations rep    1435   to /dev/null as some cd implementations report change to stdout.
2975                                                  1436 
2976 March 30th, 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-0    1437 March 30th, 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-08)
2977 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : Add GEANT    1438 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : Add GEANT4_INSTALL_DATA_TIMEOUT cache
2978   variable to allow users to increase the dow    1439   variable to allow users to increase the download timeout on slow connections.
2979   Only available on CMake 2.8.1 and above.       1440   Only available on CMake 2.8.1 and above.
2980                                                  1441 
2981 March 22nd, 2012 - Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-07    1442 March 22nd, 2012 - Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-07)
2982 - genwindef/LibSymbolInfo.cpp : filter the sy    1443 - genwindef/LibSymbolInfo.cpp : filter the symbols giving problems when building G4clhep for Win64 (second attempt)
2983                                                  1444 
2984 March 22nd, 2012 - Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-06    1445 March 22nd, 2012 - Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-06)
2985 - genwindef/LibSymbolInfo.cpp : filter the sy    1446 - genwindef/LibSymbolInfo.cpp : filter the symbols giving problems when building G4clhep for Win64
2986                                                  1447 
2987 March 7th, 2012 - Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-05)    1448 March 7th, 2012 - Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-05)
2988 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : added l    1449 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : added link flag "-i-dynamic" to avoid link ICC warnings of the sort
2989                                       "warnin    1450                                       "warning: feupdateenv is not implemented and will always fail"
2990                                                  1451 
2991 March 6th, 2012 - Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-04)    1452 March 6th, 2012 - Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-04)
2992 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : m    1453 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : matching "icc" in addition to "icpc" to detect Intel compiler
2993 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : change  << 1454 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : change ICC option from -Wnon-virtual-dtor to -Wno-non-virtual-dtor 
2994                                                  1455 
2995 February 10th, 2012 - Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05    1456 February 10th, 2012 - Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-03)
2996 - Added function REFLEX_GENERATE_DICTIONARY()    1457 - Added function REFLEX_GENERATE_DICTIONARY() in FindROOT.cmake
2997                                                  1458 
2998 January 25th, 2012 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09    1459 January 25th, 2012 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09-05-02)
2999 - Switch to G4EMLOW6.24                          1460 - Switch to G4EMLOW6.24
3000                                                  1461 
3001 December 13th 2011 - P. mato (cmake-V09-05-01    1462 December 13th 2011 - P. mato (cmake-V09-05-01)
3002 - Templates/UseGeant4_internal.cmake: Avoid p    1463 - Templates/UseGeant4_internal.cmake: Avoid prepending configuration tag for existing commands
3003                                                  1464 
3004 December 6th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-05-00    1465 December 6th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-05-00)
3005 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibilit    1466 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake [BUGFIX #1265]: Added
3006   setting of expansion variable needed to pre    1467   setting of expansion variable needed to prepend path with G4WORKDIR path.
3007 - Templates/ [BUGFIX #1    1468 - Templates/ [BUGFIX #1265] : Added expansion variable for
3008   path setup to G4WORKDIR directory for execu    1469   path setup to G4WORKDIR directory for executables.
3009 - Templates/ [BUGFIX #1 << 1470 - Templates/ [BUGFIX #1265] : Added needed '@' symbol 
3010   to end of GEANT4_TC_SHELL_PROGRAM used as s    1471   to end of GEANT4_TC_SHELL_PROGRAM used as shbang.
3011                                                  1472 
3012                                                  1473 
3013 November 30th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-4    1474 November 30th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-41)
3014 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : C    1475 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : Commented out
3015   GEANT4_BUILD_GRANULAR_LIBS option to restri    1476   GEANT4_BUILD_GRANULAR_LIBS option to restrict these builds for 9.5. Current
3016   granular build is not tested and broken in     1477   granular build is not tested and broken in several places, so we want to
3017   prevent its use for now.                       1478   prevent its use for now.
3018                                                  1479 
3019 November 29th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-4    1480 November 29th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-40)
3020 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Adde << 1481 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Added ability for Mac to concurrently 
3021   build mixed Qt and X11 OpenGL driver. Xt li    1482   build mixed Qt and X11 OpenGL driver. Xt library adde to X11 libraries, but
3022   only on Mac when Xm is built. Linking Xt on    1483   only on Mac when Xm is built. Linking Xt on Linux causes runtime errors.
3023 - Templates : Fixed bug    1484 - Templates : Fixed bug that prevented OpenInventor
3024   library being appended to output when vis_a    1485   library being appended to output when vis_all was set.
3025                                                  1486 
3026                                                  1487 
3027 November 24th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-3    1488 November 24th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-39)
3028 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : Updated d    1489 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : Updated data library versions
3029   G4NDL -> 4.0                                   1490   G4NDL -> 4.0
3030   RadioactiveDecay - > 3.4                       1491   RadioactiveDecay - > 3.4
3031   Added GEANT4_ADD_FEATURE reporting for data    1492   Added GEANT4_ADD_FEATURE reporting for data and example code install.
3032                                                  1493 
3033                                                  1494 
3034 November 23rd 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-3    1495 November 23rd 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-38)
3035 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : M    1496 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : Marked GEANT4_ENABLE_TESTING and
3036   GEANT4_BUILD_EXAMPLES options as advanced b    1497   GEANT4_BUILD_EXAMPLES options as advanced because these are for developers and
3037   system testing only.                           1498   system testing only.
3038 - Templates/ (NEWFILE)     1499 - Templates/ (NEWFILE) : New shell skeleton file for core
3039   environment setup of geant4, just PATH, (DY    1500   environment setup of geant4, just PATH, (DY)LD_LIBRARY_PATH and data libraries
3040   if installed.                                  1501   if installed.
3041 - Templates/ :     1502 - Templates/ : RENAMED ->
3042 - Templates/ :     1503 - Templates/ : Added expansion variable to handle
3043   G4WORKDIR setup. Added expansion variables     1504   G4WORKDIR setup. Added expansion variables for data library setup.
3044   Added expansion variable to provide a self     1505   Added expansion variable to provide a self location block.
3045 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibilit    1506 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake : Added a function to
3046   conditional set environment variables. Adde    1507   conditional set environment variables. Added setup of G4WORKDIR.
3047   Added setup of data library variables if th    1508   Added setup of data library variables if they've been installed.
3048   Added self location capability so that scri    1509   Added self location capability so that scripts can find themselves and
3049   consequently locate library and include dir    1510   consequently locate library and include directories relative to the determined
3050   location.                                      1511   location.
3051   Moved installation of of backwared compatib    1512   Moved installation of of backwared compatible toolchain files to a directory
3052   named 'geant4make' under the main data dire    1513   named 'geant4make' under the main data directory. This helps to partition the
3053   setup script and gmk files into their own,     1514   setup script and gmk files into their own, isolated location.
3054   Configure new 'geant4.(c)sh' setup script f    1515   Configure new 'geant4.(c)sh' setup script from file.
3055 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : Set name     1516 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : Set name of list holding dataset information
3056   to GEANT4_DATASETS just to mark it as usabl    1517   to GEANT4_DATASETS just to mark it as usable elsewhere. Added environment
3057   variable name to end of dataset information    1518   variable name to end of dataset information strings to help in setting them up
3058   in configuration of shell scripts.             1519   in configuration of shell scripts.
3059   Marked GEANT4_INSTALL_EXAMPLES option as ad    1520   Marked GEANT4_INSTALL_EXAMPLES option as advanced.
3060                                                  1521 
3061                                                  1522 
3062 November 22nd 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-3    1523 November 22nd 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-37)
3063 - Templates/Geant4Config.cmake : Added 'ui_al    1524 - Templates/Geant4Config.cmake : Added 'ui_all' and 'vis_all' components to
3064   allow simple selection of all available UI     1525   allow simple selection of all available UI and Vis components.
3065                                                  1526 
3066                                                  1527 
3067 November 18th 2011 - P.Mato (cmake-V09-04-36)    1528 November 18th 2011 - P.Mato (cmake-V09-04-36)
3068 - Modules/Geant4CTest.cmake : Added some prot    1529 - Modules/Geant4CTest.cmake : Added some protection if GEANT4_DATA_DIR not defined
3069                                                  1530 
3070 November 16th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-3    1531 November 16th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-35)
3071 - Templates/     1532 - Templates/ : Added two VRML icc files
3072   to false positive list. These are in VRML's    1533   to false positive list. These are in VRML's src/ directory for internal
3073   use only.                                      1534   use only.
3074                                                  1535 
3075 November 16th 2011 - G.Folger (cmake-V09-04-3    1536 November 16th 2011 - G.Folger (cmake-V09-04-34)
3076 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake: correct da << 1537 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake: correct data file name 
3077                                                  1538 
3078 November 15th 2011 - G.Folger (cmake-V09-04-3    1539 November 15th 2011 - G.Folger (cmake-V09-04-33)
3079 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake: update dat    1540 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake: update data libraries version for 9.5
3080                                                  1541 
3081 November 8th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-32    1542 November 8th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-32)
3082 - Templates/ [BUGFIX #11 << 1543 - Templates/ [BUGFIX #1196, #1261]: Added support for 
3083   G4OpenInventor as a component, named 'vis_o    1544   G4OpenInventor as a component, named 'vis_openinventor'. Prtected inclusion of
3084   Geant4LibraryDepends file by test on a vari    1545   Geant4LibraryDepends file by test on a variable Geant4_LIBDEPS_LOADED so that
3085   multiple calls to the config file from find    1546   multiple calls to the config file from find_package are possible. This allows
3086   option selecting of the components. NB Full    1547   option selecting of the components. NB Full Inventor build requires tag
3087   openinventor-V09-04-02).                       1548   openinventor-V09-04-02).
3088 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibilit << 1549 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake : Added support for 
3089   configuration of OpenInventor environment v    1550   configuration of OpenInventor environment variables in
3090   geant4-environment-setup scripts.              1551   geant4-environment-setup scripts.
3091 - Templates/ :     1552 - Templates/ : Added support for OpenInventor
3092   environment variables needed by old Makefil    1553   environment variables needed by old Makefile toolchain. At present, OIVHOME is
3093   not set, as the Geant4 public interface sho    1554   not set, as the Geant4 public interface should not need this.
3094 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake : << 1555 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake : Added support for configuration 
3095   of OpenInventor feature.                       1556   of OpenInventor feature.
3096 - Templates/ : Added support     1557 - Templates/ : Added support for OpenInventor feature.
3097 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Adde    1558 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Added support for OpenInventor, with
3098   new CMake option GEANT4_USE_INVENTOR to ena    1559   new CMake option GEANT4_USE_INVENTOR to enable build. On Unix platforms, X11
3099   and Xm are also searched for as these are u    1560   and Xm are also searched for as these are used in Geant4's Inventor module.
3100 - Modules/FindInventor.cmake (NEWFILE) : Find    1561 - Modules/FindInventor.cmake (NEWFILE) : Find module for Inventor, adapted from
3101   post on CMake mailing list by Jan Peciva. T    1562   post on CMake mailing list by Jan Peciva. Tested against Coin3d
3102   implementation.                                1563   implementation.
3103                                                  1564 
3104                                                  1565 
3105 November 4th 2011 - B.Morgan                     1566 November 4th 2011 - B.Morgan
3106 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake : << 1567 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake : Added setup of installed script 
3107   to use self location functionality in geant    1568   to use self location functionality in geant4-config when installation is
3108   relocatable.                                   1569   relocatable.
3109 - Templates/ : Added capabili    1570 - Templates/ : Added capability for script to self locate
3110   itself. The technique is to fully resolve a    1571   itself. The technique is to fully resolve any softlinks to the script file
3111   itself using readlink, but with workarounds    1572   itself using readlink, but with workarounds because the '-f' option to
3112   readlink is not available on all platforms.    1573   readlink is not available on all platforms. No attempt is made to resolve
3113   any softlinks in the path elements or to re    1574   any softlinks in the path elements or to replace occurrence of '.' or '..'.
3114   However, the algorithm has been tested in s    1575   However, the algorithm has been tested in several softlinking situations
3115   and should cover everything but real corner    1576   and should cover everything but real corner cases... The result of the
3116   resolution is the diectory in which the scr    1577   resolution is the diectory in which the script resides. This can be used
3117   later in the script as necessary.              1578   later in the script as necessary.
3118                                                  1579 
3119                                                  1580 
3120 November 2nd 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-31    1581 November 2nd 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-31)
3121 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : Bumped ve    1582 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : Bumped version of G4EMLOW library to be
3122   installed from 6.22 -> 6.23.                   1583   installed from 6.22 -> 6.23.
3123                                                  1584 
3124                                                  1585 
3125 November 2nd 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-30    1586 November 2nd 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-30)
3126 - Modules/Geant4BuildModes.cmake : Reverted f    1587 - Modules/Geant4BuildModes.cmake : Reverted file to revision 51604
3127   (cmake-V04-04-28 tag) which removes the Tes    1588   (cmake-V04-04-28 tag) which removes the TestReleaseDebug mode.
3128 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Reverte    1589 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Reverted file to revision 52696
3129   (cmake-V09-04-28 tag) which removes the Tes << 1590   (cmake-V09-04-28 tag) which removes the TestReleaseDebug mode. This reverts 
3130   TestRelease to having platform dependent fl << 1591   TestRelease to having platform dependent flags, specifically there is no 
3131   optimization on Apple.                         1592   optimization on Apple.
3132 - Modules/ : Fixed typo error    1593 - Modules/ : Fixed typo error that used incorrect name for
3133   CMake supplied variable Geant4_VERSION, pre    1594   CMake supplied variable Geant4_VERSION, preventing correct expansion.
3134 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake :    1595 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake : Tidied up indenting to standard
3135   two space format. Added skeleton setup for  << 1596   two space format. Added skeleton setup for making script relocatable in 
3136   the Install Tree.                              1597   the Install Tree.
3137                                                  1598 
3138                                                  1599 
3139 October 11th 2011 - B.Morgan                     1600 October 11th 2011 - B.Morgan
3140 - Templates/ [BUGFIX #12    1601 - Templates/ [BUGFIX #1253] : Jean Jacquemier reported
3141   a problem when building applications using     1602   a problem when building applications using a pure static build of Geant4.
3142   This was traced to incorrect list syntax in    1603   This was traced to incorrect list syntax in Geant4Config.cmake, as detailed
3143   in the above Bug Report #1253. The fix is t    1604   in the above Bug Report #1253. The fix is to remove the quotes around the
3144   list as these cause it to be represented as    1605   list as these cause it to be represented as one single string.
3145                                                  1606 
3146                                                  1607 
3147 October 10th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-29    1608 October 10th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-29)
3148 - Modules/Geant4ValidateSources.cmake (NEWFIL    1609 - Modules/Geant4ValidateSources.cmake (NEWFILE) : Module to configure the
3149 and create    1610 and create a custom 'validate_sources'
3150   target which runs the resulting configured     1611   target which runs the resulting configured script.
3151 - Templates/     1612 - Templates/ (NEWFILE) : CMake script that
3152   locates all sources.cmake files in the Gean    1613   locates all sources.cmake files in the Geant4 source tree, parses them to
3153   extract all listed sources/headers and comp    1614   extract all listed sources/headers and compares that list with sources and
3154   headers on disk. Any mismatches whether fil    1615   headers on disk. Any mismatches whether files listed in sources.cmake and no
3155   longer on disk, or files on disk but not li    1616   longer on disk, or files on disk but not listed in sources.cmake, are
3156   reported. If any mismatches are found, the     1617   reported. If any mismatches are found, the script will fail with FATAL_ERROR,
3157   though it will not do so until the whole tr    1618   though it will not do so until the whole tree has been scanned to ensure all
3158   mismatches are located. It ignores certain     1619   mismatches are located. It ignores certain files that are known to cause
3159   mismatch detection but which are no longer  << 1620   mismatch detection but which are no longer part of the Geant4 CMake build. 
3160                                                  1621 
3161                                                  1622 
3162 October 6th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-28)    1623 October 6th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-28)
3163 - Modules/Geant4BuildModes.cmake : Added Test << 1624 - Modules/Geant4BuildModes.cmake : Added TestReleaseDebug mode to 
3165   NB: Diaganosed problem reported by Pere, wh    1626   NB: Diaganosed problem reported by Pere, whereby added modes were not
3166   appearing in VS. This is likely because CMA    1627   appearing in VS. This is likely because CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES is set
3167   *after* the project(...) call: http://www.i    1628   *after* the project(...) call:
3168   Will fix after new modes are confirmed.        1629   Will fix after new modes are confirmed.
3169 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Split T << 1630 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Split TestRelease mode into two, 
3170   TestRelease, which is optimized and has deb    1631   TestRelease, which is optimized and has debugging symbols, and
3171   TestReleaseDebug, which has debug symbols o    1632   TestReleaseDebug, which has debug symbols only. Both still use
3172   G4DEBUG_VERBOSE and G4FPE_DEBUG definitions    1633   G4DEBUG_VERBOSE and G4FPE_DEBUG definitions.
3173                                                  1634 
3174                                                  1635 
3175 October 4th 2011 - P. Mato (cmake-V09-04-27)     1636 October 4th 2011 - P. Mato (cmake-V09-04-27)
3176 - Modules/Geant4TestDriver.cmake: Fix to allo    1637 - Modules/Geant4TestDriver.cmake: Fix to allow an empty command
3177                                                  1638 
3178 October 4th 2011 - P. Mato (cmake-V09-04-26)     1639 October 4th 2011 - P. Mato (cmake-V09-04-26)
3179 - Modules/FindXercesC.cmake: Added xerces-c_3    1640 - Modules/FindXercesC.cmake: Added xerces-c_3 as a possible name for libraries (for windows)
3180                                                  1641 
3181 September 30th 2011 - P. Mato (cmake-V09-04-2    1642 September 30th 2011 - P. Mato (cmake-V09-04-25)
3182 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake: Fixed de    1643 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake: Fixed debug flag to -Zi for Visual C++
3183                                                  1644 
3184 - Modules/Geant4CTest.cmake: Moved from tests << 1645 - Modules/Geant4CTest.cmake: Moved from tests/CMakeLists.txt the logic to 
3185   construct the GEANT_TEST_ENVIRONMENT with d    1646   construct the GEANT_TEST_ENVIRONMENT with data file locations to be useful
3186   for benchmarks tests.                          1647   for benchmarks tests.
3187                                                  1648 
3188 September 29th 2011 - B. Morgan (cmake-V09-04    1649 September 29th 2011 - B. Morgan (cmake-V09-04-24)
3189 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Re    1650 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Removed enabling of Fortran language
3190   when G3toG4 is enabled. Gunter Folger repor    1651   when G3toG4 is enabled. Gunter Folger reported problems with obtaining correct
3191   Fortran setup, so we disable this since we     1652   Fortran setup, so we disable this since we don't actually compile the rztog4
3192   app at present. A change has also been made    1653   app at present. A change has also been made in the top level CMakeLists.txt
3193   so that the Make rules initialization for F    1654   so that the Make rules initialization for Fortran is no longer set up.
3194                                                  1655 
3195                                                  1656 
3196 September 16th 2011 - B. Morgan (cmake-V09-04    1657 September 16th 2011 - B. Morgan (cmake-V09-04-23)
3197 - Templates/ : Addition     1658 - Templates/ : Addition of G4VIS_USE and G4UI_USE to list
3198   of definitions has been made conditional on    1659   of definitions has been made conditional on the existence of the variables
3199   G4VIS_NONE and G4UI_NONE. If those variable    1660   G4VIS_NONE and G4UI_NONE. If those variables are set, e.g. via -DG4UI_NONE,
3200   the corresponding compile definition will n    1661   the corresponding compile definition will not be set. This gives
3201   requested behaviour, but as before this is     1662   requested behaviour, but as before this is a temporary hack.
3202                                                  1663 
3203                                                  1664 
3204 September 16th 2011 - B. Morgan (cmake-V09-04    1665 September 16th 2011 - B. Morgan (cmake-V09-04-22)
3205 - Templates/ : Added G4V    1666 - Templates/ : Added G4VIS_USE and G4UI_USE to list
3206   of core compile definitions. This is seemin    1667   of core compile definitions. This is seemingly needed to support test
3207   building, but should only be seen as a temp    1668   building, but should only be seen as a temporary fix. These variables
3208   should be set at the application level.        1669   should be set at the application level.
3209                                                  1670 
3210                                                  1671 
3211 September 15th 2011 - P. Mato (cmake-V09-04-2    1672 September 15th 2011 - P. Mato (cmake-V09-04-21)
3212 - Templates/UseGeant4_internal.cmake: Fixed a    1673 - Templates/UseGeant4_internal.cmake: Fixed a bug affecting tests on Windows.
3213                                                  1674 
3214 August 16th 2011 - P. Mato (cmake-V09-04-20)     1675 August 16th 2011 - P. Mato (cmake-V09-04-20)
3215 - Templates/UseGeant4_internal.cmake: Added s << 1676 - Templates/UseGeant4_internal.cmake: Added support for tests on Windows with 
3216   NMake and Visual Studio.                       1677   NMake and Visual Studio.
3217                                                  1678 
3218 - Modules/Geant4TestDriver.cmake: Avoid the u    1679 - Modules/Geant4TestDriver.cmake: Avoid the use of ':' as separator since is used
3219   already in the drive letters on Windows.       1680   already in the drive letters on Windows.
3220                                                  1681 
3221 August 16th 2011 - P. Mato (cmake-V09-04-19)     1682 August 16th 2011 - P. Mato (cmake-V09-04-19)
3222 - Modules/FindROOT.cmake : Added function ROO    1683 - Modules/FindROOT.cmake : Added function ROOT_GENERATE_DICTIONARY() to facilitate
3223   the generation of ROOT dictionaries            1684   the generation of ROOT dictionaries
3224                                                  1685 
3225 - Modules/Geant4CTest.cmake (NEWFILE): Place     1686 - Modules/Geant4CTest.cmake (NEWFILE): Place for the configutation of CTest.
3226                                                  1687 
3227 - Modules/Geant4TestDriver.cmake: Added the p    1688 - Modules/Geant4TestDriver.cmake: Added the pre- and post-commands for tests. This
3228   was neeed to preform some initial cleanup o    1689   was neeed to preform some initial cleanup of post processing on some tests.
3229                                                  1690 
3230 - Templates/UseGeant4_internal.cmake: Changed    1691 - Templates/UseGeant4_internal.cmake: Changed the function GEANT4_ADD_TEST() to
3231   make use of the pre- and post-commands.        1692   make use of the pre- and post-commands.
3232                                                  1693 
3233 August 16th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-18)    1694 August 16th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-18)
3234 - Templates/UseGeant4.cmake : Fixed error is     1695 - Templates/UseGeant4.cmake : Fixed error is use of get_filename_component
3235   to locate internal use file.                   1696   to locate internal use file.
3236                                                  1697 
3237                                                  1698 
3238 August 10th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-17)    1699 August 10th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-17)
3239 - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake : Ad << 1700 - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake : Added copy of UseGeant4_internal 
3240   file to build tree, but do not install it.     1701   file to build tree, but do not install it.
3241                                                  1702 
3242 - UseGeant4.cmake : Factored out internal onl    1703 - UseGeant4.cmake : Factored out internal only macros into UseGeant4_internal
3243   module. Added optional inclusion of that mo    1704   module. Added optional inclusion of that module, which will only happen in the
3244   build tree.                                    1705   build tree.
3245                                                  1706 
3246 - UseGeant4_internal.cmake (NEWFILE) : Added     1707 - UseGeant4_internal.cmake (NEWFILE) : Added to hold CMake code only needed
3247   by 'use' of Geant4 inside Geant4 itself, e.    1708   by 'use' of Geant4 inside Geant4 itself, e.g. unit and validation tests.
3248   This is done to fix a bug reported offline     1709   This is done to fix a bug reported offline by Alberto Ribon, where including
3249   UseGeant4.cmake fails due to an unfound cus    1710   UseGeant4.cmake fails due to an unfound custom CMake module. The functions
3250   like GEANT4_ADD_TEST use extra functionalit    1711   like GEANT4_ADD_TEST use extra functionality which is located in custom CMake
3251   modules. Whilst these modules could be inst << 1712   modules. Whilst these modules could be installed, this adds unneeded 
3252   complexity to the use of Geant4 and may als << 1713   complexity to the use of Geant4 and may also clash with CMake itself. Also, 
3253   the functions needing the modules are not i    1714   the functions needing the modules are not intended for use by users, so are
3254   factored out into this build tree only modu    1715   factored out into this build tree only module.
3255                                                  1716 
3256                                                  1717 
3257 August 3rd 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-16)     1718 August 3rd 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-16)
3258 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake, Modules/    1719 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake, Modules/Geant4BuildModes.cmake :
3259   Moved setting of initial values for TestRel << 1720   Moved setting of initial values for TestRelease and Maintainer mode compiler 
3260   flags to make rules override file. Values a    1721   flags to make rules override file. Values are now set based on compiler and
3261   platform, as G4FPE_DEBUG option should only    1722   platform, as G4FPE_DEBUG option should only be used for GNU compiler, and
3262   with non-optimized code on Mac OS X (inform    1723   with non-optimized code on Mac OS X (information from Gunter Folger).
3263   Geant4BuildModes uses initial values as inp    1724   Geant4BuildModes uses initial values as input to cache value, so variables
3264   can be reset from the command line and with    1725   can be reset from the command line and within the cache interfaces if
3265   needed.                                        1726   needed.
3266                                                  1727 
3267 - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake : Re << 1728 - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake : Re-added WIN32 guard on export of 
3268   the G4LIB_BUILD_DLL definition.                1729   the G4LIB_BUILD_DLL definition.
3269                                                  1730 
3270                                                  1731 
3271 July 29th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-15)      1732 July 29th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-15)
3272 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : Corrected    1733 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : Corrected URL for use in downloading data
3273   to use direct URL. Original URL redirects,     1734   to use direct URL. Original URL redirects, which early 2.8 iterations of
3274   CMake appear not to like.                      1735   CMake appear not to like.
3275   Use .tar.gz of RadioactiveDecay as this is     1736   Use .tar.gz of RadioactiveDecay as this is available and cheaper to download.
3276   Added use of PREFIX in ExternalProject so t << 1737   Added use of PREFIX in ExternalProject so that all EP directories are 
3277   created under a single 'Externals' director << 1738   created under a single 'Externals' directory. This is simply to keep the 
3278   build tree nicely organized. The data still << 1739   build tree nicely organized. The data still appear in the data/ subdirectory 
3279   of the build directory, so this should not     1740   of the build directory, so this should not affect usage by tests.
3280                                                  1741 
3281                                                  1742 
3282 July 29th 2011 - P. Mato                         1743 July 29th 2011 - P. Mato
3283 - Modules/CMakeMacroParseArguments.cmake : up    1744 - Modules/CMakeMacroParseArguments.cmake : updated to the version exiting in CMake 2.8.5
3284                                                  1745 
3285 - Modules/Geant4MacroLibraryTargets.cmake, Mo    1746 - Modules/Geant4MacroLibraryTargets.cmake, Modules/Geant4MacroDefineModule.cmake,
3286   Modules/Geant4MacroDefineModule.cmake : Adj    1747   Modules/Geant4MacroDefineModule.cmake : Adjusted to the new CMakeMacroParseArguments.cmake
3287                                                  1748 
3288 - Templates/UseGeant4.cmake : Removed install    1749 - Templates/UseGeant4.cmake : Removed installs included in GEANT4_LIBRARY and
3289   GEANT4_EXECUTABLE macros and fixed comments    1750   GEANT4_EXECUTABLE macros and fixed comments.
3290                                                  1751 
3291                                                  1752 
3292 July 28th 2011 - B. Morgan (cmake-V09-04-14)     1753 July 28th 2011 - B. Morgan (cmake-V09-04-14)
3293 - History : Added note on preferred format of    1754 - History : Added note on preferred format of entries.
3294                                                  1755 
3295 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : Added gua    1756 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : Added guard on option and install of data so
3296   that this is only available on CMake >= 2.8    1757   that this is only available on CMake >= 2.8 due to use of ExternalProject.
3297   (NB: Usage still broken, probably due to ta    1758   (NB: Usage still broken, probably due to tar formats (CMake 2.8.1).
3298                                                  1759 
3299 - Modules/UseGeant4.cmake : Forced all CXX fl    1760 - Modules/UseGeant4.cmake : Forced all CXX flags to use those used to build
3300   Geant4 [BUGFIX #1227]. Neatified and commen    1761   Geant4 [BUGFIX #1227]. Neatified and commented internal functions for
3301   library/exe/test builds. Added WARNING mess    1762   library/exe/test builds. Added WARNING message if GEANT4_ADD_TEST is used
3302   outside of the Geant4 project. Corrected(?)    1763   outside of the Geant4 project. Corrected(?) include of
3303   CMakeMacroParseArguments (MIGHT BREAK GEANT    1764   CMakeMacroParseArguments (MIGHT BREAK GEANT4_XXX FUNCTIONS IN UseGeant4).
3304                                                  1765 
3305 - Modules/Geant4CPackBase.cmake : Added TBZ2     1766 - Modules/Geant4CPackBase.cmake : Added TBZ2 and ZIP types back into list of
3306   source package generators. Neatified the ge    1767   source package generators. Neatified the generation of the README file.
3307   Neatified and commented new component build    1768   Neatified and commented new component build commands.
3308                                                  1769 
3309 - Modules/Geant4MacroLibraryTargets.cmake : C    1770 - Modules/Geant4MacroLibraryTargets.cmake : Corrected setting of
3310   INSTALL_NAME_DIR for library targets [BUGFI    1771   INSTALL_NAME_DIR for library targets [BUGFIX #1231].
3311                                                  1772 
3312 - Templates/ : Added G4analys    1773 - Templates/ : Added G4analysis library to default list of
3313   libraries.                                     1774   libraries.
3314                                                  1775 
3315 - Templates/ : Added G4a    1776 - Templates/ : Added G4analysis library to Geant4_LIBRARIES
3316   variable. Always added for now rather than     1777   variable. Always added for now rather than as an optional component.
3317                                                  1778 
3318                                                  1779 
3319 July 27th 2011 - P. Mato                      << 1780 July 27th 2011 - P. Mato 
3320 - Added the downloading and installation of G    1781 - Added the downloading and installation of Geant4 Data files if the option
3321   GEANT4_INSTALL_DATA is set. Modified Module    1782   GEANT4_INSTALL_DATA is set. Modified Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake
3322 - Initial version of CPack configuration for     1783 - Initial version of CPack configuration for binaries.
3323   Modified Modules/Geant4CPackBase.cmake and     1784   Modified Modules/Geant4CPackBase.cmake and added Templates/,
3324     Templates/g4_small.gif                    << 1785     Templates/g4_small.gif 
3325 - Initial set of files needed for testing wit    1786 - Initial set of files needed for testing with CTest.
3326   Added Modules/FindROOT.cmake, Modules/Geant    1787   Added Modules/FindROOT.cmake, Modules/Geant, Geant4TestDriver.cmake
3327   Added options GEANT4_ENABLE_TESTING, GEANT4 << 1788   Added options GEANT4_ENABLE_TESTING, GEANT4_BUILD_EXAMPLES in 
3328     Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake      1789     Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake
3329   Inherit CMAKE_MODULE_PATH in tests. Modifie    1790   Inherit CMAKE_MODULE_PATH in tests. Modified Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake,
3330     Templates/              1791     Templates/
3331   Added convenient macros to Templates/UseGea    1792   Added convenient macros to Templates/UseGeant4.cmake
3332                                                  1793 
3333                                                  1794 
3334 July 5th 2011 - G.Folger  (cmake-V09-04-13)      1795 July 5th 2011 - G.Folger  (cmake-V09-04-13)
3335 - Modules/{Geant4LibraryBuildOptions,Geant4Bu    1796 - Modules/{Geant4LibraryBuildOptions,Geant4BuildProjectConfig}.cmake:
3336    protect setting of G4LIB_BUILD_DLL to happ    1797    protect setting of G4LIB_BUILD_DLL to happen on WIN32 only.
3337     (Affected examples/.../olap, which was bu << 1798     (Affected examples/.../olap, which was built without this flag, 
3338      and failed to link)                         1799      and failed to link)
3339                                               << 1800      
3340 July 5th 2011 - B. Morgan (cmake-V09-04-12)      1801 July 5th 2011 - B. Morgan (cmake-V09-04-12)
3341 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibilit    1802 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake : Added support for
3342   setting GDML/Xerces variables as needed.       1803   setting GDML/Xerces variables as needed.
3343 - Templates/ :     1804 - Templates/ : Added unsetting/setting of
3344   G4LIB_USE_GDML and XERCESCROOT. These are n    1805   G4LIB_USE_GDML and XERCESCROOT. These are needed to help the automated builds
3345   of examples in the old toolchain. XERCESCRO    1806   of examples in the old toolchain. XERCESCROOT uses the value of
3346   XERCESC_INCLUDE_DIR with one directory leve    1807   XERCESC_INCLUDE_DIR with one directory level stripped off the end. This
3347   is not 100% foolproof if an odd XercesC ins    1808   is not 100% foolproof if an odd XercesC install is used, but should cover
3348   the vast majority of cases.                    1809   the vast majority of cases.
3349                                                  1810 
3350 June 29th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-11) (    1811 June 29th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-11) (In geant4-09-04-ref-06)
3351 - INSTALL.g4cmake : Added warning about ensur    1812 - INSTALL.g4cmake : Added warning about ensuring consistent compiler flag
3352   sets between build of Geant4 and build of u    1813   sets between build of Geant4 and build of user application.
3353 - Templates/UseGeant4.cmake : Added setting o    1814 - Templates/UseGeant4.cmake : Added setting of all CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_XXXX
3354   variables with appending of Geant4 recommen    1815   variables with appending of Geant4 recommended flags, and filter out
3355   any duplicate flags. Adding warning in docu    1816   any duplicate flags. Adding warning in documentation about this.
3356                                                  1817 
3357 June 23rd 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-10)      1818 June 23rd 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-10)
3358 - INSTALL.g4cmake : Added note on possible is    1819 - INSTALL.g4cmake : Added note on possible issues when building Windows
3359   applications using Windows 7 + VS2010 Expre    1820   applications using Windows 7 + VS2010 Express.
3360 - Templates/UseGeant4.cmake : Fixed idiotic t    1821 - Templates/UseGeant4.cmake : Fixed idiotic typo error in globbing expressions
3361   inside file(GLOB_RECURSE).                     1822   inside file(GLOB_RECURSE).
3362                                                  1823 
3363 June 23rd 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-09)      1824 June 23rd 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-09)
3364 - INSTALL.g4cmake : Added in missing data lib    1825 - INSTALL.g4cmake : Added in missing data library package names. Added
3365   note in Known Issues on Mac warnings from l    1826   note in Known Issues on Mac warnings from ld due to duplicate dylibs
3366   (the overlinking issue as it appears on Mac    1827   (the overlinking issue as it appears on Mac).
3367 - Modules/Geant4MacroLibraryTargets.cmake : A    1828 - Modules/Geant4MacroLibraryTargets.cmake : Added setting of INSTALL_NAME_DIR
3368   target property to shared libraries (only a    1829   target property to shared libraries (only affects Mac OS X) to final
3369   install location of libraries. This prevent    1830   install location of libraries. This prevents "image not found" errors when
3370   building an app against Geant4 (you don't n    1831   building an app against Geant4 (you don't need DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH set).
3371   CMake *should* build the dylibs with the he    1832   CMake *should* build the dylibs with the headerpad_max_install_names flag
3372   so that bundling the Geant4 libraries into     1833   so that bundling the Geant4 libraries into an app should work (you can
3373   repoint the app to use the bundled librarie    1834   repoint the app to use the bundled libraries).
3375 - Templates/UseGeant4.cmake : Fixed error in     1836 - Templates/UseGeant4.cmake : Fixed error in use of file(GLOB_RECURSE) so
3376   that globas are done only under the current    1837   that globas are done only under the current source directory.
3377                                                  1838 
3378 June 22nd 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-08)      1839 June 22nd 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-08)
3379 - INSTALL.g4cmake : Finalized with descriptio    1840 - INSTALL.g4cmake : Finalized with description of using the three toolchains
3380   to build Geant4 applications.               << 1841   to build Geant4 applications. 
3381 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake :    1842 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake : Updated with patch from Pere
3382   Mato Vila to export use of internal CLHEP t    1843   Mato Vila to export use of internal CLHEP to script when used. Also upgraded
3383   to export details on Motif. Script is now g    1844   to export details on Motif. Script is now generated for both the build and
3384   install trees. On CMake >= 2.8, the build t    1845   install trees. On CMake >= 2.8, the build tree script is made executable.
3385 - Templates/geant4-config : Updated with patc    1846 - Templates/geant4-config : Updated with patch from Pere Mato Vila to use
3386   internal CLHEP, plus upgrades to provide ea    1847   internal CLHEP, plus upgrades to provide easier setting of third party paths,
3387   compile defintions and libraries. Added mot    1848   compile defintions and libraries. Added motif feature, and changed main
3388   prefix, lib and include directory variable     1849   prefix, lib and include directory variable replacement to that the script
3389   can be used form the build directory as wel    1850   can be used form the build directory as well.
3390 - INSTALL.g4cmake : Updated with new guides o    1851 - INSTALL.g4cmake : Updated with new guides on building user applications
3391   using CMake and GNU make.                      1852   using CMake and GNU make.
3392 - Templates/ : First ful    1853 - Templates/ : First full implementation with most
3393   features in place. Provides version and com    1854   features in place. Provides version and component checking. Setting of
3394   components features quite a bit of boilerpl    1855   components features quite a bit of boilerplate code and a reasonable degree
3395   of in module processing. TODO : Investigate    1856   of in module processing. TODO : Investigate clean up and better
3396   modularization.                                1857   modularization.
3397 - Templates/UseGeant4.cmake : NEW FILE : Prov    1858 - Templates/UseGeant4.cmake : NEW FILE : Provides a simple CMake module which
3398   users can include to setup the build of a b    1859   users can include to setup the build of a basic Geant4 application without
3399   needing to know too many details. Sets defi    1860   needing to know too many details. Sets definitions, include directories and
3400   compiler flags. Provides a simple macro to     1861   compiler flags. Provides a simple macro to collate sources in an old style
3401   Geant4 Example, with documetation on usage     1862   Geant4 Example, with documetation on usage in the file.
3402 - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake : Se    1863 - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake : Set needed variables for export to
3403   Geant4Config.cmake script.                     1864   Geant4Config.cmake script.
3404 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Added -    1865 - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Added -DXPNET and
3405   -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE to MSVC flags to    1866   -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE to MSVC flags to make these exactly the same as
3406   used on old makefile system.                   1867   used on old makefile system.
3407 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : A    1868 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : Added definition G4LIB_BUILD_DLL
3408   needed to define import/export correctly. D    1869   needed to define import/export correctly. Done globally.
3409 - INSTALL.g4cmake : Fleshed out further.         1870 - INSTALL.g4cmake : Fleshed out further.
3410 - Templates/ : Fleshed o    1871 - Templates/ : Fleshed out documentation with extra notes
3411   to help development.                           1872   to help development.
3412 - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake : Ad    1873 - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake : Added extra comments
3413                                                  1874 
3414 June 21st 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-07)      1875 June 21st 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-07)
3415 - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake : Ad    1876 - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake : Added section for collecting
3416   variables to be exported to the configurati    1877   variables to be exported to the configuration files. Rationalized config of
3417   Build and Install Trees so that these secti    1878   Build and Install Trees so that these sections have the same structure.
3418 - Templates/ : Updates w    1879 - Templates/ : Updates with documentation, debugging
3419   option and some improved setting of definit    1880   option and some improved setting of definitions. Still a skeleton though.
3420 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Remo    1881 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Removed reset of OpenGL variables on
3421   Win32 because this seems to prevent proper     1882   Win32 because this seems to prevent proper refind of the variables. Since we
3422   expect to be able to use Qt and OpenGL conc    1883   expect to be able to use Qt and OpenGL concurrently on Win32. This *should*
3423   be o.k.                                        1884   be o.k.
3424 - INSTALL.g4cmake : Added extra information o    1885 - INSTALL.g4cmake : Added extra information on using Visual Studio.
3425 - Modules/Geant4ToolChainBackwardCompatibilit    1886 - Modules/Geant4ToolChainBackwardCompatibility.cmake : Removed setting of
3426   G4ORDPARAMTABLE as this is no longer needed    1887   G4ORDPARAMTABLE as this is no longer needed.
3427 - Templates/ :     1888 - Templates/ : Removed setting of G4ORDPARAMTABLE.
3428                                                  1889 
3429                                                  1890 
3430 June 20th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-06)      1891 June 20th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-06)
3431 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Corr    1892 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Corrected typographic error in option
3432   test for enabling Qt on Non-Apple platforms    1893   test for enabling Qt on Non-Apple platforms.
3433 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibilit    1894 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake : Added Geant4 to
3434   end of G4INCLUDE path for install tree in l    1895   end of G4INCLUDE path for install tree in line with changes to
3435   Geant4InstallDirs.                             1896   Geant4InstallDirs.
3436 - Modules/Geant4MacroLibraryTargets.cmake : A    1897 - Modules/Geant4MacroLibraryTargets.cmake : Added Geant4 to end of installation
3437   destination for headers in line with change    1898   destination for headers in line with changes to Geant4InstalDirs.
3438 - Modules/Geant4InstallDirs.cmake : Removed G    1899 - Modules/Geant4InstallDirs.cmake : Removed Geant4 from INCLUDEDIR to better
3439   reflect standard practice. The Geant4 tag i    1900   reflect standard practice. The Geant4 tag is now added to the destination in
3440   the install commands for headers.              1901   the install commands for headers.
3441 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Au    1902 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Automatically use GDML if user
3442   supplies XERCESC_ROOT_DIR argument.            1903   supplies XERCESC_ROOT_DIR argument.
3443 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : NEW FILE     1904 - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : NEW FILE : Refactored installation of
3444   examples from top level CMakeLists.txt into    1905   examples from top level CMakeLists.txt into this file. Also provided stub
3445   option for installation of data libraries.     1906   option for installation of data libraries. We don't implement this yet
3446   because it appears to require some CMake 2.    1907   because it appears to require some CMake 2.8 specific functionality and
3447   I haven't yet worked out how to reproduce t    1908   I haven't yet worked out how to reproduce this in 2.6.4.
3448 - INSTALL.g4cmake : Rewritten for updated CMa    1909 - INSTALL.g4cmake : Rewritten for updated CMake system with full documentation
3449   of variables. Provided sections for describ    1910   of variables. Provided sections for describing use of the three toolchains
3450   for building user applications, but not ful    1911   for building user applications, but not fully covered yet.
3451                                                  1912 
3452 June 20th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-05)      1913 June 20th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-05)
3453 - Modules/Geant4LibraryOptions.cmake : On Uni    1914 - Modules/Geant4LibraryOptions.cmake : On Unix platforms, set output directory
3454   for libraries to end in the 'SYSTEM-COMPILE    1915   for libraries to end in the 'SYSTEM-COMPILER' tag expected by the old
3455   toolchain. This allows the build tree to be    1916   toolchain. This allows the build tree to be used with the old toolchain.
3456   #BUGFIX - 1200 (PARTIAL)                       1917   #BUGFIX - 1200 (PARTIAL)
3457 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : No    1918 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Now ensures that the static versions
3458   of the internal G4clhep and G4expat librari    1919   of the internal G4clhep and G4expat libraries are used if geant4 is built
3459   completely static, otherwise dynamic libs w    1920   completely static, otherwise dynamic libs will be used. This is not perfect
3460   but ensures builds will not fail.              1921   but ensures builds will not fail.
3461 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibilit    1922 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake : Completely rewritten
3462   to use new t    1923   to use new template. Provides full setup
3463   of environment from build and install trees    1924   of environment from build and install trees, permitting developers to
3464   build applications directly using the build    1925   build applications directly using the build tree. Also adds all currently
3465   supported visualization/ui modules. Adds se    1926   supported visualization/ui modules. Adds setting of the G4ORDPARAMTABLE
3466   variable to support this new resource file.    1927   variable to support this new resource file.
3467 - Templates/ :     1928 - Templates/ : NEW FILE : Universal shell script
3468   skeleton for generating backward compatible    1929   skeleton for generating backward compatible environment variable setup.
3469   # BUGFIX - 1202                                1930   # BUGFIX - 1202
3470                                                  1931 
3471 June 17th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-04)      1932 June 17th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-04)
3472 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake      1933 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake
3473   Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibilit    1934   Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake : Updated to use new
3474   GEANT4_USE_RAYTRACER_X11 variable.             1935   GEANT4_USE_RAYTRACER_X11 variable.
3475 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Corr    1936 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Corrected type in resetting of OpenGL
3476   variables.                                     1937   variables.
3477   Changed GEANT4_USE_RAYTRACERX -> GEANT4_USE    1938   Changed GEANT4_USE_RAYTRACERX -> GEANT4_USE_RAYTRACER_X11 to be in line with
3478   what's done for other drivers.                 1939   what's done for other drivers.
3479                                                  1940 
3480 June 17th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-03)      1941 June 17th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-03)
3481 - Tagging : internal because this requires te    1942 - Tagging : internal because this requires testing.
3482   Full support also requires tags:               1943   Full support also requires tags:
3483    interfaces-V09-04-03                          1944    interfaces-V09-04-03
3484    opengl-V09-04-05                              1945    opengl-V09-04-05
3485                                               << 1946     
3486 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Rewr    1947 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Rewritten to enable correct switch
3487   between Qt and X11 based GUIs on Mac, with     1948   between Qt and X11 based GUIs on Mac, with consistent changes in OpenGL
3488   location. Added in find_package for Motif.     1949   location. Added in find_package for Motif. Added full option and find_package
3489   for locating OpenGL on Win32.                  1950   for locating OpenGL on Win32.
3490 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Im    1951 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Imporved documentation of external
3491   CLHEP option. GEANT4_USE_SYSTEM_CLHEP made     1952   CLHEP option. GEANT4_USE_SYSTEM_CLHEP made a standard option as it will
3492   likely be used a lot to begin with.            1953   likely be used a lot to begin with.
3493                                                  1954 
3494 June 16th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-02)      1955 June 16th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-02)
3495 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : D    1956 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : Default to building shared libraries
3496   on all platforms, but warn about possible l    1957   on all platforms, but warn about possible link errors on MSVC when building
3497   both shared and static libs. Mark both libr    1958   both shared and static libs. Mark both library build options as advanced.
3498   Add warning about building granular libs as    1959   Add warning about building granular libs as only for developers.
3499 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Reve    1960 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Reverted to version from
3500   cmake-V09-04-01 because of poor logic.         1961   cmake-V09-04-01 because of poor logic.
3501 - Modules/FindCLHEP.cmake : UPGRADE WITH INTE    1962 - Modules/FindCLHEP.cmake : UPGRADE WITH INTERFACE BREAK : Much simplified
3502   search structure which no longer relies on     1963   search structure which no longer relies on clhep-config. The user can supply
3503   a CLHEP_ROOT_DIR argument to point CMake to    1964   a CLHEP_ROOT_DIR argument to point CMake to a specific installation. On UNIX
3504   clhep-config will be searched for under thi    1965   clhep-config will be searched for under this root dir. CLHEP library and
3505   include path will be found under this root     1966   include path will be found under this root dir, or in the system paths.
3506   Version checking is also provided which fol    1967   Version checking is also provided which follows the standard logic of
3507   CMake modules.                                 1968   CMake modules.
3508 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Op    1969 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Option to use system CLHEP is
3509   now automatically set to ON if the user has    1970   now automatically set to ON if the user has supplied a CLHEP_ROOT_DIR
3510   argument. This simplifies the interface.       1971   argument. This simplifies the interface.
3511                                                  1972 
3512 June 15th 2011 - B.Morgan                        1973 June 15th 2011 - B.Morgan
3513 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Adde    1974 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Added in option for enabling Xm (Motif)
3514   support with find_package for Motif headers    1975   support with find_package for Motif headers/libraries.
3515   Use of Qt and X11 OpenGL have been made mut    1976   Use of Qt and X11 OpenGL have been made mutually exclusive on Mac OS X to
3516   prevent clashes between Framework OpenGL an << 1977   prevent clashes between Framework OpenGL and X11 OpenGL. 
3517   Added new stub option to build OpenInventor    1978   Added new stub option to build OpenInventor driver
3518   TODO: Add FindInventor module, check build     1979   TODO: Add FindInventor module, check build of OpenInventor category.
3519   Added new stub option to build Win32 OpenGL    1980   Added new stub option to build Win32 OpenGL driver.
3520   TODO: Add Win32 build to OpenGL category.      1981   TODO: Add Win32 build to OpenGL category.
3521 - Templates/                     1982 - Templates/
3522   Templates/ : Removed unset    1983   Templates/ : Removed unsetting of data library environment
3523   variables.                                     1984   variables.
3524   TODO : Add setting of these as an optional     1985   TODO : Add setting of these as an optional codeblock if data was installed
3525   as part of the Geant4 build.                   1986   as part of the Geant4 build.
3526                                                  1987 
3527 June 15th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-01)      1988 June 15th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-01)
3528 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Set     1989 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Set QT_USE_IMPORTED_TARGETS on WIN32
3529   to stop errors when setting LINK_INTERFACE_    1990   to stop errors when setting LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES to a value containing
3530   the 'optimized' etc library link keywords.     1991   the 'optimized' etc library link keywords. By default, FindQt4 will use
3531   these keywords...                              1992   these keywords...
3532   KNOWNISSUE: Using imported targets means th    1993   KNOWNISSUE: Using imported targets means that the Geant4Config.cmake file
3533   must regenerate these targets otherwise the << 1994   must regenerate these targets otherwise the link will fail. 
3534                                                  1995 
3535 June 14th 2011 - B.Morgan                        1996 June 14th 2011 - B.Morgan
3536 - Modules/Geant4MacroLibraryTargets.cmake : A    1997 - Modules/Geant4MacroLibraryTargets.cmake : Added build of DLL targets on
3537   WIN32 platforms. Export definition files ar    1998   WIN32 platforms. Export definition files are generated by genwindef from
3538   an archive library. If Geant4 is not built     1999   an archive library. If Geant4 is not built with archive libraries, a
3539   dummy, non-installed archive will be built     2000   dummy, non-installed archive will be built an used.
3540   The structure largely follows that of Gaudi    2001   The structure largely follows that of GaudiPolicy.cmake from Pere Mato Vila.
3541 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : A    2002 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : Added build of genwindef app
3542   on WIN32 platforms as an internal app, as p    2003   on WIN32 platforms as an internal app, as per guidelines from
3543   GaudiPolicy.cmake from Pere Mato Vila.         2004   GaudiPolicy.cmake from Pere Mato Vila.
3544 - Modules/genwindef/genwindef.cpp                2005 - Modules/genwindef/genwindef.cpp
3545   Modules/genwindef/LibSymbolInfo.hpp            2006   Modules/genwindef/LibSymbolInfo.hpp
3546   Modules/genwindef/LibSymbolInfo.cpp:           2007   Modules/genwindef/LibSymbolInfo.cpp:
3547   NEW FILES to support generation of DLL .def    2008   NEW FILES to support generation of DLL .def files on WIN32 platform.
3548   Courtesy of Pere Mato Vila.                    2009   Courtesy of Pere Mato Vila.
3549 - Modules/Geant4Wrapping.cmake : NEW FILE : R    2010 - Modules/Geant4Wrapping.cmake : NEW FILE : Refactoring of options for
3550   Python wrapping to help in modularization.     2011   Python wrapping to help in modularization. Python wrapping is not yet
3551   implemented in the CMake build, but this is    2012   implemented in the CMake build, but this is where we'll set it up.
3552 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : NE    2013 - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : NEW FILE : Refactoring of options
3553   for CLHEP, Expat, ZLIB, GDML, G3TOG4 from t    2014   for CLHEP, Expat, ZLIB, GDML, G3TOG4 from top level CMakeLists.txt to
3554   help with modularization.                      2015   help with modularization.
3555 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : N    2016 - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : NEW FILE : Refactoring of library
3556   build options from top level CMakeLists.txt << 2017   build options from top level CMakeLists.txt, including global define flags, 
3557   global vs granular library format and stati    2018   global vs granular library format and static vs shared builds.
3558 - Modules/Geant4MacroLibraryTargets.cmake : E    2019 - Modules/Geant4MacroLibraryTargets.cmake : Ensure that when static targets
3559   are built, they are linked to Geant4 static    2020   are built, they are linked to Geant4 static targets.
3560   TODO: Do we want to make this the case also    2021   TODO: Do we want to make this the case also for external libraries (very
3561   difficult?)?                                   2022   difficult?)?
3562   KNOWNISSUE: G4global will always be linked     2023   KNOWNISSUE: G4global will always be linked to shared G4clhep if latter is
3563   built as will G4processes to shared G4expat << 2024   built as will G4processes to shared G4expat. Not critical (well, shouldn't 
3564   affect running or applications).               2025   affect running or applications).
3565                                                  2026 
3566 June 13th 2011 - B.Morgan                        2027 June 13th 2011 - B.Morgan
3567 - Modules/Geant4CPackBase.cmake : Added to li    2028 - Modules/Geant4CPackBase.cmake : Added to list of files to be excluded for
3568   source package so that .svn and top level t    2029   source package so that .svn and top level tests directories are not added.
3569   Fixed source package generator so that .tar    2030   Fixed source package generator so that .tar.gz, .tar.bz2 and .zip packages
3570   are created.                                   2031   are created.
3571   Tidied up structure so that future changes     2032   Tidied up structure so that future changes are easier to add in a clear
3572   way.                                           2033   way.
3573 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Remo    2034 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Removed accidently commited change
3574  of finding VTK as a test of find_package.       2035  of finding VTK as a test of find_package.
3575                                                  2036 
3576 June 10th 2011 - B.Morgan                        2037 June 10th 2011 - B.Morgan
3577 - Templates/ : Adapted to use    2038 - Templates/ : Adapted to use new install directories as
3578   provided by Geant4InstallDirs as template p    2039   provided by Geant4InstallDirs as template parameters.
3579 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake :    2040 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake : Added support for new
3580   install directories defined in Geant4Instal    2041   install directories defined in Geant4InstallDirs
3581 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibilit    2042 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake : Added support for
3582   new install directories defined in Geant4In    2043   new install directories defined in Geant4InstallDirs.
3583 - Modules/Geant4MacroLibraryTargets.cmake : A    2044 - Modules/Geant4MacroLibraryTargets.cmake : Added support for install of
3584   libraries and headers to new install paths     2045   libraries and headers to new install paths defined by Geant4InstallDirs.
3585   Added EXPORT to library targets so that the    2046   Added EXPORT to library targets so that they can be used by Geant4Config
3586   scripts.                                    << 2047   scripts. 
3587   Added proper COMPONENT argument to install     2048   Added proper COMPONENT argument to install commands to correctly partition
3588   targets needed for Development and for Runt    2049   targets needed for Development and for Runtime.
3589   Appended each library target and include pa    2050   Appended each library target and include paths to global
3590   properties so these can be exported to Gean    2051   properties so these can be exported to Geant4Config file easily for use
3591   from the build tree.                        << 2052   from the build tree. 
3592 - Templates/ : NEW FILE     2053 - Templates/ : NEW FILE : Template versioning file
3593   for use by Geant4Config.cmake.                 2054   for use by Geant4Config.cmake.
3594 - Templates/ : NEW FILE     2055 - Templates/ : NEW FILE : Template files for CMake
3595   config script for Geant4. VERY PRELIMINARY.    2056   config script for Geant4. VERY PRELIMINARY.
3596 - Modules/ : NEW F    2057 - Modules/ : NEW FILE : Builds CMake Config scripts
3597   to allow external projects to use Geant4 fr    2058   to allow external projects to use Geant4 from a build or install tree.
3598 - Modules/Geant4InstallDirs.cmake : NEW FILE  << 2059 - Modules/Geant4InstallDirs.cmake : NEW FILE : Adds a standard set of 
3599   installation location based on the GNU set.    2060   installation location based on the GNU set. Adapted from GNUInstallDirs
3600   provided with CMake 2.8, but cut down to on << 2061   provided with CMake 2.8, but cut down to only use directories needed by 
3601   Geant4.                                        2062   Geant4.
3602 - Modules/CMakeUninstallTarget.cmake : NEW FI    2063 - Modules/CMakeUninstallTarget.cmake : NEW FILE : Adds an 'uninstall' target
3603   to remove all items installed via the insta    2064   to remove all items installed via the install command.
3604 - History: Corrected a couple of entries with    2065 - History: Corrected a couple of entries with incorrect year in the date.
3605 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake: Set G    2066 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake: Set GEANT4_ADD_FEATURE for all
3606   UI/Vis options so that enabled options are     2067   UI/Vis options so that enabled options are reported at the end of
3607   configuration.                                 2068   configuration.
3608                                                  2069 
3609                                                  2070 
3610 May 25th 2011 - B.Morgan                         2071 May 25th 2011 - B.Morgan
3611 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Adde    2072 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Added new GEANT4_USE_OPENGL_X11
3612   option to enable build of OpenGL library X1    2073   option to enable build of OpenGL library X11 component. If enabled, will
3613   search for X11 libraries (plus Xmu, which F    2074   search for X11 libraries (plus Xmu, which FindX11 doesn't do) and OpenGL.
3614   Also performed some cleanup of the Qt secti    2075   Also performed some cleanup of the Qt section.
3615 - Templates/ : Added variable    2076 - Templates/ : Added variable setting for OpenGL X11
3616 - Templates/ : Added variabl    2077 - Templates/ : Added variable setting for OpenGL X11
3617 - Templates/ : Added needed r    2078 - Templates/ : Added needed reporting and flags setting for
3618   OpenGL X11 support.                            2079   OpenGL X11 support.
3619 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibilit << 2080 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake : Added setting of 
3620   variable needed to export the existence of     2081   variable needed to export the existence of OpenGL X11 in the geant4-env
3621   scripts.                                       2082   scripts.
3622 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake :    2083 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake : Added setting of variables
3623   needed to export OpenGL X11 existence and X    2084   needed to export OpenGL X11 existence and X11 flags to geant4-config script.
3624                                                  2085 
3625                                                  2086 
3626 May 24th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-00)       2087 May 24th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-00)
3627 - *** All History for the CMake category will    2088 - *** All History for the CMake category will now be in this file ***
3628 - Templates/ : Added variable    2089 - Templates/ : Added variable setting for RayTracerX
3629 - Templates/ : Added variabl    2090 - Templates/ : Added variable setting for RayTracerX
3630 - Templates/ : Added needed r    2091 - Templates/ : Added needed reporting and flags setting for
3631   RayTracerX support.                            2092   RayTracerX support.
3632 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibilit << 2093 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake : Added setting of 
3633   variable needed to export the existence of     2094   variable needed to export the existence of RayTracerX in the geant4-env
3634   scripts.                                       2095   scripts.
3635 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake :    2096 - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake : Added setting of variables
3636   needed to export RayTracerX existence and X    2097   needed to export RayTracerX existence and X11 flags to geant4-config script.
3637                                                  2098 
3638                                                  2099 
3639 December 3rd 2010 - B. Morgan (cmake-V09-03-0    2100 December 3rd 2010 - B. Morgan (cmake-V09-03-01)
3640 - Added generation of geant4-config script.      2101 - Added generation of geant4-config script.
3641                                                  2102 
3642 October 29th 2010 - B. Morgan                    2103 October 29th 2010 - B. Morgan
3643 - Install.g4cmake: Added as installation guid    2104 - Install.g4cmake: Added as installation guide for using CMake.
3644                                                  2105 
3645 October 1st, 2010 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-03-00    2106 October 1st, 2010 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-03-00)
3646 - Created. First Alpha version of CMake build    2107 - Created. First Alpha version of CMake build system.