===== VRML driver of GEANT4 and G4VRMLView =====
    ----- How to visualize GEANT4 simulation -----
    ----- with VRML driver  and g4vrmlview   -----

                1st version: August   19, 1997
                2nd version: December 16, 1997
                2rd version: Feb      21, 1998
                4rd version: November 09, 1998

		Satoshi Tanaka  and  Yasuhide Sawada
		Fukui University, Japan

Chapter 1: Introduction 

This is a document to explain how to perform GEANT4 
visualization with VRML.  You can visualize GEANT4 
simulation on your WWW browser. 
You have to prepare the following softwares:

  (1) GEANT4 with VRML driver.
  (2) g4vrmlview, a small Java application included in GEANT4 package  


      or you can obtain it from our ftp site: 


  (3) VRML browser 

Chapter 2: VRML driver in GEANT4

Section 2.1: What is VRML driver?

  VRML driver is included in visualization category of 
  the GEANT4 package:


  VRML driver works as follows:

  (1) Convert 3D scene data of GEANT4 into VRML codes
      with help of classes G4VisManager and G4Polyhedron.
  (2) Send the VRML codes to another process of "g4vrmlview",
      running at either local or remote host.

Section 2.2: How to incorporate VRML driver in compiling GEANT4

  Set an environmental variable as follows

    % setenv G4VIS_BUILD_VRML_DRIVER  1
    % setenv G4VIS_USE_VRML           1

Section 2.3: Environmental variables to customize VRML driver 

  You can customize VRML driver by setting environmental 
  variables at GEANT4 host, i.e., the host where GEANT4 runs:

    GEANT4_host % setenv   G4VRML_PORT       port_number  
    GEANT4_host % setenv   G4VRML_HOST_NAME  host_name 

  The default port number is 40801, and the default host name 
  is "localhost".  You need not define the environmental 
  variables if you use the default values.
  You can customize the default values at run time of GEANT4.

Chapter 3: g4vrmlview 

Section 3.1: What is g4vrmlview?

The g4vrmlview is a small Java application. 
It works as follows:

 (1) Receive VRML codes from VRML driver of GEANT4 
     via local or wide-area network.
 (2) Save the VRML codes to a local file named "g4.wrl" etc. 
 (3) Invoke VRML viewer specified at the command line in the invokement 
     of g4vrmlview

Section 3.2: How to install g4vrmlview

  You need JDK version 1.1 or later to install g4vrmlview.
  The installation can be done by doing the following steps:

  (1) % gzip -dc g4vrmlview_1.0.tar.gz | tar xvf -
      % cd g4vrmlview_1.0
  (2) Edit Makefile and set a proper directory name to variable 
      "INSTALL_DIR".  The default setting is:

       INSTALL_DIR = "/usr/local/javaclass" 
       Java classes (g4vrmlview.class etc) will be installed 
       to this directory.

  (3) Set the environmental variable "CLASSPATH" in .cshrc etc.
      For example, if JDK1.1 is installed in the directory
      "/usr/local/dev/jdk1.1"  and you want to install g4vrmlview 
      into  "/usr/local/javaclass",  then the variable CLASSPATH 
      should be defined as:

        # java in Unix (.cshrc)
        setenv CLASSPATH .:/usr/local/dev/jdk1.1/lib/classes.zip:\

      Similarly, in Windows NT/95, if JDK 1.1 is installed in 
      the directory  "C:\jdk1.1" and you want to install g4vrmlview
      into C:\dev\javaclass, you should add the following lines to 

       # java in Windows NT/95 (autoexec.bat)
       SET CLASSPATH = .;C:\jdk1.1\lib\classes.zip;C:\dev\javaclass

  (4) % make clean

  (5) % make 

  (6) Perform a test of created Java classes using g4mini.
      You  can do it using two separate windows, 
      instead of using two separate hosts.
      Here we assume that we use windows named "window_1" 
      and "window_2", and use VRML browser "vrweb".

        window_1 % java g4vrmlview vrweb
        Waiting for requests at port  40801 ...

        window_2 % java g4mini
        Usage: java g4mini  src_file  server_hostname

        window_2 % java g4mini sample.wrl localhost

      The test is successful if you see pictures on the VRML browser.

   (5) Install Java classes to the directory specified by INSTALL_DIR.
       (You may have to become a root if you do not have permission 
        to INSTALL_DIR.)  
       You can do it by simply doing as follows:

       % make install 

       If the directory does not exist, it will be created automatically. 

Section 3.3: More notes on g4vrmlview

  (1) Format of invoking g4vrmlview:

      % java  g4vrmlview  VRML_browser_name  [port_number]

             "netscape", "vrweb", etc, 
             or "NONE" to suppress invoking VRML browser

             The default port number is 40801.
             If you are setting the environmental variable 
             "G4VRML_PORT" at GEANT4 host, 
             you have to give the same port number at g4vrmlview host. 
             For example, 

             GEANT4_host      % setenv G4VRML_PORT         40802 
             g4vrmlview_host  % java g4vrmlview  netscape  40802

  (2) Auto increment of port number:
        If the port number 40801 is already in use, it is 
        automatically incremented one by one up to 40810.

  (3) Multiple thread:
        g4vrmlview is a multi-thread application.
        It can accept data from plural GEANT4 at the same time.

  (4) Saving VRML codes to files:
        VRML codes sent from GEANT4 is saved to a file named 
        "g4.wrl".  If g4.wrl already exists, the file name is 
        incremented to  g4_2.wrl.  Similarly the file name is 
        incremented to g4_3.wrl, g4_4.wrl, etc.
        The files are created in the directory where you invoked 

Chapter 4: How to use VRML driver and g4vrmlview for GEANT4 visualization

  (1) Invoke g4vrmlview at the g4vrmlview host, i.e. the host where you 
      want to run g4vrmlview.  For example,

        g4vrmlview_host% java g4vrmlview netscape 

      where the last argument is a name of your favorite VRML browser. 
      The g4vrmlview host may be different from the GEANT4 host.  

  (2) Set the environmental variable at GEANT host: 

      GEANT4_host % setenv   G4VRML_HOST_NAME  g4vrmlview_host

  (2) Invoke GEANT4 at the GEANT4 host:
      For example,

       GEANT4_host% example2

===== End of document =====