Status of Geant4 Geometry Debugging Functions/Tools
----- in the view of Vis/GUI category -----

Hajime Yoshida, Satoshi Tanaka,
John Allison, Motohiro Okamura,

July 4, 2001 (Geant4 Annual Workshop in Genova)

DRAFT Ver. 1.0

1. List of geometry-debugging functions/tools

2. Volume-overlapping debuggers


2.2 Bogus Geometry Test

2.3 Use of CAD systems


3.1 What is DTREE?

3.2 History and plan of DTREE in Geant4

3.3 How to display a geometry tree

3.4 ASCII Tree

Verbose = 0 (default: PV_name + copy_number)
  "Calorimeter", copy no. 0
    "Layer", copy no. -1 (10 replicas)
      "Absorber", copy no. 0
        "Gap", copy no. 0
Verbose = 1 (PV_name + copy_number + LV_name)
"World", copy no. 0, belongs to logical volume "World"
  "Calorimeter", copy no. 0, belongs to logical volume "Calorimeter"
    "Layer", copy no. -1, belongs to logical volume "Layer" (10 replicas)
      "Absorber", copy no. 0, belongs to logical volume "Absorber"
      "Gap", copy no. 0, belongs to logical volume "Gap"
Verbose = 2 (PV_name + copy_number + LV_name + solid_name + solid_type)
"World", copy no. 0, belongs to logical volume "World" and is composed of solid "World" of type "G4Box"
  "Calorimeter", copy no. 0, belongs to logical volume "Calorimeter" and is composed of solid "Calorimeter" of type "G4Box"
    "Layer", copy no. -1, belongs to logical volume "Layer" and is composed of solid "Layer" of type "G4Box" (10 replicas)
      "Absorber", copy no. 0, belongs to logical volume "Absorber" and is composed of solid "Absorber" of type "G4Box"
      "Gap", copy no. 0, belongs to logical volume "Gap" and is composed of solid "Gap" of type "G4Box"
Verbose = 10 (PV_name + copy_number with parameterized volumes etc.expanded
"World", copy no. 0
  "Calorimeter", copy no. 0
    "Layer", copy no. -1
      "Absorber", copy no. 0
      "Gap", copy no. 0
    "Layer", copy no. -1
      "Absorber", copy no. 0
      "Gap", copy no. 0
    "Layer", copy no. -1
      "Absorber", copy no. 0
      "Gap", copy no. 0
    "Layer", copy no. -1
      "Absorber", copy no. 0
      "Gap", copy no. 0
    "Layer", copy no. -1
      "Absorber", copy no. 0
      "Gap", copy no. 0
    "Layer", copy no. -1
      "Absorber", copy no. 0
      "Gap", copy no. 0
    "Layer", copy no. -1
      "Absorber", copy no. 0
      "Gap", copy no. 0
    "Layer", copy no. -1
      "Absorber", copy no. 0
      "Gap", copy no. 0
    "Layer", copy no. -1
      "Absorber", copy no. 0
      "Gap", copy no. 0
    "Layer", copy no. -1
      "Absorber", copy no. 0
      "Gap", copy no. 0

3.5 GAG Tree

3.6 XML Tree