============= README ============
Application Name: prim2vrml 
Author          : Satoshi Tanaka and Takasumi Ozaki
Date and version: See opening message.         
SOURCE          : ftp://rhodes.fuis.fukui-u.ac.jp/pub/graphics/fukui_graphics_system

     This tool named "prim2vrml1" is a data converter 
     from g4.prim format for Fukui Renderer DAWN into VRML 1.0 format.

(1) How to compile:

   Select a makefile of your platform, edit if necessary,
   and then invoke "make":

   % make -f Makefile.PLATFORM

   The default makefile, i.e. "Makefile" is the copy of Makefile.GNU_g++.

(2) How to install

   % make install -f Makefile.PLATFORM

   Then the executable file "prim2vrml1" is copied to the directory 
   specified by the variable "INSTALL_DIR" in Makefile.PLATFORM.

(3) Usage
     Usage: prim2vrml1  g4_prim_file  vrml_1_file

(4) How to test prim2vrml1

   % ../../prim2vrml1 src_file.prim  dest_file.wrl

   In order to visualize the output VRML file, i.e., 
   "dest_file.wrl" above,  you need a VRML browser available 
   for VRML 1.0 format.  If a proper browser is already 
   plugged into your WWW browzer, say netscape, 
   your can visualize the output data as:

   % netscape dest_file.wrl

(6) Sample outputs

   They are placed at the directory ./SAMPLE_DATA/VRML1_DATA/

(7) Documents for g4.prim format

   See ./DOC/G4PRIM_FORMAT_24.tex

##### end of README